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Anonymous No. 139908

Sambo is literally Judo but better

>same throws but with all the stuff Judo dropped out of cowardice
>same grappling but with all the stuff Judo dropped out of cowardice
>all the striking Judo dropped out of cowardice
>keeps a jacket because people wear clothes but drops the lower half because no one wears mc hammer balloon pants

It's literally everything Judo has and more with harder training and harder fighting

There is no reason to train Judo over Sambo unless you're old and weak or live in fear of leglocks

Anonymous No. 139958

>better than judo
>does not allow chokes

Anonymous No. 139971

Sambo is a great sport with a fun ruleset. Shame about finding a gym.

>harder training
>harder fighting

It's about the same. Just more of a Russian pedagogy with an emphasis on drilling instead of a billion rounds of lighter randori.

Anonymous No. 139974

Kudo is better because Russians didn't touch it.

Anonymous No. 139993

ask me how i know you dont train either.
the differences between standup grappling arts (judo, sambo, wrestling, greco etc) are mostly superfluous, the most effective sport will be the one you train the most and with the most effective coaching.
and on that note, good luck finding a decent sambo school outside eastern europe, while judo coaches who've trained olympic level athletes or went to the olympics themselves are everywhere.
judo is the only sport i could think of that lets me train with and get advice from olympians, for free, without leaving my local club.

Anonymous No. 139995

>judo is the only sport i could think of that lets me train with and get advice from olympians, for free, without leaving my local club.
I’ve gotten that from fencing as well but I agree with your main point

Anonymous No. 140017

>live in fear of leglocks
what if I do

Anonymous No. 140019

Sambo is popular among dorks because it's "muh russia".
Recent special operations should have made it clear that russian martial power is mostly a meme.

If you have a club nearby, sure, try it, but don't expect a magical special sauce that turns you into a killing machine. If I've learned anything in my 30+ years of martial arts, everyone puts on his trousers one leg at a time, no matter how secret and high tech his training methods are.

Anonymous No. 140055

I want it to succeed. It's rules are quite sensible (I really like it's ippon rule), and the jacket itself and freedom of grips makes it feel like a ruleset by grapplers for grapplers.

Anonymous No. 140545

why would you use your hands in a war, retard? Not even Romans went hand to hand against enemies.

Anonymous No. 140665

enlighten me on Kudo

Anonymous No. 140668

Judo meets Karate.

Anonymous No. 140669

It is the most based fighting art ever made.

Anonymous No. 140710

Man. There's so many Russians where I live, but the only Sambo club I found is unreasonably far to drive to.
Maybe I need to search harder. I'd love to do it for however years I have left until I'm too old

Anonymous No. 140755

The fuck are you talking about? Kudo is insanely popular in Russia and bagged an impressive amount of medals.

I treat it the same way as Combat Sambo; it's almost MMA, but nowhere near as developed. It has the same ingredients, but it didn't turn out the same way.

Anonymous No. 140757

>but nowhere near as developed

More like nowhere near as regulated.

Anonymous No. 140758

The techniques don't quite integrate as well as modern MMA does.

When I look at Kudo, it's akin to the proto-MMA days of Shooto in the 1980's and 1990's. You have punches to the face and body, low kicks to the outer and inner thighs, knees, sometimes elbows, Muay clinches, throws, and submissions. It's almost the same, but still its own creature.

Anonymous No. 140760

>low kicks to the outer and inner thighs

I see a lot more high kicks in Kudo.