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Anonymous No. 145181

How do you even defend yourself against a knockout punch like that? That kind of shit is what I'd be worried about the most if I were to be in a street fight.

Anonymous No. 145184

There is not much you can do really he had perfect technique. His shirt was off, his arms were flailing, his chin was very high and he walked straight into it. As you can see his right was very quick. Clearly a trained fighter.. Sometimes you just get unlucky.

Anonymous No. 145186

By normal boxing defence like blocking and slipping punches. The shirtless guy didn't even use boxing guard and tried to punch the shirted one in a super easy blockable way so how could he not get knocked out?

Also, by not attacking other people on the streets, especially if they are bigger than you.

Anonymous No. 145188

99% of what untrained retards do is a telegraphed, clumsy overhand right. If you can train around that, you're golden.

This gif is exactly what NOT to do. It's as if he's throwing a ball as far as he can, and he's left defenseless at the end of it. What's worse, this bloke is in decent shape. Most "men" are on the brink of falling over when they take a swing.

Anonymous No. 145222

Just train lol. Shirtless guy is clearly a rookie while the big dude has basic boxing fundamentals. Effortlessly slipped and counter punched him.

Anonymous No. 145229

You defend a punch by blocking it or not being there, not very hard

Anonymous No. 145241

That slip was Clean. Right at the edge of shirtless' fist.

Anonymous No. 145249

by not being retarded would be a really good start

Anonymous No. 145254

He fully extended himself into a defensive position. There are endless ways the shirtless guy would have ended up on the ground in pain. This probably works against untrained drunks but anyone with some training would have a field day with all the open targets this guy gave him.

Anonymous No. 145296

>rushing high when
>a: short height
>b: short limbs
>c: less weight
>d: against man with chambered fist
They're both lucky big man hit stiff and pushy. A good crack would've put drunk in the ICU and big man in cuffs.

Anonymous No. 145305

It’s literally a straight right punch. Don’t throw all your weight forward in a wild windmill haymaker and you have lots of options to defend yourself.

Anonymous No. 145330

Just don't be drunk when you fight or learn drunk boxing.
The methhead didn't even try.

Anonymous No. 145589

Against overhand punches like OPs webm, is the preferable defense to roll it or to slip back?

Anonymous No. 145608

Slip back if you're taller

Anonymous No. 145919

its never advisable to throw such big wild shots but he could have maintained composure right after and ducked his head, or use the momentum to go into the cross armed guard and defend or push off. however he looks quite drunk so im not sure anything would have helped here

Anonymous No. 145920

>millions years of apes' and humans' fist evolution
>thousands years of boxing development
>dozens years of boxing being shown on tv to anyone interested in it
And all of this just to see a drunk ape throwing the worst punch ever...

Anonymous No. 145922

you must not have seen too many drunk brawls if thats the worst punch youve ever seen. in fact its pretty good by those standards

Anonymous No. 145995

Just be black OP

Anonymous No. 146000

Shouldve stomped the knee

Anonymous No. 146403

be fat or muscular lol

Anonymous No. 146404

Dont be a retard with a blood alcohol level over .300.

Anonymous No. 146554

While this is a very sloppy example of this defense, for those interested, google "Philly shell". That's the stance the dude in black is using and it's great for staying on the defensive and setting up counters.

Anonymous No. 146821

kek, FPBP

Anonymous No. 146844

Dempsey roll into liver punch

Anonymous No. 146845

nope, i get knocked out by random dude is more like it.

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Anonymous No. 146986

you joke but you and i have both seen black dudes pull out the most goofy looking bullshit during scuffles that looks like it came to them in a dream sent by a caveman ancestor 40,000 years ago, even if theyre trained

Anonymous No. 146995

At least they try to fight