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Anonymous No. 137509

Do you prefer boxing or mma?

Anonymous No. 137513

MMA, but they're both fun to watch.

Anonymous No. 137928


Anonymous No. 137947


Anonymous No. 137993

Boxing if it's high level
MMA otherwise since 90% of the striking is low level bar room brawls

Anonymous No. 137996

I find it hard to watch boxing. I can watch kickboxing its just hard for to take something seriously without kicks because I am so used to it.

Anonymous No. 138007

Boxing for high level striking
MMA for real fighting

Anonymous No. 138015

ONE super series, muay Thai is currently the best combat sport on the planet. High level, violent and very high paced.

Anonymous No. 138029

>real fighting
I remember when two MMA chuds in a reality show started to fight, one followed his insticts and took him down with a doucle dag, brazilian monkeys of the other team started to attack him on the back and nape. sorry chud, this is the end you get in "real fights"

Anonymous No. 138078


Anonymous No. 138112

>mma for 2 men licking and grinding each other for an hour

Anonymous No. 138114

>Why yes, I did get pinned and noogied after screaming "none uh dat ufc shit nigga", why do you ask?

Anonymous No. 138127

A few years ago, MMA would have been the easy answer due to how crooked boxing promotions are, but now MMA is almost as crooked.

Anonymous No. 138190

i really want to like boxing but the decentralized nature of it makes it hard to get into. UFC being the one and only promotion with the top fighters makes it easy to follow a single promotion and see what the pinnacle of the sport has to offer. Also, MMA fighters tend to do less of this avoiding eachother shit where top fighters care too much about their records and status and refuse to create a matchup. The boxing rematch clause shit is also retarded, but this happens in MMA as well unofficially as dominant champs are given immediate rematches. I hate this personally. What's the point of beating a guy if you are immediately forced to fight him again to "prove" you are the real champ? He should have to earn that one back.

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Anonymous No. 138252


Anonymous No. 138259

Now you're posting your fap folder. Jesus get it together pillow gloves.

Anonymous No. 138328

Boxing. MMGAY is gay.

Anonymous No. 138360

Love em both. Simple as.
Closet homos

Anonymous No. 138379

Boxing for Sport.

MMA for Street Fighting.

Anonymous No. 138416

Watch mma practice boxing

Anonymous No. 138424

MMA but boxing will always have a spot on my heart
Not because i liked it or because i'm Mexican but because my grandfather was an amateur boxer and even in his old age he loved it and would always rave about it

Anonymous No. 138433

This, I just wish high level muay thai weren't manlets only