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🧵 Help me with my own martial arts style(?)

Anonymous No. 141919

Lurking /xs/ for the first time since its inception and I'm pretty please with the board, very comfy.

So, here's the deal. I've always liked fighting, ever since I was a kid, not martial arts, fighting, but I'm not full retard either, I would study moves and try to apply them responsibly (or that's what I like to think). Eventually I ended up practicing Judo for a few years, and recently I practiced Muay Thai for almost a year. Still, I don't get the appeal of practicing in a gym, it's either too family-oriented or too competitive for me. I'm not aiming to become an athlete or just add to my [Social Media] bio that I practice artstyle, and I'm very interested in other styles. So my idea was to make my own style, steal moves from others and practice them by myself at home with occasional sparring sessions with experienced friends and friends of friends. This is also for self-defense, although a bit overkill, I admit, but ball smashing, eye gouging, throat fucking are all in. My plan right now is to practice the following:
> head movement, footwork and striking from Boxing
> striking and kicks from both Muay Thai and (old/straight) Taekwondo
> grappling and throws from Judo/BJJ/Sambo
> anything I find useful in Capoeira cause I'm Brazilian

Anyway, if /xs/ can help me with exercise, training, or routine building suggestions, styles/move suggestions, sharing channel and other resources, I would highly appreciate it.

>inb4 Aikido
I am not a wizard yet

Anonymous No. 141920

>that I practice artstyle
that style*

Anonymous No. 141925

Boxing would be the most efficient and effective fighting style

Anonymous No. 141926

The way I see Boxing is a tool to perfect your (hand) striking and every thing related to it, and while it would obviously be one of the most effective styles when it comes to self-defense it still has obvious flaws that need to be covered by other styles

Anonymous No. 141928

Like what? Every street fight is hands and it’s the most functional

Anonymous No. 141930

> while it would obviously be one of the most effective styles when it comes to self-defense
I agreed with you, but if you are asking overall it should be obvious
> what is kicking
> what is grappling

Anonymous No. 141933

Kicking isn’t that great on the streets, so is grappling. They could stab you. Boxing, it’s just a one two and you can knock them out and then run out of there

Anonymous No. 141937

>Kicking isn’t that great on the streets, so is grappling. They could stab you. Boxing, it’s just a one two and you can knock them out and then run out of there
Anon... I just agreed with that, twice. I'm saying that when fighting, overall, not just self-defense, MMA/vale-tudo, boxing has flaws, which is obvious

Anonymous No. 141957

>too family oriented or too competitive
I’m confused about what you actually want then
>I don’t get the appeal of practicing in a gym
Having on the spot coaching and training partners.
>make my own style
>by practicing “moves” from other styles
First of all, MMA already exists. Second a martial art is generally more than just the sun of all of its movements. It’s how you use them and why. You can watch a YouTube tutorial on how to do a movement but not understand when to do it or why.
> occasional sparring sessions with experienced friends and friends of friends
People coming together to improve their fighting skills through practice of a mix of martial arts styles? If only there was a name for a place that you could do that.

Just join an mma gym you retard.

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Anonymous No. 141971

>I’m confused about what you actually want then
Learn how fight stuff, but not compete?
>Having on the spot coaching and training partners.
No thanks, and as I said, I'll be calling experienced friends to help me once in a while
>First of all, MMA already exists.
Yes, I never said it didn't
>Second a martial art is generally more than just the sun of all of its movements. It’s how you use them and why. You can watch a YouTube tutorial on how to do a movement but not understand when to do it or why.
I know
>People coming together to improve their fighting skills through practice of a mix of martial arts styles? If only there was a name for a place that you could do that.
I don't like gyms, I don't like having a fraction of coach's attention, I don't like having to do pointless exercises in between practicing actual important stuff (imo)
>Just join an mma gym you retard.
No and that's the whole point of why I want help on how not to do that. I don't care if people disagree or think there's a better option, I'm very aware that's not a common decision but I still want to do it as this will not only help me get better but will allow my autism to go full retard about everything and that's how I usually improve in everything I do.

Anonymous No. 141984

OP is a retard and possibly autistic

Anonymous No. 141987

>I don't like having to do pointless exercises in between practicing actual important stuff (imo)
>I want to fight but not compete.
You sound genuinely naive and autistic so allow me to explain a few things. Fighting is a competition. If you’re fighting you’re competing. If you’re not competing you’re not fighting. This is why sparring isn’t fighting, it’s training. This includes self defense, where you better damn sure be trying to win or at least not lose. That said, sparring is where you calibrate what you’ve learned through drilling. Those “pointless” exercises are how you make movements natural when sparring, and then eventually fighting. You strike me as the kind of person who wants to jump right into the fun shit without putting the work in to make that stuff actually work under pressure, which is why “self training” copers are universally going to be slower to learn, if they learn at all, compared to those who take martial arts seriously. If you can’t be assed to drill or regularly meet with sparring partners more than “once in awhile” you’re not going to get anywhere. I suspect you’re also the kind of person who doesn’t want to compete because competing isn’t ego affirming. That sucks but it’s a part of the process. If you want to win, you’re probably going to have to deal with losing a lot first. Otherwise, you’re not a fighter and you’re not really fighting to begin with.

Tl;dr just join an mma gym

Anonymous No. 141989

>Learn how fight stuff, but not compete?
The two are the same thing, you can't know if you are good without competing.

>No thanks, and as I said, I'll be calling experienced friends to help me once in a while
You can only learn isolated moves and combinations by yourself, and without regular training partners or a coach telling you what you are doing wrong you will make glacial, and probably shit progress.

>I don't like gyms, I don't like having a fraction of coach's attention, I don't like having to do pointless exercises in between practicing actual important stuff (imo)
As opposed to having nobodies attention. Also they dont teach pointless moves in an MMA gym, this isnt some karate kid bullshit where they make you do senseis shopping to teach you humility or something, everything they teach you has a point. Also you sound incredibly arrogant and autistic, if you don't know martial arts then your opinion on what is or is not useful is garbage because you don't know what you are talking about. You seem to think you know better than literal professional fighters who make their living by beating the shit out of people. Something is fucked in your head.

Join an MMA gym retard.

Anonymous No. 141992

>projecting and assuming stuff even though I already explained things twice

>Fighting is a competition
No, fighting is an activity that can be part of a competition.
>This is why sparring isn’t fighting, it’s training.
I never said sparring was fighting
>Those “pointless” exercises are how you make movements natural when sparring, and then eventually fighting.
You don't even know the exercises I implied are pointless. I'm referring to fitness shit they do in some gyms when I already do stuff in parallel
>You strike me as the kind of person who wants to jump right into the fun shit without putting the work in to make that stuff actually work under pressure, which is why “self training” copers are universally going to be slower to learn, if they learn at all, compared to those who take martial arts seriously.
Stop projecting. All I said is that even though there's a traditional way to do things I want to try something different, and I want your help to make that alternative way as efficient as possible.
>I suspect you’re also the kind of person who doesn’t want to compete because competing isn’t ego affirming.
And you couldn't be more wrong, again.
>Tl;dr just join an mma gym
"Hey guys, there's a and b, and I kind of want to go with b", "Just do a bro".

I appreciate you took the time to reply, but this isn't it. Anyway, thank you for the input.

>The two are the same thing, .
>you can't know if you are good without competing
>You can only learn isolated moves and combinations by yourself, and without regular training partners or a coach telling you what you are doing wrong you will make glacial, and probably shit progress.
Maybe, I still want to do it this way
>As opposed to having nobodies attention.
There's all of my autistic attention dedicated to find every single flaw and adjust. I already do it with basketball and football, I don't see how that's impossible to do with fighting.


Anonymous No. 141993

> Hey /xs/, can you help me do this differently?
>No, just do it the way everyone does!
Thanks, I guess


>Also they dont teach pointless moves in an MMA gym
I never said they did
>everything they teach you has a point.
Yes, every gym has a high level coach at disposal, sure
>Also you sound incredibly arrogant and autistic
I am just direct and asked for help with something very simple but you guys simply can't seem to understand the idea of an alternative way of doing things. Autistic, sure
>You seem to think you know better than literal professional fighters who make their living by beating the shit out of people.
I never, in any of my posts, implied that.
>Join an MMA gym retard.
This again... No

Anonymous No. 141994

>No, fighting is an activity that can be part of a competition.
lol, lmao. “No bro I totally meant to get my ass kicked I wasn’t competitive really bro you have to believe me I wasn’t even trying. My little brother had the controller”
>You don't even know the exercises I implied are pointless. I'm referring to fitness shit they do in some gyms when I already do stuff in parallel
Oh no anon I’m sorry you were really oppressed by a 10 minute warm up. Better go and give up on training seriously and instead try and reinvent the wheel like 10,000 other unsuccessful autists.
> All I said is that even though there's a traditional way to do things I want to try something different
Who the fuck are you to make something different? You don’t even understand the old (read as: correct) way of doing things how the fuck are you going to make up something better on a whim?
> I want your help to make that alternative way as efficient as possible.
No you don’t. You’re lazy, a pussy, and a coper who doesn’t want to put the work in. If you really think you’ve got the stuff to discover a new way of training then you need to understand the current way first. Otherwise your taking a random shot in the dark and praying you strike gold.
> And you couldn't be more wrong, again.
Then why aren’t you fighting if you actually give a shit about fighting?
> Hey guys, there's a and b, and I kind of want to go with b", "Just do a bro".
when b is retarded non retards are going to tell you to do a is the better option. I’m sorry this upsets you for some reason. Stop being lazy or just admit you don’t care about martial arts that much.

Anonymous No. 141995

Yes they are. If you fight someone you are competing with them to hurt them, a good fighter is a good competitor and vice versa.

>Maybe, I still want to do it this way
Why are you so opposed to going to an actual gym?

>There's all of my autistic attention dedicated to find every single flaw and adjust. I already do it with basketball and football, I don't see how that's impossible to do with fighting.
Fighting is an enormously complicated discipline with a huge number of moves and combinations, its not really possible to make good progress by yourself. Also you dont know what a flaw is until someone tells you what a flaw is. You also don't know what you are actually doing until a coach tells you what you are doing, often what we do in our mind doesnt match up with what we are doing with our bodies. You seem like the type of dude who will go "no you don't understand this thing I am doing is actually good and not a flaw because it allows me to do X or it feels more comfortable" when a professional fighter tells you to stop doing something and do what they have told you.

A lot of fighting motions feel uncomfortable and unnatural when first doing them, like the wrestling shot, but you just have to keep going until they become natural, and you probably wont if you dont have a coach telling you to keep doing them.

Anonymous No. 141996

>lol, lmao. “No bro I totally meant to get my ass kicked I wasn’t competitive really bro you have to believe me I wasn’t even trying. My little brother had the controller”
>Oh no anon I’m sorry you were really oppressed by a 10 minute warm up. Better go and give up on training seriously and instead try and reinvent the wheel like 10,000 other unsuccessful autists.
And yet again you assume stuff about my experiences with local gyms, like they are the same with yours lol
>Who the fuck are you to make something different? You don’t even understand the old (read as: correct) way of doing things how the fuck are you going to make up something better on a whim?
You seem to think I have literally 0 experience even though I have already stated the opposite quite a few times, but sure
>No you don’t. You’re lazy, a pussy, and a coper who doesn’t want to put the work in. If you really think you’ve got the stuff to discover a new way of training then you need to understand the current way first. Otherwise your taking a random shot in the dark and praying you strike gold.
I already tried the old way, didn't work for me, and I want help making my own way. Thanks for the input again, you are clearly too mad with your own projections

Anonymous No. 141997

>Thanks, I guess
/xs/ is doing this because there is no other realistic way of learning fighting well. You have to go to a gym and learn from people who are already good. These skills they teach were created over generations to be very good, and honed since then by MMA tournaments. Literally hundreds of years of fighting skills are being delivered in a neat little gift wrapped package for you in the form of coaching at an mma gym, you aren't going to be able to reinvent the wheel by yourself, at least not a functioning wheel that can actually work in a fight.

>I never said they did
You literally talked about pointless exercises, if you mean like fitness exercises then grow the fuck up and stop pissing yourself at the mention of a warmup.

>I am just direct and asked for help with something very simple but you guys simply can't seem to understand the idea of an alternative way of doing things. Autistic, sure
You asked for help doing something bizarre and significantly less effective than the normal way of doing things. This is either from arrogance or laziness. You either think that you have some innate skill set that will allow you to be good without proper coaching, or you dont want to put the work in to do something the normal and correct way and so want to find a way to fight without going to all the effort involved in mma training.

Anonymous No. 141998

You’re autistic it’s expected you don’t understand jokes
> And yet again you assume stuff about my experiences with local gyms, like they are the same with yours lol
Stupid nigger, if you think your local gyms are doing improper shit why don’t you describe what that is. In fact, tell us your local city and I guarantee I could find a good gym in 10 minutes of googling.
> You seem to think I have literally 0 experience even though I have already stated the opposite quite a few times, but sure
No I think you’re like every other Normie quitter who leaves within 6 months with the exception that you somehow think you’ll actually do better on your own despite not knowing dick about shit.
>I already tried the old way, didn't work for me
You didn’t even make it past step one which is not quitting. Not only are you a quitter, you want to cope about how your actually better for quitting by making up some stupid bullshit you think is better. It’s pathetic. Do martial arts for real or fuck off to another hobby you pussy.

Anonymous No. 141999


>Yes they are. If you fight someone you are competing with them to hurt them, a good fighter is a good competitor and vice versa.
I meant competition as in actual tournaments
>Why are you so opposed to going to an actual gym?
Because, as I said in OP and in the other replies, I already tried it, and it didn't work for me. I felt I learned way less than when I tried stuff by myself then tested against someone more experienced.
>Fighting is an enormously complicated discipline with a huge number of moves and combinations, its not really possible to make good progress by yourself.
I agree with the first part and disagree with the second, I don't see why not. There are optimal situations for when you use a move or can transition to another, you can learn concepts and combos by yourself and then practice when you can, if it fails, you adjust and keep going.
>Also you dont know what a flaw is until someone tells you what a flaw is.
Sure, and that's why I plan on fighting people more experience than me.
>You seem like the type of dude who will go "no you don't understand this thing I am doing is actually good and not a flaw because it allows me to do X or it feels more comfortable" when a professional fighter tells you to stop doing something and do what they have told you.
Don't be like the other dude and start projecting please. I'm a good learner and a patient person, if a coach, teacher or whatever tells me what I am doing is wrong I'll stop doing it, there's no point in doing something a more experienced person is telling you not to, and this goes beyond sports.
>A lot of fighting motions feel uncomfortable and unnatural when first doing them, like the wrestling shot, but you just have to keep going until they become natural, and you probably wont if you dont have a coach telling you to keep doing them.
I think I can do it, but if I can't, I'll get rekt by one of my friends and have to figure it out in the future an alternative way

Anonymous No. 142000

>You didn’t even make it past step one which is not quitting
>he again, assumed
The gym went bankrupt, but ok

>more of the same

Thanks, you can let this thread die now

Anonymous No. 142001

>I felt I learned way less
>I felt

Anonymous No. 142002

Post your city. I will find you a good gym in 10 minutes you fucking liar

Anonymous No. 142011

Why not try doing both? I see that you are adamant about the idea of making your own martial art system as opposed to learning them the traditional way. As many people here have already pointed out, while possible, it is kind of pointless because you can learn so much quicker by mimicking others.

I suggest you keep going to a mma gym, and also do self teaching on the side, try to get into the philosophical side of the sport and think really hard about the why's and how's of every movement, from there you will have a good base to get creative with your striking and grappling, making something new that you can actually use in your gym, against competition.

>but why is the gym necessary if I can just teach myself and compete with friends?

More efficient, you don't forget the basics because you are constantly practicing them, and your body becomes able to do stuff you weren't able to do before because of your lack of flexibility and strength.

But more importantly, learning with friends is cool at the beginning, but you will find yourself learning the particular fighting style and habits of them, which will make it so fighting becomes more of a mental warfare rather than a display of skill. You will get used to their habits and will start exploiting them, trust me, neither you nor them will adapt as quickly as you think and you will probably both learn really slowly because of that.

Some suggestions: you seem interested in adapting martial arts to a non-rules environment. For eye pokes, just learn how to use the jab to measure distances. After that, eye gouging should become easy.

For crotch striking, I suggest just learning to aim teeps and to slide inside leg kicks.

For bitting and headbutting, I suggest to adapt it into grappling, specially headbutting, I don't think it is super effective offensively on the feet, but while on full mount it could be a real treat.

All of those tips are just me imagining what you could do, not good advice but might help.

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Anonymous No. 142012

How are you going to make these techniques? Just practice on your untrained friends?
What even are the techniques you're coming up with? My suggestion would be just go to an MMA gym and there will be different people who specialize in different arts and you can test it on them.
>it's either too family-oriented or too competitive for me
Wtf do you want? Go to a competitive gym and tell them you don't want to compete, train like a girl. Problem solved.
>make my own style, steal moves from others
What do you want this style to be? Why do you want your own unique style? You can do that in an MMA gym and just choose which styles you branch out in and try out techniques against a variety of trained people.
>ball smashing, eye gouging, throat fucking
How are you going to train that?

>anything I find useful in Capoeira cause I'm Brazilian
My suggestion is you mix that with wrestling and heelhooks. You going down low can be feints for attacking their feet or trying to take them down.
>exercise, training, or routine building suggestions
Train 800m running, HIIT, and boxing/muay-thai derived cardio. Tuck planches and handstand push-ups against a wall. Walking and massaging sore muscles on off-days.
>styles/move suggestions
Learn the basics and what you can. Don't get hung up fantasizing about fancy shit you can't do.
Be consistent.
One more thing, if you're really focused on eye gouging, you want to hone your reflexes and strengthen your fingers. So train grip strength, wrist curls, farmer's walks, along with doing ping pong or catching a ball off a wall.

Anonymous No. 142158

head movement from boxing will end up getting you kneed when you go to duck. It's not suitable for an actual fight. Train your stance more than anything. You need to be able to absorb force along your spine by lowering the head, and if you ram your head into their fist you end up taking less damage so you can learn to time it. Never get caught looking to the side, always face your opponent. Practice blocking shots with your arms. Don't try to intercept shit like a ninja just block like a shield. Make sure shit is braced, the higher your guard is, the more force is absorbed by the shoulders. If you eat a shot, raise your guard and move your feet, either away or forward to clinch/shoot for takedown.

Ignore Taekwondo kicks as they are weak and low percentage. Just do muay thai roundhouse, front kicks, and twist kicks. Ignore spinning shit because it is weak low percentage that opens you up too much. Roundhouse kicks should only be thrown at close range because they also open you up too much if you miss and you can fuck up your feet. Never aim to connect with the foot, only the shin. Honestly I actually fucking hate roundhouse because they are such a double edged sword, you can easily snap your leg on a leg kick if they check it. That reminds me, get good at checking kicks.

For training get a heavy bag and use it every day and slowly increase the amount of time you spend using it. Get it hung so you have enough space to move 360 degrees around it. Always practice your guard and your footwork while using the bag. Practice missing by moving out of range and throwing strikes the exact same as you would if you were in range. Make sure to track your heart rate with a chest strap so you know how hard you are pushing yourself. Practice gassing yourself with heavy activity and then having to continue anyway because this is what will happen in a real fight.

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Anonymous No. 142177

This is a short book and /xs/ is a very slow board. You should read this before making too many more posts.

Anonymous No. 142178

>Boxing, it’s just a one two and you can knock them out and then run out of there
Don't listen to this retard. He's never been in a real fight past the age of 12, street or otherwise.

Anonymous No. 142180

> Hey /xs/, can you help me do this differently?
You're not describing anything novel, you're describing martial artists the 1970s. People did what you're describing and got together with their friends until there were enough of them that they needed to rent training space and start a gym. Decades of development and refinement has led to the current martial arts scene and the wide variety of specializations and generalities within. If you have an idea for a different system than what's already been done in recent decades you should let us know what it is, otherwise stop complaining that nobody else can turn your vague idea into a novel practice that fits your nebulous preferences.

Anonymous No. 142218

Denying that boxing is a practical skill set is this biggest indicator that you know nothing about fighting for decades.

Anonymous No. 142234

I don’t think that’s his criticism. Is criticism is you saying dumb shot like “hurr durr just a one two”. You probably don’t box and if you do you’re not good at it. Boxing is not half as easy to learn as larpers assume it is

Anonymous No. 142238

>his criticism
You mean yours
>You probably don’t box and if you do you’re not good at it.
Not only do I have i have a fight card but I have absolutely knocked disphits like yourself "on da street" in a few easy blows. Furthermore you don't need to be a pro to do as >>141933 said. Stop being a contrarian retard

Anonymous No. 142242

>hurr durr I could totally beat you up
>I beat people up all the time
>watch out bro
Ok lol

Anonymous No. 142260

Getting decent at boxing to the point you can destroy randos on the street isn't hard.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 142339

>being a nofights retard on /xs/
Why are you here

Anonymous No. 142345

>being a nofights retard on /xs/
Why are you here

Anonymous No. 142351

Responses like this are why I don't usually bother responding to dispensing genuine advice here

Anonymous No. 142353

>if you don’t brag about being a tough guy anonymously on the internet it means you don’t fight

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Anonymous No. 142359

>everyone calling me retarded is the same person

Anonymous No. 142361

You said I was a “no fights” because I made fun of an anon for bragging about how tough he was on 4chan. Whether or not your the same person is completely irrelevant you dipshit.

Anonymous No. 142364

Maybe just cue in on the fact that multiple people could immediately tell that you're a clueless retard and now you're seething about it

Anonymous No. 142409

Ok anon whatever you say. I’ll keep “seething” about being clueless while you keep seething about having reading comprehension and making fun of internet tough guys.
>inv4 grrrrr I’d punch ur face so hard!

Anonymous No. 142410

>about not having reading comprehension
Guess I can’t write either lol