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Anonymous No. 139928

Can i train jiujitsu without doing it with any woman? i think i would have an erection

Anonymous No. 139931

lol how do you get taken down by a woman? just punch them in the face, like what are they gonna do? sit on your face lol

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you sure.png

Anonymous No. 140083

It's not that boner inducing, you're usually pretty sore and distracted by the whole
>she's cranking my ankles and unless I do something right the fuck now it's either tap time or snap city

Anonymous No. 140095

Simple. Just don't be anywhere near a female weight class.

Anonymous No. 140155

Trained with a Muslim dude that refused to grapple with women for religious reasons and it was fine.

Just say you have religious reasons why you aren't allowed to touch women like that and it should be fine.

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Anonymous No. 140170

How garbage are your nutrition and training habits that women are hurting you? Are all the women at your dojo giant roided-up masculinized freaks like Gabi Garcia?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 140179

This how a real tomboy looks like, unlike those japanese drawings

Anonymous No. 140181

This is how a real tomboy looks like, unlike those japanese drawings

Anonymous No. 140193

I'm like 125 pounds soaking wet, I'd say the average weight of women training is like 140-160 these days, if not more.

Anonymous No. 140195

Eat more. A healthy man should be able to easily overpower a healthy woman his own size.

Anonymous No. 140199

not him but its not fun to go 100% against people that i could beat by just physically overpowering them, thats boring. I usually dont use strength and just match movement with movement, which can mean that I get subbed.

Anonymous No. 140214

I can agree with that, and that's almost always what I do. However, if he's worried about "being sore" and "snap city" when rolling with women something else is going on. If he were a healthy adult male going easy against normal women he wouldn't be sore from the experience and he'd have enough strength to guard against joint injury when submitting.

Anonymous No. 140218

>i think i would have an erection
Be the man unfazed by the vaginal jew, and become a truly dangerous man, unfettered by even his baser urges of pain and pleasure.

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Anonymous No. 140229

This is the correct opinion.

Anonymous No. 140240

That doesn't happen irl, you porn addicts. You pretty much forget about everything else when you're grappling.

Anonymous No. 140286

you probably won't get a a boner unless you're a teenager because when you're exercising hard you don't usually get boners and if you do just ignore it and nobody will make a big deal.

Also, one of the best parts about jiujitsu is being able to grope girls and squeeze their bodies

you should try to make your frist few rolls with each girl very "respectful", only use the same amount of strength they use , match their pace , etc. then when you have a sense of how they sparr and what they're comfortable with then you can take aa few liberties. You want to set it up so that you'll be able to roll with them while feeling their body for a long time. Some positions are a lot more gratifying while it being quite natural and normal for you to get a good feel. E.g bodylock pass slidding your head and neck up against their torso as you pass guard. or sprawling then putting your hand around their butt to pull yourself round to their back while they turtle up. Or putting your hand in between their inner thigh to spread them out while they turtle. don't linger. better not to arouse suspicion and have them happy to role with you again and again.

Anonymous No. 140287

not when you're rolling with a 100-130lb girl who is so much weaker and smaller than you that it requires no physical exertion on your part match her

Anonymous No. 140289

Actual menace to society

Anonymous No. 140316


Anonymous No. 140351

Go to jail

Anonymous No. 140537

Most adult tomboys I know irl are just fat.
Then again I am american and down south so 70% of all women are fat.
If it wasn't for my love of martial arts I wouldn't even bother keeping in shape. Shits demoralizing.

Anonymous No. 140551

>Just say you have religious reasons why you aren't allowed to touch women like that and it should be fine.

not for long

Anonymous No. 140554

This kerfuffle with Firas didn't actually change the culture. It's unpopular on Reddit to refuse to roll with women but it's always been unpopular there. Everyday politeness is going to prevent most people from starting a culture war at their gym with some random Muslim dude.

Firas did go out of his way to be a dick about it though so he can only blame himself for the backlash. His claim was that if you let your wife or gf roll with men you're a beta male.

Anonymous No. 140596

All the mma fighters and coaches who have wives and gfs who train at regular gyms are the real pussies for not calling Firas out after he said that.

Anonymous No. 140728

They were overpowered by the truth of his words

Anonymous No. 140831

I've rolled with a couple women. Both fairly attractive imo.
One I persistently thought "Damn this chick is like a sack of potatoes, she is impossible to shift" (she was fairly hefty) and the other was "look lady, I know you're smaller than me, but you have vastly more experience, do you have to drag your elbows across my face like that? I know it's probably better technique than not, but it's really just unpleasant and feels more like insult than injury."
If anything, I'd liken female sparring partners to shiny pokemon. Surprising when you encounter one. But functionally not very interesting.
Hey, take it with a grain of salt.
If you're into fat women, down south seems like the place to be.
>Has to put his hands on their bodies.
>Can't simply enjoy the body-to-body contact in itself.
Different anon, and no. But I'd let her dislocate my pelvis any day of the week.
Oh to be triangle choked by those thighs

Anonymous No. 141780

I want to believe that sexualised grappling its something that only chan users incels push and no normal practicing even acknowledge

Anonymous No. 141784

My sister stopped going to BJJ class in her town because the guys there kept making crass comments to her while rolling.

Anonymous No. 141795

There's multiple pornography websites dedicated to it. Of any particular persuasion you could imagine. Good lucl removing sexuality from something so fundamentally intimate.

Anonymous No. 141829

At least in my bjj classes its 100% respect and trying to help each other.
>something so fundamentally intimate.
What makes it different from pads or stand-up sparring?
Its trying to choke or catch a limb, there is nothing personal about it.

Anonymous No. 141832

I used to get boners in highschool wrestling whenever I had to wrestle girls. Use cross face and arm drags to touch their boobs.

Anonymous No. 141835

When a man and his wife are physically intimate for procreative purposes are they playing patty-cake standing up at arms length or are they grabbing hold of each other and perhaps taking things to the mat?

Anonymous No. 141837

Its a different context.

Anonymous No. 141839

Absolutely, but can you see
>What makes it different from pads or stand-up sparring?
and why a woman wrapping her legs around you might be easier to sexualize than boxing and bag work?

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Anonymous No. 142187

why not train with women?

Anonymous No. 142765

i disagree with this. but then again i havent really had a woman where i had to worry so most of the time i find its pretty weird when rolling with women.
to answer that i wear a groin guard to protect myself from semen demons on the mat

Anonymous No. 142779

my mans like *sniff* not tap

Anonymous No. 142864


t.has never had a faceful of actual bad vaginal odor

If it smells bad I'd tap on the spot.

Anonymous No. 142868

I never have but then again I don’t date disgusting hags who don’t bathe

Anonymous No. 142869

I get hard just by looking at women in the streets and yet I've never once felt sexual thoughts while rolling with women. To me is just another thorso, limbs, and neck. The last thing I'm thinking about is sex. Maybe it's because I only train Gi idk

Anonymous No. 142932

No I mean when doing sports with girls. They start sweating and it doesn't always smell like flowers and bliss regardless of pheromones.

Anonymous No. 143035

Then you’re a retard with no ability to understand or empathise with male psychology

Anonymous No. 143036

If a sweaty bjj woman smells bad then she’s a disgusting pig with hygiene issues. Sweaty young women should smell great and usually do

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Anonymous No. 143448

Anonymous No. 143454

I have been considering how it would feel being intimate with another man, but I don't think I'm ready to jump into Grindr, so I'm thinking about signing up to jiujitsu.

Anonymous No. 143477

There is nothing sexual in grappling.

Anonymous No. 143489

not him but what if I'm gay and like to get choked

Anonymous No. 143505

Well you're already pretty passive aggressive, so that's faggy enough to go to grindr

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Thread Caps Day 4....jpg

Anonymous No. 146385

i met my gf in juijitsu class

Anonymous No. 146388

I am literally banned in the west coast bjj community because i was damn near penetrating bitches with my boner.

Anonymous No. 146391

There is a guy in my jiujitsu class that is gay, and he also happens to be really farty. He farts often enough while rolling that you just need to roll your eyes like oh boy here we go again

So my question is, is he like this because his asshole is destroyed and he literally just cant keep the thing shut anymore? Like any little pressure on his abdomen easily squeezes out whatever is in there?

Anonymous No. 146488

It could be that and/or it could be that he has extra bacteria up his ass producing extra gas.

Anonymous No. 147118

Just don't spar with him and tell him why.

Anonymous No. 149544

you should only roll with women

Anonymous No. 149550

When I used to wrestle in higshcool we would vs girls sometimes there were like 2 on the team. It is hard to not get a boner sometimes especially because its inevitable you will touch a tit sometimes. But that was also when I was a teenager.

Anonymous No. 149551

Oh hey i posted twice lol. This board moves slow I forgot.

Anonymous No. 149553

A korean girl gave me a foot fetish
She was one of those boneless flexible types and was always tangling me up in weird ways and slapping me in the face with her feet, I would end up smelling them and sometimes they even got in my mouth and were really soft
Having a girl handle me like that and shoving her feet in my face awakened some sexual pathways in me

One time she was doing butterfly guard and her feet being in my crotch gave me a huge raging boner so I stopped moving and said sorry I'm having a back spasm I need to take a break, and I gimped off to the side to hide my erection

Anonymous No. 149562

Don't you worry, any woman would "rather not" roll with you

🗑️ Anonymous No. 149563

Ok creep

🗑️ Anonymous No. 149568


🗑️ Anonymous No. 151605

Kek seethe this guy is fucking based

Anonymous No. 151703

im always afraid i'll come across as a creepy that's why i don't want to roll with women plus none of them seem challenging enough even tho we're the same size usually

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 151761

Ok wtf>>139931
why again.

Anonymous No. 152636

once I had to drill moves with a first week white belt woman. we were doing deep half guard and on this particular day we were practising passing with knee slices. this girl kept on grinding her knee against my dick and balls and it was the most uncomfortable experience I've ever had training bjj. from that day onwards I don't train with women.

Anonymous No. 152868

my favorite part of a woman would have to be the butt

Anonymous No. 154673

I think so

Anonymous No. 156019

What >>139928

Anonymous No. 156189

You should be wearing a cup when you roll anyways
It will hide your boner and also stop it from achieving maximum hardness/length

Anonymous No. 157490

It is really not sexual at all. Yesterday I had my girlfriend bouncing her ass on my head while not even being able to finish a kimura and honestly it was just unpleasant. My head kept bouncing off the mat and she kept pulling me too hard. Also you're not in contact with any erogenous area long enough to be aroused. Like if you grab a cheek they might just turn and attack. It's "sports combat" not sex. Also if you're being remotely creepy you'll get kicked out of the gym by people who can actually hurt you, you don't want that.

I know you're bating, but that's literally the point of BJJ. The fact that it teaches people how to attack sensitive areas of the body that don't need much force to be damaged and cause a lot of pain. Doesn't matter how strong you are or well nourished you feel. If you have no blood going into your brain you pass out. Doesn't take too much strenght to choke someone and you can't train your arteries.

As a man you should be able to reverse them easily. You should be able to break their grips. You should be able to take them down easily. But if you're caught they can 100% easily hurt you.

My girlfriend is a fucking try hard and sort of spastic. Has more experience than me and competes, but I am naturally better, so while she's more precise and knows how to advance, I usually submit her and can defend easily, I also know many more submissions than she does and she's spastic even while following instructions and fucks up steps all the time. So she gets really frustrated.

She's also the kind to put her full weight on you while drilling and frames hard with her elbow cause "you have to". But the moment you start matching her intensity she goes like: "You're too excited, pull back". She's annoying to train with cause she will put way too much effort but complains the moment she gets hurt.

During kickboxing she kicks me at full power and complains if I hit back hard. Martial arts totally attract the try hard kind.

Anonymous No. 157491

>training with your girlfriend

Anonymous No. 157626

>As a man you should be able to reverse them easily. You should be able to break their grips. You should be able to take them down easily.
That was the point. If Anon is a man and distracted by pain while rolling with women something is wrong.