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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 140239

>Fights in a weight class that he shouldn't have been in. He's only being tested now that he's at heavyweight.
>Long time proven doping user

Yes he's great, yes he's one of the best ever, but Anderson in his prime/fedor in his great win streak>jones

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DC crying.jpg

Anonymous No. 141398

Is that you DC ?

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Anonymous No. 141899

That's PED shenanigans is the least of his offenses.
>blatant knee kicks
>eye pokes
>eye pokes
>eye pokes
>eye pokes
>eye pokes
Jon Jones is the shame of the UFC and almost all of his bullshit is fucking shown in the recorded fights.

Anonymous No. 143793

you forget kneeing groins (such as against gustaffson 2) arguably lost 3-4 fights, his fight against OSP was very shitty and kinda close, most of the fighters that he fought were quite washed up

Anonymous No. 143797

A black fighter winning? Time to

Anonymous No. 143935

>Who is Demetrius Johnson
>Who is Francis Ngannou
>Who is Cyril Gane
>Who is Derrick Lewis
>Who is Leon Edwards
No, the issue is not black fighters. Jones is a dirty fighter. People don't like dirty fighters. Look at people like Palhares or Koscheck. Hated because of how dirty they fight, not because of their skin color.

Anonymous No. 144344

I wishe that mashida had wiped his ass

Never seen anythign special about this nigger desu

everything ppl said here is true

Anonymous No. 144348

I don't like how he killed that woman's baby with his car, and then ran away. I really don't have any respect for him as a man.

Anonymous No. 144349

>people don't like dirty fighters
Unless the dirty fighters are Mike Tyson or Jon Jones

Anonymous No. 144514

his legacy is so tarnished that i wont be surprised if he actually gets forgotten, i mean its only a matter of time until he gets banned, for PEDs/drugs, or being dirty, or commit a severe crime(s) AGAIN.

Anonymous No. 144807

Show me one black fighter who fought cleanly. Just one. They don't exist. From Johnson onwards, every successful black fighter was dirty as all fuck, no matter the sport.

Anonymous No. 144815

I listed a ton here >>143935
But you probably don't give a fuck because you're a casual

Anonymous No. 144824

>but Anderson in his prime/fedor in his great win streak
>Long time proven doping user
lol ok nigga

>he still ranks fedor

Anonymous No. 144930

None of them fights clean. It's just not in the black play book.
Ngannou likes his follow up shots when the ref is grabbing him for example. That's his thing, like pushing and shoving was for Foreman.

Anonymous No. 144954

>He's only being tested now that he's at heavyweight.
He beat the best guy there in 3 minutes.

Anonymous No. 144959

Keep in mind that Gane was an excemptionally bad best guy

Anonymous No. 144962

The entire division is terrible. Especially compared to where he used to be.

Anonymous No. 146434

Actually Jones is better then Silva.
Silva submitted Sonnen after 4 rounds of getting punched in his face. Jones knocked Sonnen out after 4 minutes of getting headbutted in his elbows.

Anonymous No. 146446

Fedor is proof that most mma fans are absolute idiots. Imagine calling someone the goat just because he beat bums in japan. That and rating that shitter miocic.

Anonymous No. 146449

Sonnen is a shitty fighter in general, but yeah.

Anonymous No. 146451

He waited until DC retired to make the move up and everybody knows it
He couldn't beat DC without the hard weight cut he has to do

Anonymous No. 146452

>short and fat as fuck at heavyweight
>weight cut
MMA retards will really believe anything a pro fighter says lmao

Anonymous No. 146454

If you're under 205 as an adult man you need to seek help, might as well become a ladyboy right now

Anonymous No. 146772

Yeah you're a fucking casual. Imagine thinking a fighter can stop, mid swing, from throwing a punch or kick.
Name one fucking time that Demetrius Johnson fought dirty.

Anonymous No. 146773

>Casual opinions intensify
Tell me how I know you became an MMA fan because of McGregor. Pride was LITERALLY the top MMA organization of the mid and late 2000s. Stipe LITERALLY has more UFC heavyweight title defenses than any other heavyweight champ. Absolutely pathetic casual.

Anonymous No. 146775

>Jones hasn't been caught doping
The casuals have just infested this board

Anonymous No. 146777


Anonymous No. 147078

The UFC doesn't take enforcing clean fighting seriously, so the only reason not to fight dirty is out of a sense of honor or out of respect for your opponent.
If a fighter makes the conscious decision to reduce their chances of winning to fight clean I respect that, but if they decide to fight in the most effective fashion they can I understand that too.

Anonymous No. 149834

Nothing to do with being a fighter. Being a dirty fighter is expected , get good and do it 2. Jones is not the goat and probably lost 2 or 3 fights and is cherry picking washed out legends.

Anonymous No. 149844

>Imagine thinking a fighter can stop, mid swing, from throwing a punch or kick.
You can, but most don't care to and I don't blame them for it either. See GGG

Anonymous No. 151374

I ran into him a few weeks ago at a mc donald's parking lot, he's a big dude and his calves aren't nearly as scrawny as people say. i gave him the usual raised-fist gesture fighters get but also an evil smile of approval, he returned the evil smile, he's got demons, i wouldn't want to fight him.

Anonymous No. 151380

both jon and khabib are kind of a meme

Anonymous No. 151381

mighty mouse is so fucking good I think the only way to dislike him is being a KKK member

Anonymous No. 151795

And beat his wife. Although she did choose that type of guy so maybe it gets her off

Anonymous No. 151904

Who is the baddest man on the planet right now?

Anonymous No. 152011

Jones’ current stint at HW looks like it’ll be over before it even began considering he talked retirement. Or that he was talking out of his ass.
It’s hard to tell who is more overrated, Jones or Ngannou. The PR boys don’t need to work too hard as the fanboys just make shit up in their heads

Anonymous No. 152013

HW is shit and there’s little action nor movement worth caring about.
I’ll admit Jones vs Gane intrigued me, but Jones vs Ngannou should’ve happened and is a real drop the bag moment.
Why the fuck they’re letting Jones have CTE riddled and slurring Stipe is beyond me except for keeping him happy with lesser opponents

Anonymous No. 152096

All the fatasses are just as bad as the other. Jones went there because it's easy.

Anonymous No. 152119

We really need to start doing divisions like Kudo. By weight AND height. Would be much harder to make match ups be the more even the physical gap, the more entertaining the fight is going to be.

Anonymous No. 152406

It's difficult to do, particularly if you're in the last half of the swing. I have seen it before though

Anonymous No. 152407

Top kek, yeah I agree. Mighty Mouse is awesome.
I know Jones would like to fight Stipe, and I know Stipe wants that fight too. Not sure what the holdup is. Jones always likes to negotiate for more money so maybe it's that.
If Jones beat Stipe he would retire, I'm sure. Would be a good win.
If Stipe beat Jones I would probably lose my voice screaming in happiness

Anonymous No. 152408

Jon literally got his title taken away because he popped for PEDs. You drooling mongoloid

Anonymous No. 152456

As someone who took combat sports pretty seriously, but doesn't follow sports that seriously, Stipe is a flash in the pan gatekeeper. He's the guy who happened to be in the right division at the right time, facing the right opponents. He's not actually that skilled, but is more well rounded than the rest of the division. If you watch the tape and don't listen to the commentary, his boxing is fairly trash.
Arlovski and Hunt are both from the old guard
Werdum sucks at striking despite improving immensely
Overeem has been Overthehill since years ago, plus his striking was all knees and he was overrated in his prime
JDS can't strike moving backward at all
Ngannou had no ground game whatsoever until recently
Cormier is tiny and should be fighting at middleweight if he could stop eating popeyes and cake, plus Stipe lost to him once anyway

Anonymous No. 152858

I don't think he's overrated, I mean even in the OP you agree he's one of the best ever.