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Anonymous No. 143238

Why are autists here obsessed with meme old 19th century boxing and shit that literally no one does, fighting has been evolving for ages and every professional fighter and people that engage in altercations for a living trains mma or some modern kickboxing, boxing, grappling martial art
Only here i see retards talking about le ancient bareknuckle boxing techniques and le too dangerous for the ring shit
Easiest ways of putting someone out of a fight are blunt trauma to the head and squeezing the carotids really hard, stop trying to reinventing the wheel

Anonymous No. 143247

The Mystic of the east, things that are old and traditional are seemed as more mysterious and aesthetic therefore cooler as opposite to boxing and wrestling that are as straight forward as you can get (just get your body in perfect shape and repeat these drills ad nauseam)

Anonymous No. 143260

For me, I just like talking about that stuff out of historical interest, not because I think it's better than modern martial arts.

Anonymous No. 143265

yes because there is such a lack of MMA related posts on internet forums in 2023.
fucking retard

Anonymous No. 143273

>Only here i see retards talking about le ancient bareknuckle boxing techniques and le too dangerous for the ring shit

Youve never been on martial arts forums have you

Anonymous No. 143285

No, not really
I prefer going to martial arts gyms
That's based and you should do these kinda stuff you enjoy

Anonymous No. 143296

>here's the latest set of rules for a constantly evolving thing
>stop trying to reinvent the wheel

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Anonymous No. 143299

There are a total of 0 rules stopping you to go to a local mma organization and fight with meme old boxing stances and block jabs with your forehead if you think thats superior to modern boxing

Anonymous No. 143303

>implying mma fighters fight same way as modern boxers

Anonymous No. 143311

That was absolutely not the point, retard

Anonymous No. 143313

Rule and equipment changes are generally credited with the transition away from meme old boxing stances.

Anonymous No. 143314

So what was the point? You seem to be arguing about nothing, just for argument itself.

Anonymous No. 143413

your mma is a meme, all traditional martial arts were already complete; included striking, grappling, takedowns, whatever. No fucking shit has been invented by your "modern mma" which hasn't been already known 1000 years ago (and you didn't invent "mixing" "arts" either kek). The possible exception is - duh - boxing, which developed tremendously due to extreme specialization. And even judo is removing techniques which are being deemed "too dangerous for ring" as we speak.
eat shit moron

Anonymous No. 143427

> block jabs with your forehead
Professional mma fighters train to do that even today sometimes. Iโ€™m fairly certain has rutten has talked about doing that as well.

Anonymous No. 143434

If anything, MMA proves the old methods work better than the modern ones. For example, MMA striking has more in common with 19th/early 20th century boxing than with modern boxing: Extended guard, emphasis on power, stuff like blocking with the elbows instead of the forearms, punching on the move etc.

Anonymous No. 143922

lol if I used my dim mak I could kill all MMA fighters even heavyweights, cope more

Anonymous No. 144421

Because 19th century boxing is the only way to fight. You wouldn't understand, but I would beat every MMA Jijutsi ching chong methjead UFC Conor McDonalds rapscallion in a real street fight. You have no idea..

Anonymous No. 144465

The problem with this line of thinking is that fighting isn't a linear evolution where whatever's newest is the best. It's a constantly changing meta. Techniques or strategies that were out-of-vogue or obsolete could be effective again once modified or if that the thing that countered them stopped being used.

Anonymous No. 148217

Like people were doing modified peruvian neckties 1000 years ago lol, fucking retarded cunt

Anonymous No. 148282

traditional != good
modern != good

while there have been a lot of improvements in martial arts, there have also been a number of regressions. in some cases they're still getting worse.

some older training methods prove better than their newer equivalents, but seem to be largely forgotten. some newer training methods prove better than their older equivalents, but have yet to fully catch on.

Anonymous No. 148313

well, I guess that BJJ gays have invented combat dick sucking too; you won.

Anonymous No. 148409

I wouldn't call it a obsession but learning how to punch people without wraps and gloves and not hurting your hands from people who had hundreds of fights without wraps and gloves without hurting their hands seems like a good idea.
If those modifications to punching techniques worked then under full contact conditions there is little reason to believe they are suddenly obsolete just because mma and modern boxing are the popular combat sports of the day.

Anonymous No. 148449

Yeah its also like how low tier characters in fighting games never get played so even if there are ways to counter them people forget how. Like when Machida was bodying people left and right until he fought Shogun lol.

Anonymous No. 148450

Why didn't you mention the legs-up stance? Much more important contribution kek

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 151760


Anonymous No. 151769

You need to be arrested for bumping the shittiest thread

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 154352

>>143238 sure Why not really

Anonymous No. 155583


Anonymous No. 155588

because if it's meme shit that no one really does, it's way easier to get to a level where you're competitive (or at least considered "good") in a short space of time vs. an art that's so popular a relatively large chunk of the population have trained in it since they were a child

realistically these guys are already going to have low self esteem from not having many friends and no one wanting to have sex with them, they need an easy win

Anonymous No. 157717


Anonymous No. 157754

How many times is this faggot going to ban evade and type "what"

Does xs even have jannies, jesus christ

I've heard of doing it for free, but theyre not even doing it