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🧵 Start kick boxing

Anonymous No. 143747

So i moved to the USA, am near houston and id like to start kick boxing but i have some worries and questions on how you guys that are in these topics did it.

1. Are americans pussies in kickboxing clubs? motherfucker i go to google and type kickboxing club and get these gay modern fitness studio shit with fuck merchendise and what ever. I dont wanna go there and do gay shit.

2. To mitiate number 1, how do i find good local ones with people that are actually tough and teach you shit, no pussy, no fagshit. I suppose they are all small, or so. Should i go to tournament websites find out where their fighters come from and search if they take students or so?

Anonymous No. 143755

Most kickboxing and especially "Muay Thai" classes in the US are just cardio kickboxing classes with a new label slapped on. I don't know the training scene in Houston very well so you're just gonna have to shop around.

If you can afford to take time off I would advise you to go to Thailand for a few months. Even the most touristy gym you can find there is more hard-core than anything you can find in the US

Anonymous No. 143758

thats exactly what i mean, im russian and i know mf if you go to a karate or sambo place in russia, motherfucker your gonna be tough as fuck. Here, they are so faggoty, and
> muh insta pictures, yaass girl
you know what i mean. I think id rather not go into kickboxing here then or so and just wait until i move back to my country in a few years

Anonymous No. 143760

>Should i go to tournament websites find out where their fighters come from and search if they take students or so?
Doesn't seem like a bad idea. Find out where successful fighters are training, which schools are producing good fighters, and try to join those places.

Anonymous No. 145697

You moved to a "faggoty" city retard, of course that sort of shit's going to be everywhere. Just go to a bunch until you find one you like

Anonymous No. 146615

Just normal box at a club gym. Look for a dirty place, real fight gyms don't make any money. I can almost guarantee the coach will know and be able to teach you kicks, or you could meet someone who could teach you.

Anonymous No. 146617

are they still around? I thought they had to close because the owner had a judgement against him

I used to work there, the entire thing was a total grift. They told us straight up how we were supposed to lie to people, everything we said was off of a huge 40 page script, every class came out of a binder and was designed to eat up time without actually teaching as much as possible

Anonymous No. 146643

There are a couple around my metro area, plus the other meme cardio places. If the clientele is majority women, the place is automatically shit and nobody learns anything

🗑️ Anonymous No. 146786

Bitch slap /aa22/ #1347
Asked /niger/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of retards.


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Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

Install Guide:
General FAQ:
Niggerfaggot Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

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>Mods & More:
Mods for dumbass(ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/fag/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 146925

Houston has a pretty good Muay Thai gym that has sent some guys to Thailand.

Anonymous No. 146928

Look for MMA or muay thai gyms, otherwise you'll be inundated with cardio kickboxing classes.

Anonymous No. 146929

>Most kickboxing and especially "Muay Thai" classes in the US are just cardio kickboxing classes with a new label slapped on.
Confirmed retard

Anonymous No. 146945

Retarded tatefag.
Gyms that make champions make a fuckload of money and afford quality equipment and cleaning cause athletes whose livelihood depend on actually fighting good are willing to pay good, specially the more successful and rich they are.
Kill yourself and I hope you step an AIDS needle in your "le hardcore dirty gym".

Anonymous No. 146946

To be fair you should either look for gyms that teach Muay Thai or Savate. Many gyms that present themselves as "kick boxing" are BS so you need to be careful with those. If you found a gym that claims to have made professional fighters, double check that it's not BS, and if it isn't BS then just go there.

Anonymous No. 147062

I have trained in both. OP asked for a hardcore training environment. Those very commercialized gyms that make a lot of money have an elite team of some kind. THOSE guys become great fighters. You also have to qualify.
This is not to say those gyms are without merit, but OP here does not want to go to a sanitized sissy gym.
May your crops bear no yield for a decade.

Anonymous No. 147063

Consider it this way
I happened to live close to a gym that was well known at the time
It's irrelevant now but it was big around 2005, had pros coming out of it

But me being a lowly neighborhood kid didnt get the good training
If you were a pro you got pro training, if you were a normal fag you got basic shit training. So if your goal was to go to the gym in hope of leveling up you better already be good or they wouldnt take you seriously

That's probably why they puttered out in the end since home grown talent is what keeps you relevant

Anonymous No. 147233

>they hated him because he told the truth

Anonymous No. 147235

great way to get mat-born illnesses

man, there are so many retards on /xs, even in this very thread. feels like they're in the majority on this board.

Anonymous No. 147237

from what i understand, a lot of "muay thai" gyms in america basically teach dutch kb, but that's a far cry from the cardio variety. savate seems cool but how common is it over there? muay thai does seem like the next best thing to train in for OP. it's basically a type of kickboxing anyway. it's either that or taekwondo or kyokushin (if OP can find a place to learn it).

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For the extra slo....jpg

Anonymous No. 147468

That's a risk you run anywhere you stupid bastard. I'm talking about boxing with shoes on, not fucking gay ass ju-jitsu.
Pay attention or keep your shitty opinions to yourself, you dumb ass.

Anonymous No. 147501

Most US MT gyms teach all techniques of kickboxing, Thai style, Dutch/European style, doesn't matter, since in competitions out side of Thailand the pace is usually to high for pure MT anyways(because the live betting in Thailand means fighters who want to get fights need to slow it down and put on a good show)

Anonymous No. 147565

yes, this applies to every and any gym, period. that's exactly my point. boxing gyms are no exception. being in good health is infinitely more important than being skilled at hurting ppl. stop encouraging ppl to put their health at risk.

Anonymous No. 147634

Awe did I make you look stupid? Go back to /r/aikido you neckbeard fuck.

Anonymous No. 147735

no you didn't retard. i'm seldomly on reddit. i post here most days, and on the days i'm not posting i'm lurking. if anything YOU type an awful lot like a tourist.

word of advice: being an edgelord won't help you fit in on the chans.

Anonymous No. 147771

>Reddit Spacing
>"Seldomly on reddit"
>Trying to call someone an edgelord in todays day and age
>Can't refute my point so desperately tries to change the subject

Anonymous No. 147774

>i'm seldomly on reddit
That's too much

Anonymous No. 148277

what reddit spacing? i don't see any unnecessary spaces, and if there were that's bc of my autocorrect (i'm a phoneposter). your point is dumb so i refuted it w/ ease, as anyone could. i'm far from a redditor so you're barking up the wrong tree.

there are some decent subs that are better than their 4chan equivalent, like r/martialarts for example (most ppl there actually train, from what i remember).

only reason i don't post there is bc i hate everything else about the site, like the upvotes, awards, reply chains, being able to post shit for upvotes, the long-winded posts that don't say all that much, the stringent policies, etc.

some boards on here even link to relevant subreddits in their wikis. crazy!

remove the reddit boogeyman from your mind and you'll have a much better time on the internet.

also, at no point did i "desperately try to change the subject". you're the one who called me a neckbeard fuck r/aikido user (both strawmen btw), instead of addressing my point, so YOU'RE the one who changed the subject. but to entertain your non-argument of a reply: i don't see what aikido has to do w/ any of this. so far you've given me nothing but internet jargon word salad.

and no, being an edgelord won't make you any cooler. it just makes you look desperate.

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You've been ....jpg

Anonymous No. 148782

>internet jargon word salad
My sides
Quality bait anon, good meme.
And I first called you a stupid bastard, THEN i called you an r/aikido neckbeard fuck. Your post has now proven both points to be correct, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I'm not even going to spell this out for you, but you missed and pathetically tried to dodge my point. I don't have any crayons, so re-read it.
And let me close with you are insufferable in the way you speak and your pedantic behavior. Be less cunty.

Anonymous No. 148801

I took a muay thai class for yesterday first time yesterday. Over the course of the hour I probably took 300+ kicks to the knee because that's what we were doing in all the combinations

I'm in so much pain today have a radiating ache going from one side through to the other, I can feel all the fluid built up and something is rubbing when I bend it. Probably tore my meniscus. What fucking idiot says this shit is a good idea

Oh wow such effective fighting! Btw you're gonna cripple yourself

Anonymous No. 148901

>all this blubbering pussy shit
This is why you aren't good at sports in general

Anonymous No. 148974

once again, i am not a redditor. you're the one who thinks piss poor hygiene is a good indicator of quality instruction in a fight gym (or any gym really), so you're the last person to call anyone retarded. i've never done aikido in my life and i'm not a neckbeard.

if you're so convinced that i missed and dodged your point, why don't you explain to me what it was? let's hear it. every time you dodge my point and smugly accuse me of doing the same, you just make yourself look like more of a hypocrite.

matter fact, how about you stick to the original subject and prove your claim that poor hygiene = good gym? enough pivoting, boy.

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Take it easy, ret....jpg

Anonymous No. 148994

I did not use the words "poor hygiene," you did. Probably because you are an unwashed person yourself.
I spelled out my position and opinion in a coherent way, if you still do not get this I cannot communicate with you in an effective enough way to bridge the intellect gap.
Mat Borne illness is something you can, and given enough time, will get even in a normal weight lifting gym. I did not claim anything about hygiene because that applies to people. Dirty = rundown. Fight clubs make almost no money at all, hence the dirty / rundown appearance.
Training in these run down fight clubs consist of moderate intensity sparing and hard conditioning with things like battle ropes.
Training in those big gyms with a shit load of people absolutely still carries the same risks of staph and shit, only way more people - which means more variables. And they have a lot to lose, and a lot to risk. They pulled sparing for 2 weeks because of 2 people who went harder than they were comfortable with. You obviously have not progressed to the same point I have.
I beseech you, I will continue to humiliate you if you do not yield your retarded position and pedantic behavior.

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Anonymous No. 148996


Anonymous No. 148998

Look the other guy is annoying but you’re just as bad brother, take it down a notch.
>bridge the intellect gap

Anonymous No. 149010

fun fact, that actor died a few years ago on the 4th of july
they were setting off fireworks and he decided to hold the mortar tube in his hands, it blew his head clean off his shoulders. The witnesses said everything above the neck was just completely gone

Anonymous No. 149060

No no don't tell him to stop, he's right

Anonymous No. 149100

Heritage Muay Thai is a solid gym.

Anonymous No. 151326

I recently joined a weekly kickboxing class at my local gym, I expected it to be a gay ass cardio class. I was wrong, when sparring with the instructors they would go at your pace, but since it was my first class they shit tested me a little. Took a spinning kick to the liver that almost made me puke, very fun class though. Any tips on how to improve as fast as possible? I got compliments on my hands (5 months of heavy bag work with a coach) but my kicks and overall movement was shite, never sparred before yesterday and felt like a retard. Do you normally punch through guard or do you wait for an opening to present itself? Got a lot of learning to do ig

Anonymous No. 151344

You generally have to make openings. Whether through forcing a counter, or blasting through. You probably won't be doing the first any time soon, so if it's an option, take some rounds watching the good people. See how they feint. See how they do a move several times as real to see what gets covered, then throw it as a feint to hit where they weren't covering. Pay attention to how different people use their distance. Some guys like to enjoy being tall and sit back. Others will use that same distance to let you think they hit weak, then blast you at mid/close.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 154233

What >>149060
shut upper

🗑️ Anonymous No. 155447


Anonymous No. 155476

He's right about the dingy or small gyms. They're way better than big gyms unless the big gym obviously has professionals fighting out of it. Big gyms have a higher percentage of casual clientele, and you don't learn shit training with casuals
t. tried out my friends' gyms for variety's sake and it was always big classes with mediocre coaching

Anonymous No. 155742

>started kickboxing a few months back
>friends and I get drunk and decide to fight
>friend breaks my rib
What can I do while it heals? Can’t stay cooped up in the house I’m going nuts. I can only do so much shadowboxing. Might do calf raises and curls

Anonymous No. 155743

Go to the gym and watch. Start a note keeping habit if you don't already have one. Just because you can't move doesn't mean you can't watch tape, instructional or fight footage. Study up on equipment. All of the not-actually-fighting parts of fighting.

Anonymous No. 155744

do you have to take your shirt off for kickboxing? I have really bad gyno

Anonymous No. 155754

Yeah from my experience in america gyms labelled muay thai teach mostly dutch kickboxing along with some elbows and knees, and gyms labelled kickboxing are usually bullshit cardio classes that dont teach jack shit

Any gym labelled as Muay Thai is usually decent, how "hardcore" it is depends on the gym culture, as in a lot of those places they spar rather light most of the time
Boxing gyms are probably the most hardcore, ive heard it said that they dont make champions they just weed out the people who arent champion material by feeding them to the good ones
Overall at least 50% of the "kickboxing" gyms in america are pussy cardio shit but the ones that claim to teach muay thai are usually legit

Anonymous No. 157532

What >>148901
What thengecj >>155447

Anonymous No. 159389

Just go to a cardio class, kick out the instructor, and take what's yours

Anonymous No. 162325
