๐งต Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sat, 13 May 2023 23:12:02 UTC No. 146270
These people come to you and ask you about the perfect fighting style for their physique. What do you say to each of them?
Anonymous at Sat, 13 May 2023 23:20:33 UTC No. 146271
Top left - Judo
Top middle - Judo
Top right - Judo
Bottom left - Judo
Bottom middle - Judo
Bottom right - Judo but naked
Anonymous at Sat, 13 May 2023 23:55:06 UTC No. 146275
Only 2 3 and 4 have any chance of ever being effective fighters
For the other 3 they can do whatever they want, give them 10 years of mma or 10 years of aikido they'll still be too physically weak to do anything
Anonymous at Sun, 14 May 2023 01:16:45 UTC No. 146282
Judo gang unite.
Anonymous at Sun, 14 May 2023 02:54:22 UTC No. 146286
>muay thai/bjj
Anonymous at Sun, 14 May 2023 13:02:37 UTC No. 146312
how you look has little to do with how you perform. i thought you guys actually trained? dont tell me youre all larpers
Anonymous at Sun, 14 May 2023 16:57:47 UTC No. 146326
>more sex
Anonymous at Tue, 16 May 2023 14:45:35 UTC No. 146559
Why are all those guns in a big cube formation?
Anonymous at Tue, 16 May 2023 14:58:46 UTC No. 146561
It's the glorious murder/k/ube. Thousands of weapons were murdered, assembled into a cube, paraded around the world, and then the /k/ube was itself murdered.
Anonymous at Tue, 16 May 2023 16:48:28 UTC No. 146575
>/k/ube was itself murdered
Yikes, it was cool
Anonymous at Wed, 17 May 2023 04:02:31 UTC No. 146655
Anonymous at Wed, 17 May 2023 07:12:40 UTC No. 146673
MMA x6
Fucking weeb.
Anonymous at Wed, 17 May 2023 07:13:41 UTC No. 146674
>he doesn't know about the murder/k/ube
Welcome to /k/, now get out.
Anonymous at Wed, 17 May 2023 07:15:44 UTC No. 146675
Anonymous at Wed, 17 May 2023 07:17:39 UTC No. 146676
>white lotus Kung fu
>hung gar
>mantis Kung fu
>wing Chung
>shoulin king fu
>Thai chi
Anonymous at Wed, 17 May 2023 09:19:48 UTC No. 146680
Isn't wing chun's point to go around physical brutality/strength and give you a chance in the case you are weaker? Wouldn't it be best for the powerlifter looking dude to do do Hung Gar to capitalize on his power?
๐๏ธ Anonymous at Wed, 17 May 2023 17:09:12 UTC No. 146754
Bitch slap /rnr/ #1347
Asked /niger/? Edition
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>>>/vg/428858839 lifting
Anonymous at Fri, 19 May 2023 14:35:29 UTC No. 146957
Lol come and make me millenial "oldfag" cuck. It is zoomer's time now, no cap!
Anonymous at Wed, 24 May 2023 09:48:12 UTC No. 147979
Without declaring mma for all of them.
TWD. Dude's not going to have strength on anyone likely, but he's gonna be whip quick and he looks lanky and tall. Give him the tools to approach fights from a distance, and the ability to chain quick kicks? He'll do fine.
Some form of wrestling. I'm biased to Bjj, but it depends on if he's an explosive motion, or positioning and posturing kinda guy.
Dude's a muscle mountain, unlikely to be knocked around, but also not very flexible. Boxing.
Like 3, but power. Boxing or Sumo, if he's good for some explosivity training.
Kickboxing. Fit chick, lanky. All the fun stuff, without the exhausting wrestling bits.
Unironically Wing Chun. Just Wing Chun.
You then tell her to always carry knives in her designer handbag, and laugh as people get chain-knifed by a slightly sassy ninja hooker.
Wing Chun's point is you use it with knives. It's closer to Hema than Karate.
Anonymous at Thu, 25 May 2023 17:22:53 UTC No. 148153
>boxing doesn't take flexibility you can just ooga booga
>that response to no6
Are you fucking retarded?
Anonymous at Sat, 27 May 2023 10:22:42 UTC No. 148465
Next to other shit, boxing doesn't take AS MUCH flexibility.
There are things you can pull off in it, if you're hella flexible, but just today I had a dude place my elbow on the back of my head in a competitive BJJ match. That shit don't happen in the ring.
Now I don't give a shit, I'm flexible as fuck anywhere that ain't my hips. But my 5'11, 280lb gym buddy that's also an experienced fighter, professional weightlifter and bodybuilder, cannot touch his olecranon process to his occipital. He moves like a fridge, and throws hands like one. He has a very simple inbox form, requiring little range of motion past swaying, and it works well for him.
And he's shaped like no.3, so it'll probably work for him too.
Knives are equalizers. Not as much as guns, but there's a difference between getting punched somewhere by a weight behind small bones and having a blade-sized part of you that's suddenly structurally and mechanically compromised, open to air, and burning in pain.
Realistically, that chick has nothing going for her physically. Wide hips, small shoulders, little muscles and only enough physical fitness to be a pretty looking shape. Unless she trains hard in something entirely beyond the par, she's getting beat on by all of them. Ergo, get British, and win the fight.
Also no6 looks sassy, and ninja-hookers sound cool.
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Jun 2023 11:26:10 UTC No. 149576
>Boxing or Sumo, if he's good for some explosivity training.