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๐Ÿงต Judo training with no Dojo/partner

Anonymous No. 140952

I train judo at uni, but during the summer I'm back at home and theres no judo gym nearby. Here are my plans to keep my eye in/body conditioned for Judo when i come back to uni in september.

- drill ukemi at the local park on grass (is this safe/good idea?)

- i have a heavy bag for boxing so I was thinking of sticking a gi on it and throwing it around a bit

- I also do Olympic lifting/ squats at the local crossfit gym when im at home to build explosivity/power

Any other tips for keeping body ready for judo without access to a Judo gym?

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Anonymous No. 140955

>(is this safe/good idea?)
Yes. You should drill ukemi daily for the rest of your life so you don't slip and fall poorly and hurt yourself in old age. If you're new and stuck inside you can practice from the seated position on carpets or even hard floors. Once you get good you'll be able to take a proper fall on harder surfaces relatively safely, but don't push that because getting hurt makes it harder to train.
>heavy bag
Other than doing uchi-komi with your heavy bag you can also practice tai-sabaki without one. This gives you more training opportunities since you can practice it any time you're idle on your feet.

For ne-waza you might want to do your ebi (shrimping) drills, probably in the same location you choose for your breakfalls. Quadrupedal movement drills and perhaps judo pushups/hindu pushups could also be relevant. Depending on how you construct your heavy bag grappling dummy other ne-waza practice could be practical, just play with it and see what feels useful.
>theres no judo gym nearby
If there's a BJJ gym their entire sport is judo ne-waza and so you'll learn something relevant if you go there and you might even find some guys who want to drill throws and takedowns.

Anonymous No. 140956

I'm happy /xs/ has turned into a predominantly Judo board.

Anonymous No. 140957

It's not enough. I keep making anti-BJJ threads to slide their general off the board and now some stupid Sambo people have started attacking Judo so I have to get rid of them as well. Luckily the boxing threads are dead anyway but I'll go after them next.

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Anonymous No. 140959

Don't force them off the page. In accordance with Dr. Kano's principles of Seiryoku-Zenyo and Jita-Kyoei it would be better to co-opt them as Brazilian judo and Russian judo and use them to promote their parent art and philosophy of Kodokan judo. In this way BJJ and sambo posters will be more inclined to participate in judo threads, allowing the board to be more lively and judo-oriented.