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🧵 /kudo/ - Kudo General:

Anonymous No. 143577

Dedicated thread of Daido Juku or Kudo, a combination of Karate and Judo.

Please post Kudo related things.

(P.S. Sambo is welcome!)

Anonymous No. 143584

If I wanted to start Kudo but there is no kudo or sambo in city. All my training so fair has been in HS wrestling and sumo, what should I start training now?

Anonymous No. 143586

Karate and Judo.

If not that, Rugby.

Anonymous No. 143587

You could also do Judo and Thai Boxing.

Anonymous No. 143590

I am already doing rugby but the season is done for year, I was think karate but I am worried that I will pay for a shit gym because they don't do a free drop in or I will just end up learning point karate
Unlike a old school gym.
The only judo gym charges 340 for 6 months is that fair? and how much cross over is there with thai boxing and kudo?

Anonymous No. 143591

That's <$60/mo. That's a bargain, especially if there's a big adult class. MMA or BJJ will run you double that easily.

>point karate
I would rather go to a TKD school than the average karate dojo, simply because TKD competition is taken more seriously on average, while the average krotty dojo is cardio kickboxing and kata.

Anonymous No. 143592

>340 for 6 months is that fair

That's 56 bucks a month so yeah, mine's 100 a month.

Kudo uses a lot of Karate, but you can pretty much implement Thai boxing to substitute it.

Just get a striking art and a grappling/takedown art. I'd check out the Karate, ask some people about it.

Anonymous No. 143593

Why not just go to an MMA gym if you want to mix takedowns and striking and groundwork? Is the jacket that important to you?

Anonymous No. 143595

There's already karate and judo threads (which themselves are open to sambo). Don't see enough people doing kudo to make a whole general out of it.

MMA would be the most available thing. Judo would also be common.

Sanshou/sanda is also good as it mixes striking and takedowns like kudo.

Anonymous No. 143607

The big bubble helmet stops your face/nose getting broken.

Anonymous No. 143619

Cool thanks for price info and i think I will do the judo and mauy thai
I like the look of the jacket
I probably wouldn't have found kudo with out this thread

Anonymous No. 143678

Everything its better with muay thai kicks and boxing punches isn't it?

Anonymous No. 143689

>I probably wouldn't have found kudo with out this thread
You didn't find kudo. There isn't a single person in your postal code that competes in it or coaches it.

Anonymous No. 143692

Cool, I but found Kudo

Anonymous No. 144556

Does kudo have all the judo syllabus?

Anonymous No. 144558

Judo doesn’t even allow half the judo syllabus, why would Kudo?

Anonymous No. 144559

is Kudo effective against a boxer in a streetfight?

Anonymous No. 144561


Anonymous No. 145236

Zero kudo gyms in my country. I just want a good mix of striking and throws without every sparring session turning into useless bjj snoozefest.

Anonymous No. 145335

>Zero kudo gyms in my country.
Same here, I think there are only schools in Japan, Russia, and a tiny few in the US.

Anonymous No. 145339

Kudo its still a karate style or really mutated to a MMA form?

Anonymous No. 145340

It's closer to MMA except headbutts are allowed.

Anonymous No. 145342

I mean the mentality, It seems to be still Kyokushin

Anonymous No. 145361

We've got a few in Australia I've been to.

Anonymous No. 145682

There are schools in some euro countries, Eastern Europe in particular. Belarus, Lithuania. Which is a shame, it's not some secret knowledge but it's the closest to effective self defence.

Anonymous No. 147737

Kudo is like karate + judo
MMA is like muay thai + jiujitsu
Hapkido is like taekwondo + judo

But Kudo has the most realistic and cool rule set if I am being honest and it is the closest to a traditional martial art, both in practices and philosophy

Anonymous No. 148111

Last time i checked there were dojos in UK, France, Italy, Spain, Germany...

hapkido is like aikido with taekwondo kicks

Anonymous No. 148118

This is the way

Anonymous No. 148119

Because of the bubble helmet, your nose won't get broken. If your face is already fucked, don't worry too much about

Anonymous No. 150970

Is kudo your first martial art?
I did karate (shorin ryu) for 4 years, almost black belt, before.

Anonymous No. 151030

Why Azuma and his students choose to add boxing, muay thai and jiu-jitsu to karate?
There is any book or interview about this?

Anonymous No. 151068

cause FUCKING karate iS FUCKING gay

Anonymous No. 151069

kudo is karate, it was called karate until 2001 and they arbitrarily decided to change the name in hope of making it distinct

ironically if they kept calling it karate more people might know about it and treat it like a style instead of some obscure sport nobody ever heard of

Anonymous No. 151121

>FUCKING karate

I think you may be doing one of those things wrong.

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Taiga Iwasaki vs ....webm

Anonymous No. 151831

Anonymous No. 151841

It's just MMA with an emphasis on budo stuff, which translates to preserving japanese culture, which comes with increased protective gear since traditional martial arts lean into that pacifist thing. Honestly looks kinda cool though. Official gyms are stupid fucking rare but most MMA gyms I know of will let you spar with whatever protective equipment you feel comfortable with so long as it's your own.

Anonymous No. 153066

Kudo seems neat

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Anonymous No. 154721

From kudo point of view, do you miss kata?, what do you think kata could have given you?.
Or are kata detrimental in practice?

Anonymous No. 154823

Kudo has less strict rules than judo, it's way more aggressive. It's like a version of MMA that leans a little more towards TMA roots.

Anonymous No. 156171


Anonymous No. 156242

Hey, what you guys think of this place? It has good reviews.

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Anonymous No. 156243

Whoops forgot.

Anonymous No. 158140

Did kudo stop to evolve and grow technically?.
It started as kyokushin + judo and with the years they added boxing, sambo, muay thai, bjj...
Do you see kudo changing in the next years?

Anonymous No. 158150

holy fuck that's a lot

Anonymous No. 158172

I swear this board is obsessed with the theory of this art rather then actually train it, because there are extremely few places to train it.

Anonymous No. 158177

The striking I see in OPs gif doesn't really look like any karate striking I've ever seen or anything that was taught 10-15 years ago. You can definitely see the influence from mma/boxing

Anonymous No. 158207

If your from Europe or Asia you can look up ju jutsu.
Not the combat bjj crap from Eddy Bravo…

It’s pretty similar to Kudo:

Anonymous No. 159681

Any one know good Sambo training guides? Books or videos just something I can bring to open mats

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Anonymous No. 159796

Sambo Encyclopedia is a great book. Vlad Koulikov (Sambo Fusion) and Sila Partera have a lot of great videos. Riley Bodycomb's sambo dvds are kind of dated now but still good.

Anonymous No. 159804

Dude fuck BJJ, i swear every gym is like this. It's a fucking racket. I dont care how good they are these prices are bullshit. There is practically zero overhead for a gym besides equipment.

Anonymous No. 160494


Anonymous No. 160601

No kata is one of the best parts about kudo lol. If you care about it they have "kihon" which is training form with the basic techniques, i.e. shadowboxing, i.e. kata that is actually practical.

Anonymous No. 161918

They make the best videos that's for sure

Anonymous No. 162669

Just train kickboxing and grappling like all russian competitors do. Combat sambo is sport for third tier wrestlers and kudo is sport for third tier combat samboists here who doesn't have any talents but still want to be champions in something.

Anonymous No. 162671

Do I have to have prior training in Kudo to start a Kudo gym? If I was a black belt in both Judo and Karate could I just use that as my experience?

Anonymous No. 163623

One of this guys fought against Royce Gracie and lost

Anonymous No. 165036

Now I see the light. I'm buying bjj as we speak. Obrigado muito.

Anonymous No. 165337

How the fuck fo you have Sumo available but no Karate gym? Join a Kyokushinkai and do some Judo, that's basically Kudo.

Anonymous No. 165356

Kyokushin Karate if you got a school like that around. Its literally Karate + Judo with MMA rules + headbutts.

Op No. 165358


Anonymous No. 165496

Do the gloves used in kudo have any padding like mma gloves or are they more like wrist wraps?

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Anonymous No. 166927


Anonymous No. 167027

I have two years of kyokushin experience and I did a little judo as a kid and likes MMA and wrestling etc, would I be alright at Kudo? Do people headbutt whilst sparring? Also where are some good Kudo dojos in Southern England? There’s one in slough that’s ran by a Bengali which is never a good sign to me desu

Anonymous No. 168316

It's gonna continue to evolve outside of the origins of its parent arts like all derivatives do. They do too many looping punches and other bad habits in the early days, but slowly, they'll get better.

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@kudo_uchida kudo....webm

Anonymous No. 170843

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@kudo_uchida kudo....webm

Anonymous No. 170845

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@kudo_uchida kudo....webm

Anonymous No. 170847

Anonymous No. 170882

dude of course if you leave an art or sport to evolve at the highest level with rules changes and such for a decade, its going to look different as people begin to adapt the most efficient techniques for their sport that work within their rule set for the players.

Karate has always had head punches and so on but they weren't trained because most point fights were based on no head striking other than with feet unless they fought with similar gear that Kudo does which was called Full Contact Karate rather than Point Fighting Karate which is what you are mostly familiar with, Full Contact usually exists in europe and asia only as they compete with other arts as well.

Anonymous No. 170886

This honestly looks the most likely I would expect from Okinawan Karate in combat application to look like in real action, just better refined through years of practice.

Anonymous No. 170893

Kudo starts to make more and more sense as a standard TMA ruleset for competition to counter the MMA fanbase with.

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kudo butt kick co....webm

Anonymous No. 173190

Anonymous No. 173302

To add to this, if you absolutely must do kata, learn the Ashihara ones. They’re way more practical, and look more like set shadow boxing combinations than traditional line kata. No, they don’t include stuff to interpret for bunkai, but just do some judo and you’ll get everything you could possibly get out of bunkai, and more, faster.

Anonymous No. 173317

In a vacuum, kudo > mma for self defence, because kudo allows headbutts and limits ground time. Headbutts work well with throws.

MMA's emphasis on ground fighting in incredibly lame, boring and impractical for anything but unarmed 1 vs 1.

Anonymous No. 173327

Not 100% sure that’s true. Yes limiting in depth groundwork will get you street fight ready faster, for almost all circumstances, mma will give you more options for those rare cases when you are one on one on the ground with someone potentially bigger and stronger.

The headgear I don’t think changes much, except you might be a bit sloppier with your punches expecting a larger target. But headhunting is a bad idea in self defence, you just need to learn to deal with the untrained instinct to headhunt. And maybe slipping the wilder sambo esque punches you see in kudo in the headhear (so you’re the bigger target) would have more carry over faster to avoiding haymakers.

I think the gi is the deciding factor. If you live in a cold environment, then kudo is better training (like you said, in a vacuum) for you, because you can take advantage of jackets and coats your attacker would be wearing. Somewhere warm, and no gi stuff has more carryover to t shirts or shirtless attackers.

This is all redundant though. Mma is way more popular, in most countries meaning you have a bigger talent pool. It’s the same problem with styles like savate, sanda, sambo and (more often than people want to admit here) knockdown karate They absolutely have some benefits basic bitch boxing/muay thai/ kickboxing + judo/wrestling/bjj don’t have. But you run the risk of being a big fish in a tiny pond. Winning national tournament with 5 total fighters in your weight class.

Headbutts are useful, but I see kudo championing them as being a bit like knockdown karate championing bare knuckle punching, or savate and it’s kicking with shoes on. Yes, it’s all more realistic, but it’s missing the forest for the trees if there’s less than 50 people actively competing in it in your country.

Anonymous No. 173328

If you live in China, you absolutely should take advantage of sanda, and it seems like the situation is the same in russia for kudo as well as sambo. But apart from that, suck it up, accept you aren’t getting to do a hipster martial art that’s still combat effective, and train some more normal combat sports instead of trying to be interesting. That’s how I see it anyway.

Anonymous No. 173329

>one MA is better than another MA if it contains more techniques
Absolutely noob take

Anonymous No. 173331

>The headgear I don’t think changes much
The headgear changes a fucking lot of how you perceive head punches, it is well known after doing kudo you already subconsciously understand that catching a weak blow to the head is not scary, which allows you to protect your head less
>and it seems like the situation is the same in russia for kudo as well as sambo.
I'm from Russia and sambo is sport for third tier judokas/wrestlers, combat sambo is sport for third tier samboists and kudo is sport for third tier combat samboists. If you are from Russia you should do freestyle or greco roman wrestling

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kudo harai goshi.webm

Anonymous No. 174293

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kudo ko heem.webm

Anonymous No. 174295

Anonymous No. 174319

protective gear is just to keep it safe but effective, which is a good thing, Kudo technically could be an olympic MMA option whereas MMA couldn't.

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kudo gi spin into....webm

Anonymous No. 175460

Anonymous No. 175767

I tried a gracie gym too, they're fucking jews, lots of people tho

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kudo takedowns.webm

Anonymous No. 175884

Anonymous No. 175942

good luck finding a good gym where they teach/train in sanda.

i tried this already, so i'll save you the trouble. the reality is they're few and far between.

>>143591 and >>143587 have the right idea. good muay thai gyms and good tkd schools are far more common than good karate dojos - i say that as a karateka. but good sanda gyms are even less common.

judo is also much more common in a lot of places outside of america, here in europe especially, so the talent pool is a lot bigger. the rate of "martial arts fitness" classes (cardio kickboxing, circuit training, etc) in mma is a lot higher here than in judo. so depending on one's location, the quality of the average judo dojo might be higher than that of the average mma gym.

fcs please stop shilling rugby as a martial art. it's not happening. it'll never catch on. either post about a martial art in a martial arts thread or go to >>>/sp/ .

Anonymous No. 175986

>good muay thai gyms and good tkd schools are far more common than good karate dojos

>muay thai

ehh I don't know about that

>but good sanda gyms are even less common.
Still a fuckton more common than kudo

Anonymous No. 175992

>have a literal autistic retard in class
>goes on vacation
>goes to a gracie barra
>they make him buy a $250 gi to take one class
>he pays it because he's an autistic retard
good rule is anything with the gracie name on it you should run far away from

Anonymous No. 178271

where is kudo in poland?
In which cities?

Anonymous No. 178367

So much fucking this... If the IOC picked it up we would see a huge boom in popularity. As it is the nearest Kudo USA affiliate is 2.5hrs drive away.

Anonymous No. 181949

judo, kudo, or boxing?

Anonymous No. 181951


Anonymous No. 181952

Hey guys can I come too?

Anonymous No. 181959

Why would you miss something with no value that gives you the illusion of making progres

Anonymous No. 181985

The kata in machida karate is prectical
All kata can be translated 1:1 into mit work so they're practical useable combinations

Anonymous No. 182121

I've heard bad things about Gracie barra gyms from my gym owner apparently the one near me advanced a guy to black belt really fast so he could teach because nobody else wanted to. They're expensive as hell too.

Anonymous No. 182123

they suck, it's a low quality chain that preys on peoples ignorance
you tell someone you go to gracie barra you're getting an eye roll
the nasty little scam they run too is the ibjjf and gracie barra are the same company, so even if you go somewhere else if you're an ibjjf member which 1 your club has to be in order to attend the tournaments
2 you have to be as an individual in order to attend tournaments
you're paying them dues regardless. They're the jiujitsu mafia collecting their protection money

fortunately ADCC is doing a good as job completely displacing them but there's still more work to be done

Anonymous No. 182125

Yeah, when I first got into looking for gyms after wrestling in high school I checked out a gracie barra and got really put off when I saw people rolling. I obviously didn't know shit about submissions but I could tell how rough their takedowns were, even the black belts couldn't handfight or do a good double/single leg

Anonymous No. 182128

Anything gracie is low quality
You see that name and its a red flag. They exist off name recognition and politics, not because they teach anything worthwhile

Something extra scummy is we had this barely functional autist and they took advantage of him
This is the kind of guy that lives in a group home for potatoes, isn't allowed to drive, his highest level of employment will be wrangling shopping carts at home depot for minimum wage

He goes to gracie barra to try a class and they made him buy a $250 gi
I don't care what their policy is about what you're allowed to wear there, this is a guy that obviously has something wrong with him the moment he opens his mouth and they took advantage of him
For what? A few bucks? Probably half a paycheck for him