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Anonymous No. 139907

can we discuss army martial arts training? For example, I heard a police spec ops officer saying the punches should be thrown with minimun hip in case you would be carrying all the gear on you in order to not destabilize yourself, what other stuff can you tell about it?

Ancient military martial arts too, like blocks, punches and other techniques from chinese or japanese arts looking retarded only if you do them without armor on you

Anonymous No. 139923

> punches should be thrown with minimun hip in case you would be carrying all the gear on you in order to not destabilize yourself
That’s completely retarded

Anonymous No. 139924

Probably has more to do with not even really being able to with a good vest on. Duty belts are restrictive, but not that much.

Anonymous No. 139929

I don’t see how a vest would stop you from engaging your hip.

Anonymous No. 139930

Depends on the model. Some have stab shields on the oblique. Also, if you're already cop-fat, compressing the chest makes freely torquing the core more difficult. I'm not really defending the practice, but there's a kernel of possibility to it being a good idea. Especially considering the average accumen of an officer to do...just about anything, really.

Anonymous No. 139998

>can we discuss army martial arts training?
From what we know, most do Krav Maga. Some also do the time-tested combination of old style jiu jitsu (The jap drill based stuff) and (kick)boxing.
But in reality, that's probably just fake news and armies won't make public what they do for obvious reasons.

Anonymous No. 139999

Pretty much the only "specialized super deadly special forces martial arts" that we know of are
>Fairbairn system from WW2
>American LINE system
>French C4
>Israeli Krav Maga
Everyone else is doing normal stuff.

Also Krav Maga in the IDF is very different from Krav Maga everywhere else, supposedly, they don't drill much technique but mostly do exercises to improve fitness and aggression. Then there's Kapap, which is either super secret combat stuff or just a pipedream depening on whom you ask.

Anonymous No. 140000

>most do Krav Maga
No they don’t that’s just Israel.
>But in reality, that's probably just fake news and armies won't make public what they do for obvious reasons.

Anonymous No. 140025

>No they don’t that’s just Israel.
Most Euro militaries use Krav. At least officially, as I said.
And why not? There aren't exactly many choices. You can't expect a soldier to successfully train in the methods of a pro athlete, so stuff like MMA is out.

Anonymous No. 140047

>Most Euro militaries use Krav. At least officially, as I said.
Source: your ass
>And why not? There aren't exactly many choices. You can't expect a soldier to successfully train in the methods of a pro athlete, so stuff like MMA is out.
lol, you don’t need to train them as much as a pro athlete because hand to hand combat doesn’t happen to 99.99% of frontline infantrymen. It such an anomaly that wasting more than two weeks of basic training on any martial art is retarded which is why soldiers aren’t actually that good of fighters in general.

Anonymous No. 140352

>Source: your ass
Just look at their internet site dumbass.

>because hand to hand combat doesn’t happen to 99.99% of frontline infantrymen.
lel opinion discarded. Armchair general spotted.

Protip: Militaries all over the world have rebooted their h2h doctrines because they know they battlefield of the future will be mostly urban, where h2h will be common (Think Grozny or WW1 trench fighting).

Anonymous No. 140376

> Just look at their internet site dumbass.
Lmfao, show me some recruiting websites from European militaries talking about Krav Maga. What are you 15?
> lel opinion discarded. Armchair general spotted.
>Protip: Militaries all over the world have rebooted their h2h doctrines because they know they battlefield of the future will be mostly urban, where h2h will be common (Think Grozny or WW1 trench fighting).
Got it, you are 15. Stay in school. Don’t enlist.

Anonymous No. 140437

Pretty sure even the Marines don't do LINE anymore. MCMAP is the new stuff and it seems very BJJ and wrestling focused. I predict we will see the gradual sportification of military martial arts in the coming century. Krab Mango and other schools of camo pants aikido are probably destined for the civilian market.

Anonymous No. 140549

Krav is a complete meme
>But in reality, that's probably just fake news and armies won't make public what they do for obvious reasons.
Despite what the internet will tell you, there aren't any super secret martial arts programs in the military. This includes specops
>Pretty sure even the Marines don't do LINE anymore. MCMAP is the new stuff and it seems very BJJ and wrestling focused
This is 100% accurate
>sportification of combatives
I really don't see this happening as its all derived from other martial arts

Anonymous No. 140558

Fun fact, the army already has its own pseudo-mma competitions
It’s literally just standard cage fights or that weird “combat jiujitsu” ruleset Eddie bravo came up with where you can’t punch but you can slap a motherfucker.

The army does do, in some cases, some military specific martial arts stuff but none of it is particularly special or secret it’s just weapon retention techniques and how to hit a bitch with your gun.

Anonymous No. 140837

>This includes specops
People forget, that unless the dude trains in fistfighting, he doesn't have a leg up.
A good portion of this board could probably beat a navy seal in a barfight.

Also, for some perspective, a lot of circles in non-combat-sports areas of self defense just say "If you see cauliflower ear, and he gets in range, you're as dead as if he were a polar bear".
Anons here might not see cauliflower ear as something massively significant. But to the general population (including some military circles), if you legitimately train at all, and have the 'mindset', you're already in the top 10% of dangerous bare-knuckle humans. Where you "face down fights on the regular, for nothing but the sake of it", and you're "not just flailing and praying in a life or death unarmed situation, but are cool, calm and collected, despite the danger".
Even if the belief isn't all too accurate, it has some weight, and it's a common one.

Anonymous No. 140843

Almost all uses of force should be done with something on your duty belt so most departments only use hand to hand combat to get space so you can draw (gun/taser/pepper spray) the only hand to hand combat they teach almost universally is a basic hip toss