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🧵 Ultimate Self-Defense Championships

Anonymous No. 141049

Some Aikido scam-artist from Lithuania managed to use Gofundme to pay for an Australian vacation, on the stipulation him and his five pals (A bunch of martial arts YouTubers) beat the shit out of each other every day of the week and the guy who did it best gets a free belt. Ever wanted to see some of these armchair martial artists try to put money where their mouth is and get their wigs split? Well here you go. The first episode is "Who can beat the shit out of each other on a bus the best"

Some unsurprising heems occur.

Anonymous No. 141057

This is fucking retarded. I love it.

Anonymous No. 141127

I think it’s especially funny that biggest loudmouth shit talker of all of them didn’t win a single match and even got beat by ramsey dewey after not only saying he fights like shit but also argued in defense of fucking master wong of all people.

Anonymous No. 141130

He got beat by Ramsey Dewey who, of his own admission, was severely out of shape due to having lost 30lbs from being bedridden with severe illness just the prior month - and is also the oldest one there. Manlet's eaten his crow. Meanwhile the guy who actually does fight frequently and professionally has the highest scores while the guys who openly experiment and try to learn and practice constantly kept getting points.

Anonymous No. 141131

>pro mma fighter beats everyone
RBSD bros…how do we recover?

Anonymous No. 141135

It was fantastic. I really hope it's successful and spawns a sequel or more collab shows like it. probably the best and most ambitious thing I've seen on youtube as this kind of "show" or creator collaboration in years.

Icymike is in his 40s and 5'6 fighting against guys in their early 30s or late 20s who are much heavier and taller than him (except ramsey dewey who is a couple of years older but still much heavier and taller than him ). And he did a lot better against Jeff Chan , the most dominant one who is a successful pro mma fighter, than every other fighter there except sensei seth. I think he just ran out of stamina a lot earlier due to age.
at the beginning of the day he'd probably fair respectably against all of them.

Also he's the only one with gun training so he'd smoke them all as an actual soldier/bodyguard/operator

Anonymous No. 141136

>gets beat by Ramsey Dewey anyways
>Jeff chan is 145lbs
>icymike himself made a video calling this a retarded cope

I’ve watched icymikes content for a long time, but despite the fact he claims to be more open minded than other martial artists he’s clearly not and his blowhard attitude has always rubbed me the wrong way. he also has a lot of shit takes on a lot of things, not the least of which was siding with master wong over Ramsey Dewey despite wong obviously being a bullshitter. Nevermind the gall he had to have to tell actual pro fighter Dewey that he “fought like shit” when icy mikes only claim to fame was beating up a fat autist who thought he was a ninja. I’m happy to seem him get humbled like this.

Anonymous No. 141237

IcyMike's only worth was testing out self defense weapons on himself and his friends because it was funny. That's it. I want good grappling insights? Ramsey Dewey. I want educational discussions on martial arts from an experienced perspective? Ramsey Dewey. I want to laugh at someone ripping on shitty self defense advice? Ramsey Dewey. I want a bald old guy with a beard and martial arts experience to give his insights brought upon by years in the field? Ramsey fucking Dewey!
And if I want someone actually fun to watch, Sensei Seth and Jesse Enkamp are right there.

Anonymous No. 141261

Imagine being this pro MMA fighter thinking you’re going to do some light sparring with a couple of amateurs and they start piling you on the bus.
It is a miracle that nobody was injured on this. I am astonished nobody cracked their ribs against the top of a seat or got sent flying down the aisle when the bus brakes.
I also hope to fucking god that they have behind the scenes footage of the interaction with the cops
>Gday fellas we’ve recieved some calls and we’re just a bit worried that there’s been an altercation on this bus
>Don’t worry officer there’s actually been over a dozen
>yeah nah fucking fair dinkum then lads just don’t hurt yourselves too much

Anonymous No. 141791

IcyMike released a cope video

Anonymous No. 141821

>no guys I totally won that one fight and also it’s really smart to allow myself to get by neck pinned against the ground. This is not a recipe for disaster

Anonymous No. 141876

I love the ambition of this video, but it's impossible to quantify self-defense in this way. This is the striking equivalent of car jiu-jitsu.

In 9 situations out of 10, you'd get out of this bus situation by pinning the assailant and then waiting for the police. The most similar situation I witnessed is when a drunk wouldn't leave the bus, and the biggest guy simply threw him out.

Anonymous No. 141879

Second episode just came out:

Anonymous No. 141888

>Ramsey Dewey: I could blame like... Oh, it's this equipment or that - At the same time, excuses don't count.
>IcyMike: >>141791
The Wong-wanking manlet keeps getting BTFO.

Anonymous No. 141891

Good to know what to do if I'm ever sitting around in my lacrosse gear on a bus.

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Anonymous No. 141892

I expected sensei seth to be exposed as a grifting faggot but it looks like all that cross training really did pay off.

Anonymous No. 141904

Who cares? It’s entertainment not a serious championship sport you autist.

Anonymous No. 141906

Watching the second episode he didn’t embarrass himself quite as badly as the first one. Kicking a knife out of a guys hand is pretty cool.

I think it’s funny that matt was the only one who realized “oh I can just fucking leave” lol

Anonymous No. 141908

Being huge probably helps but he was landing uchi-Matas when grappled and if you’ve ever watched his sparring footage you’d see he is a legitimately good striker.

Anonymous No. 141909

the judo on display is the most surprising imo because of how mma guys are so ambivalent toward it

Anonymous No. 141910

Fun videos, but useless in evaluating real life self defense because they're limited in how hard they can strike. If you're not allowed to knock the other guy out or hurt him in any way, it obviously completely changes how you approach these situations.

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Anonymous No. 141913

Sensei Seth has cross trained both judo and sambo, and I’m not surprised at all considering people who actually train judo and do mma usually use it effectively. Retards on /xs/ and elsewhere online only talk shit about it because it’s not as common as wrestling for standup which shouldn’t be surprising when theyre watching promotions based out of the United States.

What was most surprising to me was matt effectively using that fairbairn style palm jab to take people down.
Legitimately didn’t think that would work on someone resisting.

Anonymous No. 141915

Just knowing it's happening is usually too much of an influential factor. People really over estimate their ability to react to something they didn't know was happening. Especially when the other guy(s) have been thinking about it.

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Anonymous No. 141927


Anonymous No. 141929

Hey, "give them what they asked for" worked with Ramsey Dewey. Meanwhile the raging manlet actually decided to physically defend himself.

Anonymous No. 141931

It would have been more kino if he went up and kicked out his leg when after he turned around.

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Anonymous No. 141935

>give me everything you have

it's just a sparring match, at least try

Anonymous No. 141944

It’s a self defense competition. They did the thing least likely to result in them being stabbed.

Anonymous No. 141946

>click part way in
>the guy is doing little love taps to the other guys armoured helmet
this shit is so gay and stupid. emphasis on gay.

Anonymous No. 141958

Watch the whole thing they are fighting

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Anonymous No. 142438

This is like a real life Baki the Grappler arc.
Shame they didn't invite pic related to represent bodybuilding in self-defense. Some of them collabed with him and he never fails to mog everyone through sheer athletics

Anonymous No. 142445

Houston jones has training in both wrestling and BJJ. He completely dominated sensei Seth when they fought.

Anonymous No. 142450

Sensei Seth is not as weak as he looks, he's just fighting someone who has been training effectively from child and has been consistent with it for 20+ years.

Anonymous No. 142457

I wasn’t trying to imply that he was weak, only that Houston jones isn’t “just” a bodybuilder he’s a pretty good wrestler on top of being a gains monster by the looks of it.

Anonymous No. 142469

It's a good indicator of a feat desu, Sensei Seth hides behind a dopey pudgy kids' karate teacher veneer when he's shown off before that he's pretty fucking fit and an excellent striker. He's a great waterline to show if someone's pretty legit.

Anonymous No. 142470

Houston was one of the candidates for it alongside Jesse Enkamp. Scheduling issues prevented them both from coming, but Enkamp is interested in a potential sequel already.

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Anonymous No. 142537

do air marshall train like this IRL?

Anonymous No. 142552

How the fuck would anyone here know?

Anonymous No. 142554

maybe some \k\ike is here?

Anonymous No. 142585

I expected Mike to fight it anyway because a (former) police officer can’t react the same way to an armed opponent as a civilian

Anonymous No. 142589

Scenario training is super common in military and law enforcement. The self defense center used in this series is lended out to militaries and LEAs across the planet and plans similar to it existed beforehand (though not as extensive as "Round robin fistfights on a moving bus"). Air Marshalls sometimes do scenario training in rooms of similar dimensions to an airplane aisle as well.
t. my dad glows

Anonymous No. 142676

Ramsey Dewey's released his own cope video.
I actually feel kind of bad - he's talked about the blind spot before all the way back in his blog days, I didn't realize how severe it was though.

Anonymous No. 142776

Episode 3 is out and they kept making decent strategies and then NOT USING THEM.

Anonymous No. 142780

Episode 3: Hide & Seek vs knife-wielding assailants
Everyone went full retard in this one, but basically confirms that yes, one guy is highly unlikely to succeed in escaping - let alone fending off - six lads with knives. As though this were at all something anyone believed otherwise.

Anonymous No. 142784

>they have to search the building with 6 people so they will probably split up
>if we stick together then we can overwhelm a lone assailant in a 3 on 1, thus reducing the number of enemies
>good idea, let's do that
>immediately split up and loudly run around being chased by 6 guys
They could of stuck together, or barricaded doors, or used anything in the warehouse as improvised weapons, or literally ANYTHING other than "split up and make a run for it".

Anonymous No. 142785

The other episodes at least made sense. What kind of self defense situation involves you hiding from six knife weilding assassins in a fucking warehouse?

Anonymous No. 142792

Reminder that the objective is to score points, not "survive" so here none of them will admit it but they all chose to leave the others to die so they had the chance of scoring points. Proof that none of these people could be counted on to defend anyone if they thought they could get away.

Anonymous No. 142799

It's supposed to be an "escape and hide" form of self-defense as opposed to the combative stuff they've been doing prior. Like imagine you're in England or some shit with no weapons and a group of Pakis are made you had bacon for dinner last night and decide to honor kill you.
But as >>142792 said it's a points game and there was no score incentive for collaboration.
However, Ramsey also said the point system was made up AFTER the show was filmed - Rokas told him that they would figure something out after everything was done to determine the winner.

Anonymous No. 142800

But them helping each other doesn't decrease their potential points and none of them scored anyway.

Anonymous No. 142801

>half the hiders have horrible stamina and cant sprint very well (probably doesnt help with the headgear)
>matt was the only one with a valuable skill for this situation (parkour), basically flubbed up by going too far up with no easy exit.
>pussies out and doesn't try to use his parkour skillz to climb down

I swear, how can you be a practicing fighter and still sprint so slowly?

Anonymous No. 142905

It was filmed the day of the circle drill wasn’t it? Of course their stamina is completely fucked after that. They were also being chased by rugby players and while they definitely weren’t professional you won’t find many people who can outlast a rugby player in a full sprint

Anonymous No. 143516

Icymike getting closest to escaping was amazing.
The bald manlet is actually doing some hype shit.
I want shit like this to become the norm. Like desert brutality and Finnish brutality. Just stupid, original fun with lots of varied stamina based challenges, that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Anonymous No. 143518

A mild mixture of rugby and judo is probably the best martial art to exist.

Anonymous No. 143522

Manlet blackpills for everyone

Anonymous No. 143548

Indeed. Don't be old, don't be short, don't be weak, don't be unskilled, don't be unarmed.
Work on what you can, dwarf kings.

Anonymous No. 143660

>Don't be short
Don't be small even if your short you can still be big

Anonymous No. 143663

>Don't be short.

5'5 and 200 lbs of stocky muscle will mog a lot

Anonymous No. 143664

>5'5 200lbs will mog
>brutal blackpill for manlets
lol all of you are /fit/fags?

Anonymous No. 143672

Black pilled people are from r9k i think

Anonymous No. 143743

What is this supposed to prove? How often do you fight on a bus while decked out in protective gear?

Anonymous No. 143745

>As though this were at all something anyone believed otherwise.
You guys usually say to run away when confronted with a knife. Newsflash: Usually doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 143756

I really hate “just run away” fags because they make a lot of assumptions about the situation. Most people don’t even know they’re about to be stabbed before it happens, running isn’t an option when the attack is in progress. Nevermind the fact that unless your a single male, running isn’t an option if you’ve got a woman or a child with you. Even if you are alone and you se the knife before they decide to stab you, running isn’t even a great option because they could opt to stab you in the back. Just like with bears, running makes you look weak and triggers the instinct to chase. Keeping a good, alert, stance towards the opponent and backing away slowly is a much better option. That way you can at least fight back if they try to charge you.

Anonymous No. 143772

They should have picked up some improvised weapons. Three semi-pros with (even) chairs should have made quick work with these pairs of amateurs.
Mike surely knew this but they must have forbidden that in this specific scenario.

Anonymous No. 143773

cont. so we at least know that running away doesn't work :P

Anonymous No. 143794

They all picked the most retarded option and decided to split up so I don’t know. It may have been forbidden for safety reasons but maybe in the future they can lay around some foam clubs or something. I did think it was funny hearing matt yell

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Anonymous No. 143803

Lol manlet on full damage control

Anonymous No. 143830

>You guys usually say to run away when confronted with a knife.
When it's one guy, it's a lot more likely to work - though Ramsey Dewey proved last episode the solution is to just give them what they want. But when it's six physically fit men who are armed charging you, you're fucked no matter what.

Anonymous No. 143851


Anonymous No. 143855

Much as I am happy to shit on the loudmouth Manlet I don’t see how this is damage control. He’s openly said that size matters and being smaller is a disadvantage.

Anonymous No. 143858

What happens if the guy with a knife is just trying to kill you? Like, not a mugger, but just a cracked out bum or enraged asshole.

Anonymous No. 143860

Run. Unironically, just fucking run. You can run from ONE person, because all you have to focus on is having a clear path ahead of you and keep the crazy guy as far behind you as possible. The second it's more than one guy? Running no longer works, since now you've just exponentially increased the amount of factors.
By that point, the only solution is avoidance (e.g., don't go to places where this can happen, and don't advertise yourself as a reasonable target)

Anonymous No. 143868

The sad thing is, if he was 6’ tall people would just think he’s cocky. Instead he’s an uppity midget.

Anonymous No. 143873

What happens if you can't run, you're in a prison cell or the corner of a room.

Anonymous No. 143875

Punch them in the face and hope they go unconscious. If that fails after the first two punches, you're either dead or curling up and praying shanky only hits the unimportant spots.

Anonymous No. 143879

What a lame ass response.

Anonymous No. 143886

Then you’re probably going to die. Try to grab the knife and pray to god

Anonymous No. 143889

What are you expecting? You're asking what to do when you're trapped in a small room with a guy who intends to kill you and is armed with appropriate means of such while you're unarmed and alone. You lose. That's the summary. There's no magic kung fu shit to save you there, all you can rely on is luck.

Anonymous No. 143924

what would the format/ruleset be? what would jrugby practitioners be training for? what would be the goal/purpose?

Anonymous No. 143925

big talk from someone named babcock KEKLMAO

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Anonymous No. 143940

>babcockfags pretending even the Mikelet wouldn't mog them irl

Anonymous No. 144182

New episode should be later tonight or tomorrow, I forget if Rokas uploads it based on slav time zones or not.

Anonymous No. 144292

New episode.
They've given up on trying to be realistic, it's about a zombie apocalypse.

Anonymous No. 144295

They directly admitted in that video that the zombie challenge is a special event and not a part of the self defense challenge.

Anonymous No. 144301

rugby PLAYERS are upper-class chlamydia-shits

Anonymous No. 144310

They gave up on being realistic after episode 1. It’s really such a shame. Rojas caught lightning in a bottle then let it pour out by being an autistic retard.

Anonymous No. 144316

>They gave up on being realistic after episode 1
Episode 2 had them dealing with sucker punches, two attackers at the same time, and armed attackers. How is that giving up on being realistic?

Anonymous No. 144327


Anonymous No. 144362

>Mike takes out a little girl he thought was bit
>Apparently she was innocent

Anonymous No. 144417

I SAY that simunition-ammo airsoft should be part of this game\training.
in real life, armed robbers exist and they're...armed (with guns)

Anonymous No. 144423

An interesting trivia is that you easily _can_ disarm someone pointing a gun at you if he is within your striking range (as your punch is way faster that human's reaction time - that's about 200ms - so he won't manage to pull the trigger). But we are really approaching the "too dangerous for the ring" shit here as you definitely want to disable him for good during this split of a second.

Anonymous No. 144510

lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 144524

what you are doing here if waiting for the right moment and sucker punching someone is beyond your wildest dreams.

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Anonymous No. 144542

>bro I totally will just one punch knockout a guy with a gun pointed directly at me. He won’t see it coming and I definitely won’t be shot

Anonymous No. 144544

Rest assured that *you* would have been punched out _easily_. kek

Anonymous No. 144564

Ok retard, whatever you say

Anonymous No. 144613

>*mental illness*
kys redditor

Anonymous No. 144660

most people who actually train do respect judo. even people who only train mma do respect that many hip throws/reaps originate in judo despite needing some changes for nogi. the people talking shit are the people who don't train anyways.

Anonymous No. 144661

>represent bodybuilding in self-defense
>is an experienced grappler

Anonymous No. 144786

if you're a pro boxer maybe. but plenty pro fighters get killed in real life altercations. most ppl here don't train so they'll telegraph their strikes, giving the attacker plenty time to squeeze the trigger. and even if you manage to clock him in the face within that tiny window, what if he tilts his head down and eats the punch w/ his forehead? now your hand hurts more than his forehead does. or if he simply turns or pulls back his head? you might have had a chance of surviving it, seeing as most armed robbers don't wanna kill you necessarily; they're more interested in what you have on your person. but now that you've escalated the situation, he's more likely to say fuck it and kill you anyway. nice going retard.

Anonymous No. 144810

Fuck, your retardation is just getting bigger.
It's kind of implied that you must have it well trained before any attempts, don't you think. It's fucking EASY _if_ you have it well fucking trained, you fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 144814

Why do you write like such a FUCKING _faggot_?

Anonymous No. 144816

You evidently know how faggots write. Please don't elaborate.

Anonymous No. 144817

not once did you imply that. stop trying to damage control and just admit that you're wrong.

i'm also nta you were replying to earlier. i count at least three different ppl itt who disagree w/ you. at what point are you going to consider the possibility that maybe *you're* the _retard_?

see how annoying it is when someone uses your ledditor writing style against you?

Anonymous No. 144818

Why did you start writing like _total_ idiot who can't even use punctuation. Want to prove something.
Believe it or not but I don't actually care if I "convince" you or not. I shared, you do you.

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Anonymous No. 144825

>has been arguing in the thread for days with multiple people telling him he’s retarded
>ackshually, I don’t even _CARE_ bro

Anonymous No. 144881

You are slow; no problem, I'll explain.
I don't care if your personal self-defense skills improve or not (kek) but I don't mind entertaining myself in pointing out your retardation.
Like - skepticism about internet information is understandable; do your research - but this should not be confused with counting votes of some mongoloids babbling about "retards", "faggots" an "ledittors" lol
>bbbut - THREE "PEOPLE" are against you (me included)!!

Anonymous No. 144883

>he’s still going
Gb2 leddit

Anonymous No. 144885

I am going because I feel like it. You have problem with that?
Rofl, what a fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 144942

>You have problem with that?
*No* BECAUSE _you’re_ embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous No. 144946

You are using markups and capitals like a retard. Just saying. There is a (small) chance that you are only _pretending_ that you are retarded; I wouldn't bet on that though.

Anonymous No. 144951

I don’t know if you’re a random anon who’s lost the plot or the actual retard I’m responding too. In case of the former, I’m mocking the retard above. In case of the latter, lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 144961

Ah, ok - you "think" that you are pretending. Don't try to think, it doesn't do you any good.

Anonymous No. 144964

Actual unbridled shizoposting on /xs/, didn't think I'd ever see the day

Anonymous No. 144966

It was only a matter of time when "myth busters" match the stupidity of McDojos victims.

Anonymous No. 144967

Nigger what are you even trying to say?
It’s not the first time I’ve seen it.

Anonymous No. 145098

Hey asshole. Next time you correct someone's punctuation, make sure to end each sentence with the corresponding punctuation mark. You asked me three questions in a row and ended them all with a period. Lucky for you, I can read between the lines and understand them as questions knowing the context, but not everyone can do that.

Don't run your mouth or people will find out you don't know what you're talking about. Also, it seems you're too young to have learned the value of humility, in which case I must remind you: unlike reddit, you have to be 18 or older to post here.

God, I love dunking on kids. This should be its own sport.

Anonymous No. 145103

>God, I love dunking on kids.
another deviant

Anonymous No. 145104

moron - YOU must write properly (you've already improved - good) I write how I want

Anonymous No. 145114

>managed to use Gofundme
The fact that some retards actually fall for this is just unreal.

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Anonymous No. 145134

Are you proud of being a retard? Is pic related you?

Anonymous No. 145140

no - YOUR mom is ugly

Anonymous No. 145176

You have to be 18 to post here

Anonymous No. 145216

I loved this, a bunch of teh streetz combative faggots getting absolutely mogged by an asian manlet half their size because he's using actual martial arts

Anonymous No. 145260

New episode.
In this episode: Everyone gets covered in shit!

Anonymous No. 145269

what the fuck is that last scenario even
truly the ultimate self defense situation.

Also, the second scenario was kind of scored arbitrarily in my opinion. The way they set it up, I think it's reasonable to assume that the character you're embodying in that situation is that of an orderly working in a psychiatric hospital and thus have to defuse it.

Anonymous No. 145282

>what the fuck is that last scenario even
Some people don't wanna get caught up in that kind of trouble, especially given it was shown she's a psycho who'd immediately accuse you of sexually assaulting her just to cover her own ass.
What really surprised me was Ramsey's response when he finally realized what was happening. I expected him to go
>"Oh yeah I'm Mormon, wanna join my harem?"

Anonymous No. 145318

>girlfriend is being groped
>guy groping her gets in your face
>girlfriend eggs you on to something
>do nothing and lose the respect of your girlfriend
>this is somehow a good way to live your life

Anonymous No. 145321

They should've done a segment where they get attacked by a hobo with a syringe full of his AIDs ridden blood

Anonymous No. 145343

it's the aikido way, if you harm your enemies, they win

Anonymous No. 145388

This shouldn’t count as self defense because even if you survive that day your dead inside for all the rest.

Anonymous No. 145395

it's stupid, they are being given a chance to prove their fighting skills and they just buckle and try to de-escalate a fucking fake situation

Anonymous No. 145402

There’s a weird philosophy that self defense instructors are forced to subscribe to in order to not get argued with to death that no matter the situation you HAVE to de-escalate unless you are actively being murdered. It’s so fucking bizarre. Like yeah, just watch your wife get raped or run away from your kids. Don’t ever risk injury over something that isn’t actively killing you because apparently the only metric that counts is whether your unharmed or not. In actuality they must not practice this philosophy I assume. I can’t imagine a woman staying with a guy who says “you’re on your own” if some guy starts feeling her up in public. I wish the internet wasn’t so black and white retarded that you could say “yeah don’t escalate arguments with drunk retards into bar fights but also if someone is grabbing your wife tits maybe it’s ok to hit them.”

Anonymous No. 145403

>Don’t ever risk injury over something that isn’t actively killing you because apparently the only metric that counts is whether your unharmed or not.

This is a funny one, I feel like it has to stem from some form of selfish fear and can no way work in real life. Imagine walking down a boardwalk with your wife and toddler son and being accosted by a enraged homeless man with a knife, imagine falling back onto your principal teaching of "IM THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE IN A SELF-DEFENSE SITUATION" and immediately high-tailing from your family because you had the option to leave without causing yourself any harm or possible injustice.

Anonymous No. 145406

>>145402 This anon here, I’m activately watching the episode now. Holy shit their metric of actually judging these scenarios is so retarded and random I don’t even know how to criticize it.
>just run away
>but don’t deal with the guy with the weapon
>recognize the girl is the problem
>but don’t leave her
>also in the last scenario the goal is to sit there and be sexually harassed by a woman
I’m convinced this last episode was written by a femdom fetishist.

Real talk though what a fucking retarded test. If I were to take a class where my essay is graded on a 5 point rubric I’d have been given the rubric in advance. What fucking rubric are they grading them on? It seems completely random to me. Rokas explaine the judging you faggot.

Also lmfao at midget Mike talking about having been a victim of femdom workplace harassment in the past. Some big breasted police bimbo definitely put him in handcuffs.

Anonymous No. 145409

I like how almost all of them try to get physically involved and de-escalate with the poop man and blood covered man but literally nope the fuck out if the girl they are with starts a small altercation with someone in a movie theatre. This shit makes no sense.

Anonymous No. 145411

Seriously, I get poop man was in the way more but it’s very clear they’re acting in accordance with what they think the judges want and not actually what they think would be appropriate in reality

Anonymous No. 145424

they poisoned the well when the judges gave points in episode 2 for giving their wallets to the knife guy. It changed the paradigm of what they were there to do.

>no matter the situation you HAVE to de-escalate
this is probably because they are mostly combatives faggots that have no idea how to actually fight. The reality is the only time you should deescalate is when you can't win. and since guys that do krav instead of MMA can't ever win they need to deescalate every situation.

Anonymous No. 145448

>Like yeah, just watch your wife get raped or run away from your kid
In >>145260 the instructor organizing the whole thing actually says "In self defense, you are your number one priority UNLESS you have a wife or kid or loved one in the situation, then it's them THEN you."

Anonymous No. 145459

>but also don’t do anything about the guy feeling up your wife. Just leave the theater and get divorced because she doesn’t respect you anymore.

Anonymous No. 145462

It wasn't their wife in the scenario. It was a first date, plus she was an incredibly unhinged bitch. As Seth put it, she had several red flags by the time they reached the seats.

Anonymous No. 145477

The chick seemed based, I would impregnate her Bi-Polar ass.

Anonymous No. 145480

Then why does it matter if you leave her? They deducted points for that. Also regardless of whether he’s unhinged or not if I’m on a date and you start grabbing my dates leg and talking shit when I tell you to cut the shit im knocking you out. Anyone who says they wouldn’t do the same is either lying or a pussy.

Anonymous No. 145488

what are you supposed to do then, if someone robs you at knife point? be a hero and possibly get yourself killed?

Anonymous No. 145489


Anonymous No. 145490

looking forward to seeing you on the front of the newspaper lifeless and bloody bc you wouldn't give the meth-addled schizo your money. the headline will be amusing.

Anonymous No. 145491

>just comply, they only want your money

Anonymous No. 145492

Looking forward to see with no wallet.

Can I ask you a question? What happens if you give your wallet to them and they insist on taking it further. Your shoes, your jacket, your pants, maybe your ass and then they just say 'fuck it' and gut you anyway. In my experience, you give them an inch, they'll take a mile.

You should learn some basic things like situation awareness, evading and acquiring a better position. It's not just comply or die.

Anonymous No. 145494

combatives fags have a very hollywood understanding of how attacks really work
never in the history of muggings has there ever actually been someone that walks up and stands in front of you holding a knife or a gun saying hey you! give me all your money or you're gonna regret it!!
they just walk up and attack you, usually they just clobber you over the head immediately and stomp you out then empty your pockets

so this scenario of a guy standing in front of you shaking you down like in alley like it's a movie is already completely unrealistic, might as well go for the gusto and get some reps in
I don't expect a bunch of white australians to understand what street crime actually looks like though, But they're LARPing hard

Anonymous No. 145496

Yeah, you just need more situational awareness. It's like asking yourself "What would I do if I was ever face-to-face with a lion? How would I fight it off?" You should not be face-to-face with a lion ever.

Anonymous No. 145497

don't do stupid things in stupid places with stupid people at stupid times

another favorite of mine is a drunk guy at a bar starts hassling you, as though everyone else in the bar isn't also 100% tired of that faggots shit and will be on your side

Anonymous No. 145501

I don't go to bars because I despise alcohol and people who regularly consume it.

Anonymous No. 145506

Heh, I thought about making a thread about this but I thought 4chan would talk shit but surprisingly you guys are disliking this less than I thought. I'm rooting for the manlet even if he says some retarded shit here and there

Anonymous No. 145507

ramsey has been mugged several times apparently, and compliance saved his life every time

Anonymous No. 145510

Ramsey should learn some situational awareness skills.

Anonymous No. 145517

If a friend told me he got mugged once I’d assume he just got unlucky. If my friend got mugged like 5 times I’d ask him what the fuck he’s doing at night. Nobody gets robbed that many times without doing something retarded.

Anonymous No. 145519

its funny when he mentions this during the 2nd video like its somehow a personal trophy to his successful martial arts background, like "yeah I've been robbed at knife-point on multiple occasions"

Anonymous No. 145520

it begs the question of how much do you believe him?
how many people do you know that have been mugged several times?

me personally living in a 3rd world shithole, so I've been in a fair amount of scraps
I'll preface this by saying it's been a few years since I've been in a fight outside of a gym because I'm not a 23 year old retard anymore. Now I'm a somewhat older retard
I've had someone pull a knife out on 3 occasions and every time it was just a bluff and they backed off when they saw I was unbothered
and I wasn't bluffing so much as I was arrogant and over confident but that was enough. they want soft targets, it's usually not worth the trouble if you're gonna give them shit.
in the case of a homeless that was trying to get money from me, he was wearing a katana on his hip believe it or not. I don't know if it was real or not because he never took it out but I found it amusing. He grabbed my arm as I walked by and funny enough I used one of those aikido wrist locks that aren't supposed to work and spun him around then kicked him in the butt

aside from that stuff generally when I would fight with people from the neighborhood it was straight kickboxing all the way, just piece them up
wearing all that safety gear is cool and everything but if they weren't wearing that stuff jeff chan would've literally bodied everybody there. It's giving a false sense of what techniques work since only grappling is effective against an armored target like that

Anonymous No. 145539

You encountered a based Brazilian samurai and you left your life? You should be thankful for his mercy. Pray he does not stop you again!

Anonymous No. 145544

I'll add an unimportant detail but right before he grabbed me he said "by the brothers" in a way that sounded like a blessing and I dont know what they means
Probably just a schizo saying schizo shit

Anonymous No. 145865

H2H Episode 2 cope

Seth almost gave up

Anonymous No. 145868

Ramsey did an episode 4 one, and his was basically just explaining the zombie one straight up crippled him.

Anonymous No. 145870

He's gotta be regretting this shit. He got completely fucked up and was miserable and tired the whole time and looked like a broken old man on camera. This might seriously impede his job as a coach if the injury lingers. The paycheck for this YouTube bullshit couldn't have been that big. I hope I'm wrong and he turns out alright.

Anonymous No. 145871

The thing is, he wasn't that interested in self defense stuff beyond explaining "Practice martial arts and physical fitness and you'll be fine" because unlike most of the guys in the competition he had to deal with a lot of that growing up and has revealed a lot of fucked up shit he learned because of it (like how to make improvised boxing gloves in less than 4 seconds so you don't break your hands or cut them while you punch out a guy with a knife) and genuinely does not want to relive that, he was just in it because he finally got to interact with his fellow martial arts YouTubers (Something he didn't get to do because he lives in China where people can't just freely go like the Euros and Americans don't have to deal with).

Meanwhile, pretty much all the other ones are really into that self-defense shit (It's literally IcyMike's business and Seth sucks off the guy, and Rokas established Martial Arts Journey to try and prove that Aikido wouldn't get his ass kicked in a street fight) so he can't even really be on the same wavelength as them.

I don't even think he even got to interact with the ones who he wanted to work with - IIRC he really respected Jesse Enkamp (he consistently calls back to Enkamp's insights on karate and has done a surprising amount to advertise the value of karate as a grappling fundamental), who was initially pitched as being part of it but didn't even get to join. Instead he had to deal with the old midget who went to bat for that sperg Master Wong and his fat lackey (who is consistently outpacing said midge which is some legit Don Quixote and Sancho shit), a retired bogan who was only in it because they needed to fill a space, and Jeff Phillips as the one reasonable guy.

Rokas wants another season and I bet good money Ramsey will not come back for that.

Anonymous No. 145893

I blocked icy Mike's channel because I found him obnoxious, but then seeing him on other channels I thought oh actually hes just playing a character and doesnt seem so bad
And then seeing him cope I realize nope I was right, hes as bad as I think he is

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Anonymous No. 145929

I feel really sorry for Ramsey. To be honest I wished he would have gotten in and steamrolled the whole crew, especially guys like Seth and Rorcas. His performance is soberingly low but I also did not know that he is more or less a walking dead man with all his former injuries.

Its a miracle he still is able to teach and now he is injured again through the stupid Zombie challenge in a way that may kill his career for good, despite being the nicest and wisest of the whole bunch.

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Anonymous No. 145930

>but I also did not know that he is more or less a walking dead man with all his former injuries.
Back even before he went for social media he documented how severely fucked up his career left him.

It's partially WHY he's such a smart fighter, he's actively learned from his mistakes across decades of experience before and after martial arts, and had to figure out how to fight with his handicaps. Even IcyMike admitted in his cope video that Ramsey is a ferocious striker, and if you look in his sparring vids he frequently mangles people decades his junior. Ramsey figured out his limits and how to work within them.

That being said I didn't want him to mog Seth since outside of him treating IcyMike like anything more than a business man, the guy genuinely does seem to recognize and respect experts in general. I did want him to maul the little midge tho.

Anonymous No. 145935

that's not really worth it to damage your body so severely and become a literally who

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Anonymous No. 145937

Have you ever read about why he retired and became a coach? Pretty fucked up.
>Last month marked the first time a sanctioned professional MMA event under unified rules was held in China. It was also the first sanctioned professional MMA event in Shanghai ever. Too bad I don't remember any of it.

>Everything I'm about to say, I learned after the fact from the replay footage, because I suffered a major concussion and some short term memory loss as a result of my fight.

>I spent exactly 47 seconds in the cage fighting a Chinese kickboxer named Wang Guan. I had the plan to back him up with my jab, circle him till his back was toward my corner, then shoot in, put him on the floor and finish with some ground and pound and/or a submission.

>It all went well until I had his back up against my corner. I clinched up with him, and then for some reason I can't explain, I just let go. I peppered him with a few more jabs and grazed him with a head kick. Then he threw a body kick which I caught. I've spent so many hours catching kicks and drilling all the ways to throw, trip, submit, or KO an opponent from there. What did I actually do? I paused for a moment and then just let go of the leg. To make matters worse, I threw a body kick of my own which Wang Guan easily caught. Immediately, he capitalized on the trapped leg by throwing two quick punches. The first punch missed completely, but the second just barely connected with my chin at the perfect angle to score a knock out. I fell to the canvas, unconscious already at this point, hitting the back of my head hard on the floor, which caused a concussion. Wang Guan followed up with another right hand to the head before the referee stepped in to stop the fight. That last punch did the real damage. It broke my skull in two places.


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Anonymous No. 145938

>I don't remember anything about the fight besides getting in the cage and working my jab a little bit. What I do remember is an ambulance ride to the hospital and vomiting blood all night as doctors explained to me that my skull had been broken and that I would never fight again.

>This picture was taken eight days after the fight. On the surface it looks like a black eye and a sizable dent in my forehead. Under all that is a broken skull.

>I've taken a lot of hits in a lot of fights from much bigger, stronger heavier hitting fighters- but never with results like this.

>How does a natural lightweight break the hardest part of the human cranium in two places with only one punch? It doesn't add up. I once mounted an opponent in a fight in Xi'An, dropping hard elbows on his forehead for over 2 straight minutes. He walked away with a few bruises and a tiny cut. Keep in mind, I can smash stacks of bricks with my elbows.

>The elbow is one of the hardest, sharpest striking points a martial artist can use. The closer proximity to the body also makes it easier to put your entire body weight behind the strike. So the question is, if I can't break a human skull with full force elbows against a pinned, defenseless opponent with 2 minutes of continuous striking, how the hell does a smaller guy pull that off against me using his fist, standing up, with only one single punch?

>Simple: loaded wraps

>It's no secret that Asian fighters load their wraps for sanda and Muay Thai. There were no rules against it in this part of the world. All the Chinese fighters I saw in the locker room at the RUFF show were loading their wraps with tape over their knuckles, as was their custom for sanda fights, and the Chinese tape inspector was signing off on it without flinching.


Anonymous No. 145939

>The problem was, this was supposed to be a sanctioned event under unified rules. Unified rules specifically forbid putting any tape over the knuckles because it is dangerous- as evidenced by the fact that I have a hole in my head now. Unified rules also specify that hands can only be wrapped with no more 10 feet of 2" gauze and 10 feet of 1" medical tape.

>Each fighter in the RUFF show was also supplied with a 15 yard roll of red or blue elastic adhesive tape. This colored tape was meant only to seal the velcro strap on the outside of the glove and to denote whether the fighter was in the red or blue corner. Most MMA shows use either colored duct tape, colored vinyl tape, or the same athletic tape used to wrap hands. This was problematic because the Chinese fighters used the elastic adhesive to tape their hands in addition to the the gauze and medical tape, no only breaking the rules, but also giving themselves an unfair and dangerous advantage by further solidifying their fists.

>Normally, when a human hand strikes a solid object, the many bones and soft tissue of the hand bend and bow around the target. When the hand is tightly wrapped in layers of contracting elastic adhesive tape, the hand can no longer shift position around the target, instead, it retains it's shape, penetrating the target even deeper.

>There are lots of ways to load wraps, but the most common in southeast Asia is to make a small cast of the knuckles with tape over the front of the fist. This is reinforced with alternating layers of gauze and tape over the knuckles, often with ropes made of twisted strips of tape between the knuckles. The end result is a hard cast that makes the fist into a hammer. It's illegal in the USA and most other countries with sanctioning bodies to put anything over the knuckles except for fresh gauze.


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Anonymous No. 145940

>With a 12oz boxing glove, a loaded wrap has the effect of transforming a hard, but padded punch into an extra solid bludgeoning weapon, highly increasing the chances of a KO, cuts, and all the other ravages of blunt force trauma. With a 4oz-6oz non-padded MMA glove, loaded wraps are roughly the equivalent of getting hit with brass knuckles.

>My skull looks a lot like this one now. The difference is, the depression on my forhead is more to the right side, and the hairline fracture is also on the right side. (anterior table of the frontal sinus- the most fracture resistant part of the face) The corrective surgery would have required the temporary removal of my face, it would have been horribly scarring, and the doctors said there was a high chance it would not fix the problem. So, I opted against it and I'm seeking a second opinion.

>Ordinarily, if a non-reinforced fist collides with a forehead, the hand will break long before the cranium sustains any damage. The human hand is made up of 27 small fragile bones, whereas the cranium is one hard, dense, curved bone designed to deflect and withstand impact in order to protect the brain.

>In theory, there are 2 purpose of gloves in combat sports: 1. to protect the athletes' hands from injury. 2. To soften the blow to an opponent and reduce friction, reducing the likelihood of cuts and other serious injuries.

>However, loaded wraps change the second function of gloves to the following: 3. To provide just enough of a buffer between the hardened cast on the fighter's hands and his opponent's face to cause maximum damage. Because sometimes, a knock out simply won't do. Sometimes you need a maiming. Apparently, full contact fighting isn't dangerous enough already in southeast Asia.


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Anonymous No. 145941

>Well, Wang Guan got the win, and I got a near death experience and an unexpected early retirement from combat sports. I'm bummed for a lot of reasons. One, I love to compete- MMA, kickboxing, Muay Thai, K1, sanda, submission grappling, boxing, taekwondo, sport karate, wrestling, whatever. And suddenly I can't do any of that anymore. I had two more fights coming up, one later this month and another next month. It's also my livelihood. Fighting was a huge part of how I get paid.

>I've seriously been trying to look on the bright side, and so far the best I've come up with is that I never have to cut weight again. I hate cutting weight. When I was competing in the USA I fought at, or above my walking around weight. When i fought at 155, I actually weighed 155 lbs. When I fought at 170, I weighed 165. When I fought at 185, I only weighed 171lbs. Most American fighters cut down one weight class in hopes of being a little bigger. I didn't start cutting weight seriously until I moved to China.

>That's ironic because Chinese fighters rarely cut weight. If they fight at 70kg, they usually walk around at 70kg, for example. In Chinese fight shows, the fighters are usually meet at a catch-weight. As long as there's no more than a 5kg difference between the fighters, they call it good.

>So why did I start cutting weight here? Simple- Asian fighters tend to be much smaller than their American counterparts. Promoters from China, Mongolia, and Singapore would offer me fights at 64kg (70kg at the most) when I was walking around closer to 75kg. The only way to compete was to cut weight.

>I should write a blog on how to safely and effectively cut weight and put it back on. There's a lot to cover on that subject, and going about it the wrong way can be dangerous.


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Anonymous No. 145942

>That's me right before the weigh-ins for my last fight (on the left) after cutting a bunch of weight. And that's me on the right the next day after putting it all back on. It's about a 15 pound weight difference, but I can barely see a difference.

>In any case, cutting weight is torture, and I'm not going to miss it one bit. As soon as I can get up and walk normally again, I'm going to eat a cheeseburger or two.

(Pic here is the one he included with him talking about being able to bust bricks with his elbows)

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Anonymous No. 146328

Oh Fuck I am shocked it was this bad it makes this extra true

Anonymous No. 146329

I dated a chinese girl and she was very beautiful but they're kind of less human
We got chicken wings once and she would put the whole thing in her mouth and then spit out the chewed up bone chunks like watermelon seeds

Anonymous No. 146330

Lmfao, why? Did you show her how you’re supposed to eat them? I’d get it if she’d never eaten chicken wings and didn’t understand what you were supposed to do.

Anonymous No. 146331

Fuck I am whiter then snow and I do this, I knew they are cheaters to the bone but you would think in a sport like mma it would be a little different

Anonymous No. 146335

Episode 6

I'm still mad not a single one of these retards ever thought of using an object to keep distance during a knife fight. Same shit happened today. It's one of the most basic principles in HMA and I guess no self-defense tard has ever thought of that. How come they all move away from their opponent's strongest attack, but can't make this simple connection?

Anonymous No. 146337


Anonymous No. 146338

Mike looked like he was doing good but he was to small to pull it off and ramsay got fucked for the pointless zombie game
He has made me like him more

Anonymous No. 146339

they're treating a knife like it's a lightsaber
you don't just instantly suffer a fatal wound because the tip glanced against you. it requires significant depth to hit a vital organ.

I should become a martial arts youtuber. icymike has taught me just how low the bar for entry is.
the guy could barely win at street beefs and he's out here talking like he knows shit

Anonymous No. 146342

Seth was probably one of the best at this, despite him getting zero points his techniques for taking down the knife guy were better than just running them into a wall and trying to pin their arm down. Throwing or taking them down seems much better and it seemed to work well except for getting stabbed a few times in the back (in reality those would probably be more like flesh founds instead of fatal internal wounds since you would have to pass through multiple layers of muscle and rib)

Anonymous No. 146344

why did so many of them run into the guy and try to control the knife? they should've tried to keep distance if anything

Anonymous No. 146345

That's what I was thinking. Everyone just kept focusing on the hand and running towards the guy. I'd try to either hit or throw the guy as hard as I can AND THEN try to go for the knife. Not to mention using the yellow barrel to keep distance, I don't know how any of those dudes missed that.


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Anonymous No. 146346

nice judo from Sensei Seth, seems to be proving the most effective thing to defend yourself with or something

Anonymous No. 146348

Well that's the problem with using a marker as an analogue for a knife
They're fighting against a knife with fully permeable invisible blade of unspecified length that has both no mass and infinite mass at the same time and a friction coefficient of 0
These niggas out here fighting against quantum knives

It's a dishonest test. While imperfect at the very least they needed to have training knife with dye on where the sharp part of the blade would be.
As it stands they were asked to do a physical exercise against an object that doesnt physically exist in the space.
you know what is completely valid technique is grabbing the blade of a knife if it means directing it away from your vital organs and just getting your hands fucked up while you try to wrestle it away

Anonymous No. 146354

>I'm still mad not a single one of these retards ever thought of using an object to keep distance during a knife fight
That's the first thing Ramsey does in round 3, the guy just knocks it away and immediately bearhugs him to give him about 43 London Loopholes.

Anonymous No. 146366

Personal opinion, if they made it like a wet paint brush or something, it'd work more authetnically since the brush has a length that can more accurately simulate a blade touching you and can be shoved "down to the hilt" and look visibly apparent.

Anonymous No. 146371

I think what I need to do is create a smart knife training tool with a Spring loaded pressure sensor in the knife that accurately measures the depth of each knife wound and keeps a running tally which you can then put on to a computer and look at a statistical read out

This is exactly the kind of pseudoscientific over engineered solution to a problem that doesn't exist that combative fudds would eat up

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Anonymous No. 146462

Ok, this was entertaining...

>MMAShredded: Asking strangers in NYC to try & punch me (feat. @hard2hurt)

Anonymous No. 146464

In some ways it's a parlor trick though
As long as there's infinite space to move backwards it's really hard to hit someone

Ironically in this case sport karate would land way more techniques than boxing because of the blitzy footwork

Anonymous No. 146469

Does anyone has his Head movement program?
I tried so hard to find it in torrent sites but couldn't

Anonymous No. 146471

I prefer the original
>Float like a cloud of smog, sting like gonorrhea.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 146474

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 146479

Anon, I...

Anonymous No. 146508

>asking why bug people do wierd shit

Anonymous No. 146521

I’m convinced you can only get popular by being a retard with constant hot (read: incorrect) takes

Anonymous No. 146551
Four hacks talk to each other

Anonymous No. 146595

I thought people were exaggerating. They really are counting incidental contact and zero power thrusts as “fatal” wounds. What a fucking retarded test.

Anonymous No. 146603

is seth a hack though? I feel like he's pretty transparent about being a mediocre and kind of out of shape karate teacher that likes to try out other things
I think he stays in his lane pretty well

Anonymous No. 146604

people really overestimate the power of a knife and how much power is needed to thrust it into someone

Anonymous No. 146606

To thrust and to unthrust lol Specially if it's in an area with strong muscle or lots of bones

Anonymous No. 146613

Seth is the biggest hack of those 4

Anonymous No. 146618

Seth is honest about who and what he is. He’s also seemingly more competent than a lot of the other people there. What’s your beef with him?

Anonymous No. 146621

Of those 4, he has the least experience I anything useful, he is a hack.

Anonymous No. 146623

well that's just not true, he would easily beat up any of them
even if icymike wasn't the size of a 4th grader have you ever seen him fight? he's terrible

Anonymous No. 146624

Why are you sinping so hard for the biggest retard of the bunch?

Anonymous No. 146625

because you haven't given a good reason as to why he's worse than the manlet that couldn't even cut it as a beat cop, a lanklet that grifted people out of money for years teaching aikido, and an over the hill guy with literal brain damage

Anonymous No. 146627

>icy Mike
Am fighter
Successful coach of am and pro MMA fighters
Am and pro Mma fighter
MMA ref
Successful am and pro mma coach
Am mma fighter
Got famous for tiktoks of kicking caps off water bottles, and although he trains in actual martial arts, still pushes garbage karate.

Anonymous No. 146632

>icy Mike
>am fighter
Streetbeefs is not a real mma promotion and both guys he fought had no actual martial arts experience lol. No, ninjutsu doesn’t count
> although he trains in actual martial arts, still pushes garbage karate.
He’s been doing well using garbage karate to beat the fuck out of people. I like Seth as an entertainer though because unlike the rest he doesn’t present himself as a know it all. His content is good because he approaches other martial arts with a sense of humility and interest. I don’t get the impression he’s doing it just to hear himself talk like Mike does.

Anonymous No. 146634

>unlike the rest he doesn’t present himself as a know it all. His content is good because he approaches other martial arts with a sense of humility and interest
Yeah his entire spiel is specifically trying to figure shit out about other martial arts, he goes in with an intent to learn. Most of the other guys in the competition go in with an intent to teach or lecture.

Anonymous No. 146639

I think you're putting way too much emphasis on if someone is a pro mma fighter, because that's completely meaningless
anybody can be a pro fighter. Like even you today right now as you are could contact bellator and get put on a card. They're always looking for fresh cans. How do I know this? because I have a WHITE BELT in my gym with 2 amateur fights against a 0-0 and a 1-0 opponent and made a pro debut in bellator 6 months later.
there's no credentials needed for being a pro fighter at all.

Anonymous No. 146648

>still simping for a retard

Anonymous No. 146649

>if you enjoy someone’s free content you’re a simp!
>if you disagree with me you’re a simp!

Anonymous No. 146671

>group full of retards
>you take the biggest, least qualified retards in the group, and simp for his bullshido.
Just stop, retard.

Anonymous No. 146712

Why are you so angry? Are you mad he’s upstaging midget Mike? Manlet rage would explain your irrational rankings.

Anonymous No. 146725

He came in 2nd place at a regional sumo tournament which is a bigger accolade than anybody else there has

Anonymous No. 146764

just so we're clear, none of them practice or push bullshido. despite not fighting professionally full time (except jeff chan obv), they're all pretty good at fighting evidently. they are several orders of magnitude more skilled than the average martial arts instructor anyway - and they even find the time to make insightful, thought-provoking content for us to consume for free. where do you get off hating on people who are probably much more experienced and skilled than you?

i say this all the time, and in a category of sports as accessible as combat sports/martial arts, i believe this to be a valid response: i'd like to see you do better.

Anonymous No. 147184

Final episode.
Overall opinions on the show and the fact there's already a season 2 confirmed?

Anonymous No. 147188

>Overall opinions
I'll give you a fact instead:
Shocker, the actually experienced professional fighter is going to have more experience and a higher rate of success in self-defense situations than a bunch of armchair amateur fighters.

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Anonymous No. 147189

Oh also, Season 2 detalis:
>Jeff Chan is returning
>Everyone else is new
>Ranton - Chinese-German game reviewer who trained at a Shaolin temple for a year
>Natan Levy - Israeli UFC fighter
>Jordan Teaches Jiujitsu - BJJ black belt with a sub-150k subscriber channel
>Kevin Achampong - some basketball player
>Jesse Enkamp - if you're in this thread you know who he is

Anonymous No. 147192

>Ramsey dewey says he wants to have the tournament happen again but with completely different people
Lmfao he hates everyone there

Anonymous No. 147195

More like he just doesn't want to break his other fucking knee

Anonymous No. 147200

Seth was dominating that last match only to get put in an armbar in the last few seconds. That's got to suck.

Anonymous No. 147201

>fighting each other in a cramped location
So they just did episode 1 again?

Anonymous No. 147202

It's episode 1 but in a few different rooms, with the added fear they might have to throw down with guys that make them feel like Mike.

Anonymous No. 147205

Second place ina tournament where one of the contestants is a professional mma fighter is a respectable place to end.

Anonymous No. 147206

He was holding up against an actual pro fighter throughout the entire thing. I'm actually really impressed with him. But I'm also unsurprised the solution to many self-defense situations is SHOOT THE DOUBLE.

Anonymous No. 147211

jordan doesn't have a beard, that looks like chewy

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Anonymous No. 147212

The Indiegogo says it's Jordan.
The art they use is just kinda shitty looking. Ranton's representation is wearing orange Shaolin monk robes - he's just a Shaolin disciple who only wore the grey ones (which he still flaunts in his videos).

Wouldn't be shocked if any of them drop out before filming thoughever. Jesse was supposed to be in Season 1 (the poster behind them in the interview portions of the episodes still even has the Jesse silhouette) but dropped out for whatever reason.

Anonymous No. 147215

it's actually quite revealing how inept the judging is when it shows him actually advocating for mike to have won against jeff
he rode the gracie dick and told the big lie that being in guard is anything other than a losing position

Anonymous No. 147225

I'm glad Jeff won even though it was predictable. It's satisfying watching a smaller guy with more skill win.

Anonymous No. 147232

The entire thing was pretty flawed from the start. Really obvious tactics were presented and then not used, as if they were given extra rules and restrictions that we as the viewers weren't told about. There was also the 70% intensity thing instantly giving even more of an advantage to the attackers. You can punch/kick/grapple at 70%. You can even stab at 70% since the knives are fake. You can't bludgeon someone over the head with a fire extinguisher or push them down the stairs at 70%. So you have the choice to either ignore that rule and risk seriously injuring someone who isn't actually trying to hurt you, or do what Matt did and "theoretically kick them in the face" and hope that they honor it (which they apparently don't).

Anonymous No. 147257

To be fair, shooting the double only really came into play when fighting the other contestants. He got stabbed when doing it against a knife and every other challenge was against multiple opponents.

Anonymous No. 147273


20s 1v1s

Anonymous No. 147274

Oh I'm blind >>147189


Anonymous No. 147276

Damn I was hoping for Kevin Lee, and maybe one of Gabriel Varga and Wonderboy. Maybe I dreamed a little too high on this one

Anonymous No. 147279

We've already determined manlets dont have a chance
Why subject another one to this?

As for the other 2, they cant risk a dumb injury doing this

Anonymous No. 147281

>Why subject another one to this?
Because I want to see him trying stupid JKD and Capoeira stuff there
>As for the other 2, they cant risk a dumb injury doing this
Do they even fight competitively anymore? I thought they were in the same "situation" as Jeff

Anonymous No. 147282

Wonderboy's still fighting competitively, he's gonna be at UFC 291 against Michel Pereira.

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Anonymous No. 147284


Anonymous No. 147289

Is Kevin supposed to show what a big motherfucker without any training can and can't do? He's 6'6 and 265 pounds, but he's literally JUST a basketball player. Why didn't they get a bodybuilder or something, like a Joey Swoll kind of a guy?

Anonymous No. 147292

Men, watching Jesse outside a super safe environment would be so weird, wonder If he can pull any karate stuff while stressed

Anonymous No. 147293

They're a different level of competitor than jeff, hes mid, they are mid+ to high

Anonymous No. 147296

He did an mma match not too long ago
The cage did not do his fair nordic skin any favors

Anonymous No. 147299

He's always dipped his toes in other stuff outside of his very sanitary little dojo like when he practiced Muay Thai for a bit. I don't think Jesse's a great fighter but he's if nothing else got the heart for it and that might make a difference. Plus the goal for him isn't gonna be to look better than Jeff and Natan (They're easily gonna top 2), his goal is to just look better than the other guys on the list.

Anonymous No. 147300

In case any of you are curious, this is Ranton's attempts at seriously discussing martial arts.
He's somehow worse than IcyMike.

Anonymous No. 147301

Fucked up the link.

Anonymous No. 147303

Still interesting to watch. Wonderboy vs Jeff would be fun

Anonymous No. 147304

I jumped to see the final chart and it's not that bad besides the obvious bait at SS tier

Anonymous No. 147320

>background: basketball

Anonymous No. 147322

They already ran out of martial arts youtubers

Would be great if they could get Detroit urban survival, but also mcdojo life because hes a huge grifter himself

Anonymous No. 147323

I personally want to see how the average joe handles these scenarios.

Anonymous No. 147328

>2 of the better contenders quit
>bring in 2 huge guys only to use them as a pysop
>force each other to fight each other in shitty closed spaces
>have a part where you have to stare at the guy for 5 seconds before starting

What a shitty last episode, I want my view back.

Anonymous No. 147332

>No Judo

Fuck these guys.

Anonymous No. 147335

Good judoka have better things to do with their time. There’s no wrestlers or boxers on there either

Anonymous No. 147336

I feel like Tony Jeffries would be into this

Anonymous No. 147341

I feel like if you don't have cardio you can't do shit

Fighting for life is too draining if you can't keep up the pace you die

Anonymous No. 147349

what upsets you about this aside from him being happa?

Anonymous No. 147353

Not him, the list doesn’t look particularly bad to me aside from the SSS ranked kung fu but it didn’t seem like he was being serious. In any case I do want to see if a shall in guy can actually apply his art under pressure

Anonymous No. 147395

I think it's interesting they are putting a "regular" guy there (no fighting experience). At the same time he's so big and fat that it'll be a fun experience to watch him mogging everyone with sheer size. Or getting mogged of course.

>next get me a guy that knows how to throw

Anonymous No. 148064

The funnyest part is that those "specialists" with all that bullshit were nothing compared to guys that were just good at sparring and fighting

All those guys that stick to theory and elaborate speaches about strategy just got kicked and fucked

jeff chan and sensei seth, both were just good fighters nothing related to self defense and they were by far the best ones

Anonymous No. 148065

Wait which one is the manlet? They’re all undersized

Anonymous No. 148066

To play devil's advocate for one of the "specialists," Ramsey, the guy's also a half-crippled, half-blind guy. He really shouldn't have participated since all it did was cripple him further.

Anonymous No. 148073

kevin lee is a terminal manlet
icy mike towers over the guy

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Anonymous No. 148075

>Towers over the guy
It's like an inch and a half's difference. Towering is the difference between Ramsey and Mike. Or Seth and Mike. Or Rokas and Mike.
Or literally any normal adult male and Mike.

Anonymous No. 148076

The only way mike could do well in a fight is to bulk up to 225, start strength training, do more plyometrics, and enter neanderthal mode.

Anonymous No. 148077

Oh I thought you were talking about 5’9”Kevin Lee Jr from the UFC

Anonymous No. 148078

don't be deceived by the hair, there's at least an additional inch of coif making him appear taller compared to cue ball there
the crown of his skull is about in line with mikes brow ridge
and that's with mike looking down
its a difference of at least 3 inches which means a lot when you're already under 5'5"

Anonymous No. 148080

You can really see that in their forearm lengths and shoulder heights too.

Anonymous No. 148401

How do you all feel about Jeff Chan?

Anonymous No. 148402

>Kevin Achampong
So they just needed a black guy?

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Anonymous No. 148411

I can't just be needing a token black, otherwise they easily could've gotten one of the black guys in the YouTube Martial Arts scene, Steven Williams is friends with Rokas for example and he's definitely at least partially black.

Anonymous No. 148420

I like him, good videos

Anonymous No. 148456

You guys are terminally stupid.
Even if you are above average height you may face opponents much bigger than you; here is your occasion to learn how to handle them - from skilled manlets.

Anonymous No. 148457

cont, and IF you are 210cm 150kg then WHAT THE FUCK are you even doing here

Anonymous No. 148641
Rokas talks about the behind-the-scenes shit for the series. The text summation if you don't wanna watch:
>This was gonna happen pre-COVID
>Rokas nearly got banned from Australia because he got the wrong visa
>Rokas spent his entire life-savings on the project because the first GFM floundered
>He cannot afford to self-fund season 2 now, if the GFM doesn't succeed it isn't happening (Willing to believe it since he took zero sponsorships or promotions)
>Jeff Phillips has cancer (RIP he was the only likable guy in it)
>Rokas actually addresses how everyone thought the GFM was gonna be a scam, INCLUDING THE CONTESTANTS
>Rokas' gf has a great ass

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Anonymous No. 148678

>Rokas' gf has a great ass

Anonymous No. 148680

as a man if you allow your woman to dress like that in public you need to be castrated
you're not even a "man"

Anonymous No. 148684

He's an aikidoka, what did you expect

Anonymous No. 148740

I'm gonna jerk off to her pictures just because he can't do anything about it

also why does everyone around here love ramsey dewey so damn much? he's a failed fighter, what is he in his 40s and still only a brown belt?
he's not so special

Anonymous No. 148753

By what metric is he a “failed” fighter?

Anonymous No. 148756

3-4 record in China of all places, not even in a country with good fighters

Anonymous No. 148759

That's like 2 frames of a thousand photos and videos in her instagram, I was the degenerate one in this case.

Anonymous No. 148763

That’s his mma record. I know in an older video he made he talked about how the whole reason he moved to china was because they had more opportunities to fight as a kickboxer than in America. I haven’t been able to find his kickboxing record online but regardless I don’t really think three professional wins and then setting up your own martial arts school is a “failure”

Anonymous No. 148764

>cries the incel on 4chan

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Anonymous No. 148873

No refunds

Anonymous No. 148877

I dont think I buy that excuse
What he probably means by more opportunities is more opportunities for a bad fighter since the skill level in the USA is too high for him to break into

Anonymous No. 148890

Ok? I still don’t see how that makes him a “failed fighter”. What is your metric for a successful fighter?

Anonymous No. 148891

You don't need to be a great fighter to be a great coach. Freddy Roach was a mediocre boxer, John Danaher only did a few local comps at best, etc.

Anonymous No. 148904

In his retirement blog, well before his YouTube channel, he actually explained that among other things, he was always fighting well-below his natural weight class because the average Chinaman was a good 10kg lighter than him. Combine that with shit like loaded wraps and it's pretty easy to take some pretty heavy losses.
That being said, I also concur with >>148891 - the best coaches aren't always the best fighters. You know how many fights Cus D'Amato had? One. An amateur fight, that he lost.

Anonymous No. 148905

Dont know about danaher because fuck gay sex but roach and damato are terrible examples. Thoses guys lucked out into training generational talents. Roach wit Pac and Damato with Floyd. And if you say damato trained Tyson that proves you dont know shit about boxing.

Anonymous No. 148907

>D'Amato and Roach only ACCIDENTALLY kept training and refining several of the greatest boxers of their generation! It's all luck, really!

Anonymous No. 148910

Oh you know boxing? Name ten trainers.

Anonymous No. 148925

>What is your metric for a successful fighter?
a winning record in a promotion people have actually heard of

Anonymous No. 148930

I suspect everyone on this board is a “failed fighter” by that metric then, faggot. What’s your record in a “promotion that people have heard of”?

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Anonymous No. 148937

I went 10-2-1 on the local circuit, never been finished
But I also never had any aspirations of fighting for a living
Also this

Anonymous No. 148941

Blew that faggot out. Thats why you reddit and discord trannys get keep losing.

Anonymous No. 148965


Anonymous No. 148982

>local circuit
Never heard of it. Congratulations if you’re not bullshitting though I’m under the impression most people in this board don’t actually fight.

Anonymous No. 148990

i haven't watched much of his content, even the martial arts related stuff, but he seems pretty humble and aware of the limitations and current state of TMAs like the one he's trained in. from what i vaguely remember, the kung fu ranking was meant at least half jokingly.

to be frank i just don't like the guy as a personality: his voice, manner of speaking, sense of humor, and accent rub me the wrong way. maybe that'll change if i see him in season 2. jeff chan seemed kinda dull and boring as an internet personality to me at first, but he had some cool/funny moments in season 1, so he's growing on me a little bit.

Anonymous No. 149157

Ramsey cope video.

Anonymous No. 149410

You underestimate what a sharp knife does to human flesh. We butcher wild game, trust me meat isn't all that strong. A drag cut with a properly sharp blade across your chest will open you up so deep you'd see your own ribs as the flesh gapes open. Doesn't need a swing or a windup at all, just needs to be against your body with a medium amount of force and then moved across you. Stabs don't require much force to go in deep either. You could easily pop a 6 inch blade into someone's armpit otlr between their ribs with less force than your average sparring punch. Knives will tear you to shreds and punch holes in you very easily brother make no mistake. Check some Brazil or South Africa videos and you'll see how people bleed out to literal lovetaps from knives.

Anonymous No. 150125

I'm hoping to see Ranton get beat the fuck up, but he'll probably gonna come out of it more annoying than before

Anonymous No. 150129

Is he the greatest case study in why race mixing is bad
Do not be tempted by the yellow fever, white man
Or that will be your progeny

He has that happa curse where he looks asian but somehow

Anonymous No. 150132

Didn't know he was a hapa since he keeps calling himself "chinese man" or "shaolin monk" (which was always a big meme). He's like the hapa version of moistcritical in that he never talk about anything in depth and only regurgitates reddit-tier group think. I can already expect him to come out of it saying "I was really humbled, this really shows that you need to train realistically" for his retarded fans to lap up.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 152118
Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283b
Speech Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 152126

>a katana
are you from venezuela? I think I've seen that same guy

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Anonymous No. 152195

>Didn't know he was a hapa
You just gotta look at his side profile and you can tell he's only half-Chinese. Look at his fucked up skull and schnozz. Plus it's clear any time he spent in China was a lot more periphery than he claims - at best he was only there for Shaolin. He can't actually read Mandarin or Cantonese, he can barely speak it (he gets incredibly flustered whenever Chinarunes show up in something and people ask him to translate), and he always deflects when people ask him about life in China outside of Shaolin. He was probably born and raised in Germany and wanted to get in touch with his "roots" and fucked off to China for a few years. I unironically believe Ramsey Dewey has lived in China for longer than Ranton ever has.

Anonymous No. 152312

I have to respect it simply because they actually fucking did something unlike all the normal youtube armchair philosophizing bullshit. They actually got on a moving bus and started punching each other.

Anonymous No. 152313

>What was most surprising to me was matt effectively using that fairbairn style palm jab to take people down.
>Legitimately didn’t think that would work on someone resisting.
I think it mainly worked because none of the "attackers" expected it to happen considering that matt was the only one who used it and he only did it the one time.

Anonymous No. 152316

Considering it’s a move designed for street fighting I don’t think anyone you would be fighting in that scenario is going to see that coming

Anonymous No. 152331

I like the guy who fell for all the bullshido in the world and that has been trying to redeem himself and become a real martial artist for some time now.

Anonymous No. 153377

Ramsey Dewey got injured by the zombie lol