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Anonymous No. 141107

Why are martial arts fights so fucking boring and why do all the fighters look like shit? Aren't they supposed to be the pinnacle of fitness?

Anonymous No. 141129

Why are you watching shitty point fighting if you want to see interesting matches? Are you being retarded on purpose?

Anonymous No. 141325

There are only 2 valid striking sports, boxing and muay thai. Bare knuckle boxing and lethwei border on being valid but people who do it usually aren't as talented as people who do normal boxing and muay thai. Other striking sports only exist because fags are afraid their precious faces would get hurt if they were doing muay thai.

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Anonymous No. 141326

You know there’s more kickboxing styles than just Muay Thai, right?

Anonymous No. 141327

>noooo you can't heckin legkick me!!! I'm supposed to be able to stand side on for free!!!!
>nooo i have to have the giant pillows covering my fists or i'll get sore fingies when I punch :( you don't understand!!

Boxing has pussified rules as well. Don't lump it in with real striking.

Anonymous No. 141388

Because most combat sports put way too much emphasis on "staying visually distinctive". The karate guys don't want to look like someone that does muay thai, so they change the rules to force the fighters to act differently if they want to win. Same with judo, which changed its rules because it "looked too similar to wrestling". The fighters look like shit because they aren't fighting so much as playing a game with shitty rules.

Anonymous No. 141389

Dutch kickboxing is the 3rd valid striking sport. Everything else is a meme or only useful for very particular techniques

Anonymous No. 141390

> Same with judo, which changed its rules because it "looked too similar to wrestling"
I want everyone who repeats this stupid fucking meme to be publicly executed for being retarded. Judo banned leg grabs to prevent stalling, not to change how it looked. Judo still looked like judo even when you could grab the legs you dumb fucking zoomer. And As if karate guys even have a shit about Muay Thai when no one even knew what it was when karate gained popularity.

Anonymous No. 141446

it used to be great, now we barely get any fights since every fucking heavy weight get tested positive for peds.

Anonymous No. 141447


Anonymous No. 141518

its a shit way to prevent stalling. now people just farm shido and go turtle to newaza.

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Anonymous No. 141538

gay prancing olympic karate is a better base for real combat and mma than kyukushin. all the most successful karate-based mma fighters have a wide stance focused on fencing-esque reach and counterstriking, anyone that tries to square up has failed

Anonymous No. 141571

Bas Rutten, Uriah Hall, kitsunori, GSP all come from kyokushin.

Also in Japan most of the kyokushin guys go to kickboxing so there are not many left over to go to mma. Comparatively we have Machida, and Kyoji Horoguchi from the shotokan style point sparring in mma. Neither of whom competed in WKF style btw. In Machidas day it was unironically a bit tougher despite having the similar ruleset. Back in the day the jka was ostensibly light contact but you could get away with even knocking someone out if it was 1 clean shot that looked "karate" enough for the referee lol. Expanding to point sparring generally there is Michael Venom Paige, Stephen Thompson, and then in kickboxing there is Raymond Daniels.

That's compared to literally hundreds if not thousands of kyokushin guys who made the switch to kickboxing successfully... Including all time greats like Andy hug. Its just not comparable in scope.

Anonymous No. 141587

Boxing is different than kickboxing or Muay Thai. Who would've fucking thought it would have different rules because of that? Absolute mongoloid tier reasoning. Guessing you suffer from early CTE symptoms

Anonymous No. 141593

>Bas Rutten, Uriah Hall, kitsunori, GSP all come from kyokushin.
they didn't fight like it, though, that's the key

Anonymous No. 141625

Someone told me that in one of those family-friendly WKF tournaments there was a bald man who do Bloodsport shit like full force spinning kicks and some "boxing" also with the full intent of knockout, when the judges warn him of being kicked out he start rambling about "real hardcore traditional karate" or something like that.

Anonymous No. 141638

By that logic even Machida stopped fighting like a karate guy too part way through his career. Throwing big wind up thai style roundhouse kicks and flying knees. The point is what is their base style. If the kyokushin guys are less distinct from any other mma striking its because kyokushin is closer to mma striking than other karate lol.

Anonymous No. 141644

conor, machida, wonderboy, pitbull, all fought like point fighters and had their start there, sure, conor and machida moved away from it, but then they started losing, and even if they kept winning, it still proves the formula.

Anonymous No. 141648

Proves what formula? One of the most popular martial arts on earth has produced enough successful fighters you can count them on one hand? In my opinion its a bit silly to argue that point karate is better for fighting than kyokushin when kyokushin has much better track record, but that aside why do either of them over just doing kickboxing from the start? And again the modern WKF is degenerated even further from the older point fighting. Even watching karate combat the best athletes from the wkf look like trash compared to Machida in a more limited ruleset that is more favourable to their style... How long can you watch something like that before you draw the conclusion that its Machida and not the point fighting that is the special ingredient here?

Anonymous No. 141653

>noooooooooo boxing is just a sport
>gets ko'd

Anonymous No. 141673

Agreed, but it still has nothing to do with distinguishing itself from wrestling

Anonymous No. 141692

Wonderboy was still doing continuous, full-contact kickboxing from an early age. He did point fighting, but he wasn't just doing that Olympic style karate. Here's an example of one of his IKF fights back in 2003.

Anonymous No. 141758

Yes, boxing is a real sport which rules hadn't changed for 100 years.
Get fucked in the ass, tranny.

Anonymous No. 141801

Yes this is also true and then ontop of that American / UK point sparring meta is also based around the sidekick whereas JKA and later WKF is based around blitzing straight punches. I was the guy arguing that point sparring is not that effective for training, I just giving Stephen Thompson as point sparring anyway to be charitable despite the extensive long pants kickboxing experience.

Anonymous No. 142196

I trained taekwondo for 5 years and got first dan in it. I trained 3 times a week and still managed to be overweight and fat. After I had to quite cause of uni I started going to the gym and did some lifts, after only 3 months i got some proper muscles and i finally look good. Most people who train martial arts dont hit the gym, and martial arts training is basically a cardio training, thats why they look like shit.
And the fights are boring because they usually train as 1 class with all the kids so they are trained to score a point by tapping their opponent not to harm them. So the fights are super boring...

Anonymous No. 142198

>Most people who train martial arts dont hit the gym, and martial arts training is basically a cardio training, thats why they look like shit.
t. has never grappled

Anonymous No. 142204

The best boxer in the world couldn't beat a pro wrestler crab walking towards him and kicking him in the leg. It's a complete joke of a "martial art".

Anonymous No. 142214

>he actually believes this
What stops the boxer from kicking you directly in the groin during your crab walk?

Anonymous No. 142217

He tried to do that and failed, and nearly got pulled to the ground because of it too.

Anonymous No. 142347

Not training your kicks. He had the right idea eventually but couldn't pull it off

Anonymous No. 142872

but he fights like a point karate fighter is the point

Anonymous No. 142978

I think the problem is three separate issues.

1. In striking matches there is little sense of progression so you never really know how close it is or who will win. That can make them feel boring and sloggish. Even with years of martial arts I struggle to find striking-only matches entertaining.

2. Grappling matches don't have problem 1, infact they're incredibly entertaining but, you really need an understanding of grappling itself to see the story play out. If you don't understand where the risks and the plays are then you won't likely get the same enjoyment out of it and may miss the intense battle of wits.

3. BJJ. It's ground fighting but worse because the rules encourage stalling. You end up just watching people sitting around panting.

Anonymous No. 146113

The tank not-punch to the face mentality its super specific and can't be translated easily to mma, even if point style karate its shit at least gives you a idea of evasion and not that obsession of take unnecessary damage just to boost your "warrior spirit"

Anonymous No. 147739

Martial arts are usualy about timing and precision, guys are just worried about the result not to look good

Just look at MMA and the amount of damage and knockouts that ppl suffer there

Anime and Movies are just fake for entertainment, RYU doesn't exist in real life

If you want to watch some really crazy and beutifull fights you can go for kyokushin or kudo, I believe they had the best combo of beuty and effectivines, the fighters have a very very good technique there and they can score knockouts as well

Anonymous No. 147752

Judo and Sumo solve the issue #3 and #2 have when it comes to wrestling.

You can always bet on them like a true gladiator fanatic would bet on gladiators back in roman era to make it more of an invested experience, make the bet of equivalent to $2 each match or something see how well you can predict the outcome if you think its boring. lol.

Anonymous No. 148067

Movies make martial arts look more interesting.
Think of how COD and actual military combat are nothing alike.

Anonymous No. 148087

I wish this meme would die. They fight like absolute idiots standing chest to chest punching each other in the bodies
it's not fighting if you cant get punched in the face, that's just a fact. Punches to the face are basically the only minimum requirement for something to be considered a fight.
at least point karate players aren't deluded enough to think they're doing a practical fighting art in their competitions.

Anonymous No. 148124

>at least point karate players aren't deluded enough to think they're doing a practical fighting art in their competitions.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here lol.

Anonymous No. 148150

>kyokushintards won't duck telegraphed head kicks

Anonymous No. 148151

I can't believe people think this looks good
maybe some people think this because their sensei is a liar. But I used to work on the national team prior to the olympics and everyone was pretty aware about what sport karate is, it was always referred to as a sport. One of the team members even explained it as "playing a game of tag"

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Anonymous No. 148208


Anonymous No. 148212

It might look boring because you're used to coreographed bullshit from hollywood movies, combined with retardation. If it's boring that means you don't understand what's happening at all.

Anonymous No. 148218

These guys get defeated by muay thai practitioners every time, there is no exceptions even If rules are in their favor.

Anonymous No. 148274

Why post something blatantly wrong lol.

Even one example and you are wrong.

Anonymous No. 148276

This idea to try and minimize how much better kyokushin is than point karate is a very American thing as far as I can tell. Now I would recomend anyone to just do kickboxing but there is absolutely no comparison to be drawn between point karate and knockdown karate effectiveness. If kyokushin is like a 4/10 then point karate is a 1/10. Literally thousands of professional kickboxers come from kyokushin base today. They must train boxing to make up for their weakness but point karate you have to basically start from scratch. Like do you understand how much of a 1 in a million Machida is lol. Go look at karate combat ... It is absolute dogshit literal amature level striking lol. Like they have got point karate guys that were in the olympics competing in that and the skill level is lower than mma striking.

Anonymous No. 148331

People in point karate don't care about real fights and testing their skill, most of them are totally absorbed by it, even if you tell them about "real fighting" they are totally disinterested, guys that just have the concept of full contact are extremely rare among them.

Anonymous No. 148348

ahh I can feel myself becoming more powerful with every blow!!!

punches aren't like poison, you don't built a tolerance to them the more you take
its amazing someone would go through all of this and still not know how to fight at the end of it

Anonymous No. 148353

Its for the mind

Anonymous No. 148356

Better strategy: learn how to fight and you wont need to get hit so much

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Anonymous No. 150478

>Watching some nigger pretending that he knows what he is doing
Watch a true master in action and you will see. These matches have nothing to do with the panicle of fitness, most of them are done by who is "good enough" and have a will. Most masters don't even spar like that, since there isn't much there to achieve so most of them perfect their respective forms.

Anonymous No. 151005

I unironically like this better than any pro-fighting venue.
>Jew sponsored homo-erotic bloodspoort
>chad exhibition of honorable trad skills

Anonymous No. 151011

If you you don't like "homo-eroticism" (I guess you mean groundfighting) and like traditional fighting, watch muay thai. I guarantee you even the most feminine muay thai kathoey has bigger balls than the manliest taekwondo or kyocuckshin fighter.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 151027

"Traditional" karate was a bloodspoort

Anonymous No. 151029

"Traditional" karate was a bloodsport