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๐Ÿงต How is he a good fighter?

Anonymous No. 142268

I train kickbox but thing that buggles me is how people like this guy are good fighter. Look at his stance posture and the way he fights, how does he manage to be still such a dangerous foe. I ain't saying he isn't a good fighter I just don't get it what separates him from casuals when he is doing everything simply but still strongly. His hands aren't even up but still doesn't get punished for it?
also video in reference

Anonymous No. 142271

He's much more experienced and confident than the guys he's sparring. They're hesitant to punish him for having his hands down because he might counter them.
He doesn't have the same stance/guard in his fights.

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Jean Charles Skar....webm

Anonymous No. 142377

The drunk French guy's a former Rajadamnern Stadium champion, which is one of the two major stadiums for Muay Thai. In other words, the TUF fighters (all low level pros) are going against a guy who was one of the best MT fighters in the world. Difference in skill and striking experience is night and day, which allowed him to get away with stuff that he usually wouldn't like other anon said.

Anonymous No. 142396

These are hand-picked sparring clips, that said, Thai sparring is much more playful. They fight much more often and that's just the way their culture is. You can see that they fear him because of his accuracy, even in such a drunk state. Not making a move is also a move.

Anonymous No. 142407

literally just watch his instructionals and he will tell you his entire system himself

also kickboxing is gay and shit compared to muay thai

Anonymous No. 142592

Giorgio Petrosyan is one of the best kickboxers in the world and he pretty much just throws 2-3s and a followup knee to the body. Sometimes he mixes in a rear uppercut

Anonymous No. 142632

Because what you think is important are actually just memes. "Good" technique means no power. There is not a single power striker who is said to have good technique.

Anonymous No. 142738

I think hes basically a muay femur, hes maxed out on technique and timing, counters, its subtle
In his lesson videos he also shows mean shit like teeping with the toe in specific spots to make it hurt, even at the risk of breaking the toes

Anonymous No. 142740

Spong is a technically sound power striker, but he's one of the greatest kickboxers of the last generation. They're few and far between

Anonymous No. 143105

Are you really training? Have you seen his highlights?
His technique is on another level.

Anonymous No. 143187

Nope. Drops his hand when punching, flat footed etc.
WHICH IS A GOOD THING. It means he has power. But you will never find someone who has both power and orthodox technique because orthodox technique reduces power. I know nobody wants to hear this but that's how it is.

Anonymous No. 143194

>Drops his hand when punching
Which one? The striking or blocking hand? You drop the striking hand to change the trajectory of the punch or to see how someone reacts in the split second of your "loadup". Dropping a blocking hand at that level is usually done to set up a following strike or to bait an opponent into countering. Its not a lack of technique, its technique that is higher than the skill of most, done on purpose
>flat footed
lol, this must be coming from a point fighting amateur. I've watched a couple videos from a supposed cuban boxing coach, and he's been wrong on a few things already. Specifically, claiming you should have your lead heel planted when throwing a lead hook. No you don't. My lead hooks are my specialty, and my heel never touches the ground when throwing them. My point isn't about whether this is flat footed or not, my point is that even most boxing coaches don't know fucking shit

Anonymous No. 143196

*replanting the rear heel
Its been at least 6 months since I watched that video

Anonymous No. 143215

Are you the same retard who made a thread about this awhile ago where you said boxing coaches are all universally wrong and everyone laughed at
you for being retarded?

Anonymous No. 143250

what kind of cope is this? good technique isnt no power but the efficient use of power. being stronger means that you need less technical skill to pull something off but you still need technique. Technical != outboxing, your style is easily much more determined by body type You have long limbs youre likely to be an outfighter, you have shorter limbs youre likely a pressure fighter.
there are plenty of fighters who are both strong for their weightclass and technical, its just hard to see because most people at the top of competitions ARE both strong and technical.

Anonymous No. 143267

Atrociously stupid post

Anonymous No. 143297

By rule, most MMA guys aren't nearly as good at pure striking. Good wrestling/bjj/etc almost all around, but with few exceptions their striking is wildly telegraphed and sloppy. Meme shit like Dominick Cruz's footwork might be great when there's a lot of level changing going on, but if you're not wrestling, it gets your head caved in exactly the way it happened to him.

Anonymous No. 143317

"Good" striking by the metric of pure striking sports in most cases leaves you vulnerable to wrestling and grappling.

Anonymous No. 143497

Fight IQ

Anonymous No. 143746

No idea who you are talking about, not the guy you're talking to, but read some actual books on boxing. Boxing coaches ARE mostly wrong nowadays, and boxing is in a massive decline since the 60s because of it. The people who knew their shit are dead and didn't pass on their knowledge. That unfortunate, but it is like it is.

Anyway, to get back on topic: Skarbowski isn't nearly as good as you guys think, watch the stuff he did with GregMMA. Not only doesn't he look very good against Greg (who does, really? The guy is world tier in everything for some reason and it's fucking sus, really) but he doesn't look very good playfully sparring against people on the street either.

Anonymous No. 143750

Stop trolling

Anonymous No. 143752

You can get it "for free" somewhere. Ofc, you're probably too dumb to understand it.

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Anonymous No. 143754


Anonymous No. 143762

Iโ€™m talking about gregmma

Anonymous No. 144589

fuck off greg

Anonymous No. 145556

>buggles me is how people like this guy are good fighter.
training + literal mindset.
To be good or even a star the only difference is pure willingness to be better and to win.
Once the fighter loses it, it all comes down. Never been different.
E.g. Foreman coming back at age 40 was real proof - he wanted those wins so much he pushed and pushed and got the title

Anonymous No. 145618

fighters are bums. the sport has a ridiculously low skill level.

Anonymous No. 145918

hes kinda right. i wouldnt say trainers are wrong but they kinda say shit theyve heard from others without fully understanding the concepts

Anonymous No. 146245

its wasted talent. he just cant sacrifice the alcohol

Anonymous No. 146805

Completely anecdotal but just a few days ago a boxing coach was telling me how I was punching wrong in order to get me to sign up for his lessons even though I know I am a 100% confident that I outskilled this guy. I've run into these types before that try to take in newbs. You can't just trust any guy that calls himself a boxing coach becuase a lot of them are either bullshitting you or themselves

Anonymous No. 149989
