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Anonymous No. 138216

Does anyone know the scientific biological reason why some people get ko'd easily while others get hammered and keep lucid?

Skull shape or size, or maybe neck thickness...maybe something to do with brain shape or cerebrospinal fluid...I dunno

Anonymous No. 138217

Try asking /sp/

Anonymous No. 138218

T-thanks, I will!

Anonymous No. 138229

Some people are pussies and don't have the willpower

Anonymous No. 138236

Skull and Neck bone density + rigidity, traps and shoulder size etc.

Anonymous No. 138241

This question also works the other way around, there's people that have a natural capacity to KO people. Training of course enhances everyones capacity but some lads are just different.

Anonymous No. 138243

I think that the more you get hit the more it's harder to get ko'd it's like getting used to it

Anonymous No. 138286

Literally the opposite of how it works.

Anonymous No. 138381

yes, the more people get hit the more the brain says "this is stupid" so it tries to protect you by being more receptive to damage, so the more you get hit, the more you'll get Ko'd

Anonymous No. 138383

also the strength of your legs matter in absorbing and mitigating the damage, and also a lot of other factors like the type of punch or kick, the way you were standing, how much training you have, how fast and/or hard you were hit, etc...

just try not getting Ko'd, brain damage and CTE are no joke

Anonymous No. 140297

>number of previous KOs and concussions
>punches absorbed on the head area mainly ones that causes whiplash
>muscle mass on the neck and jaw
>did they brace for the punch?

pretty much this

Anonymous No. 140303

Nah I think you got it. The bigger stronger neck and head will make you harder to knock out. Thats pretty much it. Ofc there might be other genes associated with a strong chin, something in how the brain works. But thats beyond us right now.

Anonymous No. 140315

Apparently Australian aboriginals have thicker skulls and it is very hard to knock them out compared with euros or Africans

Anonymous No. 140333

Thousand of years of evolution where all you do is sit in the dirt and hit eachother with sticks would probably do that lol

Anonymous No. 140353

ITT: Urban legends and memes

Fact is, we don't know for sure, even after millennia of boxing matches. Training your neck for speed-strength to neutralize the forces from incoming punches seems to work a bit, but getting hit on the "button" will knock anyone out.

>What makes you a KO puncher?
We don't know. It's not genetics though, you can train it.
>Is it accuracy in hitting vital points or pure force?
We don't know. Both approaches seem to work (eg. the old stories about boxers chopping wood for a better punch).
>How to defend against being knocked out?
We don't know. Again, training the neck seems to work, but only to a point since there are no fighter who are immune to knockouts.
>Differences in approach for MMA gloves/boxing gloves/bare hands?
We don't know. KO power and resilience doesn't carry over between sports (See McGregor vs Mayweather, where the MMA striking prodigy McGregor had no effect with his punches and got staggered by the notoriously pillow-fisted Mayweather), so there probably is a difference.

Anonymous No. 140358

According to Wanderlei this was literally the rationale his guys had back when he trained at the Chute Boxe Academy. He now has CTE symptoms in his 40's. Don't get hit in the head, folks.

Also, is there any evidence that this actually works? It seems more apparent that your chin can get "cracked" (e.g. Chuck Liddell) rather than this.

Anonymous No. 140378

The evidence comes from it being generally true for the rest of the body, but even then the suggested MOA probably isn't true. While there's a small degree of bone density you can certainly develop, it's way more likely that you're just conditioning the nervous system to a wider degree of both general and specific pain tolerance. The first being just how much more comfortable with the being hit you can become if you didn't grow up super rough, the second being able to differentiate between "ouch" and "going to break/did break". Then the misunderstanding is attempted to be applied to the skull, with obvious results. There's a chance the Chinese figured this out as well at some point, and it's why head standing was developed in Shaolin. If you eliminate active pressure application as a development tool, all you have left is passive. So you make cunts headstand to apply the body's weight to the skull against stone flooring.

Anonymous No. 140383

It's caused by the split second of involuntary disruption of oxygen to brain, causing the body to enter a total shutdown. If you tried to choke yourself, you wouldn't immediately go unconscious because your brain is registering the action and knows what's happening. Not every punch is able to physically rock someone's brain enough to cause this disruption, especially the straight-on punching.

The best punches to throw to knockout someone are:

-Uppercuts (Causes the head to violently snap back which that disruption in the main neck arteries. Fun fact: You can easily kill someone by causing a sort of pressure hammer inside their arteries which causes rupture inside their brain.)


Anonymous No. 140387

-Temple strikes (A strike to the temple can be pretty lethal because you are hitting one of the softer parts of the skull with a tremendous amount of power, if hit hard enough or quick enough in succession you can seriously incapacitate or kill whoever you are attacking.)

Anonymous No. 140661

Thought there was gonna be more to this. The temple is also one of the thinnest parts of the skull.

Anonymous No. 140682

The 'karate chop' to the neck can be lethal. It could easily rupture or collapse a major artery if struck hard and precise enough.