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Anonymous No. 146593

Pulling guard is a faggot move in wrestling sport, I think we can all admit that, but let's be real if a BJJ expert pulls guard in a 1 on 1 street fight then the aggressor will lose 10 times out of 10. I do not know why BJJ-cynics are under the impression that a BJJ guy can't just kick you in the face from guard.

Anonymous No. 146614

Lmao they literally had to ban stomping on the face in mma specifically to avoid how overpowered it is against bjj

Anonymous No. 146616

I don't know why everyone think sportsman will make pure sport moves on le streets. No one expects freestyle wrestler would do gut wrenches for points on le streets, why do you all think jitsers would pull guard? They drill single and double legs alot (the most important standup skill according to John Danaher) and on untrained guy they would easily perform an arm drag

Anonymous No. 146626

Sun tzu and high ground and shit brah

Anonymous No. 146641

Pulling guard is literal retard shit from people who expect not to get punched in the face/gut/nuts

Anonymous No. 146669

/fagrolling queer submission obsession that only works in 1v1 with strict rules

Anonymous No. 146689

That's exactly how all the first ufc tournaments looked. Royce Gracie was always losing to a random street fighter who stomped on his face. That's totally true. Also remember that grappling only works in 1v1 while striking can beat 69 bad guys at once, just like in Karate Kid.

Anonymous No. 146691

>gets a running start
>stomp or kick depending on how you react

Anonymous No. 146694

Wow, talk about butthurt. Okay then smart ass, why was stomping on dumbshits pulling guard banned then?

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Anonymous No. 146696

For the same reason they banned all the banned stuff. To stop Republicans' moral panic over no holds barred fights.

Anonymous No. 146706

Really convenient how the rules were written by john McCarthy who was training under the gracies at the time and all the banned techniques only served to help grapplers and protect them on the ground
Huh, imagine that
Almost like it was rigged from the start

Anonymous No. 146708


Anonymous No. 146717

I'm gonna kick your skull like a football unless you stand your ground.

Anonymous No. 146720

Senile BJJfag speaking nonsense, more news at 11.

Anonymous No. 146721

Literally who?

Anonymous No. 146731

Literal fucking who, completely talking out his ass about the theoretical physic advantages of protective equipment as if that negates the mountain of rules that explicitly serve to protect submission grapplers. He even acknowledges that, but just moves on, doesn't address it at all. Straight up pretends like banning ground knees BENEFITS strikers? What the fuck?

Anonymous No. 146740

You may not like it but the truth is that a person who knows bjj (or something similar) wins against someone who knows a different art in a no holds barred fight. We've seen it in:
>vale tudo
>early UFC
>Rio Heroes
Even in Wotore, where rules clearly favor strikers (legal ground kicks and no more than 20 seconds of passive ground fight)

Anonymous No. 146742

>something similar
Oh here we go, time for the goal post to move

Anonymous No. 146748

Early UFC was literally rigged for the gracies to win and it's an open secret at this point like wrestling kayfabe.

Anonymous No. 146782

>look at my extensive knowledge of gracie propaganda
Yeah no thanks bud.

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Anonymous No. 146789

Pulling guard is unironically good

BJJ is a ground fighting grappling sport, and getting to the ground as quickly as possible maximizes your advantage and minimizes your opponents. Pulling guard still works in street fights because if you're doing it right (butt-scooting is NOT doing it right) you still get a clinch before you pull guard anyways and are using it to establish grips which with proper body movement are very effective for getting a sweep immediately upon landing anyways. Wrestlingfigs seethe because it consistently works despite the BJJer having zero takedown experience, and once it becomes a ground-fight, a trained BJJer is going to win against an inexperienced opponent basically every single time.

if you want to work takedowns as your goal, go do catch wrestling or judo, and if you want to kick people in the face, go learn kickboxing or my thai, but don't complain you were sold the wrong bill of goods when you're looking at the wrong sport to get them.

Anonymous No. 146791

>Pulling guard is unironically good
>kron gracie yakety sax compilation

Anonymous No. 146793

>Reading comprehension this bad
A-HEMMMMMMM, I repeat:
>butt-scooting is NOT doing it right

Anonymous No. 146794

If the heir to the empire says thats how it's done then that's how it's done

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Anonymous No. 146796

>If the heir to the empire says thats how it's done then that's how it's done
The Gracies turned off the lights on the way out.

Anonymous No. 146799

Mentall illness the post

Anonymous No. 146830

I pulled guard in a street fight AMA

Anonymous No. 146833

Did you died?

Anonymous No. 146886

Yea, I'm actually a fucking ghost, it sucks

Anonymous No. 146901

When a ghost haunts someone and then they die and now they're ghosts together, is it just awkward?

Anonymous No. 146906

Can ghosts touch each other? If they can, does everyone still have ghost genitalia?

Can ghosts give each other ghostly blowjobs?

Anonymous No. 149996


Anonymous No. 150018

bjj sucks and is gay

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Anonymous No. 151663

sport ≠ real fight

Pulling guard is used in the sport to score points, no decent jj person is pulling guard unless they're from a pure tournament school and have lost all common sense

Anonymous No. 151666

I pull seated/butterfly guard because I’m 32 years old and my back is fucked up. That doesn’t mean I’m going to do it in a fight retard

Anonymous No. 151668

Nobody with any sense would pull guard in a street fight. But if, by some misfortune, you end up on the ground underneath someone, being able to sweep the shit out of them might just save your bacon.

Anonymous No. 151669

Did you establish grips first, your did you just sit down?
Did you sweep or submit the guy?

Anonymous No. 151670

just blast people in the shins with ashi waza, no need to take the cowards way out

Anonymous No. 151680

I’m trying brother. My deashi harai isn’t so bad now but these young niggas keep level changing on me and shooting shitty doubles

Anonymous No. 151681

Guillotine the fuck out of them. As a fellow thirty-something hobbyist, that's my personal signature cheap shot of choice. Probably at least 30% of the subs I've ever gotten have been guillotines off of shitty shots. I will gladly take that easy win every time.

Anonymous No. 151698


🗑️ Anonymous No. 154240

Sure >>146691

🗑️ Anonymous No. 155445


🗑️ Anonymous No. 155453
