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Anonymous No. 139336

Is this an effective fighting style in real life?

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Anonymous No. 139337

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Anonymous No. 139338

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Anonymous No. 139592

Among traditional Kung Fu forms Baijiquan is probably the most effective, coming third to modernized forms like Shuai Jiao and Sanda. It's focused mostly on attacking on the median like Wing Chun but unlike WC it's all about generating as much power as possible to strike anywhere with your body. This means they practice some pretty strong punches and kicks, along with less practical but niche techniques like the forward pushing elbow and the leaf splitting mountain shoulder bash you see. If you want to learn it you'll need to find a teacher near you, but if not I'd recommend learning something like kickboxing or MT first so you understand fighting a bit better. Learning Kung Fu is much more for the 'art' than fighting with nowadays.

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Anonymous No. 139652

Sometimes I wonder, did people actually fight like this in ancient China? Probably never like in the kung fu movies, but maybe some approximation, something similar? Would be cool if these flamboyant striking styles with elaborate stances worked IRL.

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Anonymous No. 139662

We have admittedly little knowledge thanks to Mao but the uniqueness seems more like a marketing tool to me. Maybe a monk really did look at a mantis and draw from it a fighting style but it also sets it apart wildly from other fighting forms a potential student might want to practice. Unfortunately most effective fighting looks fairly similar so I imagine practitioners fighting would either just be beating up someone with 0 fight experience or devolve into bad kickboxing and wrestling when they felt threatened, like we see in videos today. It's not like these styles don't 'work' in the sense that no matter if it's a simple roundhouse or a butterfly kick connecting your foot to someone's face has the same effect. The roundhouse 'works' because it's simple to start using but difficult to master, less risky to set up and much easier to combo with. There's been great fighters who use unorthodox moves to great effect, my personal favorite is Andy Hug with the axe kick, but that's someone who's really dedicated his life to martial arts and rose above the average fighter to the point where he understood when and how to use the crazier stuff.

Anonymous No. 139751

The only effective fighting style is Judo. All others are either inferior offshoots of Judo, in which case you should just train Judo, or striking which is useless since you need to be in arm's reach to strike and you'll get slammed on your head.

Anonymous No. 139840

Bajiquan? It's ok I guess.

Anonymous No. 139841

It's exaggerated to force you into certain body mechanics.

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Anonymous No. 141265

What its the closest thing to Goenitz fighting style?

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Anonymous No. 141269

>the posters on this board are so fucking stupid they ask about whether or not it’s a good idea to fight like a street fighter character
I am 100% convinced this board as the dumbest posters on all of 4chan.

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crossed arms.jpg

Anonymous No. 141270

That's not Street Fighter, that's Virtua Fighter. Who's the dumbest now?

Anonymous No. 141277

Goodmorning Sir how do I shoot hadoken

Anonymous No. 141278

I know this is a joke but when we had this new guy at the gym who would shoulder punch you into the solar plexus and smirk like an idiot.

yes take down your hands and shoulder check a dude to make him feel slight discomfort while your big ass water head is flopping in the wind. what could go wrong

Anonymous No. 141445

Most people in ancient china dont have free time to learn kung fu. It was mostly monks. Average streetfight probably looked the same as those cctv videos you see nowadays

Anonymous No. 141494

You would be surprised with how much down time is involved in agriculture work.
There are a few weeks of furious and hard labor with relatively light work to mostly sitting around between.
My point is it wasn't a time thing that restricted martial arts training.
It's more of willingness and access.

Anonymous No. 141591

Literally just keep your back hand in front of your face and you're in Dracula guard, have fun punching my arm faggot

Anonymous No. 141594

>believing in OP being sincere
I'm genuinely livid that 2012-2016 flooded this site with senile 70 year olds

Anonymous No. 141615

I'll fucking uppercut the snot out of you

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Anonymous No. 141965

What about this?

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Anonymous No. 141980


Anonymous No. 142171

andy hug was too based for this world

Anonymous No. 142343

Shoulder strikes can be effective, but baji just does them in the most retarded way possible.
If you have some knowledge of boxing or MT you can basically figure out what they were trying to do with the shoulder and elbows and apply it in a non retarded way. Philly shell is weirdly good as a default stance

Anonymous No. 145393

aikido once again shows its superiority

Anonymous No. 145685

>he doesn't know how to do a shoryuken

Anonymous No. 145710

Quite possibly, they were training this way so that's what they would use..

Anonymous No. 145729

For me its flash kick

Anonymous No. 145802

I especially like low kicks (to the knee) and I wonder if punches "below the belt" aren't actually quite effective. Even if not then follow-up with some uppercuts looks promising.
But we can't really know until we try. And matching it against a 21st century mix of techniques from the whole world might be a bit unfair.