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🧵 how to get fast

Anonymous No. 141707

how do you get fast punches and more snap like McGregor

Anonymous No. 141708

Sook sum cook

Anonymous No. 141711

Compared to Maywether he's slow

Anonymous No. 141766

Recruit more fast twitch fibres. (Develop strength, convert into speed [power]).

Example: lift heavy, slowly. Then make quick by doing plyometrics eg clap pushups, medicine ball throws etc.

Study sport science. Easy to get some books.

Anonymous No. 144422

Take adrenochrome together with cocaine and cheap whisky

Anonymous No. 144427

timing beats speed
precision beats power

Anonymous No. 144430

You become fast by training fast.

Anonymous No. 144431

That's called complex training and it doesn't work irl, only in theory. Note that few if any track and field athletes train like this.

Anonymous No. 144476

Step one would be to stop being so slow.

Anonymous No. 145169

if you can punch slowly, you can punch quickly

Anonymous No. 145371

the basic concept is to use a throwing motion rather than a reaching motion.

Anonymous No. 145552

>how do you get fast punches and more snap like McGregor
I have been a bit obsessed with amrtial arts all my life and frankly my observation is - snap comes from genetics + practice, which comes often from childhood.
It would be impractical to retrain your snap speed in your hands.
p.s. mcgregor is not that fast, he often appears faster than he is because he uses all his shoulder and torso to move his punch.
someone like Manny pacquiao os very fast and has snap power.

imho a lot of shaolin brick breaking techniques are exactly what yo are trying to find.
compare to karate where they either break with thorough force (especially punching down)

Anonymous No. 145565

a master is now slow nor fast, he act on time

it has nothing to do with genetics, the step back + cross is a technique that he apply with mastery

he just do it in the right time and set things up it has nothign to do with using his shoulder and torso

Anonymous No. 145754

french contrast training + long limbs = serious heeming power

Anonymous No. 146327

Anyone non-obese person can throw an equally fast punch. The limit and power of consecutive fast punches is what makes the difference.

Anonymous No. 147745

isn't it a waste of energy to swing your shoulder while throwing a punch? also seems like a bit of a telegraph.

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Anonymous No. 147790

This is purely my anecdotal experience but find a gym with one of these things. I think they were originally intended for physio-rehab, but the upper body bike pedal thing, whatever the fuck you wanna call it gives you constant oppositional resistance to your movements. Like the concept of holding weights while throwing punches, except this works much better. Throwing weights is bad cause the resistance in that exercise isn't oppositional, its gravitational, so is always bearing down, and you may teach yourself bad habits. With this I've seen marked improvement in my speed & endurance.

Anonymous No. 147791

Seriously? You should google "kinetic chain" and study up. You cannot throw a punch without telegraphing with the shoulder, physically impossible. You may obfuscate your moves, make them harder to read, but the body works in a chain and everything moves together. Most of your power in striking comes from the rotation of your torso and shoulder. The rest is the cherry on top.

Anonymous No. 147837

That's exactly how all elite level rugby players train.

Anonymous No. 147838

Sounds more like a power endurance routine. Which are especially popular among fighters. It absolutely does work irl but not necessarily for the reasons or in the methods people think it does.
>t. Kinesiology undergrad

Anonymous No. 147844

Key to the snap mcgregor is known for is power endurance & flexibility, and experience obviously. Power endurance routines develop really great recovery times and better peak exertion. Being consistently fresh like that is what is going to give you the snap-on-demand. One way to go about it is with a good routine like this guy >>141766 suggested.

Anonymous No. 149111

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. It’s literally tattooed on him you casual.

Anonymous No. 149128

Relaxing and whipping your body into the punch.

Anonymous No. 149150

Choke women unconscious