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Anonymous No. 145584

Would Bajiquan work in a real fight? Or is it a meme martial art like Aikido?

Anonymous No. 145594

Wushu is a meme, unless we assume sanda is also wushu

Anonymous No. 145595

Complete meme. Don't know why its getting so much attention recently

Anonymous No. 145599

I feel Bajiquan turned exactly it's like Taekwondo, used to be ginga based but turned into a martial art for posers
see :

Anonymous No. 145600

Tkd has way more practical application than baji.

Anonymous No. 145602

Its just another kickboxing or has something different?

Anonymous No. 145604

It draws primarily from kickboxing, Judo, and wrestling but also more from MT as time progessed. Its a great system actually

Anonymous No. 145605

Nothing from kung fu?
Maybe one rare kick?

Anonymous No. 145606

There are some wushu/tkd kicks

Anonymous No. 145607

Doesn't it have very strong strikes? It is just not viable to use.

Anonymous No. 145609

Sanda draws from both Choy lee fut for its striking and shuai Jiao as it’s grappling base. Obviously as a modern sport it takes from all sorts of other shit too but it’s retarded to say sanda doesn’t have Chinese roots.

Anonymous No. 145610

Nobody that actually teaches or trains Sanda says this.

Anonymous No. 145611

Nobody that trains sanda says that it has its root in Chinese martial arts? Ok buddy.

Anonymous No. 145612

It really seems to be just kickboxing

Anonymous No. 145614

Yeah pretty much. Even in China the instructors don't seem to have a problem admitting that sanda is a hybrid martial art that draws primarily from western sources with other influences, and certainly not from the meme style you mentioned. Its only coping TCM nofights that are desperate to make this connection to convince themselves that sanda is ACKshually the practical application of whatever meme style they wasted their time on.

Anonymous No. 145616

>Even in China the instructors don't seem to have a problem admitting that sanda is a hybrid martial art
Source: your fucking ass. You expect people here to believe that in fucking communist china the Chinese instructors openly say that sanda is basically a western art and Chinese martial arts have nothing to do with it? Are you fucking high? Do you not remember all the shit wu xiaodong has been through since insulting le glorious peoples martial arts? Ok buddy.

Anonymous No. 145617

I trained their for years. Seethe as hard as you need to. The origin of sanda is not actually disputed by anyone outside tcm nofights

Anonymous No. 148016

pretty cool tackle at 0:15

Anonymous No. 148093

Its a matter of public record that the guys that developed sanda used boxing, kickboxing, and wrestling as a base. You can see the influence of Chinese martial arts (the few viable techniques, anyway) in the grappling and kicks but your kidding yourself otherwise. It's a modern hybrid martial art system
Yeah but it has throws and legsweeps too
Speaking of which....I'm not really seeing any baqiquan here m8. Maybe with the throw at 15 but that leg tackle and other moves aren't in bajiquan. And that's certainly not how it's supposed to be applied conceptually.
Me too. What part of China?

Anonymous No. 150277

Nothing beats a well-placed pipe bomb, otherwise it wasn't well placed. This same mindset applies to specialist martial arts like Wing Chun, Aikido and Baijiquan. The reason they are memed on so hard is because outside extremely niche, specific applications, you can much more easily learn how and practically build a pipe bomb than you can master any of the aforementioned. In the very same timeframe as you could become a proficient boxer or wrestler, you will have only touched the surface of any such martial art. What works best in a street fight is something simple, something easily reproduced and something that is indiscriminate of most places of education. A knife will fuck you up something proper, whether it's used well or used awfully and whether it's a $15 or $300 knife made out of Cold Steel or Pakistani Steel.

Short answer? No. It won't work in a street fight. The best martial arts maneuver is to not get into a fight. If you want martial arts that will work, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, Judo, BJJ. It's why everyone does these things in MMA, because they work and work well together. Your skillset you'd learn from a meme martial art will have zero crossover in anything else you learn.

Anonymous No. 150336

The more it looks like MMA, the more it would work in a real fight. Sad, but true.