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๐Ÿงต Are Slaps Assault that is legal?

Anonymous No. 142138

Legal battery? Can even sneak in a serious palm strike and claim it was an accident. Think about it, slaps fights are underrated

Anonymous No. 142145

It's called a power-push. You hit to the solar plexus with the heel of your hand. It can knock the wind out of someone and it looks like an ordinary push.

Anonymous No. 142159

Just have to make sure they're coming at you. No matter how good your "accidental" CPR tap is, it's not gonna look good on camera if they're not moving forward.

Anonymous No. 142160

Yes. Slapping someone is battery in most jurisdictions.

Anonymous No. 142292

Even if it theoretically does no damage?
Like I was thinking it's a cool tool, because you can challenge someone who's being a dick to you to a slap fight

Anonymous No. 142293

That's neat. Reminds me of a cop trick where you try to get a crowd to back away with an outstretched hand, and if they don't respond well you can "accidentally" hit them in the throat

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Anonymous No. 142295

You could actually kill someone with a palm strike to the forehead, not the nose with the whole nose bone thing but with the heel of your hand to the forehead. If you 'slapped' someone on the forehead with the heel of your hand with a great amount of velocity and force it would be similar to hitting your head on the dashboard of a car in a 90 mph head on collision. If not kill, definitely cause a severe disruption in the brain.

Anonymous No. 142298

What, you're just gonna stand there gently tapping each other on the cheeks until one of you forfeits out of boredom?
If you hit hard enough for it to matter then the long arm of the law is going to slap you down. Doesn't matter if you use a fist, karate chop, open palm slap or whatever, striking someone is striking someone.
And that's without even going into the issues with first making the presumed arsehole agree to your silly little slap fight, and then also have him actually follow your Marquess of Wanksberry rules instead of just punching your face in.

tl,dr: grow the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 142300

>british post

nta but please use proper English, it's very annoying having to read words that sound like they should be in a kids cartoon.

Anonymous No. 142386

Getting slapped in the face is pretty emotionally distressing no matter how trained you think you are. It does mental damage not physical damage

Anonymous No. 142387

You'd have to hit as hard as a captive bolt gun for that..

Anonymous No. 146008


Anonymous No. 146014

>It does mental damage not physical damage
Go look up professional slap fighting, some of those people get pretty messed up.

Anonymous No. 146065

t. has never been in a fight