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Anonymous at Tue, 16 May 2023 19:01:15 UTC No. 146591
Shouldn't /xs/ have flags too?
Why would I listen to a French's opinion on anything besides maybe Savate?
Anonymous at Thu, 18 May 2023 02:36:08 UTC No. 146831
Can mutate into a interracial power fetish
Anonymous at Mon, 22 May 2023 03:04:25 UTC No. 147346
because it will get retarded, like any other board that has flags
Anonymous at Mon, 22 May 2023 10:58:11 UTC No. 147467
Because not everybody practices their nation's martial art and some countries are famous for having martial artists skilled in foreign martial arts.
I live in The Netherlands and Dutch Kickboxing is famous for being one of the hardest forms of kickboxing but I only do Judo.
I honestly rather take advices from a Canadian blackbelt than some guy in Japan that only does boxing.