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2022-04-09 (3).png

๐Ÿงต how do deal with acl tear

Anonymous No. 141360

started muay thai about in the summer to help me forget about being 18 year old kv i really enjoyed it and loved showing up to the gym and it gave me something to dedicate my self to besides lifting. six moths pass and my coach asked me if i wanted to do some competition at the muay thai development league i was really exited to participate but that same week i hurt my knee in sparing. i though it was just a sprain but later found out it was a acl tear and i was recommended by the doc to get surgery. i don't know whether or not getting the surgery is worth it or not and now i'm really bored now and just want to get back to muay thai but it seems as it will be a while before its even possible and with graduation coming up and dealing with school its just really depressing me how should i risk going back to the gym without surgery because knee is a lot more stable i can squat and deadlift fine now and do some shadow boxing only thing that brings pain is jump rope
and balancing on right leg is hard

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Anonymous No. 141362

u r a faget
Really though, there isn't another option than surgery

Anonymous No. 141367

Get a second opinion from a physiotherapist and preferably several professionals, and evaluate your options. If most of the docs agree, suck it up and get surgery. You're gonna have to do physio regardless of if you get surgery or not so look into good sports medicine doctors, there's a lot of variance amongst physio quality.