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🧵 Paintball General

Anonymous No. 142716

Fat fuck edition

Can't link the last thread because the archive doesn't allow searching for some reason

Anonymous No. 142833

Wow this thread is dead

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Anonymous No. 142883

Why is paintball so dead here? Is it just because airsoft appeals more to edgy internet types and weeaboos?
At least in my area, offline it seems like paintball is way bigger. We have way more paintball fields than airsoft fields around me and most of the "airsoft fields" are just dedicated airsoft days on paintball fields.

Anonymous No. 142887

>Why is paintball so dead here? Is it just because airsoft appeals more to edgy internet types and weeaboos?

It's milsim larping, while paintball is an actual competitive sport, so yes. Paintball is a different culture. Even the milsim/magfed guys are mostly making an aesthetic choice, and are much sportier than the average airsoft guy.

Paintball is popular with people who like that it's a competitive sport, with an enforceable ruleset. So, like, the opposite of the average guy on this shithole.

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Anonymous No. 142892

Using ancient images of noobs for these thread OPs while nostalgic and funny certainly aren't going to interest anyone.

Anonymous No. 142893

Modern paintball design is so god damn boring though
I want clear hoppers and modular parts back

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 143049

Thoughts on the latest NXL layout?

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Anonymous No. 143050

Thoughts on the latest NXL layout?

Anonymous No. 143067

I only play woodsball

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Anonymous No. 143078


I love a straight snake. The diamond snakes always make me want to fling my shit like a monkey.


Paintball is kinda dead in general. It's never gotten back to as big as it was in the mid 2000s. And yeah, it does seem like more people prefer airsoft these days because the equipment is more realistic. But paintball is still sticking around.

I'm gonna play this weekend for the first time in about 2 years. I bought a GI Stealth (because I'm a faggot who loves buying random private label shit) about a year ago but this is the first time I'll be using it.

Anonymous No. 143079

>because the equipment is more realistic.
I always figured the ammo being like 20x cheaper and not perishable was the big difference

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Anonymous No. 143080


Also true. And from what I've seen, far more places will let you bring your own BBs than will let you bring your own paint. So it definitely seems like airsoft is cheaper in the long run.

I've never gotten too into airsoft. But from what I've seen, the guys who have never been in the military take it way too seriously and the guys who have been in the military just fuck around.

Anonymous No. 143084

I was into paintball in high school. I assumed it was dead everywhere at this point. Do people still give a shit about paintball? I assumed everyone was doing airsoft now since it’s cheaper (at least it was when I played), you can do call of duty LARP with plastic replica guns, and you don’t have to wear full face masks for safety.

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Anonymous No. 143249

>the only field within an hour drive is complete shit

Anonymous No. 143352


Where you at, my friend?

Anonymous No. 143353

north florida. nearest field is run down shithole woodsball

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Anonymous No. 143385

Damn that sucks, Florida has some of the best facilities in North America if you are willing to drive central.

Anonymous No. 143510

None of my friends want to play with me but I want to try paintball, so I'm going to go to an indoor field this weekend by myself. Is this gonna be weird? Am I gonna have trouble joining a team or something? I've only played once 11 years ago.

Anonymous No. 143530

people go by themselves all the time. myself included

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Anonymous No. 143863

What's your favorite paint color?

Anonymous No. 144024

Any Ontario bros?
Really don't feel like doing airsoft, it's too fucking boring / autistic.
I want something fun that people treat like a game.

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Anonymous No. 144080

NXL Lone Star Major stream.

Anonymous No. 144142

Is everyone still shooting luxes with virtue spires?

Anonymous No. 144144

if i wanted to get into paintball, what's the quick way to do it? i don't have a ton of money at my disposal, but i would be willing to drop $100 on it. i really feel like i would enjoy this. gonna try airsoft next month, i think i'll enjoy that too, but i wouldn't mind doing both. i am sick and fucking tired of sitting at home every weekend. i haven't had a fucking life since 2020

Anonymous No. 144211

Just rent first and see if you like it. Try and find a field that uses emeks or something for their rental fleet instead of spyders or tippmanns.

Anonymous No. 144266

paintball is near nonexistent in my state. i've been looking for places to play, seems like there's only one place and it basically is just league or existing teams with no way in for noobs. i wanted ffa deathmatch or pickup games with 4+ players. maybe that's just me being way too optimistic being raised on >muh vidya, maybe that's me being too optimistic in general.

Anonymous No. 144726

This shot played so weird. There were 2 easy lanes off break to make getting into dorito impossible so I just hung out at the corner. The snake dominated the whole field if they got to about the 50

Anonymous No. 145779


I agree with this anon. Try renting first. You'll likely drop at least $100 just renting since a case of paint alone costs $60-$80 at most fields. But if do you like it the first time, don't immediately go out and buy buy a bunch of gear. Try it again a few times before you decide to drop a bunch of money on it.

And if you do decide you like it, don't buy a high-end $1000 gun, $200 air tank and $200 hopper. Buy low-end or mid-end gear first. Buying the absolute top of the line gear won't magically make you better.

Anonymous No. 145879

Hot take but regarding hoppers a revolution is literally all you need now that people aren't shooting 20 bps anymore
The new ones have old school style soft shells too

Anonymous No. 147896

Anyone on this thread play at Bunkerfest?

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Anonymous No. 150158


Do they? I remember for the longest time the newer Revolutions had the absolute worst, most brittle dogshit plastic.

Anonymous No. 150244

I'm not sure if it's still in production but I got one of the current line revolutions around 2015 or so (probably Empire branded at that point) and it has a soft shell.

Anonymous No. 152880

Paintball looks sweet, always wanted to try but never have for some reason

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Anonymous No. 152991

Eat some paintballs for me

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Anonymous No. 153710


Go for it. The sport has been declining since about the mid 2000s and can use all the new players it can get.

I'm 34 and I started playing at 10. I started playing tournaments at 15. I played pretty much every weekend up until about 3 years ago when I stopped entirely. For whatever reason, I just stopped enjoying it. Last weekend I played again for the first time in 3 years. I was incredibly sore the day after but I also realized that I really missed doing this shit.

Anonymous No. 154317

I'm an Aussie getting into paintball just now, I've played a lot of airsoft in NZ and gel in Aus, including speedsoft.
I am thinking about picking up a DSR+ and a DYE hopper to learn speedball. Should I go for a this setup, or look for something more enrty level. There's a few local fields thank god, but mostly only rentals play on normal days. I've never attended a tourney or anything for it, so I haven't been able to ask anyone irl

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Anonymous No. 154382

recently got back into it after a 15 year break. first gun was tippmann a5, then i built mags and cockers. built a few pump cockers and then i tried a stock class phantom. a duckslide popped up and i grabbed it. its all i use anymore. 10rnd tubes and 12grams. stock class only big games are alive and well here on the east coast, but one of the best feelings in paintball is running down the 15bps speedball guys with $2k+ in gear, putting a single shot right between their eyes with my ratty 90s setup

Anonymous No. 154398

I'd love to find some 15bps Xball again. Shit died in like 08 went to 12.5 and now it's down to 10.5. Mech trying to come back though

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Anonymous No. 154405

im mostly taking about rec play. 15bps is the cap where we play. guess i should mention out group is all 20+ y o dudes with most of us in our 30s with like 15 o g old heads in their 50-60s. usually ~20 dudes showing up when we play. all our guys shoot mech cockers and mags and the agg dudes all play pump. the airball dudes mix into our games here and there but the electric and space mech stuff is kinda looked down upon with our guys.

Anonymous No. 154657

>doing whippets on the paintball field
seems dangerous

Anonymous No. 155016

mfw at most of the big games (2k+ players)

80% are drinking, smoking, snorting, tripping

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Anonymous No. 155982

Barely anyone bought these things in the 3 years they were in production. I've owned 4. They're not the most attractive guns and they're a little heavier than most modern markers but I've always loved the way they shoot. They came out around the same time and functioned similarly to the SFT Shocker. But as someone who has owned several of both models, the Quest is far more reliable and far more efficient.

Anonymous No. 156329


I have the aurora duckslide tucked away in a closet somewhere

Anonymous No. 156330

I went paintballing once for my birthday when I was a kid, and this guy showed up with a fully auto gun and just fucking blasted me with like 20 rounds

Ended up crying and going home lmao

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Anonymous No. 156340


Unfortunately a lot of guys do this to new players. Then they bitch that paintball is dying and/or costs too much.

Anonymous No. 156346


paintball is dying because fields are focused on selling paint instead of on selling fun

Anonymous No. 156380

The first time I went I don't think I even saw another ball in the air, I was such a fucking pussy I wouldn't go anywhere near the action
I think the second time I played I had a teammate shoot back at me a few times because he didn't see my armband and then the third time I actually had a legit firefight with someone and from there I was hooked

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Anonymous No. 156481


Selling paint is where they make their money. They buy cases for $15-$20 and sell it for $60-$100. Which may seem shitty but it's a proven business model and there are many, many retail businesses where their margins are even higher. And virtually every field that charges less for paint fails within a few years because they aren't making any money.

How would you suggest fields make money?

Anonymous No. 156609

>How would you suggest fields make money?

I wouldn't. The idea that a zero overhead business needs to be for profit is idiotic.

Anonymous No. 156612

>zero overhead
I don’t even play paintball but I assume the fields still require upkeep, the land costs money, employees need to be paid, and insurance is needed for the players. How the fuck is that Zero overhead?

Anonymous No. 156615

we should implement communism to fund paintball fields

Anonymous No. 156624


If you believe a single word of what you wrote you are the reason that paintball is dead.

Anonymous No. 156629

>If you believe a single word of what you wrote you are the reason that paintball is dead.
Lmao, good luck running a sporting complex without insurance or employees, dumbass

Anonymous No. 156633


Good luck running a sporting complex without customers, retard.

Anonymous No. 156657

Having customers is meaningless if what they’re giving you doesn’t pay enough to keep the place open. Stupid commie, what is your solution? Just let everyone on your field for free and hope for volunteers to maintain it for you? Go ahead and run a field that way if you think that’s a workable model. It certainly can, but probably won’t which is why people don’t do it.

Anonymous No. 156779

fuck billy and adam gardener
that is all.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 156928

>>156346 and by way i am borad>>143863

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Anonymous No. 157447


I always loved AKA's guns and the Gardner brothers saw to their demise. At the time of their production, the Viking and Excalibur were the only guns you could get 2000 shots off a 68/45 right out of the box. They're still some of the most air efficient paintball guns ever made.

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Anonymous No. 157459

yep. the Sidewinder reg is legendary. we all had to have those back in the day.
they also saw to AGD's demise, which is an atrocity. Tom Kaye was incredibly innovative. eventually DYE stole his design for an anti-chop eye that sits at the bottom of the breach and he brought compressed air to the game of paintball. he did those studies on accuracy. the warp-feed provided super feed speeds (in a 20 ball burst or so) literally invented force-feeding. Mags were the shit. I always wanted an X-Mag.
there was an old article in PGI or something called "Smart Parts will destroy paintball." hard to claim that they haven't been proven right. paintball thrived in its variety of mid-level companies and robust array of offerings in general. now Kee and GI like own everything alongside PE.

Anonymous No. 157460

recalling years ago i bought a used tippmann 98 with longer barrel and highcap co2 tank. went to a local indoor field a few times got covered in welts. mostly i would just sneak into the local abandoned cookie factory, open the velocity screw and blast out as many windows as i could find. blogpost complete thx

Anonymous No. 157488

Getting into paintball cause of coworkers and there are some upcoming campaign matches.
What are some nice jackets and pod carriers to get?

Anonymous No. 157598

A couple years ago at least, NXE pod packs were the budget goto. I love mine

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Anonymous No. 158331

Money. Airsoft gets most of the way to what you can do with paintball but it just costs so much less. A case of paint vs a bottle of bbs just isn't even fucking close. It's also closer to the CSGO/Fortnite/COD that kids are into nowdays. Most parents can be sold on an airsoft gun that the kids can use in the back yard, but are absolutely not going to have hellions running around with markers. Kids get into it earlier because it's more accessible to them, and stay with airsoft because of the price differential. Not to get political, but for paintball to make a comeback, disposable income has to go back up.

Yeah, my local field here in Chicago splits the beginner walk ons from the BYOG set. Kind of sucks sometimes, last weekend I had some 3v3 games while the "casuals" were having like 15v15. But, you get to play with a higher quality of player and little billy doesn't get shredded by a jackass using ramping in recball.

My field has decent paint for $60 and allows BYOP, but it's also a big field near a huge city and they run a lot of big private groups.

Anonymous No. 158418

Daily reminder that first strike is cheating

Anonymous No. 158648

yeap. paintball thrived in the rich times of 2005. after the great recession it's fucked.
also it's not cool anymore after it was taken over by rich, tasteless bratchildren.

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Anonymous No. 158691

I think the publicly facing sport being taken over by geared up teams dumping paint on a speedball field harmed it. The sport is so far removed from recball games that you just can't feed people into it. The BPS wars being killed was good, but honestly I think BPS caps should be lowered to 7.5 or mech. There was/is just too big of a gap between what some kids can do and afford on their own.

The reason all the big sports are so big is because the barrier to entry is low as fuck. If little Robby goes and plays all day at a birthday and loves it, he's going to look at the higher level and see that it's dumping case after case of expensive ass paint and quickly realize that he can't afford that. There's also zero place to play inside urban areas, which cuts off the majority of the population. The Chicago Major coming up in September is a 30-80 minute drive from most of the city and you can't get there at all by public transit. There's only so much you can do with wealthy suburbanite/rural kids as the major source of new paintballers (both rec and sport).

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Anonymous No. 158709

>my local field here in Chicago splits the beginner walk ons from the BYOG set
>My field has decent paint for $60 and allows BYOP

Badlandz? I haven't done open play there since there were a total of 8 open players and my friend and I were the only experienced ones. So Renick (the owner) tells the ref that we need to be separated from everyone else and can only play against each other. He said this to the ref right in front of us but never addressed us or even looked at us. Then he walked away back to registration. So I went right up to him and told him to give us our money back. He of course bitched about it until he finally relented and said we could play with the other people. And it turned out fine and everyone had fun.

Anonymous No. 158720

no way

Anonymous No. 158721

>the golden age killed the game
no. just because you're too fat for speedball doesn't mean it doesn't require skill. sorry that the game was ruined for low test fatties.

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Anonymous No. 158733

Yeah, I've always heard people complain about badlandz, but I haven't had a lot of trouble. I've also never been when it was super slow. The worst it got, they just told us to not use ramping and don't be a dick to the kids.

The BYOP thing is really nice when you can get a good deal from discount paintball up by O'Hare. Makes a difference when PB Explosion is $100 a case for field paint. Blast Camp is fun, but more of a drive than I usually want to make. I haven't been or know anyone who's been out to Fox, but I see it on google maps. Where do you go?

What the hell is this take? Geared down games and amateur teams have always been a thing. Besides, nowadays there's 10 man woodsball with mech guns in ICPL. NXL still has more drawing power.

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Anonymous No. 158975

Not from Ontario, you do have a point about airsofters. They are either chill or cringe people

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Anonymous No. 159493


I remember when they brought back the Aurora color scheme as "Oil Slick" because it wasn't technically the same color since it wasn't produced using the same dangerous process.


Before that I generally had good experiences at Badlandz with open play but that particular experience just turned me off to the point of not wanting to go there anymore. And when I still did team practice, it was usually decent except for the days when Aftershock would show up 2 to 3 hours after every other team and immediately kick everyone off the X-ball field because they only wanted to play against themselves.

Back when I was still in the Chicago area I went to Fox and Legacy in Lockport. I always enjoyed Fox but I haven't been there in about 5 years so for all I know it could be drastically different these days.

And if you haven't been to Legacy, it's pretty pricey. They openly admit they cater more to private parties and corporate events because they're willing to pay more than regular players. But I worked there for a bit so I get a discount.

Now I'm out in Indiana and I go to Blast Camp. It's 20 minutes down the road.

Anonymous No. 160946

okay now you're just being stubborn

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Anonymous No. 160948

I havent played paintball in years but I came back to the idea of it for some reason. Going again would be weird because I think it would be just me among a bunch of little kids there for their birthdays. picrel is the last experience I had with paintball

Anonymous No. 161836

seriously, why do manufacturers feel the need to make them look appetizing?

Anonymous No. 161851

lol was this like a paintball light gun game? i think i remember seeing commercials on tv for this

Anonymous No. 161942


Anonymous No. 164825

Alright assholes, you want to know why paintball isn't as popular anymore? It's not fucking rocket science.

>Most people just want to go in the woods and shoot their friends.

Most people don't give a shit what they shoot their friends with, just that they get to run around and shoot their friends. Airsoft is cheaper, and they get to shoot plastic copies of real world firearms. Most people will get their itch scratched through airsoft. The only thing that paintball has over airsoft is competition. You can actually ref the fucking sport, and not get into a "no u" shit fight as often.

>Speedball is competitive, but it fucking sucks to watch, and is too fucking expensive.

How many people who play this sport actually watch it? Not enough, and can you blame them? Watching paintball is like watching flies fuck. It's boring, and the camera can't focus on anything. Team sports need something a crowd can focus on if they want to draw any interest. Nobody gives a shit about watching a bunch of dude sit and dump pods of paint until the game is over.
And the paint. It'll never be affordable to play this game unless the amount of paint on the field is hard capped in some way. Given equal skill, the more nickels you can afford to shoot at someone else, the better you'll play. This is bullshit. Make the game object oriented, and incentivize movement instead of shooting ropes, and you'll get people watching.

>People want to LARP.

It's retarded, but the 14 year old, and his friends, want to make their marker look like real guns. It's been like that since day one. It doesn't need to be meta, but it needs to at least feel usable at a semi competitive level.

Maybe this all points to CTF on a speedball field using some sort of magfed autococker. I don't know.

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Anonymous No. 165916

a tourney with Flag format on hyperball fields with single finger trigger mags and cockers (no r/t), maybe only revvys, is my ultimate dream for paintball. in the meantime, stock class only big games are the only paintball that interests me currently

Anonymous No. 166122

You're not the only one. Paintball shouldn't have gone past the shooting speeds of a decent mech. People talk about how the mid 2ks was the "peak" of the sport, but it was really more of a "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times" sort of thing. The early 90's was the true peak. Looking back, everything seemed viable, everything seemed primed to grow. Lot more optimism.

Personally, single flag, pump, stock class, or magfed, on a diamond shaped field, home starts on opposite corners, flag goals on opposite corners. Eliminations don't score points, players re-enter in staggered fashion on elimination. Only score points by touching the flag to your teams goal post. That's my dream tourney.

Anonymous No. 166341

All of those points have already been articulated in this thread. I'm sure you feel all pumped up by being an asshole and "telling us how it is" but you just sound like a massive faggot.

Anonymous No. 166403

Where at? That sounds fun kek

Anonymous No. 166590

Sounds a lot better than the speedball fags who insist it's not their game that killed this sport for the last 15 years.

It's good, aggregated info for anyone coming into the thread.

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Anonymous No. 167079

this but no magfed and no respawns. that stuff is for scenario games and has no place in a competitive tourney

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Anonymous No. 167160

the living legends games. theres one in NC, one at myrtle beach, one at chesapeake city, a few others but ive only been to those. check out these sweet proshields i just dyed brown

Anonymous No. 167388

The peak was the era before first solenoids markers : Pump paintball was something, Automag was superior to Autococker because it required less repairs.
The major issue with paintball was and always be the cost of paint. If the cost of a box is less than $35 or 35e tax incl, you'll see a ton of players, if it's something near like $50, it's over. Pump paintball was a low cost entry for paintball, now it's over, every shop and fields pushed over rapid fire marker to sell more and more box and made a quick buck. Congratulation now Paintball is dead. The only way to expand paintball would be to create field in city and schools using Reball and alowing paints only for tournament.

Anonymous No. 167554

Why didn't paintball mature and grow after the 2000s? Growing up that in era, paintball was very popular. We played a lot on the weekends and would travel to events so we could watch the pros play. Then it just fizzled out by the 2010s. Was it paintball that stopped growing, or was it the 2000's era just propping up extreme niche sports?

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Anonymous No. 167618

Most players in 90's and 80's were mil-sim players, in the 2000's era to expand the sport the competitive side was pushed using supair-ball field, competitive electronic marker were far superior to mechanical ones so they have been replaced. Mil-sim players and Youngest ones went to Airsoft because, players were less toxic and more chill. Pump players grew up and went to semi-auto division. (beginning of 2000's in EU) I've dropped in 2003 to play exclusively on PC (CS and World of Warcraft era)

Once you are experienced there is nothing to do beside playing competitively in a team but in a semi-auto division it cost around $25000 a year without sponsors. (it's like half the salary of an engineer in my country)
If you want to play competitively well it was already really hard back then : you had to build lot of stamina and if you are fatty it was dead even in the lowest division of an amateur league.
20 years have past and now maybe it's time to come back but I'm not young like I was and even more fatty than before.

Anonymous No. 167632

I am honestly in better shape now than I was as as teenager. Mostly because I was a pack a day smoker at the time. I haven't played paintball since maybe 2005-2006. I forget it even existed actually until something came on my feed about it. Sparked my interest and I have been thinking about returning.

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Anonymous No. 167879

>automag was superior to autococker because it required less repairs

youre wrong. both platforms have their drawbacks. the learning curve is higher for cockers but they are rock solid when set up correctly. mags are a much simpler design, its just a regulator and a valve. But they are far less air efficient, heavier than milled autocockers and just not as interesting. theres a reason autocockers are vastly more popular and there are thousands of different parts to pick from.
the issue within the issue of the cost scaring people away is that folks play once with rental equipment and think thats all there is to it. Foggy goggles you cant see through, heavy and awkward rental guns that jam and shoot shitty. my brothers and i got into paintball checking out my local store and bought tippmanns with decent barrels, revvys, and thermal lens masks before ever even playing and when we did, it was so fun we stopped playing videogames and went every weekend.

i know zero paintball folks who switched to airsoft. less toxic and more chill? more autistic maybe
definitely check out the stock class scene
build a decent stock class phantom for ~$200 or grab one from the FB groups, and join the stock class groups.
the stock class scene is the funnest and most laid back, friendly and talented in all of paintball. a single bag of paintballs will last you a month playing every weekend.
youll become so much better at aiming and moving, theres no better feeling than popping out on a speedball dude with a $3k+ setup and putting a single shot right between his eyes with a gun from the 80s

Anonymous No. 167899

I am too out of shape and poor. Used to play in the late 2000's and early 2010's but the paint is expensive and the day fee is a lot too. I could do pump again, that was fun.
I sucked and wasn't competitive nor aggressive enough for speedball.
I preferred sneaking around in the forest and getting an angle on a guy.

Anonymous No. 167904

> the learning curve is higher for cockers but they are rock solid when set up correctly.
In France you had like 4 or 5 experts that could repair a cocker back then, if you had any issue on a field you were on your own even on the most popular field it was rare to find someone with a cocker or even someone knowing how to made a fine tuning, most information came from magazine back then.

> stock class
Stock class was never my thing, but when I was 13 after selling a super famicom I bought a Sheridan PGP with 100 balls I could last 10 games a day, it was fun because we were in full camo playing in woods without any artificial obstacles and after a year I switched to a Sterling STP turbo. (Most other player had a pump or semi, I was alone on stock class in early 90's)

> punp marker
You could stand against Mech in woodball and some speedball too, but against electro you were dead meat.
Playing pump it's 800 to 1000 balls a day or 2000 if you train seriously, 4000 for a tournament so it's affordable to play paintball.

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Anonymous No. 168118

Someone can explain what is the difference between the high end markers? (Like CS3 GEO4 LV2, why Planet Eclipse produce 3 different high end markers ?) Currently I'm interested by the DSR+ (Mostly due to the color choice of the blackout copper see pic.), but in the price range now we have the Shocker SP and Gteck 180R) but, where I play shops are mostly planet eclipse partner shop... so technically taking a Planet Eclipse will be better, if I have an Issue.
Lastly what are the pros and cons of a Shocker AMP?

Anonymous No. 168730

2008 recession happened and paintball prices pro your im coming back to play casually as Illinois still has great local fields still

Anonymous No. 168751

What’s a better field to check out in Chicago land? Explosion, badlandz, or legacy adventure?

Anonymous No. 168755

If one shot took 3s per shot, you could make it more interesting, otherwise its just pussy dry fingering contest between fat greasy nerds.

Anonymous No. 168929

2008 recession and rural white communities getting destroyed by opiates

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Anonymous No. 168947

I'm one of the few that went to airsoft, sometimes I encounter severe autism levels out there.

Anonymous No. 168951

Back a decade+ago when i was playing it was mostly bps, recoil, and reliability. I had a bob long closer and that thing was nice, my friends shocker amp had quite a bit more felt recoil and reliability issues.

Some had exposed bolts like the bob long intimidator or planet eclipse ego.
Those were nice since you can remove the bolt easily and clear a paint jam.
Instead of with the closed bolt design unthreading the barrel or messing with the rear. Could be different with modern guns
I miss techpb bros

Anonymous No. 169245

The reason I don't personally care is because Magfed itself doesn't mean much to me. What is stock class but magfed by another name? 10 round tubes are just as much mags (or maybe more a form of clip?)

ADN has made some pretty tourney looking magfed markers, and a stripped down EMF100 wouldn't look out of place either.

Anonymous No. 169274

EMF100 also has a sport version too but as it stands I still use an axe 2.0 even on woods ball. Id like to buy a cs2 or geo4 but I am absolutely appalled by prices for these markers.

I can splurge a bit I even wear HK gear but I have to save up a lot in my fun budget and I have other hobbies. I love paintball over airsoft but the prices man its no wonder every kid runs to the BBs over paintballs.

Anonymous No. 169332

The only overpriced hk gear has gotta be their jerseys, pods, shitty rebranded markers, and shitty cleats.

I do like hk pants tho and the masks

Anonymous No. 169390

I really wish the EMF100 wasn't so much more than the Emek it's based on, but I think it's just that people who buy it are eating the cost of the production. Economy of scale, the magfed scene is still a niche. It's the only part of paintball seeing an influx of fresh players, but not enough.

In your case, I'd honestly look into grabbing a pump. You don't need to be shooting ropes in the woods. Nobody does. It doesn't need to be that expensive.

Anonymous No. 169594

I was looking at Phantom CCIs. I am mostly playing woods over speed so I should get the pump.

Inversion No. 169786

The BPS has been killed, because it's stupid to play w/o limits you have only player siting down on the field and dumping their paints like retards during 5 long and bored to watch minutes. But holy shit 60$ for 2000 case it's game over on the long run. I don't know why those paints are manufactured in USA/Canada and in EU we pay nearly half that price. (ours salary are half yours too).

Numbers of paints should be limited on the field, like 500 (1 hopper and 2 pots) for front players, 600 for the one in middle position and 1000 for back with whatever BPS in tournament. But anyway if shop wants sell more they need to cut the price by 2 at least. We could have like 5x or 10x more player with cutting the price par 2 in 10 years.

Anonymous No. 169964

Damn for the Chicago anons who go to legacy do they give paint ballers the worst fields? Lol felt like ever time I went it was either fully wooded or the cowboy map.

I like their more hyper ball styled fields but I never seem to get lucky to play on those when I go. Paint ball walk ons seem like a minority there while air soft gets filled by the truck load.

Anonymous No. 169966

Also today only one guy seemed to be reffing paintball he was a cool dude but there was no way for him to maintain any sort of structure especially on the big ass fields we got.

Anonymous No. 169981

Phantoms are the GOAT, but don't knock a sniper if you can get one cheap, or convert a cheap cocker.

I run a PMI Trracer I got cocker threaded, that's a genuinely good route to go as well imho.

Anonymous No. 170023

Paintball isn't as interesting as a hobby vs something like Airsoft for most europeans I feel like.

Inversion No. 170173

That's why paintball should focus on sport parts and that's why we need more reball fields near city transport. Paintball should be like 2 times in the week you go training with reball and 1 day in the weekend you play with paints.

Anonymous No. 170264

Honestly, the biggest barrier to entry for city fields is how much paint we fling around. It becomes a slipping hazard indoors really quickly. Paintball would be a lot more accessible, period, if we switched over to extremely low capacity/low fire rate formats. It's a whole lot easier to clean up, and keep safe. That way, we wouldn't have to deal with reball. At that point, you are not winning out over airsoft.

And, airsoft proves that whole "you can't make money operating a field without paint sales" thing as a lie. It's really up to the industry, and the players, to make the choice to switch over to something more sustainable.

Anonymous No. 170350

Goddamn right, shit's comfy down here.

Anonymous No. 170359

They taste like shit.

Inversion No. 170404

I've seen lot of youth player joining clubs to train U16 format tournament that was a great idea, but when I watch some online shop websites, it's like no new stuff on the catalog some empty space or blank page without stuff on it or worse selling Airsoft or non lethal defense weapon against home intrusion, wtf? Well if you watch speedsoft (indoor speedball + airsoft) looks more promising than Paintball on Camera, but for somewhat reason paintball teams won't switch. I wonder if the paint industry couldn't develop somekind of ink that could be seeing only on camera and not with eyes on the field.

Anonymous No. 170421

Neither speedsoft, or speedball, is good to film, because it makes no sense to audiences watching. This sport has always failed every single time it's tried to make it as a spectator sport because there's no focus. Every other popular sport has something to focus the camera on. You can't focus the camera on 20 different players, shooting 20 different directions. You can't capture the nuance of shooting angles unless you doctor footage up from first person player cams after the fact.

Player elimination is a horrible format to film. It sucks to watch because it encourages overly defensive play. It's neither exciting, nor is the game flow understandable from the crowd looking in. If this sport wants to be watchable, there needs to be a central focus for the action, there needs to be easily discernible player actions/reactions, a clear back and forth tension, and a clear goal.

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Anonymous No. 170441


this guys whole channel

Inversion No. 170612

Those kind of format will be only available for the Olympic Games.

So much CCI phantoms... I'm jealous, I was more Sterling STP with a revy back in the days.

Look likes Paintballers are now all on Facebook nowadays instead of forums.

Anonymous No. 170897


Anonymous No. 170939

>>14353 loser

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Inversion No. 171534

Just bough a dye dsr+ and the price of cases went up, I'm tired of that shit. I wonder if anyone tried to build his owns paints, like in 80's? first paint were probably made out of wax.

Anonymous No. 171859

Really? Paintball is gonna price itself out by this point. Im gonna try going out 2 more times in the year but I’m not sure I can at this rate.

Anonymous No. 171986

Oh it’s raining all weekend no paintball for me since all indoor places closed :(

Inversion No. 172026

Major issue of paintball are paintballs, unironically. Paintball need rid of paintballs because it cost too much, the sport can't increase in popularity because you'll need to spend half of your salary to play. I left paintball 20 years ago because of that issue, I've memory to pay around 25euro a case of 2000 paints very good paints and 45e for some RPscherrer / Marblizer and Zap (competitive paint) from shops in end of 90's, now it's a least 20e more and if you play electro you need like a case or two a day and seven during a tournament. Competitive Pump is mostly dead in my country thanks to electro, the sport is dying and look like nothing is done to invert the trend.

Playing paintball is like buying a new mid phone or a low budget games computer every month. Video games are dead but it's still more affordable to spend 2000euro on a computer than 2000euro on paint each year.

Paintball need to go reball and the industry need to find a way to make electronic reusable paintballs.

Anonymous No. 172176

>Paintball need to go reball and the industry need to find a way to make electronic reusable paintballs.

Why wouldn't you just play airsoft at that point? The whole point of the game is that you can actually hit people, and a ref can check them to see if they're hit. If you want to cheat, it's a skill in itself instead of just lying.

We just need to shoot less. That's been the issue since forever. The industry is currently putting all its money into competitive whales that are willing to take out a second mortgage to play this game, because the industry is founded by competitive whales who were willing to take out a third mortgage to play the game when paint was the equivalent of 150 bucks a case. "But fields need to make money", airsoft fields are making it, and BB's cost 20 bucks for 5k.

The game would unironically be in a much better spot if we never went past the 10 round tube. The magfed guys have the right idea on that at least.

Inversion No. 172194

> The magfed guy
I wonder why the magfed guy just don't play airsoft at that point if he want larp being a soldier?

> Why wouldn't you just play airsoft at that point?
Unless you play with one layer of dress you'll mostly feel nothing due to the adrenaline + experience from paintball.

> Cheat
Cheating exist even in paintball competitive or not, why? Because sometimes under the adrenaline rush you won't feel pain and under tunneling vision you won't even see the paint on the mask and cheating can be worse if you are fat / obese with multiple layers or dress during winter.

If we had electronic reball, the cheating voluntary or not will be out of equation for ever, once you get shoot your electronic marker would disabled the eye preventing you of shooting. (In that case even in a 1on1 encounter the result would be one elimination instead of two mutual eliminations like we see currently.)

Anonymous No. 172672

Just out of curiosity, how much do most courses charge to play paintball?

I’ve had a fucking awesome woodsball group for years up here in the mountains, but all these cunts from Denver had to put up a suburb in the middle of the forest. Soon the land we paintball on will be overrun by yuppies. Shame.

So now I’m thinking I might have to find a course to play at. But for years I’ve only paid for paint and air. What kind of hit am I gonna take? Can I bring my own gun and mask or do I have to use their stuff?

Anonymous No. 172684

White cause it looks like a money shot and I’m retarded enough to think that’s funny.

Anonymous No. 172697

$30 at least for open play

Anonymous No. 172734

>I wonder why the magfed guy just don't play airsoft at that point if he want larp being a soldier?

Because he wants to play paintball? The biggest difference between the activities is the round, and it changes how the game is played drastically. Magfed guys fall into three camps in my experience which is either A.) guys who would be stock class players because they like how the game plays with drastically lower paint consumption, but dislike how fiddly stock class is, B.) guys who like milsim aesthetics, and C.) players into both. Actual larping is airsoft territory.

>Unless you play with one layer of dress you'll mostly feel nothing due to the adrenaline + experience from paintball.

Well, yeah. Honestly, it really doesn't matter if you cheat in airsoft. The game is just a fancy version of pointing sticks at each other and saying "bang". Laser tag, hell, nerf guns are easier to consistently keep track of scores with. It's all about the larp.

>If we had electronic reball, the cheating voluntary or not will be out of equation for ever

Not at all. If you required everyone to wear field provided clothes, and shoot field provided equipment, I'd agree. The more variables you have that are out of the game organizers control, the more room you have to cheat. This happens in E-sports, and it's a lot easier to vet controller hardware than fancy electronic clothes, and markers. Not to mention you're adding cost, and points of failure. We have a low tech solution already.

Inversion No. 173071

> Not at all. If you required everyone to wear field provided clothes
Something like fencing but wireless is currently possible, thanks to the tech.
When someone watch paintball match beside they can't focus on the action, the most thing that disgust them it's how dirty fields are during any tournament.

Anonymous No. 173139


I never really learned to like my phantom. Cocker conversions just fire so much nicer

Anonymous No. 173425

Fencing suits without wireless tech are also pushing 500 USD per suit. On top of that, the fencing suit is not designed to reduce cheating, but to reduce the strain on the referee. There are no obstacles in fencing, there is no field wide displacement in fencing, and there are no teams.

Fencing's problem was that it was hard to judge where exactly the point hit, and how to score it. Cheating is not in issue because it's two combatants sparring plain as day. The reason this is an issue in paintball, on top of the added cost to maintain, and field, a durable (more durable than fencing to survive slides, dives, water, mud, and bunker slams) electronic, wireless suit is because players conceal themselves. A team re-configures their equipment to only detect every other shot. Ref doesn't see, they wipe, they're good. If they get caught, equipment malfunction.

I'm not saying it wouldn't "work", but you're adding significant cost, and maintenance onto players, and significant time dedicated to thoroughly testing equipment, vetting for cheating hardware, and software, to every tournament game.

If it's cost of paint, and how dirty it is to get tons of paint on stuff... just shoot less. It's already an easy, low tech solution to the cheating problem. It's always every solution but the easy one.

Inversion No. 173451

Paintballs are 'cheap' (100$ a case no it's not cheap unless you are making $10,000.00/month.) yes but require a ton of referees in the game, worst fields are so dirty it's so difficult to judge if the mark come from a legit shoot or from the ground.

Paintball need to grow and being popular like tennis, that why paintballs need to be free and it's doable, if you spend only for the entry fee it will be affordable again. ($50 for the day air and e-paintballs free of charge, mostly like reball fields)

To prevent cheating using electronic you could use cryptography, marker would need to write some telemetry information in every eball that pass the electronic eye (the player name, number, name team and 3D vector position + temp and moisture of the e-ball when shoot). of course the 1st gen will be less complicated.

But the question is do we care about the sport or do we care about paintballs industry? Because eballs will threat Painballs industry for sure. ( Paintballs won't disappear they still be used by private fields or woodsball / scenario players.)

Anonymous No. 173559

You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

There's two ways to go about it. The first way is what you talk about, and it would require each round to be chipped with an RFID tag, and each marker to have a writer inside. each suit would need to be entirely hooked up to a read/write coil. The round itself would need to be durable, but lets say we use reballs. The tag itself would need to be small enough to not affect ballistics, while being crush resistant, shock resistant, water resistant, and solvent resistant. It would need survive being shot, stepped on, the elements, and being washed after each game, etc. If you think you're going to be shooting anywhere near what you shoot now in a tournament running that sort of setup, you have no idea what you're talking about. The cost to field, and maintain, such a setup would be astronomical with the fire rates of the current game.

So, lets say we want to approach this differently to try and maintain the multiple thousands of rounds per player that we currently go through. We don't use E-rounds, and instead try to track things another way. You could try to filter impact of a shot through the suit itself, but that would require pretty insane differentiation software, and immense processing power. It would be easier to try and track where every player was, and where every player was aiming, and where every player had fired, using a 3d model of the field, and a myriad of sensors, and trackers.

This is also possible, and could be cheap in the long run, but you'd be looking at at least 10 years of dev time, and a couple of PHD's working on it.

Anonymous No. 173560


In the first case, you already would be needing to shoot significantly less as a player to be saving any money over what you already spend to cover the maintenance of the system. Why not just shoot less as it is, because that's already problem solved? In the latter case, if you want to start funding the complete simulation system, be my guest.

Or, just shoot less paint than we do now. I dunno.

Inversion No. 173754

NFC + put an antenna (thin line of copper) in a layer between the Jersey and the armor, when the e-round it's shot, the marker enter information through radio-waves, then the e-round leave the marker and loss the power, but once it touch the jersey of a player or the head the antenna provide power through radio-wave again and read the data (could avoid to be eliminated by friendly fire) then the central unit could send information to the eliminated player to block the eye or power off the marker in less than a millisecond. (less penalty in the 1on1 case.)

Micro Rfid to put in a reball :
You can change the shape of the antenna or bend it and put it directly into an (atom 6 reusable paintball to try a prototype) but I'm not an Electronic Engineer.

It's doable and it will save the Paintball. I only hope than no big manufacturer patent that thing to prevent someone will sell it.
(We are currently 10x less players in my country than it was in 2003 in less than 10 years Paintball will die in Europe.)

Inversion No. 173756

Shooting less will rise the price of paints because paintballs manufacturers have to pay back shareholders and there is no way to have less gains due to some new rules. (millennium went from 15bps to 10bps.)

With reusable electronic paintballs it will continue like any normal sport, the capitalist method doesn't work, it kills the long term player base worldwide.

Inversion No. 173759

You can put a tiny fusible in the eballs if it's written more than 10 times, well the fuse will burn and the you won't be able to writte anymore, that way you still could sell e-paintballs. (Just an Idea.)

Paintballs manufacturers are lying on the period to dry, you don't need months or weeks to have paintballs.

Inversion No. 173775

I forget, but you don't need 10 years to develop it, but 6 months or 1 year to build a prototype if you have an Electronic Engineer, no need PHDs for the 1st gen. the NFC tech already exist, the Antenna could be a long thin circuit under the font chest jersey the central unit could be a raspberry pi / Arduino or even your cell phone with a DIY connector and an App. The only information you need for the prototype or 1st gen would be as simple as 1 or 0, Did I get hit or not? (You don't need the information where the player get hit, but if it did or not.)

In the future those information could be showed on monitors or TV using augmented reality (3D + real content synchronized in real-time, so spectator could see trajectory.) :
> How much shoot has been fired by a player.
> Every 3D position vector during the shot (Capacitor + gyroscope)

Anonymous No. 174103

And you completely miss the point that it's not that the technology isn't there, it's that it's completely economically unfeasible in comparison to what we already have for owners of the advanced equipment.

Let the industry burn. The industry doesn't care about players, period. It's up to the players to build up again, like they did before. Airsoft has proven paint sales don't mean shit, those fields are surviving off of bb sales, and entry fees. All those airsoft companies, and fields, are still around. Just shoot less, and form tournaments around extremely limited formats.

Paintball's biggest mistake was turning its back on the weekend player all those years ago. It's not complicated. Airsoft became more appealing, and it's not only because of the money, but because the game they play is more marketable. Anyone who works in the industry will tell you the same thing, even at its height, tournament paintball was not marketable. It was artificially inflated, it popped. Casual players moved to airsoft, paintball kept an aging niche playerbase. We need to attract players that would just as soon go to airsoft. It's not going to be technology that saves the sport, it'll be a paradigm shift in how it's actually played. You need a game that gets outsiders, and weekend warriors, excited to play it. Something the traditional tournament style has never, and will never, succeed in doing. If not, it'll die, and that's that.

Also, throw a fucking ad out once in a while. That'd help.

Anonymous No. 174181

Woodsball, milsim or GTFO

Anonymous No. 174182

With airsoft you can run your actual optics and most accessories (stocks, grips, forends, rails, WML, etc) and see what works and best placement. Same for PCs.

Anonymous No. 174184

Am I an asshole if I bring pepperballs and randomly drop a few in with each reload?

Anonymous No. 174203

The reason most paintball platforms don't care about optics, stocks, rails, etc. is the same reason speedsoft setups don't care about that stuff. It's completely unnecessary. BB's and paintballs are too inaccurate, and shot at too short of ranges, to really benefit from any sort of optic. Masks also get in the way of a stock designed for a cheek weld.

The funniest thing about it is that, of the two games, paintball is the one that could justify optics. First Strike rounds are way more accurate. and hit at farther ranges, than any airsoft bb. They can actually benefit from a decent crossbow scope.

Anonymous No. 174250

I mean it is a opportunity to check your real gear for proper reach placement, eye relief, light washout, somewhat durability, etc. Same reason for fitness I use an actual pl8 carrier and shitty AR500 backups plates instead of spending money on a weight vest that is only good for exercise.
Airsoft guys are much more likely to be willing to run comms as well. I still prefer paintball, just seems that the more serious players tend to be speedball oriented.
t. /k/

Inversion No. 174263

The only gun that benefit from a red dot in PB is the PGP, because you have one shoot after your are mostly f*cked if you miss.

Anonymous No. 174289

Airsoft has more 1:1 copies of real world firearms, which makes sense. I really wish they'd restrict the sale of 1:1 copy airsoft guns to actual gun stores, or at least find better ways to keep them out of the hands of children who might take them to play in stupid places. I genuinely don't get how airsoft has gotten a "moral guardian" pass, but paintball has taken such a beating for so much less.

But, yeah, paintball is far more married to the actual game of "shooting a fuck ton of little spheres at each other" than airsoft is. Which is a shame because I feel like both activities leave something to be desired for it. Personally, I'd like to see a serious magfed tournament league make an impact as a sort of way to bridge the gap between the player bases of these shooting sports.

Anonymous No. 174310

I think structuring teams into squads and allowing one guy to run a hopper to simulate the MG element and restricting the rest to mags would be a cool concept. Mag fed kind of begs for a sidearm as well, which adds a novel new element.

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Anonymous No. 174586

Sights are making a making a comeback in paintball.

Anonymous No. 174672

Yo anyone catching these reloads of when espn 2 showed paintball?

Anonymous No. 174718

Oh mang, the nostalgia is hitting hard! Thanks dude

Anonymous No. 174724

I've watched some experienced players play a magfed vs. magfed elimination series of games on a speedball field, and the pacing of the game was just really fun to watch. Unlike running with hoppers, they couldn't just sit and throw out a steady stream of fire. Unlike playing with pump, they could throw out a short burst of rapid fire when needed. Another element was how difficult reloading a magazine could be on the field.

The result was a game of near constant movement, and constant team communication. Trying to coordinate flanks, trying to trap people flanking/falling back, trying to cover reloads, trying to manage paint across the entire team, etc.

It was really dynamic, and personally seemed really fun. I'd love to try it out as a format.

Anonymous No. 174818

I like the cover set up and one flag but holy fuck the punk band the throw away hot chicks at the score board this is fine vintage

What’s with a penalty box?

Anonymous No. 174834

Little Adderall, some sativa, a nicotine patch or pouch and Irish coffee improves situational awareness and reaction time.
Real milsim too.

Anonymous No. 174835

I've seen a legit operator at a game get three kills with a bingo marker. He was a trip to talk to. Guy must have been 45 at least.

Anonymous No. 175718

It’s getting cold you boys have any indoor fields still alive by you?

Anonymous No. 176502

Used to play tournaments as a teenager.

My team was like my family.

I wouldn't even be able to look those guys in the eyes now I'm so ashamed of myself.

Anonymous No. 176505

I am a complete failure and a freak.

Anonymous No. 176542

hey buddy what happened?

Anonymous No. 176595

Grenades; Yay or gay?

Anonymous No. 176611

We found the marine corps guy.

Anonymous No. 176638

Gimmicks and if you get hit by one youll be finding paint in your gear for months. I also never see them in open play just special events

Anonymous No. 176648

Always wanted to call up the owner of an abandoned factory and see if they would rent the place for a day for a game if we signed waivers.

Anonymous No. 176737

Has to suck cocks for entry fees.

Anonymous No. 176853

That’s tough

Anonymous No. 176856

Eye on the prize

Anonymous No. 176896

Anyone get any good deals? I caved and bought a shocker amp

Anonymous No. 177237

What is your go to paintball gear brand

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Anonymous No. 179424

I know it’s cold guys but cmon it’s pretty dead here

Anonymous No. 179975

How much gear would I need to get into this? Are there still big tournaments going on? I never hear about paintball anymore a good portion of the thread says the sport is dead.

Anonymous No. 180034

You don’t need much besides the marker itself you don’t need to wear the fact gear and shit

Anonymous No. 180038

>you don’t need to wear the fact gear and shit
Fields let people play without eye protection?

Anonymous No. 180039

Okay you need a mask yes but that’s a given you don’t need the extra crap if you wanna try it out. Like the knee pads or the jerseys

Anonymous No. 180076

You can just rent the gear you need at a field to try it out

Anonymous No. 180159

Don't forget the $50-100 worth of paint every day.

Anonymous No. 180271

Every day you go. Rental costs + paint costs can be brutal

Anonymous No. 180277

how much does it cost to refill CO2 these days?

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Anonymous No. 180282

In the next recession gonna kill paint ball for good?

Anonymous No. 180296

Can't speak for CO2 costs today, but nobody but poorfags and rentalfags use CO2. HPA is the way forward. High initial investment, but the refills are usually dirt cheap (comparatively), and none of the temperature drawbacks of CO2.

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Anonymous No. 180381


Anonymous No. 180385

Case still stands!

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Anonymous No. 180419

you would get your ass handed to you any day of the week by any of the dudes we play stock class with. hpa tank, the newest electro, $30/second blah blah blah.... the guy only going through one bag of paint a month and one $20 box of co2 carts every 6 months is having way more fun than you are too

Anonymous No. 180666

It'll certainly kill whatever remains of speedball, but the pump, and magfed, guys will be doing just fine.

Anonymous No. 180812

Can I buy cci phantoms new?

Anonymous No. 180942

I haven't paintballed since I was a kid. I have a tippman a5 and a mask in my closet somewhere. Recball looks gay I wanna speedball. Can I just go jump on a speedball field or are they gonna not let me?

Anonymous No. 180947

You can, might not have a BPS advantage but the Tippmann will hold up to a lot of abuse.

Anonymous No. 180950

Sweet. I think it has the one trigger that makes it shoot fast. Is that legal for speedball? I was like 12 last time I balled I don't remember. I have a sick all red dye mask tho so I'll look half way cool.

Anonymous No. 180980

It's legal, just not as fast as a double trigger. Just keep a tight profile, use angles & realize you can't suppress targets as easily as dedicated speedball builds.

Anonymous No. 180982

Im rushing snake every time

Anonymous No. 180986

Perfect, just pop up occasionally and fire. That's ideal positioning for low ROF/BPS guns.

Anonymous No. 181067

>check phantom website
>new phantom costs $600+


Anonymous No. 181068

eBay it is then

Anonymous No. 181291

New phantoms have bad quality control anyways. Get a used one

Anonymous No. 181313

No it's not that simple. There were a lot of big companies that folded from stupidity. They fed a lot of money back into the sport, the manufacturers that survived stopped sponsoring smaller tournaments and teams which slowly lead to the death of regional tournaments. The regional tourneys and teams looked to paint sponsorships and that worked for a while until all but national paintball supply went out of business at the cost of being bought out by mega corporation KEE.

There's other factors like gun manufacturers never spending the money to re engineer a more efficient gun. I don't want to hear your shit, almost every surviving gun is a derivative of the shoebox shocker, which was made by smart parts paying a Lockheed(?) engineer a shit load of money to just invent the basic patent, they machined it themselves. And so basically nobody ever repeated the process and efficiency never improved and the spool valve never became affordable.

Same thing with the paint companies.

t.oldfag who grew up around NYX and trauma, also national paintball supply was basically in my backyard.

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Anonymous No. 181935


let me guess, you "need" more?

Anonymous No. 182003

Pump and cart guns are awesome on dirt mound fields. I saw they're doing them again in the iron city classic which is fucking awesome but nothing beats the thunder and chaos of uncapped semi or original NXL ramping.

Also, I kinda forgot to mention paint companies at least made an attempt to bring the cost of paint down by experimenting with their paint fill formulas. Around like 2008-10 they realized oil was cheaper than cornstarch and they started putting more oil in paintballs. Unfortunately, if you didn't wash the field down every single day, the oil dried out and caked into this layer of filth and began to rot. There was this one field I went to that had so much clay in the soil the paint and standing water would ferment into this unholy rotting corpse stench lol. That experiment didn't last long.

Anonymous No. 182022

Yeah, it can get quite extreme. Alot of the folks at my field used to run paint but swapped to Airsoft, total overshooting assholes on the field usually, but good fun to chat with (one even runs a gun based off a typical paint slinger).
I digress. Autism is a major turnoff from BBwars since it really paves a path for crybabies and exceptional milfaggotry. Some neverserved tried to give me a lesson in room clearing since I preferred to just full sprint into rooms with my shotty and just blast. Paintball leans more into the "Do it if it works", while Airsoft seems to prefer "What Milfags/Blubois/Feds do while looking cool". Dress up just proved to be more fun and far cheaper.

Anonymous No. 182035

I want to get back into paintball after a ~15 year hiatus. Would it be weird for a mid 30's adult to show up at a field alone and more than likely get stuck playing with some kids?

Anonymous No. 182065

Dude I know! At my local field all the neverserved peoples or dead-inside military lifers are the hardcore milsimmers. I wear speedsoft gear and use the ghost in the shell rifle (anime raifu) and I get either looks of disgust or sheer amazement. I just play because I wanna run around and shoot at people. The milsim hurry up and wait shit fucking sucks, I've done that for real and I don't need more of it.

Anonymous No. 182084

No it's been like that for decades

Anonymous No. 182086

Just don’t be a creep but also don’t be an asshoke. Be the cool paintball boomer the zoomers look up to lead them.

Anonymous No. 182155


Anonymous No. 182434

I’m trying to bid on a green cci phantom on eBay right can you guys stop out bidding me???

Anonymous No. 182468

I bought it…its gonna be stock class summer boys

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Anonymous No. 182668

stock class is the way

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Anonymous No. 182670

the single shot brass guys in New England have never lost a game to the walkons. thats 5-6 guys with these vs a mixed group of rentals AND speedballers.
balls/experience/tactics will always trump hiding behind your guns bps.

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Anonymous No. 182672

pics homie

heres my "phantom"

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Anonymous No. 182691

This is what it looks like the guy said he only used it 4 times.

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Anonymous No. 182732

very nice!! barrel sizers, velocity tool and t stock too!! what did you end up paying?
id value that package at $450
only thing id recommend is a shocktech trigger shoe.

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Anonymous No. 182734

great score! the acidwashed cci stuff is way cooler than the new, single color extreme velocity phantoms. if youre looking for other stock class gear, id ask around the fb groups for a joyride pack to hold your 10rnd tubes and dump
sack from 'Handmade Paintball'

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Anonymous No. 182736

i just carry my 12grams in a surplus shotgun shell pouch, like $5 on ebay

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Anonymous No. 182946

>current year
>live in upside down land
>paintball in my state is essentially kill because of gelball and gay laws
>people I have to play with suck my soul more than I suck at prostock
>end up playing more gelball just so I c an deal with a different type of faggot
Can I just have a hobby where Im not surrounded by who can be the biggest insufferable faggot?

Anonymous No. 183556

The guy gave me a tube pack too in the order. So all I need is 12 gram chargers but the thing looks new. However, I also have a basically new shocker AMP so I’m gonna have fun this summer.

Anonymous No. 184096

Oof when Japan has it legal and Australia isn’t that’s rough

Anonymous No. 184391

Paintball just went with a completely unsustainable business model, that's really it.

Everyone left because young players can't afford to shoot infinite rounds on the speedball field without having a sponsorship. The only innovation worthwhile for the industry was increasing speed/efficiency of the marker, and they had already pushed those innovations to the end of their reasonable budget.

People are nostalgic about uncapped semi, or NXL ramping, but the numbers don't lie: they're the very few that miss it. Lionel Atwill was right, if the sport wanted to survive it needed to be reigned in to a sustainable level. It wasn't, and it died a quick death.

Anonymous No. 184394

Have you seen speed ball shorts on YouTube that get popular? Everyone rips on those channels all the time

Anonymous No. 184668

Just think about it.

At 10.5 BPS ramp limits, it costs you .40 cents a second when you hold the trigger down. If you shoot for 3 minutes straight, over a single day, it'll cost you 72usd. And that isn't getting into what people make fun of in those videos, someone wasting 3 bucks every reload.

If you were to exclusively shoot First Strike paintballs, and had 10 magazines that hold 20 rounds on you, you would just be matching those 3 minutes of shooting regular paintballs in price.

And it used to be completely uncapped. People forget that Bob Long abandoned its team because they couldn't afford to have those guys practice anymore. That's why paintball, and the average person goes "fuck that" when they watch a speedball match.

Anonymous No. 184669

Edit: That's why paintball has stagnated, and the average person goes "fuck that" when they watch a speedball match.

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Anonymous No. 184681

People shot less paint when it was uncapped though. This new style of everyone carrying 20 pods and running dry at 10bps is just dumb

Anonymous No. 184687

I still run a marker shocker amp in woodsball all but I don’t spam and the refs get mad if they see it.

I just like using it but I will be switching to pump this summer to try it out but I’ll probably use both

Anonymous No. 184689

Because they figured out the meta by applying military tactics. Suppressing fire down the middle while everyone else moves at the sides to pick off the suppressed targets.

Paint ball will only come back if you restrict this shit. Or just embrace wood/hyper ball.

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Anonymous No. 184699

Mech leagues proved that wrong though they just switched to super mechs that ironically shoot faster than 10bps and continued to dump paint. The entire industry is a self serving monopoly that ensures the old guys get paid to play way beyond their years and anyone who wants in has to go through the ranks of their camps. Xball format has always been industry gate keeping there is no way it should have survived the 08 recession. NPPL format was way more financially accessible to a wider audience

Anonymous No. 184701

So we’re just fucked? Just go play airsoft at this point?

Anonymous No. 184713

As far as a paintball career yes you’re at the whim of the industry run by people who are unwilling to pass the torch, as far as the game in general no. There is still fun out there, it just will never be that climb to the top with your best friends never ending summer dynasty story they sold everyone in the 2000s. I haven’t played tournament ball in over a decade and I still have a decent time playing stock class. The one thing I can’t get over is how all paint sucks now. It’s one thing to have crappy low pigment eco fill, but its another that all paint has a defined seam now and is .679-.83 no matter how much you spend for tourney grade

Anonymous No. 184714

Are you a former tourney player? You seem knowledgeable I’m just a woodsball pleb

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Anonymous No. 184715

Yeah, Ive been playing since 99. But played tourneys from 2003-2013. Mostly NPPL/USPL and Southern California local tourney.

Anonymous No. 184725

You had other problems when you shot uncapped. You had people ramping 20bps and ripping up Jimmy's 10th birthday party at rec games, creating a bigger divide between casual and comp paintball, and the game got even more boring to watch since movement became so heavily discouraged. And even then, Bob Long abandoned the game at those prices.

That's why leagues change when a toxic "meta" forms. Paintball has never done so in a positive way.

Paintball became a self serving monopoly really quickly. The entire modern industry was founded by a few teammates who backed each other, and gave jobs to friends, until the whole thing was ran by a handful of interconnected people. Tournament paintball evolved into the way it was due to far more corporate influence than on the ground player influence.

If you want to play the game as it is, then yes. If you want to play the game of paintball, the answer is a radical change. Airsoft can't realistically be competitive in the same way. Stock class is a good option (as it was always intended to be), pump is a good option, pure gravity fed mech might be an answer, and I think maged shows genuine promise.

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Anonymous No. 184781

Teams actually having to work for sponsorship and pay for their own paint should have limited the behavior. Pro teams use to have to give back to the community instead of just being pros with 6 figure salaries. The economics don’t make sense. When was the last time someone bought something because they were influenced by pros? Dynasty is the number one team yet no one shoots Forces. Clearly something isn’t adding up.

Anonymous No. 184800

I’m pretty sure Mark at HKarmy uses the funds to buy Coke

Anonymous No. 184807

It's been like that since paintball was taken over by said nepotists. There's no "used to" about it, unless you want to go back to 80's. "When was the last time someone bought something because they were influenced by pros?" It was paintballs entire business strategy lol. You watched speedball games on T.V, so you watched ads, the ad time got the company's revenue, the players advertised their gear, and you went out to buy things. Everything was supposed to be some big ad, and because of that, no player was supposed to pay their own way. Not just pro's either, pro paintball was supposed to be so successful that everything would be a lot cheaper for all players. That all really worked out lol.

Even if players had to pay their own way though, it wouldn't have limited anything really. Competitive professionals at a certain level tend to be fucking nuts. If inserting a 10 inch spiked dildo all the way into your anus gave players a statistical advantage over those who didn't, it'd be meta if a governing body didn't label it as cheating. The problem is that paintball was already heavily invested in the corporate interests of its industry when the sports governing body was established.

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Anonymous No. 184869

Not even remotely true. Up into the 2000s pro teams still had to do field maintenance, pro shop meet and greets, ad reads, clinics, etc. and most companies were independent outside of the ones that were under NPS umbrella. “When was the last time” doesn’t indicate is was never a thing, it literally means when was the last time? There are no super stars anymore, there are no secret sauce anfter market upgrades and the gear performance has completely stagnated or become worse.

Anonymous No. 184885

I think we're talking about different things, really. I'm not really talking about what the pro players are doing, and I don't really know, nor do I care, about why they make the money they do. My theory off the top? It's all the companies that sponsor them know, they put all their eggs in that basket. And I can imagine going to publicly facing events took more of a center stage when there was more of a public "to" face.

Most companies were independent, but all the figures at the top had known each other personally. And those who ran the companies were mainly in those position through nepotistic practices. It's actually part of the problem with the sport, that nobody could ever seem to unite and solve some of the problems due to too much personal history, competition, and the want to take personal control over the whole thing. It's also why the industry is one of the most litigious of all recreational industries. These companies were always at each others throats.

Superstars only exist when kids can aspire to be them, and that hasn't been the case for years. Largely for reasons I've outlined. All the pro's anyone knows about are pushing 40, and nobody is there to replace them. The dream of a televised, professional paintball was DOA with how it was conceived, and managed.

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Anonymous No. 185003

its never been about the "big leagues" for me. speedball has always seemed pointless and the lowest effort form of paintball. why would i want to be forced to spend all that money? buy the new mask and gun and hopper every year. shoot 2 cases minimum every weekend. run drills. for what? to get noticed and picked up by a better team and so on until what? whats the endgame? compete against the pro teams in fixed games where everyone is cheating? the consumerism is stupid too. you NEED the hot new thing this year!
you know what the best feeling in paintball is? getting the jump on some agg dude with 3k of shiny new gear shooting the newest planet eclipse/luxe/dye whatever, one balling him right between the eyes with an old school pump gun that he couldnt even fathom trying to use for a game.

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Anonymous No. 185004

wearing 90s renegade jerseys, diy/small shop gear, being patient and frugal and collecting the crazy rare parts and guns they havent made in years. and you know what? theres tons of guys that think the same thing. Pump and stock class is super popular in New England and SoCal. Machinists are pumping out new phantom and autococker parts all the time. thats the real, unkillable scene underneath the dying, banal "paintball" that folks just think about on a surface level.
grassroots>pay to win

Anonymous No. 185028

Agreed completely. Speedball was always consumption driven. The game was designed around carrying, and shooting, as much paint as physically possible. Shooting the newest marker, that shot faster. The new hopper that fed faster. The corporate side of paintball was certainly not going to stop that, they designed it that way.

As speedball slowly goes away, the game that survives is the game that got people truly invested in the first place.

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Anonymous No. 185301

Socal pump scene is boring. Everyone plays open class pump. Wish they played stockclass. This is the turnout for an actual stockclass game at a reball field. Definitely older crowd and even still many are playing with tanks and stick feeds.

Anonymous No. 185473

im going to get into playing paintball in march since that's when the closest place starts. i played airsoft for a little bit just to get a primer so I'm assuming it's not at all different. any tips? i have my own equipment that were hand-me-downs from my brother so no issue there.

Anonymous No. 185504

Even if you feel the hit of paintballs if you don’t see a splatter you can get away Scott free

Anonymous No. 185518

Paintball has a more formalized ruleset, and hits are a lot less ambiguous. My field requires a solid hit to be considered an out, a quarter sized fresh splotch of paint. If you ever feel like you've got someone out, or you may be out, just call the ref for a paint check.

Anonymous No. 186248

>jack wada
>several other og legends

this timeline is not so bad

r.i.p. earon carter

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Anonymous No. 186488

Jack had another group at reball today. Always a Good time

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Anonymous No. 187548

Picked up a buzzard and taso stockgun for a steal

Anonymous No. 189205

hell yes!
is the taso offset feed?

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Anonymous No. 189227

It’s center feed

Anonymous No. 189540

Yes. I thought paintball was really fun as a kid and would flip through catalogues I got from paintball stores staring at things I obviously could never afford, but the one time I caught a paintball game on TV and saw how detached it was from what I played, my immediate reaction was "this is pretty gay". I grew up on a base so I got to play paintball on military ground where they'd decorate the fields with helos, tanks, and old arab housing units previously used on simulation courses. Having to get around those, climbing hills, shooting suppressing fire, and watching the paint hit people was where the fun was, not running around balloons and twiddling my fingers like some dainty faggot. And I never felt the need to go "beyond" that, and even now when I could afford all that gear I wouldn't buy it because it isn't part of the fun. Shooting at moving targets in technically challenging environments was the fun part.

And then the rest of this thread is complaining about how the sport is dead because no one can afford the paint but no one is mentioning that you can get a bunch of tippmanns on craigslist for like 30 dollars and some cheap paint and have a great weekend with friends. Something doesn't need to have a huge current market presence to be popular; look at how records and (fucking) cassettes swelled in popularity. I don't know how you could get kids today to go on craigslist and buy a couple of markers for cheap and go to a wooded area, but it shouldn't be the hardest thing in the world if you really want to do that. Insulting people for not wanting to spend hundreds on paint and guns isn't going to help either, so I don't get why that's a thing in this thread.

Anonymous No. 189749

I think you’re missing the point. There is a progression even in niche micro sports where someone can go from recreation, to competitive, to “pro”. This no longer exist in paintball and it’s left the bulk of the players is a state of limbo where recreational play just isn’t competitive enough and they’ve been playing so long that they are essentially pro level players just smashing on recreational players all day but they can’t afford to navigate the politics and nepotism of the current paintball industry monopoly to play at the chosen tournament format of the industry which is xball. Essentially if no one is having fun and feel like they are not getting their moneys worth then people quit all together.

Anonymous No. 189804


i went through all of this already.
just play


Anonymous No. 189822

>And then the rest of this thread is complaining about how the sport is dead because no one can afford the paint but no one is mentioning that you can get a bunch of tippmanns on craigslist for like 30 dollars and some cheap paint and have a great weekend with friends... Insulting people for not wanting to spend hundreds on paint and guns isn't going to help either, so I don't get why that's a thing in this thread.
I think you're missing the point. People aren't ragging on others for not wanting to spend a ton of money. They're ragging on the sport for "forcing" players into that situation.

> I don't know how you could get kids today to go on craigslist and buy a couple of markers for cheap and go to a wooded area, but it shouldn't be the hardest thing in the world if you really want to do that.
The problem is at that point, you might as well go into airsoft. You only need rechargeable batteries, the ammo is dead cheap, and if you're with a bunch of friends, cheating isn't an issue, so you can rely on the honor system. Plus, at the end of the day, you aren't dripping in paint.

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Anonymous No. 189824

>>189804 other than saving money on paint it doest really solve anything else and at almost a $1 per 12 gram (unless you use inconsistent Walmart crossmans) your not really saving money compared to constant air.

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Anonymous No. 190318

I bought all these for 100 dollars heavily used. Was I ripped off?

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Anonymous No. 190329

And how would I repair this?

Anonymous No. 190494

Not a terrible deal. The kingman hammer pump on top is easily worth $40-50ish.

The main issue is you’re missing parts on most of them and you’re going to have to put fresh orings in all of them. But it looks like you have enough parts to have 3 working guns (assuming you have barrels for them). The electronic guns are a little more tricky one is missing all of the electronics, the other you’re going to have to test with a 9 volt to see if the capacitor and clapper solenoid are still good. Good thing is these are spyders so they can be easily changed to mechanical trigger frames unless you really want to buy replacement electronics which more than likely isn’t worth the money. The third one I’ll explain Below. That long skinny gun is a Sheridan, kind of a niche older gun but as long as all of the parts are all there you should be able to get it up and running with new orings


This is a jt excellerator looks like the grips and broken and the paint is pealing off the frame. Throw a fresh battery in it, cock the bolt back and pull the trigger. If the board and solenoid work the bolt should release meaning the gun can be fixed. If not then it will cost more to fix than it’s worth.

Anonymous No. 190504

Did these literally fall off the back of a truck? The damage is wild.

Anonymous No. 191030

Its getting warmer bros bout to go play open play soon. Im bringing 2 guns the CCI phantom I bought but ill also use either an older Axe 2.0 with a ninja tank or if im feelin fancy a new SP shocker amp but I dont wanna look too fancy out there.

Anonymous No. 191059

Then the game, as a pro sport, needs to change into something that makes more sense as a direct progression up from recreational play. The industry ain't gonna do it, and it should never have been the industries job.

Every example I can think of where the competitive format is an alien experience from the casual game, that format fails to sustain any popularity. Competitive formats need to be community driven experiences, informed by grassroots organizations. The real problem with paintball starts in the 90's, and that problem was that the industry itself was ashamed of its own game.

The industry sucks, and always has. Competitive players need to go back to the drawing board, and think of the game in a completely different way. Something that'll appeal to casual players, and keep them coming back to become comp players. You have to look at what kind of game casual players want to play.

Anonymous No. 191090

Tournament paintball should have always been regular capture the flag play just scaled down to a smaller field, less people and you use the exact gear you already have which is litterally what nppl format was and why it was so popular. Tom cole wants to make paintball into football and it just doesn’t work. 10.5 ramping is so dumb, it’s an immediate barrier to entry for the average player, the. Who ever has the most money for paint has an immediate advantage, then Racing to 5 With 15 Minutes on the clock is also dumb because there is endless overtime to break ties and no one concedes a point until the last 5 minutes anyways because because they want enough time to make a single point comeback and go into overtime. It’s needlessly drags the game and makes it boring because no one wants to take any risk.

Anonymous No. 191099

NPPL also took a complete dive. While I agree with capture the flag being a great format to keep things dynamic, and interesting, I disagree with the NPPL because it doesn't address other major issues. The entire industry wanted paintball to be this clean cut Olympic sport, I also agree that was a horrible path to try and go down.
The sport has 3 main problems:
>Paint Consumption
Completely unsustainable. People on the outside looking in actively make fun of how much paint gets thrown around, and dropped on the ground. Needing a sponsorship to play league is another layer between what players play during rec play, and what tournament is. This is a change that needs to be addressed, and the industry will never support it by choice. 10.5 BPS was the best lame ass attempt the industry had.
>Stagnant game, stagnant meta.
Games like CTF would help considerably. I'm personally kinda interested in that new Joust format as well.
The clean cut, sporty look of tourney paintball was designed to be universally appealing, but it's divisive. Teams in the 90's needed to be forced to adopt the aesthetic. That needs to be loosened.

Anonymous No. 191100

Honestly, I think a limit to the number of paintballs you can carry solves a lot of issues.

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Anonymous No. 191108

That’s an industry pipe dream issue not a format issue. Nppl had tippmann effect, bad company, all different manner of factory teams and owners group clubs using obscure and dated guns in a national tournament setting because it was straight up semi and pump. The only rule was no wooden stocks and no rain covers. Also teams like blowfish were straight up playing with stockclass carters with 3.5oz co2 in nppl and that was before OSC ran an all pump division. The huge fields and random bunkers combos allowed for more diverse playing styles instead of robotic xball play. I was barely 18 playing every westcoast event making only $7.25 an hour at my job and played with only a couple cases of paint

Too many ways to cheat and too time consuming for refs to check every player. It was tried in OSC tournaments where every player got 50 rounds of paint but that paint could be divided among the team in any amount. So say a front player could give one of their tubes to a back player so they could lane. But like I said too many ways to cheat because no red is going to count shots or they will just assume someone shared their paint when in reality players were hiding extra tubes under bunkers before matches or hiding extra paint in their clothes and even in the battery compartments of their hoppers

Anonymous No. 191115

Man, you really just would not have a team like Tippmann Effect in this day and age. You're right though, paintball needs to embrace all that it can be instead of just Xball. In that regard, something like the SPPL would probably be relatively successful with how strong of a following the magfed scene has these days.

The only way that's happening is if you enforce magfed/stock class rules. That's the only practical way I see to get refs able to count, and enforce, a paint limit.

Anonymous No. 192514

Never really asked by what gear or companies do you guys prefer?

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Anonymous No. 192893

I asked that question already fuck me this board is slow

Anonymous No. 193525

I actually looked into this since Japan has a larger Airsoft scene but nothing for Paintball as there is a lot of bs and rumors over paintball being banned and the like. I stumbled upon a field/team Okinawa that is apparently owned by the United States Navy? and there is also a team based out of there called the Ryukyu Kings but the odd part is its mostly white dudes and some japanese guys. Im guessing all the white dudes are military expats since its in Okinawa.

Kinda odd but im not really finding much for paint ball and japan really.

Anonymous No. 194031

the "long skinny gun" is 100% NOT a SHERIDAN.
single tube pumps= NELSON

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Anonymous No. 194127

Dude It literally has a Sheridan logo on the frame… the kingman hammer is a nelson based pump.

The Sheridan XTS is an inline blowback semi auto like a tippman

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GunzUp Screenshot.jpg

Anonymous No. 194544

its all so tiresome...

Anonymous No. 194653

SCP in the mid 00's was a such a vibe.

Anonymous No. 194826


is this ai generated kek

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Anonymous No. 195237

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nxl texas.jpg

Anonymous No. 195490

>it's real

Wow. That's incredibly uncreative and lame. Though I haven't played an NXL event since 2018 so maybe that's par for the course at this point.


Nice cocker. I've had a Trilogy Competition for a few years that I always use for rec play. I know it's not technically a real autococker but it shoots close enough to the real thing that I think it's a decent substitute.

Anonymous No. 195799

Tfw no paint ball anime

Anonymous No. 195847

nail on the head for me. I'm a competitive autist and the appeal of paintball to me was always scenario paintball more than tournament paintball (although I am sure I would love that if I got to try it). I was lucky to try paintball a few times through a family member and I was always in awe at the stories of big scenario games with james bond and stargate themes and such.
I was a poor kid and all I ever wanted was a tipman 98 and a weekend away crawling through the woods under fire.
Later on I met a few people that did airsoft and they were fat furries into the military larp stuff. The paintball military larp stuff always seemed a bit more self aware and rule of cool to me.
I've never really thought about playing it as an adult, I am only guessing the paintballs alone are extortionate and that alone would price me out.

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Anonymous No. 195849

I once got to try a nice marker, it was really light and it had some retarded LED shit on the side like a CSGO gun. It had an extended trigger for both fingers but I couldn't fire it faster than the shitty and heavy tipman 98 rental markers for some reason.
My dad also gave me a really nice pair of paintball pants as a birthday gift and then asked to borrow them and I never got them back.
I once got shot in the knuckle and that's the only time it hurt. And once in grill of the mask and the ball exploded into my mouth which was really funny and I thought it was great fun. Tasted like dishsoap.
Apart from that my only other experience with paintball was the demo for pic related.

Anonymous No. 197349

You boys going back on the fields? it’s warmer?

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Anonymous No. 197492

Anonymous No. 197494

What’s that rig? I like the charger holders

Anonymous No. 197526

It’s an old Unique sporting stockclass harness

Anonymous No. 198942

What is this campy ass shit nigger?

Anonymous No. 198969

I brought the CCI Phantom out to a field yesterday had some decent picks and the early morning matches were good but holy fuck the more people came for open play everything fell apart to the point the refs were forcing people to move up in 2 minutes.

Anonymous No. 199146

It’s not for simpletons

>>198969 that’s when you do the big moves to break the game open

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Anonymous No. 200588


For like 15 years I've been meaning to get some custom grips from Stinger Paintball Designs. One of these decades I will pull the trigger.


Exactly. Make the other team stop you.

Anonymous No. 201977

Paintball or woods ball near me is still pretty bumpin

Anonymous No. 201979

>tfw all my local fields dropped paintball and converted to Airsoft only fields
fucking goddammit

Anonymous No. 202807

Oof it’s real hit or miss but it’s only woodsball by me no speed ball courses left

Anonymous No. 203891

Use the facebook BST groups you fool.
Just pay goods and services through paypal and dont get scammed by some barely literate cunt.
For what? Gear bag? Volcano. Pads? PE or dye. Masks? JT proflex of course. Paint? 30 dollar cases of TeamColors my dood
Okay so, as someone who plays both airsoft and paintball(total of about 20 years, tournament on and off for 8) it's got some similarities but honestly is entirely different.
Paintball has this notion of anyone who didnt make it into college sports plays paintball. Airsoft is more... weeaboo shit and straight up autists. I like to tinker so cockers and airsoft guns are super fun, but they're really hard to compare despite being so closely related.

Anonymous No. 203971


If we're taIking high-end guns, I have owned multiple Matrix's (both Dye and Proto), multiple Intimidators, multiple MacDevs, multiple Luxes, multiple Shockers and multiple PEs. And not to sound like another PE fanboy, but my PE guns were by far the most reliable guns I have ever owned.

Anonymous No. 204088

I think paintball is more cool, especially speedball; and you get to get dirty. every time I've seen the airsoft guys they've always been very clean, but I've never done a multiday event for airsoft.

>t hasn't been paintballing in years

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Anonymous No. 204102

had one these bad boys back in the day
sold it to my friend eric

Anonymous No. 205156

Paintball guys also get in the thick of it and go prone too I got shot in the ankle the other day since the kid dove and found an opening under a bus.

I was so pissed but then I was damn good play

Anonymous No. 205942

> Paint Consumption
What about reball? Why isn't it more popular?

Every high school should have a reball field if you want more kids into the sport. Why not put a restriction on numbers of paintballs allowed in lower / beginner leagues.

Paints were more affordable in 90's that now, a box of mid grade 2000 was at 20e.
Maybe the sport need a fresh beginning without paintballs at all with only reball.

Anonymous No. 206156

Reball doesn’t solve the problem of confirming hits in a tournament setting.

Anonymous No. 206163

Let mid and high level tournament played with paints if they want but what paintball need are fresh kids and fresh players. If you want to be Paintball popular as soccer / football you need to lower the entry level. The price of playing sport paintball should be lower than Airsoft. A practice reball field probably cost around 10,000.00e with 10 guns and can be played in high school gymnasium or an soccer or tennis field.

Anonymous No. 206255

I could be wrong, but it was my understanding that reballs weren't meant for PVP, just testing and target practice.

And if you're using reballs in game, you might as well go the cheaper airsoft option.

Shooting sports just aren't popular to begin with. Sure, you can point to FPS video games as what all the kids are enjoying, but they aren't playing virtual paintball. They're playing virtual milsim.

Anonymous No. 207556

Apparently ESPN showed off paintball again recently on TV? Anyone see it?

Anonymous No. 207608

Airsoft is milsim but that's not a sport. Paint won't go far because mostly of the capitalistic mindset. Big company should cut their profits and donate to federations around the world to help create local field with trainers for young player (12 years old).

Paintball need a long term plan to develop the sport around the world and not only in the US.

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Anonymous No. 208124


Nah. I meant to watch it but I kept forgetting even though they broadcast it 3 separate times. I'm sure you can still find the recording somewhere.

The last time I actually watched paintball on TV was either the PB2X show or the Smart Parts championship in the mid 2000s. And I remember watching the original NXL broadcast back in the early 2000s.


Everyone has always said that fields need to lower the cost of paintballs but that will never happen. Yes, fields buy cases for $15-$25 and sell them for $50-$100. Which seems like a huge profit margin but they generally aren't turning a profit on any other service or product they offer.

Anonymous No. 208877

Paintball isn't a profitable business anyway.

Anonymous No. 209161

it feels good when you get comfortable at a field

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Anonymous No. 209258

Stfu ESL commie
>the US subsidizes paintball globally
You know how idiotic and childish that whole plan is?

Anonymous No. 209281

I just find out why box are 70$ in US, it's about to force you to get a team or find find one and have a sponsor, then the box will drop to 35$.

> You know how idiotic and childish that whole plan is?
So you prefer letting the sport die? We are 10% of what it we were in early 2000 worldwide, even in US paintball had 10x time more player than now.

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Anonymous No. 209413

That's because people eventually realized how dumb the "sport" is as is. There's no skill other than who can dump the most paint as fast as possible. Literally about as much fun as watching paint dry.

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Anonymous No. 210238

man! awesome buzzard, and that prostock with the Whoosh barrel and Taso humpback frame is really sweet too.
i just did my first feedneck removal to put together this stock class sniper with this sweet palmers cart reg. im getting 30 solid shots per 12 gram at ~275 with ccm internals and a 3 oring aluminum freeflow bolt

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Anonymous No. 213289

You *have* based your entire playing style on this DVD, right?

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Anonymous No. 213295

This is dynasty dysected country

Anonymous No. 214046

Last time I went go play paint ball was a beautiful day where only 4 people showed up to play paintball lol

Jiminy cricket No. 214064

It was super fun when I used to play it. Back in my dad nicest guns we had were tipman 98s, auto cockers and auto mags. I had an automag. Also we couldn't afford to dumb a shit ton of paint and we also played in the woods in a huge area

Jiminy cricket No. 214065

Id get back into if they have like "pump fights" where you can only use a pump gun. Hell I think playing with talons was the most fun because you really had to make your shots count and reloading the c02 chargers was a bitch lol

Jiminy cricket No. 214066

Ancient? Shit I played with tipman 98s and automags and cockers in my day. And B4 that it was talons

Anonymous No. 214070

There are a lot of pump only games. Socal stock meetups, stockhalla, slims stocktoberfest/ stock classic, bacci mountain, SPEW, ragnastock. Then there are a ton of pump only tournaments