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🧵 Intergender sports/combat

Anonymous No. 141636

Seems the gap is closing. Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 141642

Andy Kaufman did it.

Anonymous No. 141656

Has anybody tried to fight men as a trans woman?

Anonymous No. 141674

Men can never lose to women, it's physically impossible. The reason you see men ever 'losing' to women in fights is because of sexual excitement and enjoyment, it's the whole reason they even got into the fight was because the guy wanted to be dominated by some chick on the floor. You think a man, a being able to pick up at least 200 lbs. off the floor by nature is going to get snaked around by some 5'4 little girl. These guys want that shit, it's a comforting thing. It's kind of like playing cops and robbers with a kid, you know as an adult that you're just playing around with the kid and letting him win because they're a kid and want to try and win. It's all so coy, none of it is real. Also, most of time that it happens is in front of other people. Let's say for example, a real fight between a man and woman happens like the ones you see on Reddit of girlbosses owning dudes. Nobody is around and it's no holds bar? The guy is just gonna start punching her in the mouth and swinging her by her hair and throwing her around. The reason you don't see men do this shit is the same reason why you don't sprint from the 6-year-old playing the cop as a 'robber.' It's all fake, it doesn't matter.

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Anonymous No. 141682


Anonymous No. 141687

Are you virgin?

Anonymous No. 141964

The gap is wiiiide open if you know what I mean

Anonymous No. 141970

>dealing women enormous damage and disrespect while celebrating yourself and justifying it with nonsense slogans

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Teens Squeezing (....jpg

Anonymous No. 142188

howd this random girl dont beat her instructors?

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This is not a woman.jpg

Anonymous No. 142241

Look up 'Gash' on StreetBeefs. Actually a pretty good fighter.

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Anonymous No. 142489


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Anonymous No. 142502

I'm a troon and I'm scared about becoming a weak fuck and then getting beaten up. I can still fight men if I keep training, right? I've been doing martial arts my entire life but I've never been very good.

Anonymous No. 142520

Learn special martial art called 41 ropes

Anonymous No. 142521

Virgins and incels gtfo

The truth is men are stronger and faster than women on average, and in combat sports those are attributes CAN determine the winner.

Those attributes aren’t everything, though. As anyone who’s ever trained combat sports will attest, flexibility, coordination, balance and the like also play roles that may tip the scales in another person’s favor.

Martial arts typically (if they’re any good) create techniques that work because of highly efficient body mechanics (coordination) and that don’t rely on brute strength.

Brute strength does make those techniques more effective, but if you don’t have the technique in the first place, you’re gonna get fucked. You ever seen those videos of a BJJ dude taking on untrained powerlifters and body builders? Same thing.

The reason it seems like the gap is closing, is because the physical gap itself was never that large to begin with. All else being equal, a woman will get beaten by a man with similar training time, but it’s rare for “all else to be equal”

A lot of retards try to compare top female athletes to top male athletes to prove that all men are superior, but that’s a mistake. Yes, top men beat top women in fighting, but we’re talking about Jenny from down the block beating Drunk Joe; the scenarios that’s more likely to occur.

The main point is that there will always be a gap because women can’t reach the top speed and strength of a man, but that gap doesn’t matter to your stupid ass who can at most bench 135. The gap’s not “closing” it just wasn’t that big in the first place and women are socialized not to go into combat sports. Now we have more women interested, more Jennys are beating Drunk Joe from down the street on video, and more posts that garner attention because every dude who’s never trained needs to assert that he could’ve most definitely beaten Jenny had he been in Drunk Joe’s shoes by “going harder”

Anonymous No. 142522

What’ll probably happen is you’ll have to get a lot more technical, especially if you’re losing testosterone. You can’t be “not very good” you’ve got to be able to beat guys who outweigh you by 100 lbs easily before trooning if you want any chance of survival.

Anonymous No. 143638

The fact that you feel the need to pair up *trained *Jenny with *drunk* Joe instead of an average untrained man tells me you don't believe your own argument.

Anonymous No. 143639

Just don’t troon out retard. You’ll thank me later

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Anonymous No. 143646


Anonymous No. 143751

>Seems the gap is closing. Thoughts?
Americans are generally too weak to win against women, but the rest of the world is different.

Anonymous No. 143989

actually believable, most americans don't lift weights or train any combat sport. literally just being able to bench 150lbs and squat 225lbs puts you ahead of the curve compared to most normies, let alone bench 225lbs and squat 315lbs

Anonymous No. 144149

ever since we started allowing der troon into sports, this has become a non-question. it's ffa deathmatch now in 90% of sports and venues, only a select few are sane enough to put a stop to it

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Anonymous No. 146650

at same weight/height I'd give a female the advantage in most physical activities

Anonymous No. 146987

ysee heres the thing, you can talk all you want but several men have probably been left staring at the sky by larger women than themselves they got too overconfident with. you even had to invent a 5"4 little girl in your head because youre a weirdo and you think some 6"2 black woman or angry Scottish brick getting upset at a 5"4 waif of a man is an impossibility.

youre a weirdo with power fantasies.

Anonymous No. 149255

I seen a senior in hs get worked by a freshman chick. He was crying and didn't get to go to state

Anonymous No. 149334

these posts made me hard

Anonymous No. 149336

Are you a MTF? If so you're still biologically a male and should do just fine competing with men. Don't worry too much about being "good" at the art, worry about using it in a real fight if you should ever have to. Martial art rules are way different than a street fight obviously

Anonymous No. 149338

I don't know about many women's sports, but women's boxing is pretty decent nowadays. WMMA has a few bright spots in a sea of mediocre bullshit.

Anonymous No. 149346

Rent free ya faggot

Anonymous No. 149349

Recently the bf of a friend of mine made the comment that the Olympics are divided in genders because and i quote
"They are misogynists, they know they'd lose to woman in Boxing and everything"
Bitch wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight and he thinks he knows about fighting

Anonymous No. 149361

nta but even if you were to replace him w/ a sober untrained average joe the fight would probably still go to the trained jenny.

Anonymous No. 152063

Thats humiliating AF

Anonymous No. 152064

trooning out is the exact opposite of juicing out so you ARE going to get weaker, there's no catch to that, you gotta become extremely technical and get some god tier ring IQ to overcome that weakness. You still have superior bone density so you won't get THAT weak, but you'll definitely be weaker than before.

Anonymous No. 152067

The only time I've seen women actually beat men in any martial art is in Judo.

I remember nearly snapping my neck the first time some little Japanese girl hit me with drop Seoi-Nage, she just cannonballed to the floor with all 124 lb. of weight she had on her and I pile-drove into the mat.

Anonymous No. 152108

happens all the time

🗑️ Anonymous No. 152352

I think you should fucking kys for being a castrated beta eunuch. Pathetic piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 152883

Anonymous No. 154968


Anonymous No. 155082

Depends if you keep training while taking HRT. I hear that its basically a second puberty, which is why every athlete who troons out gets super fucking big.

Anonymous No. 155230

that's not how it works lmao

Anonymous No. 155262

A trained woman beating an untrained man is usually bullshit. The untrained man isn't ever just a regular guy, 6'0, who works a physical job that's in decent shape, it's always just a short fat piece of shit against some female army broad.

Anonymous No. 155283

>physical job
>decent shape
I don’t know where you’re living but that’s not regular in any western country

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Anonymous No. 155305

>named gash
You’re fucking with me right?

Anonymous No. 155425


Anonymous No. 155530

there's tons of evidence that even a fit, trained guy will lose to a girl that has more trainning and take her craft seriously

Anonymous No. 155534

I would be in so much physical and mental pleasure if a woman beat me up that I couldn't do anything

Anonymous No. 155551

Me when I didn't get enough sleep in highschool (manlet)

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Anonymous No. 155559

Fuck. This makes me sad
>t. trooning out at 21

Anonymous No. 157054

I see tons of girls now wrestling and doing bjj. Who knows

Anonymous No. 157107

fucking retard nonces are mentally ill not born in the wrong body
go lift weights and learn to be happy and your insane ideology will go out the window

Anonymous No. 159126

Francis Vs Holly Holms when

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Anonymous No. 159127

My mother used to compete in karate and boxing when she was a teenager in the 90s. When I (untrained 20 yr old guy) challenged her to an open fight a few months back, I received several punches and kicks to my body and face that I just couldn't block. She was just playing around with me and could have done a lot of damage had she wanted to. She's very athletic for her age.

Anonymous No. 159132

I hope we find a cure for british people
very sad

Anonymous No. 159173

Wrong. Ive seen a woman (black woman) with my on eyes completly submit a man in the street. She grabed him by the ear and made him knee on the floor and start hitting him without the man being able to defender himself.

At the end he had his ear bleeding and she was detained by police. I think he was his landlord and kicked her out

🗑️ Anonymous No. 159227

She single? If she was a teen in the 90s, she might still have a few eggs left... You up for a little brother or sister?

Anonymous No. 162217


Anonymous No. 162219

Zoomer problems lol.

Anonymous No. 162289

>foids beating men

Anonymous No. 162291

>I can still fight men if I keep training, right?
Just don't stop lifting and train to get more technical. HRT will cause you to lose some muscle mass, but it can be mitigated with weight training. Not training, or stopping entirely, is what causes most of the loss of muscle mass.

Anonymous No. 162293

If by that you mean tranny faggots are infringing upon women divisions, yeah, that's happening alright. Coed fights would be fucking retarded. Just women fighting a bunch of fucking twinks and still getting their asses kicked.

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me vs a bunch of ....jpg

Anonymous No. 162300

We need inter-age combat

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Anonymous No. 162776

he's not a good fighter. he's some faggot. and you're a faggot for being a fan of him.
if me and "gash" fought, i would split him open like a cantaloupe. After the ref counted him out, I would grab a claw hammer and spike it between his eyes.

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Anonymous No. 162777

you talk too much like a woman. If we fought you would die in the cage with me. I wouldn't even stop when the ref ended the fight. I would make sure your fake smart ass is literally not breathing when i step on your willy so hard that your balls collapse into rice krispie treats you northern faggot.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162779

you're a worthless faggot. everyone is going to be even more uncomfortable around you and no one will ever respect you. you're just making your life ever worse.

Anonymous No. 163280

>end trans genocide
This has to be the first genocide where the perpetrators are also the victims.

Anonymous No. 166595

yea and they are usually pretty good

Anonymous No. 166639

How do I stop being afraid to roll with women? I have a general fear of women.

Anonymous No. 166640

>Laughed because this could be taken as 41 cumshots.

Anonymous No. 166710

Dude, you'll crush them if you use too much power so play around gently.

Anonymous No. 167309

Lmfao, there's evidence of the contrary.

Anonymous No. 169782

why don't you share that evidence with us then?

Anonymous No. 170026

this reads a lot like
>For less than the cost of a Big Mac, fries and a Coke, you can buy a loaf of fresh bread and some good cheese or roast beef, which you will enjoy much more

Anonymous No. 172065

I wrestled in HS and seen chicks dominate guys regularly.

Anonymous No. 172081


Anonymous No. 175094

At even weights its an even match

Anonymous No. 175874

did some light sparring in muay thai with this chick who is significantly smaller but farther along in skill and experience. I landed a few things here and there but she found her shots much more easily and cleanly and tagged me with a lot more than I was able to actually land on her.

I'd be very curious to do it at full force. She really is tiny so the size difference is big enough to where I may still have the edge but i dunno I could see her catching me and ending me with the right combos

Anonymous No. 175875

You aren't supposed to block, you're supposed to move

Anonymous No. 175876

No it's not tranny.

Anonymous No. 175879

We can tell your a beta cuck loser.

Anonymous No. 175880

Women will forever be inferior to men.

Anonymous No. 175881

The amount of retarded losers here is amazing. Get a life you fucking dipshits.

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Anonymous No. 176125


Anonymous No. 176186

Lol you can see in the first video the ref saved her during that body slam
In a real situation, she would be dead and the guy would get in trouble for hurting someone of the lesser sex, you guys are delusional

Anonymous No. 177827


Anonymous No. 177842

Kid probably grew into femdom

Anonymous No. 177843

It might get a little awkward as she ends up having to wrestle with my raging hard-on but I'm into it

Anonymous No. 177925

Gap is not closing, it's just most kids aren't psychopaths. I remember one time when I was really young (like 8) my dad got me into Karate (don't laugh, I know, I do BJJ now and used to do a lot of muay thai so I recovered), my Dad's college buddy was over and they were drinking. His friend had his daughter who was roughly my age who also started Karate and they wanted us to fight. It put me in a lose/lose situation -- I wasn't even trying to fight because I didn't want to beat up a fucking girl, so then they were ribbing me all night for how she kicked my ass. Maybe they knew I wasn't trying, I don't know, but I didn't even throw a punch because I didn't want them to get pissed at me for going too hard. Funny all of this was going through my mind when I was 8. I seriously doubt this kid wrestling was giving it 100% in OP picrel

Anonymous No. 178881

the smell

Anonymous No. 179130

Is this /xs/'s version of a blacked thread

Anonymous No. 179131

It's just coomers leaking from other boards. They have to make everything sexual or their brains malfunction.

Anonymous No. 179132

lul.. i sparred with a purplebelt BJJ MMA girl who was 5'11 and 5kg heavier than me, when i was 14, 5'9 and lighter, she went for an armbar so i stood up and slammed her into the ground

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Anonymous No. 180771


Anonymous No. 181348

I haven't seen this one for a while.

Anonymous No. 186245

Who dafuq gets beat up by a girl?

Anonymous No. 186246

Post proof

Anonymous No. 186266

as 5'4 tranny you will get beat up, you will realize you have no shot ever fighting someone bigger than you. you better get really skilled if you want to survive.

Anonymous No. 186625

>being such a castrated beta eunuch you have to fawn over females in traditionaly male sports and activities

First, men will always kick the shit out of bitches, as we are designed for fighting.

Second, If I knew you, I would put you out of your misery.

sage No. 187162

braindead thread come back with a source and study before opinionposting again

Anonymous No. 187542

Which is illegal with that ruleset.
Like saying you can beat a boxer by kicking their legs. So you're saying you're a cunt. Nice going, I'm sure everyone was super impressed with you alpha male.

Anonymous No. 188058

BJJ is just that useless.

Anonymous No. 188086

If it isn't fetishism stuff they pitch a professional female against an untrained male usually a manlet. I could probably outbox a female ufc fighter as an amateur boxer, I don't that gay hugging grapple shit.

Anonymous No. 188087

My ideal fight is to kill someone like you who bullies women and then retire

Anonymous No. 189020

>the gap is closing
hahaha funny joke bro

Anonymous No. 189119

No. But that doesn't mean victory is impossible

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Anonymous No. 189544


Anonymous No. 191033

This mf the only person in here speaking ABSOLUTE FACTS.

Anyone who's trained for years will know.

Anonymous No. 191455

Gay as fuck

Anonymous No. 195457

yeah, with roids maybe

Anonymous No. 195611

Does anyone else feel like MMA/combat sports are the sports in which the gap will never even come close to being closed.

Reaction time, Strength, Cardio. All of these things are crucial for combat sports.

But the biggest reason I think that is mentality. The mentality required to be elite at say MMA is way way more common in men than it is in women. There's barely any women in the ufc that trash talk and go to wars. Sure it happens but not nearly as much as it does in the men's game.

Anonymous No. 195875

your dad is a faggot

Anonymous No. 195876

I let my chubby ex do this to my twink ass all the time just so I could lift her up. she was retarded and I'd have to guide her into positions that put me at the most disadvantage. terrible at play fighting.

Anonymous No. 196006

>She's very athletic for her age.

Her 40s?

Anonymous No. 196024

This thread has existed for over a year on this dead board.

Anonymous No. 196041

>This thread has existed for over a year
>I'm still Yet to meet a woman that can handle me in a mixed wrestling match

Nah, the gap isn't closing at all! Even by modernist standards.

Not happening like you think.

Seriously though, where are the bad bitches that grapple?