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Anonymous No. 144535

>Why yes I am a black-belt in BJJ how could you te- *ACK!*

Anonymous No. 144553

There is no other way to learn grappling, unless you live in USA, Russia or Japan

Anonymous No. 144554

wtf hahahahahhahahahahaha

dude passed out with the most retarded tecnique, this is what stronger ppl do to weaker ppl with 0 days of training

how can ppl say bjj works after this shamefull event

just choke ppl to death in championchips with zero training theory

Anonymous No. 144557

Nice whitebelt match. Maybe zoom in closer so we can't even tell it's a tournament next time, call it a fight.

Bjjihad will continue forever you faggots, you can't stop us.

Anonymous No. 144563

>dude passed out with the most retarded tecnique
Seriously it would’ve been so easy to break this choke just by moving his arms to the inside instead of trying to pull on his wrists from the outside like a retard. Even for a whitebelt this shit is embarrassing

Anonymous No. 144569

That IS bjj
>Passed opponent's guard in closed guard by standing up and walking forward, a valid technique on an opponent who isn't letting go of a closed guard that isn't giving them anything and doesn't know what they're doing
>Inexperienced opponent just sat their holding closed guard while getting choked
>loses to the choke sub for it

Homie on bottom had options and took none of them
>Let go of guard to give him some literal breathing room, use legs to post frames
>Let go of guard, risk using legs to assist targeting an arm
>Capture one of his opponent's elbows for a roll or to let him start shrimping out for a standup reset
>Go for sweeps or entanglements as his opponent's center of mass is REALLY, really far forward
he did none of those things

Anonymous No. 144609

white belt shit
bottom guy could've done so many sweeps from there, maybe even shot for an armbar or triangle if the stars aligned, but this was just poor sportsmanship and shitty technique from both sides.

Anonymous No. 144632

Is a stranglehold a legal technique in BJJ?

Anonymous No. 144638

If you're talking about something like the one in OP then yes that's legal, you just don't see anybody do it because it's so easy to defend if you're not retarded. Technically you can only use pressure, and can't squeeze as that's illegal, but I've never seen anyone disqualified for it.
BJJ has different rules depending on your level, but the high-level pretty much allow everything except fingers and toes (though I've never seen them allowed in any other sport either) so it's pretty easy to understand.

Anonymous No. 144640

Strangulations (cutting off blood flow) are the preferred and safest form of choke. Wind chokes, where you're physically crushing the wind pipe, are less effective and more injurious. The "Homer simpson" choke you see in OP is usually more of a wind choke although it looks like that guy knows how to do it proper. This is a day 1 sort of choke because as many have said, it's probably the easiest choke to break and shouldn't work unless your opponent is way stronger than you, like man vs small woman or child strength difference. I'm assuming the guy in OP got nervous during a competition and just froze. Still kind of a freak occurrence. I've never seen this actually work.

Anonymous No. 144641

Thank you. I thought a stranglehold was dangerous, though. How would you break it?

Anonymous No. 144642

There are almost too many options to list. That choke has horrible fundamentals, anon here covered the most obvious ones. >>144569
Even senior white belts could probably arm bar or triangle counter this choke. It's fucking terrible.

Strangulations are relatively safe because you need to hold them for a long ass time to do real damage. They also work better because cutting off blood to the brain will cause loss of consciousness in a couple seconds, give or take depending on how cinched off the choke is. Wind chokes will eventually put someone to sleep but it takes way longer, sometimes minutes. The airway is harder to close off and you might just end up breaking their windpipe, which can kill a man if you don't get him to a hospital, even after you've let go of the choke. The majority of police fatalities when it comes to chokeholds are done by cops who are bad at grappling and accidentally convert a strangulation, such as a rear naked, into a wind choke. The difference is that strangulations are supposed to target the arteries on the side of the neck, rather than the airway in the center of the throat. If you suck, you just end up squeezing and putting pressure on the airway.

Anonymous No. 144643

not the anon you responded to, but, in the OP situation, i'd probably want to collapse the opponent's right arm and keep it pinned to my chest. depending on whether i felt my hips were mobile, i'd either:
swing my left leg around the front of their face, going for a belly-down armbar or
put my right foot on his right-inside thigh and my left foot on his hip, then sweep him to his right (since his right arm is trapped). which would result in me being in 3-quarter mount with control of an arm.

the second option i described is similar to the common "trap, bridge, roll" escape taught almost universally to white belts.

Anonymous No. 144647

Surprisingly complicated. I don't think an untrained person would think of that.

Anonymous No. 144653

Thumb and index finger are the weakest part of the grip. Break the choke by swimming to the inside and forcing his arms off your neck horizontally rather than trying to pull his wrists down like a retard.
His answer is complicated and sets up a more complicated maneuver. See above for a simple action that works standing or on the ground.

Anonymous No. 144655

I don't think it's a big ask to say to a beignner
>Hey, your guard clearly isn't holding them down anymore, you've got zero leverage in the air like that, and you're not doing anything useful with your legs, you need to let go and try something different
>Also you're fighting against a choke against each hand individually, and that's clearly not working. Maybe use both hands against one, or try using your legs too?
The fundamental idea being
>If what you're doing isn't working, you probably should try something different.

Anonymous No. 144657

> I don't think it's a big ask to say to a beignner
You say this but one of my favourite things to do to new guys in judo is to let them get a choke set up (kinda) and then wait for them to strain until their arms give out because they don’t know how to deal with me holding my chin down or because they didn’t sink their grip in deep enough. Hell sometimes I’ll wave and talk to people while they do it. Breaking tunnel vision on a specific position or movement takes experience especially when they’re at a tournament under pressure.

Anonymous No. 144659

i explained it fairly thoroughly, but it is something you could learn in a single class. imo, real grappling doesn't really come naturally, which is why untrained people are generally helpless in the face of a grappler without some other huge factor coming into play.
like the other anon said though, there are simpler options. i described one that would set you up well in a competition. if you just wanted to survive, that's easier.

Anonymous No. 144673

This is obviously a beginner's match with very few rules. If someone attempts a choke while they're in the guard like this, it's pretty much a gimme.

Anonymous No. 144828

Lol, someone skipped class the day they covered escaping from the Wayne Brady.

Anonymous No. 145175

I know one effective stranglehold technique in BJJ. It's when you're mounting someone and they're being stubborn by keeping their arms on their belly and you want to get the double underhook: Just stranglehold them with one hand and catch the underhook on whichever arm they defend with

Anonymous No. 145355

Yeah it's called a rape choke and it is very shameful lmao

Anonymous No. 145376

bjj sucks, but jujitsu in its complete form is an excellent fighting art

Anonymous No. 145453

Wait, that's allowed? I never really thought about choking BJJtards directly, for some reason I thought it wasn't allowed

Anonymous No. 145505

Bud, what typically happens when you leave your arm remotely extended and your hands near your opponent's shoulder when you're in his guard?

Anonymous No. 145508

Idk, I'm not a BJJfag, but I imagine that shit is easy to break

Anonymous No. 145541

Ah, well there's a really simple elbow lock you can get just by rolling their arm and putting a foot over their shoulder. Rarely will you score it on anyone who's been training for a few months because they've all learned that extending their arms to the neck inside the guard is low hanging fruit.

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Anonymous No. 148776


🗑️ Anonymous No. 151758


Anonymous No. 151850

Your instructor yells at you to not leave your arm extended

Anonymous No. 152480

This was a less than 6 month white belt comp iirc. For anyone curious if anyone tries to choke you in your guard, armbar is the perfect counter, unless its an ezekiel.

Anonymous No. 152626

I've made this work sparring with friends who are whitebelts while being a boxing guy lol, the best version is to get to mount then do it

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Anonymous No. 154238

Ok sure

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Anonymous No. 154239

Fine >>154238

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Anonymous No. 154350

What >>154239
>>154238>>148776 ok>>154238
and who is she again >>144673