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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 143172

Can you cheat the standing game by just learning 3 takedowns and getting really good at them? I do BJJ.

Anonymous No. 143180

Not really.
If someone has good hands and is half decent at takedown defense you will take too much damage getting your face pounded in since you never trained defense of striking.

In the age of mma it's just not good enough to be a purest of a single style.

Anonymous No. 143237

Yes, if you are actually really good at these takedowns someone with "half a decent" takedown defense won't stop you, dude saying that never wrestled
But you need to actually get good at these, something most bjj guys wont ever do

Anonymous No. 143245

thats not cheating the standing game. what youre doing is called getting a good standing game
most judokas/wreslter are experts in 3-5 takedowns, are ok with other takedowns, and use those other takedowns as setups for their good takedowns.
if youre really good at 3 takedowns and know multiple setups for those takedowns, you have a good standing game. period.

Anonymous No. 143248

its perfectly adequate if you find yourself in a common self defense streetfight. the gold standard of course being avoiding streetfights and getting a gun
i looked up the stats, and approximate 2% of the total population in the US is actively practicing martial arts at any given time. if you consider that most street fighters are young and young people are more likely to train, then lets be generous and say that 25% of people you meet in da streetz actively train or have trained recently. alot of these bozos likely do a meme MA that doesnt pressure test, alot of these bozos box and have never grappled, and so the odds that you meet someone qho is not only a more technical grappler than you but also knows how to strike is so low that you get diminishing returns on training everything for self defense. just get a gun at that point.

MMA is the gold standard for empty hands fighting but for everyday self defense its too much commitment for not enough benefits against the common crackhead.

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Anonymous No. 143659

>going to the ground in a streetfight

Anonymous No. 143661

I am a firm believer that Rugby and learning how to throw a elbows is probably one of the best martial arts you could do for any defense second only to Judo.

First off, punching in a fight is like playing a game. Hoping and praying you land a good shot off of someone's temple or jaw is tactically ineffective. You are better off doing a controlled overwhelming attack. Rugby is great for offensive, if you can grab an attacker and ragdoll them around (or just off-balance them) you'll be leagues further into the fight than with jabbing. Usually, you can push a lot of people down to the ground if you're a strong Rugby player. So try that, if that doesn't work and they're giving you some minor hesitation, you use that force against them by throwing them with your hips. You should always go for the throat in any attack. Not the eyes, not the wrists or the groin. The throat, that's it. Always aim for the throat, as they say 'Go for the throat.' Choke slam, grab them by the throat or the collar of their shirt and kick out the leg from behind them, it's a great move when they are planted into the ground and just brute strength can't work in the first seconds. Finally, elbows. I don't care how much boxing or jiu-jitsu experience you have, a elbow is an elbow. So, you grab a hold of their gi or shirt or throat or hair and you throw your elbow directly into their face, along side the temple, or into the throat. Put your whole body into it through your hips, you want to make like a haymaker but with your elbows. But, a haymaker compared to a haymaker elbow is like 9mm against a .308 hunting rifle round. You're pretty much gonna fuck them up horribly. And hey, since you've got a nice firm hold on them already you can let them to the ground easier instead of them bouncing their cerebellum against the asphalt.


Anonymous No. 143662


I know this sounds like a 'le larp post!!!' but I remember playing Rugby with these fucking Samoans and Hawaiians and no matter how many fucking times we told them to take it easy and just play for practice, they would always pummel each other to the ground like the ball was the last bone-in ham on their island. It must've been a tribalistic thing because of how many different rock-clubbers they have in the Oceania. The worst time was one of these Mauri fucks took a handful of manbun on one of our best players and proceeded to nail the shit out of him with his right elbow before hip o-goshi'ing his ass to the turf. I quit 2 months after this when the fighting just got too much and it became a fucking free-for-all. I swear to god, it's like the national sport for these assholes is powerlifting and bashing each other over the head with rocks.

Anyways, long story short, do Rugby and learn how to throw elbows.

Anonymous No. 143668

Master grip fighting then you can do whatever you want

Anonymous No. 143736

The average street fighter doesn’t even exercise. Literally anything is “adequate” for a street fight. Discussion about martial arts shouldn’t be focused on two retards banging on each other outside a bar.

Anonymous No. 143737

Stop posting stupid shit about rugby and judo in every thread. Nobody cares.

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Anonymous No. 143778

It's all fun and games until you fight a rugby player.

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Sage No. 143869

Oh man a punch, I’ve never seen that in any other martial art. Whatever will anyone do to stop such power?

Anonymous No. 143941

You don't see a lot of football or soccer players knocking each other with haymakers before beating them to the ground with no one really stopping them. You don't fight, so I explain it to you better. A rugby player is usually at least 20 lbs. (That's 50 lbs. heavier than you I assume) and 6 feet tall at least, (That's 4 inches taller than you I assume) Rugby itself is usually a vary physical game that involves a lot of tackling and grappling for the ball. While this is not directly a martial art, it can indirectly train already robust players how to grapple and fight. Now, punching isn't allowed in Rugby. So when a player punches another player it's not allowed. (Are you still following?) However, since a Rugby player of the previously mentioned height and weight with already exceptional grappling and takedown skills can also throw significant punches even though that breaks the rules, maybe he's not very timid or shy of confrontations that many avid martial artists are. So, let's make a stack of why Rugby is such a ass-whooper if against a traditional martial art like BJJ.

The average Rugby player is, as said, 6'0 at 200 lbs.

The average BJJ fighter is typically around 155 lbs. and 5'9.

The Rugby player is able to deliver more explosive energy in a shorter time than the BJJ fighter because the Rugby player has more muscle and bone density through playing and from genetics. While the BJJ fighter is more built for long duration endurance matches that utilize more slow muscle fibers instead of the fast twitch ones.

A Rugby player of this size would easily overwhelm the BJJ fighter and simply push him to the ground or swing him by shirt. A BJJ fighter might try to take down the Rugby player but a Rugby player usually knows good takedown defense because of learning to protect the ball while playing, they also know to push down the head and upper back of an offensive attacker.


Anonymous No. 143942

You know when you first started posting this stupid shit I assumed you were a retard trying to troll but apparently you’re actually the dedicated autistic sort of retard. Congrats, and please never post again.

Anonymous No. 143943



Now comes the punches, we already know the Rugby isn't known for its punching specialty. However, let's not discourage the fact that if one of these cavemen throw a hefty haymaker with almost 90% of their bodyweight through their hips. It would most likely floor you if it made even a glance off of your face and or skull. Why? Well, it's simple law of physics. Force = Mass Times Acceleration: Newton's Second Law. Our mass is the Rugby players weight from his lower body and stocky frame, built with dense type II fibers. The acceleration comes from the fast twitch muscle fibers ability to shoot out a closed fist into the face of the BJJ fighter and the physical momentum of weight that the Rugby player uses when throwing with the pivot through the foot and hips. The BJJ fighter doesn't know how to punch and doesn't know how to do good defense for punches like the Rugby player, but the Rugby player has more weight, explosivity and mental confidence in his ability to fight.

Let's say a Rugby player went against a ordinary Boxer, what would happen? Let's say that they are of similar stature and weight. My money would still be on the Rugby player because of his ability to grapple and takedown. While the boxer is able to last round-after-round with snappy punches, it only takes two hands and two seconds of off-balancing for the Boxer to hit the ground and a Boxer doesn't do to well on the ground. A Rugby player would just stand up and curb him like no tomorrow since Rugby players can stand up faster to run with the ball they caught.

Finally, what a MMA fighter? I don't know, it comes down to weight and stature. If the MMA fighter is smaller, he's gonna have the same problem as the BJJ guy. If they're the same, I think the MMA fighter could win, but it just comes down to who can deliver the most amount of power longer.

So, 2.5/3 times a Rugby player would sweep up a BJJ fighter, a Boxer, and a smaller class MMA fighter.


Anonymous No. 143945


It's alright little bud, where's almost through!

So, 2.5/3 times a Rugby player would sweep up a BJJ fighter, a Boxer, and a smaller class MMA fighter. How? Well, It's through size and strength. The same reason why if we took a piece of small, fragile aluminum and hit it with a steel sledgehammer it would deform and break. Size and strength will always dwarf skillset. *Record Scratch* Wait?! What!? I know right, you mean to tell me if I just ate big and did lifted some weights and did some pushups I would dominate most fighters? Well, no actually. Because we need to mention one more factor which is off-balancing. This is where Judo comes into play. Off-Balancing is the one weapon a smaller opponent has against a bigger guy. However, in Judo, it's a controlled dance in a sense. Their is explosivity and wonky height differences, but they are both latched to each other in a fight to throw the other. This works for the little guys in Judo because they can trick their opponent to pushing back with a pull before launching themselves into them with a push and lets say a leg reap. In a real fight, harder to do. Because the opponent is not gonna dance around with you. But, if you had split-second power and explosivity with the skills of off-balancing like a Rugby player has, you could be the size of a peppercorn and still would snap people around! Give that power of off-balancing and perfected throws to our larger scale Rugby player and you have someone with cattle-raised strength!

So, in conclusion: A average statured Rugby player with a moderate understanding of Judo or general off-balancing work can easily dominate 90% to 95% of most fighters regardless of background or training.

Anonymous No. 143947

I hope it's not too much strain to read and I hope you leave with a new light on the topic. I also hope you change your piss-poor attitude on things and your loser, low-energy abilities. Please, go home and lay down and don't do anything because that's probably what you're best at. Just lay in bed and watch some T.V. and try again (NOT! LOOL!) next week.


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Anonymous No. 143949

I want you to know that you wrote all this out and I never read past the first line of any post. There’s nothing you can do about it either.

lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 143967

That's okay, it's more beneficial that you don't know anything.

Anonymous No. 143977

lmao, sperg out more. Rugby is just gay euro football, neither of which is a martial art.

One of these college stars lost an eye from this fight and can never play again. Lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 143980

Incredible that you had to write all that (and get fixated on rugby) to come to the genius conclusion that athletic ability matters in a fight. Retard

Anonymous No. 143999

This is actually the best way to do it. A lot grapplers of various types vastly overestimate their own in abilities in these situations

Anonymous No. 144012

>a half-lit quarterback hoohoo football player lost against a sober mma fighter and his friends

wow owned, you know football isn't rugby right?

Anonymous No. 144034

the thing is, bullies usually pick smaller and weaker ppl as their prey, bc they're easy targets. so you should never assume that an attacker in da streetz is a weak, unskilled wimp.

and while there are varying degrees of aggression and commitment to harm you in violent criminals, it's safe to assume that if someone is actively trying to hurt you, they made up their mind beforehand, and they wouldn't risk jail time for nothing.

ofc always try to deescalate if possible, but if push comes to shove, being good at a few takedowns probably won't be enough, like other anons have explained itt. those brown/black belts in judo, bjj, etc or wrestlers of an equivalent skill level, are able to out-grapple those bigger, stronger dudes DESPITE their size disadvantage (moreso talking about weight than anything) purely because they're THAT skilled from YEARS and YEARS of training consistently and probably competing regularly. size and/or athleticism beats technique most of the time.

so in addition to years and years of training consistently at a legit grappling gym, you'll probably have to do a lot of cardio and strength training as well.

on top of that, you'll have to learn how to actually use that gun you mentioned. not just shooting targets at a shooting range, but practicing drawing your gun in time as someone charges at you w/ violent intent, and shooting those fake... rounds... or w/e you call them, at the attacker (sorry, i'm not a gun person). or grappling w/ guns or knives involved.

and beyond that, actual self-defense training consists of so much more than hand-to-hand or weapons training, that it might as well be its own complete post-secondary education, like a college/university course or sth. and just like w/ a philology degree, for example, you'd invest so much time, energy, and money to develop a skillset, but probably never get to apply it in any meaningful way. which begs the question: is the juice worth the squeeze?

Anonymous No. 144036

the outcome probably wouldn't be much different if it was a rugby player

Anonymous No. 144047

The way you type is so fucking insufferable. Most of the rugby dudes I’ve met are cool, you just give them a bad rep

Anonymous No. 144052

What are you gonna do about it? Nothing.

Anonymous No. 144053

Not him, but I’m going to call you an autistic sped about it.

Autistic sped.

Anonymous No. 144054


Anonymous No. 144057

You write like a discord tranny

Anonymous No. 144060

You write like a pretentious homo. Zero energy, very submissive.

Anonymous No. 144067

Write another text wall, autismo

Anonymous No. 144069

Go lay down.

Anonymous No. 144198

uh oh

Anonymous No. 144199

for some reference, the guy who won is Sam Tuitupou a New Zealand rugby player.

Anonymous No. 144237

Roy Asotasi isn’t a boxer but another rugby player too so I don’t know what point you think you’re making, retard.

Start telling rugby players to to fight in the ufc since the first one to do it will apparently become heavyweight champion with ease because rugby is just the greatest martial art ever created.

Anonymous No. 144245

Who said Rugby alone was 'the greatest martial art ever created?'

Anonymous No. 144246

Also Alexander Volkanovski is the current Featherweight champion and 80% of his background was in Rugby with some wrestling.

Anonymous No. 144247

Tai Tuivasa is #6 in Heavyweights and comes from a heavy Rugby background.

Anonymous No. 144259

Holy shit youre retarded
>Wrestler since childhood
>began training mma before even leaving rugby
>clearly rugby is what made him a great fighter
>starts training mma
>does well in mma
Clearly it was the rugby that made him a good fighter

Just kill yourself, moron

Anonymous No. 144263

Why are you spazzing out? You didn't answer the question of when I said 'the greatest martial art ever created is Rugby'. Point to it, go ahead.

Anonymous No. 144267

>responds seriously to a tongue in cheek statement
by the way, come up with your own insults instead of just ripping the things other people have called you in this thread, window licker

Anonymous No. 144271

Anon, you and I both know I didn't say 'the greatest martial art ever created is Rugby.' You're trying to back track and avoid the fact you sat down and wrote those words and probably proof-read through it. You spud-sucking, shit-sniffing lame ass.

Anonymous No. 145172

the football player was clearly a much heavier guy though