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🧵 "Seek and Yee Shall Find"

Anonymous No. 146237

For me, I started out seeking higher enlightenment. This lead me to a newage bookstore, where I picked up a "Guided Meditation" cassette, a book on Yogic Breathing exercises, a book on Meditation, and a book about the subconscious mind + spirituality "Three Magic Words"

I started with the tape, which got me used to the meditation process. Not long after, I was doing my own Self-Meditation sessions. 1hr every night after work (often two sessions. 1hr right when I got home, and 1hr before going to sleep). I was also practicing the Yogic breathing methods, at various times throughout a day.

Eventually, I attained the "Quiet Mind" state. This takes about 100 consecutive days, of 1hr, silent (count each breath in seconds, silently to yourself), self-meditation sessions. The brain changes permanently. You then can focus on things much easier, as there is no longer any odd distractions within your mind. This is key to increasing your happiness greatly... as well as key to being a High level combat artist.

The yogic breathing exercises VASTLY increased my lung capacity, and internal muscular control of my breathing. This would later be used to great advantage, in my martial arts training and martial combat capabilities.

That was from ages 16 to 19.

At age 20, I started taking up Wing Chun Kung Fu. I was taking all four classes per week (on days when I could, Id take both the day and night classes). Each class was 2hrs long. One of those hrs was a full Hardcore "CORE" workout. I was also training outside of class, doing everything I could to fully master what I was learning, in the least amount of time possible... by pushing myself to my full capability, and doing these things all throughout the day and night, no matter where I was... every few minutes. Multi-Thousands of reps every day. I also did solid Block-Training, at home. Id say that each day I put in a MINIMUM of 4hrs every single day, for a solid 5 yrs time, before I started to ease up on my training.

Anonymous No. 146238

(I was often training FAR more than a mere 4 hrs)

About a year in, I started sparring against other local martial artists, from various arts. Typically, every weekend.

In addition, I was training some things outside of Wing Chun. For one, I was often cross training with these other artists, and learning their methods... while teaching them some things, as well. That said, a lot of it was me teaching myself... as to be honest, most of their methods were fairly easy to figure out. I also started trying to replicate things Id seen in videos, such as in Tai Chi push hands drills, Shaolin head flips, Wushu Butterfly kicks, Shaolin Hard-Falls, Nunchaku's, The 9 Section steel whip chain, and the basics of the Rope Dart.

I also was doing full "Iron Body" conditioning training... so that, if I ever did eat a hit... that Id be able to take it, without crumbling into the fetal position.

Eventually, I got to the point where is was rare that any of the local sport artists could even get a single hit on me, in full contact sparring sessions. At that point, I had reached Master-Class level, in my techs / output.

That said, as strong and powerful as I had became... I had heard about stories of "Inch Power"... and so I then began to figure out how to develop it. There were some hints in some of Bruce Lees older books. And of course, Wing Chun teaches some of the main principles of it... but doesnt describe the full process. I would copy some of Lees methods.. but ultimately, would create my own methods and my own special equipment. Id spend 1hr every night, training nonstop on this device.. for about 3 months... until I had reached Lethal level of output, at only a mere Inch worth of Runway.

From that point, I was far beyond capable of protecting myself Reliably... and I started to branch out into other hobbies. But I still would keep reading and researching things from other more obscure and deep "Internal" arts... such as from Tai Chi, QiGong, and much more.

Anonymous No. 146239

I then started to see the connections between Wing Chun, and Tai Chi... for example. The similarities in training methods, and the similar principles of operation. I also noticed the connection of proper Breathing in these arts, and how they mirrored many things from the Indian Yogic breathing methods + mediation sessions.

This caused me to realize that many things I was doing in Wing Chun, were being done incorrectly. While I could get them to work, regardless... when I started applying Internal methods to my Wing Chun (as was designed and intended)... my capabilities went to a whole other level. Especially in regards to short range power. For example.. I light forearm deflection that I did.. nearly shattered an MMA fighters wristbone.

The more I learned about each of these arts in depth... to more I could understand what they were trying to say and do... and how I could draw lines between ALL of these various arts... no matter what Style/Art that I was observing / Studying. I was able to fill in missing blanks, as well as find corruptions to these arts... and repair them.

So, you can see, that such Knowledge does not come from any one single source... and that All of it is Hard-Fought, through constant Will, and Extreme Efforts.

This includes actual classes (Ive had three different WC teachers), Seminars and Demos, Books, Videos, Articles , Word of Mouth (exchanges of knowledge from others), sparring, and teaching private students.

I also forgot to mention, that I learned a lot about Chinese medicines and healing practices... by having to repair many of my own injuries. This started at Dit Da Jow (Chinese herbal Iron-Fist Lineament)... but also extended into more advanced things. Such as seeing an Old Chinese Bone-Setter in a video... and realizing a lot of it was similar to Chiropractor practices. Having had an Acupuncture session that popped my cranked neck back into place. And much more.

Anonymous No. 146276

Nobody cares

Anonymous No. 146280

what the fuck

Anonymous No. 146351

This board fucking rocks dude

Anonymous No. 146739

Do not be rude.

Anonymous No. 146741

Don’t tell me what to do, fag

Anonymous No. 149445

Same with you cunt.

Anonymous No. 149496

This is the plot of a chop socky movie. And you know, I'm OK with that. Please post more kung fu adventures, OP. Tell the one about the arrogant prizefighter who you humbled by simply redirecting his strength.

Anonymous No. 151330

I copypasted this from a youtube comment. I thought I'd be able to find it again by googling a quote from the text, but it doesn't show up. Anyway, I think it was a Sensei Seth video.

Anonymous No. 153024

can you recommend books and other resources? is there anyway i can get in touch with you, maybe through discord?

Anonymous No. 155140

Wow and also yeah

Anonymous No. 155153

repent you're playing with demons and witchcraft

Anonymous No. 155188

Wew, that was a rollercoaster. Didn't finish that talk but I just sunk 75 minutes into watching his "dragon revealed" documentary. I don't think he's really saying what he thinks he's saying.

He thinks he's saying "martial arts is inseparable from Eastern mysticism, which is incompatible with Christianity."
What he's really saying is, "I abandoned my wife and children for five years to LARP as a mystic kung fu master of chi, because I was a victim of divorce and insecure as a young man."

Anyway, praise God he's back with his family. That's an astonishingly virtuous woman, to wait on him that long.

Anonymous No. 155189

> He thinks he's saying "martial arts is inseparable from Eastern mysticism, which is incompatible with Christianity."
>What he's really saying is, "I abandoned my wife and children for five years to LARP as a mystic kung fu master of chi, because I was a victim of divorce and insecure as a young man."
Lmao, wasn’t going to watch before but I sure as hell am now

Anonymous No. 155192

Here's the one I watched:

Anonymous No. 155193

He leaves his wife about 50:30. But watch the whole thing.

Anonymous No. 155203

I watch the one posted here >>155153
but good lord that was a ride too. The guys basically a /pol/ schizo seeing a bunch of random symbols and deciding they are all connected to the sun god and that martial arts about gaining spiritual power from satan. Among his claims are that he could break 2x4s with his bare arms which is apparently not physically possible without magical powers, he could push people without even touching them, harm people with his spiritual power by blocking hunches so hard they didn’t want to punch him anymore, and could see in peoples eyes when they became possessed by the devil after hitting or pissing them off in some way. He elucidates how cultish and fucking weird traditional martial artists are though when he talks about how he wasn’t even allowed to SPEAK to grand masters until he “proved himself” (lol) and then wasn’t allowed to ask them questions for some time after (lmao even). This all culminates when he has a schizophrenic delusion int he middle of a four way intersection that the world was on fire and God had come for him during which he jumped out into the street and started wailing. He then sped 90 mph home to drop his girlfriend off and fled to his wife. He also talks about how Baji Quran circle drilling is actually drawing the symbol of the sun god. In fact, any circle with a dot in the center in it is a symbol of the sun god because fuck you that’s why. Oh also Jews worship the devil, he managed to sneak that in there also.

I’m Catholic, I believe Christ died on the cross to pay for the sins of mankind. Still though, i have no idea what drives evangelists and adventists or whatever other weird Protestant denominations that practice in buttfuck nowhere America to be so fucking weird lol.

Anonymous No. 155204

Oh he also got possessed while talking to the UPS guy.

Anonymous No. 155208

Oh man, at the end he cures autism through prayer too. The guys a miracle worker.

I also neglected to mention how martial arts are of the devil because there’s a master who you learn from as if that’s not the case with any other trade, skill, or hobby also.

Anonymous No. 155214

Yeee-haw, that is a ride. Thank you for your efforts, catholicanon.

Not gonna lie, I'm kind of intrigued. I wish I could ask him some questions.
It would be acceptable to use violence to defend your family, right?
>durr you should have faith in God's protection
But God blessed you with a brain and a body, did he not? He doesn't expect you to act a fool.
So, it's OK to use judicious violence to defend your family, but it's not OK to practice getting skilled at it?
Isn't it sinful to "hide my talent" instead of investing it to yield a return?
What about Western martial arts? Are boxing and wrestling demonic? Surely he wouldn't defend greedy, bloodsucking boxing promoters?
What about HEMA? If practicing Bushido is sinful, what about following the chivalric code of medieval European knights? Is it just the Asian-ness that's the problem?
What's the difference between a vile demonic heathen karate punch and good virtuous Christian punch?

Basically, is he a hippy-Jesus pacifist, or is he an anti-Asian racist? Or does his brand of faith require Christians to be invalids incapable of using their brains and bodies to work or solve problems, because that would be "works" instead of "salvation by grace"?

Anonymous No. 155215

I should add, I'm not nearly as good a martial arts historian as some of the anons on here, but even I know that a lot of the symbolism, history, and lore he refers to is fortune-cookie McDojo bullshit that has been thoroughly debunked.

Anonymous No. 155217

>does his brand of faith require Christians to be invalids incapable of using their brains and bodies to work or solve problems
He’s an Adventist which is down stream from evangelicalism so this is probably your answer. The kind of people who think you shouldn’t take your kids to the hospital and just pray for God to just cure cancer instead of praying for their doctor to do a good job. Also pay your pastor all your money for another private jet.

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Anonymous No. 157527


Anonymous No. 158034

You don't gain enlightenment through meditation.