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🧵 /MAG/ Martial Arts General/ Unpopular Opinion Edition

Anonymous No. 147193

/MAG/ Martial Arts General/ Unpopular Opinion Edition

>You don't need to spar to train martial arts.
This may hinder reaction times & pain tolerance, but there are many training methods to compensate. For example
>Traditional Martial Arts are a source of many extreme training methods that produce competent fighters.
Training martial arts at all will make you more skilled than those who do no fight training. However
>Bullshido is rampant in the martial arts community and much of it resides within the TMAs
>Combat Sports have been invaluable in categorizing martial arts styles into the practical & spiritual
But it is important to remember that
>CS are specifically designed for ruled unarmed 1v1 engagements with protective gear in optimized environments
Martial Arts is bigger than CS and
>Combat Sports are likely not the most extreme expression of Martial Arts.

Anonymous No. 147196

Modern no-gi BJJ ("submission grappling") is the ultimate grappling art bogged down by a bad ruleset and does not deserve the criticism regular BJJ gets (guard pulling, DYEL practitioners, McDojo). It's a separate sport.

Anonymous No. 147197

>>You don't need to spar to train martial arts.
lol, lmao. If you’re not fighting someone eventually then you’re not a martial artist. You’re just a weirdly themed CrossFit enthusiast.

Anonymous No. 147199

If you want to get into the philosophical criteria for being a "true" martial artist, which is what you're getting at, then the thread is going to devolve into a bunch of larpers fresh off a binge of Baki, ranting about how if you're not trying to kill then you aint legit. How about we leave that speculative useless talk by the way side and instead focus on the mechanics, the actions, that many martial artists engage in, that through habitual use, makes you a martial artist. Not your goalposty bullshit.

Anonymous No. 147207

I like no-gi anything more than the gi version. Don't get me wrong, both should be trained, best to take advantage of what you can when you can. But obviously an individual who is trained to not be dependent on specific grips that depend on your opponent wearing certain clothing is going to be more comfortable in any situation. However, calling it the ultimate grappling art might be a bit premature. Before you can make such a claim you need to establish the criteria, what makes it the ultimate? I am willing to admit that BJJ, no-gi or otherwise, may very well be the king of submission grappling, as long as others are willing to admit submission grappling focuses on a single target. I will validate fact for fact. Personally, I prefer to focus on throws & takedowns. I do not like to get tangled up in attempts at submission so I really only train escapes. Mostly because I have been ganged up on by multiple people before, multiple times, and getting tangled up in submission attempts are not practical. Some are going to say that makes me a weak fighter, might be right, but I think everyone leans into what they prefer & are better at. I don't train martial arts to compete, it's more of a self-defense/fitness/spiritual thing, a "way of life" if you want to be faggy about it. When I get into a fight, my focus is not on submitting a opponent, it is on threat mitigation. I don't want to try to win, I want to be left alone and go home. Sorry for ranting it's just that most fights outside a ring are rarely 1v1 so cally BJJ the ultimate really pisses me off.

Anonymous No. 147221

>CS are specifically designed for ruled unarmed 1v1 engagements with protective gear in optimized environments
Martial Arts is bigger than CS and
>Combat Sports are likely not the most extreme expression of Martial Arts.

Yea, I'm sure you'd bite out the eyes and gouge out the groin of every champion MMA fighter. Fuck me, what year is it here

Anonymous No. 147223

Street fights/self-defence situations don't exist anymore and the 99% of people use guns instead, this can vary.

Anonymous No. 147230

>retard containment thread

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Anonymous No. 147241

It's time to dispel some fiction
stop wearing this stupid fucking thing!
unless you're in a sport that explicitly requires it like judo or sambo, get rid of it and wear some normal clothes you dork! especially if your goal is to learn how to fight. and that goes double for any of you idiots doing bjj with the hopes of going into MMA but take gi classes.

"its a symbol of the samurai spirit, it's traditional funeral clothing that shows you're ready to die on the battle field, the white color represents death"
ok lets break this down real quick
1. there were no samurai in okinawa in the 1930s when karate was formalized and adopted the gi, shut the fuck up
2. no it isn't funeral clothing, It's based on firefighter clothing. During the time when the gi first came around in the late 19th century firefighters would wear a heavy jacket and saturate it with water to protect themselves from the heat. When kano was teaching judo at first people just wore their regular clothes but people were tired of having their regular every day clothes ruined from judo practice, but he saw the rugged jackets the firefighters wore and said "hey, those jackets are pretty durable, lets train in those" and thus the judogi was born. No secret far east fetishizing mythology behind it at all.
3. yes white is in fact a color symbolic of death in japan, but that has nothing to do with a gi which up until recently was more of a beige color. Nowadays we bleach our cotton so it's white. Go to the kodokan and take a look at the gis and paintings of people from the period, they're beige, Shut the fuck up.

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Anonymous No. 147242

lets talk about MUH BLACK BELT
"well during the ancient times (1920s) everyone wore a white belt and over time as it became dirty eventually it turned black"
any of you niggas ever have a white garment that turned black? yeah didn't think so, me either. Dirty? sure, black? not a chance
"well you aren't supposed to wash your belt so that's why" first off have some basic hygiene you dirty faggot, nobody wants to get staph from that bacteria rag around your waist, wash your damn belt
but lets explore your completely invalid point. sumo wrestlers in fact don't wash their mawashi, the thing they literally wear up their asses and roll in the dirt with 3 hours a day and the worst they ever turn is off yellowish you fucking idiot.

the black belt was a deliberate decision to separate beginners from advanced practitioners, that's all. the reason black was chosen is because on school swim teams the advanced swimmers would wear a black ribbon to differentiate them. Everybody was already familiar with that convention so why not just adopt it exactly as it was.
your colors are meaningless WHITE IS PURITY, YELLOW REPRESENTS THE RISING SUN, GREEN IS THE STAINS FROM THE GRASS, PURPLE IS IS THE BLOOD YOU SHED shut the fucking fuck up! the only reason the colors are there is because american attention spans are too short and they need constant reinforcement by a material carrot on a stick since the idea of working hard and improving for improvements sake is lost in the land of participation trophies.

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Anonymous No. 147244

you thought I was done? not yet homeboy
lets talk about Oss, or Osu, or Oos if your instructor is a literal monkey
you speak japanese? didn't think so. What kind of a fucking moron do you have to be to walk around shouting a word from another language when you have no idea what it means?
might as well tell everyone Onara is some kind of esoteric martial arts term. I can see it now, a room full of braindead white guys shouting ONARA SENSEI! every time the teacher walks in the room. or eveyone shouting Onara to get themselves psyched up during a workout. Onara means fart by the way. Sounds pretty good though, doesn't it?
I heard some kyokushin faggot talking about "the spirit of oss" and how it embodies the warrior mentality, and shouting it is a way to build your internal strength during difficult challenges.
want to know the reality? it's one of the many meaningless nonsense words japanese has like nnn or ehh, it only means as much as the context you use it in.
oh I can hear it now "but my sensei said it's an abbreviated form of onegaishimasu!" well your sensei is full of beans. osu is just a grunt to acknowledge you heard what someone said, that's fucking it
did you hear what I said? osu
ready to start? osu
welcome to class. osu

in fact if you're walking the street in japan and say good morning to someone it wouldn't be unusual for them to respond with a simple osu and a head nod, the english equivilant of "sup"
why are you yelling you fucking donut?
yeah I'm getting out of here

Anonymous No. 147248

Unpopular opinions? Perfect.

classes, in ANY martial art or combat sport, are (mostly) a waste of time and money. You can practice on your own, and spar when someone is available.

classes can be useful for having someone teach beginners techniques the correct way... if you find a good teacher. This is an even larger issue for Eastern martial arts. classes are also the best way to meet sparring partners.

Standardized instruction is NEVER the best way for an individual to learn.

Anonymous No. 147255

Agreed, there's a lot of traditional martial arts instruction methods meant to churn out as many average students as possible.
Well you're here, so you're not wrong.
Yeah nah m8 that's not what was said. Either you're reading comprehension is retarded or you're, more likely, just a cunt looking to be bitchy & argumentative cause your care for martial arts is entirely superficial.

Anonymous No. 147258

Unfortunately though, if you have an unorthodox education in martial arts, you're credibility is going to be constantly challenged. There are so many sources to learn martial arts but because of the fucktard mcdojo mainstream community if you're not being scalped by a gym for barely any 1on1 time with someone barely qualified to teach, using an antiquated bullshit color coded system designed to squeeze more money out of retards, people assume that you're the hack talking smack.

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Anonymous No. 147261

Spot on. Thanks for dispelling some of my most hated bullshido myths.

Anonymous No. 147268

Every style that falls under the term, kung fu, while utterly fucking useless in application, ironically has shit tons of great training methods to develop flexibility, toughness, speed, and accuracy.

Anonymous No. 147269

Interesting. can you point me to some of those methods?

Anonymous No. 147271

The belt/gi thing is hilarious. You dig deep enough, you can find articles from the 50s dispelling that white to black never washing thing. Most referencing what you'd smell like training in an Okinawa summer with years of mildewed body fluid build up.

Anonymous No. 147272

Well take tai chi for example, the style itself is fucking stupid, but take the same concept, string together chains of practical combos but practice them in the same style as tai-chi. Now you're gonna get the same relaxing benefits of moving meditation while memorizing practical striking techniques. That's just what I mean. Take all the training methods that incorporate retard movements, swap them for effective ones, and bam, old school knowledge in a new age package. This is not a new idea.

Anonymous No. 147275

ok I thought you were gonna tell me an epic chinese training method like in kenichi. But I do what you said when I'm idle sometimes.

Anonymous No. 147278

No, nothing that fanciful. Basically I just mean the crazy ass variety to kung fu skill drills that could easily be modified for use with contemporary styles.

Anonymous No. 147280

The tradiotions we decided to cling to were fucking retarded. Instead of maintaining the concept of the Gi, the reason it was chosen, they preserve the actual fucking Gi. How does that make any sense? Ought to be doing training in BDUs or Coveralls.

Anonymous No. 147295

I personally view it as a uniform to make all practitioners equal to each other.

Anonymous No. 147297

Muay thai/MMA shorts and rashguards can mean the same?

Anonymous No. 147298

But you can do that with modern clothes
Keep the gi pants nothing wrong with them, they're a perfectly fine analogue to generic pants of some kind
Then get a tshirt or even the rash guard is fine but the jacket with a belt wrapped around the outside is totally outdated

Anonymous No. 147317

You should always train in grappling with the gi because it teaches you to punish someone for grabbing YOUR clothes.

Anonymous No. 147321

Look at it this way, if you're fighting someone and hes enough of a dummy to grab your clothes he did you a favor
Hes stretching out my hoodie instead of hitting me

Anonymous No. 147324

>if you're fighting someone and hes enough of a dummy to grab your clothes
Grabbing them with one hand and hitting them with the other is one of the most common attacks in any fight. Like, right behind a wild haymaker.

Anonymous No. 147326

>99% of people use guns instead
Some people on this board should buy a globus and read up on gun laws in other countries, jesus

Anonymous No. 147327

It's a bad tactic though, they're grabbing on so you cant back up and keeps you in range of their punches but it's a fools gambit because a grappler is going to move forward anyway
Hes playing right into your hand

A fought a hockey player once and he tried to do that thing where he pulls the shirt over your head, but I just went with it instead of pulling away and gave him the most savage upper cut to the penis anyone has ever seen, he was gargling his own nuts

Anonymous No. 147331

lol, no fights.
Lmao, you don’t fight.

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Anonymous No. 147333

It’s for you, king.

Anonymous No. 147334

Even in America youre far more likely to get into a fistfight than a gunfight. The kind of people who say stupid shit about how every self defense situation is going to be life or death situation are shut-in retards who have been sheltered from social violence their entire lives.

Anonymous No. 147338

Where I live robbers use guns and nigger-esque guys prefer to be a group of 5 with machetes vs 1 guy in every case, self-defense its always suicide.

Anonymous No. 147367

Fags like >>147350
Constantly make the defeatist argument that in a surprise multiple attacker scenario any martial art would be useless. That's bullshit. So here's one for you.
>Submission grappling is the least mobile martial art type there is
Notice how a lot of these "opinions" are more like physical facts. If you remove all ego & just discuss the physical puzzle fights can be, there are just plain fucking facts. But several decades of homo-erotic bloodsport has retards so hungry for bjjizz that getting people to admit basic fucking facts is a constant uphill battle.

Anonymous No. 147368

You sound like an RBSD fag mad that his Krab Rangoon style is respected by combat sports atheletes who fight for real.

Anonymous No. 147370

You said if you're not "fighting someone eventually", you implied training with the specific intent to fight someone, which my martial philosophy is opposed to. I train to protect myself. Big surprise, some of us train martial arts to not have to fight. Ill even take it a step further, you can go ahead and call me a pussy, cause I fucking hate sparring, I hate anything that gets near real violence, I'm not a faggot edgelord with no one who depends on them and I have a job that requires constant ambidextrous use of my hands & feet. I do not value my martial prowess more than my life & livelihood. I'm not gonna play faggy larper games with you and explain how likely it is one human would attack another or validate my experience for you.

Anonymous No. 147373

I guess I could be categorized under RBSD. Don't get what you mean though. If you read this thread & the other if you're inclined, I admitted BJJ reigns supreme as the preeminent submission grappling style. But this whole board has gracie cock so far up every hole they're not willing to admit to a single fucking shortcoming. Its ironic that as a style with constantly repeated sermons on humility, many of its proponents seem to fucking have none in the face of a single god damn hypothetical scenario.

Anonymous No. 147375

I'm not sure what you mean, everyone around here pretty much agrees the gracies are fags

But here's the fact, If you are getting into fights with people it is always a chaotic shit show and it is very likely you're going to get tackled
The thing about whether the fight goes to the ground or not, you don't always get a vote, sometimes the other person put you there and you need to be able to deal with that

More importantly though, the striker will always say never go to the ground I'm gonna stay on my feet, but who has a better chance of staying on their feet the striker or the trained grappler ?
I guarantee the striker goes down 1st and the difference is he isn't going to know what to do once that happens

Anonymous No. 147378

No one has made the argument that submission grappling has no use, that's been said many times. But even in that situation you just mentioned, you're not going to go for the choke, you would be stupid to even waste time on a joint break if there are other variables, your gonna escape and go back to your feet as quickly as possible. You maintain maximum mobility, at all times, for as long as you possibly can and literally the only time that rule is broken is in 1v1 combat. That's all I'm saying. Also there are multiple threads up sucking gracie cock at all times of the day since this board was made.

Anonymous No. 147381

If standing up is the right call then just stand up
If you cant stand up at will then you're pretty shit at jiujitsu honestly

Most people are shit at jiujitsu, black belts included

Anonymous No. 147383

Imagine writing all this out and not being embarrassed. It’s like I’m reading an early 2000s post defending aikido
>no bro I really hate fighting and violence that’s why I do martial arts
Get a fucking gym membership, you disingenuous fag. If you’re so fucking butt blasted about real fighters fighting maybe don’t present yourself as a martial artist. You’re not.

Anonymous No. 147384

You’ve never been in a fight just shut the fuck up. I’ve choked a guy out in real life on “da streetz”. Stop imagining retarded scenarios where you’re totally going to defend yourself from 20 dudes with knives at a time. You don’t even know how to fight one person you sure as hell aren’t fighting multiple.

I thought all this gay shit was put to rest years ago. Didn’t know there were still 2deadly4u street defense larpers fantasizing about fake self defense situations on the internet

Anonymous No. 147385

Fuck you, faggot ass nigger affecting retard. This whole thread I have been railing against that 2deadly4u shits, which is exactly what you just fucking did, pretending like your shit is so perfect that even considering anything else has you and this retard >>147383
frothing at the mouth & arguing without saying anything that amounts to more than
>nuh uh cause I'm mad and don't like you.
>stop thinking of things
That's ok though. Just proves my point. That's as far as you retards can get in your thought process so why would anyone give a shit what ya'll think.

Anonymous No. 147386

Look at how fucking mad you are lol. You are a
>2deadly4u shit
Though, you described yourself as a RBSD loser who hates sparring and thinks you’re practicing martial arts “to avoid fights” lol, lmao. You’re a LARPer plain and simple handing out advice on a subject you know nothing about. Cry more.

Anonymous No. 147388

Not mad at all, you're an afterthought while I do schoolwork on another screen. Real nice ad hominem though. Wanna try using some logic and make a statement that refutes what I say? Like, I don't know, describe the laws of physics that make my observations patently incorrect. Find me a martial arts or self-defense expert that wouldn't give the same advice on a multi-attacker scenario. Re-read the thread if you need to. Not once did I advocate for the use of any bullshido shit. Just said that you stay on your feet, maintain mobility, and focus on grappling techniques that put distance between your opponent and yourself, giving yourself time to set up your next move, or to just book it and run like hell... Okay so, here is the challenge once more, lets see if you can get it... Make a LOGICAL refutation of what I just said... Or continue being a faggot

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Anonymous No. 147389

You're a slight distraction during a quiz. Don't get it twisted.

Anonymous No. 147390

Took 10 seconds, fag.
No fights no opinion. Your raging wall text says all I need to know about whether my point was on the mark
>bro like, I don’t even CARE bro
>seriously bro I don’t care
No one asked you to prove you were doing schoolwork. Thou doth protest too much, LARPer

Anonymous No. 147391

>Overrated as a striker and a grappler.
>Never faced elite competition in either striking or grappling.
>Knocked out by Frank Lobman, a shit tier kickboxer
>Had poor takedown defense and limited ground skills.
>Most of his wins came in Pancrase
>Only fought twice in the UFC.
>Controversial decisions against Maurice Smith and Kevin Randleman.
>Rutten's UFC heavyweight title win over Kevin Randleman was also disputed by many fans and media members
>Failed to defend his UFC title or fight again in the promotion.
>Rutten vacated his title due to injuries and never fought in the UFC again
>Involved in a shady promotion that failed to pay fighters and was blamed by said fighters
Fuck Bas, and one dumbass video of him lying his ass off as usual does not refute anything I said. Considering him an expert explains everything about your point of views on martial arts. Fucking tards.

Anonymous No. 147392

Of the two of us, you haven't said one single thing that would lead me to believe you train at all. You have fixated on that singular unpopular opinion and have been raging ever since with no real argument from you anywhere to be seen. All you do is point out shit, that I said about myself, and use that as a means to dismiss what I am saying. Thought maybe writing it out and explaining it might help, in case you're just stupid and genuinely care about martial arts. Instead of just verbally writhing in asspain about someone training differently than you.

Anonymous No. 147393

>talks shit about how bad isn’t a real fighter
>literally has no fights, doesn’t even spar
What’s that make you?

Anonymous No. 147394

I care a lot about martial arts. I’ve been training since /asp/ wasn’t a wrasslefag shithole. I know how the people like you operate and you’ll always find an excuse for why your insane lava golem and aids needles on the sidewalk scenarios are more realistic than choking a guy out in n a fight. It’s not worth engaging with your seriously because you don’t have any real experience to draw from but will insist you know dick about shit.

What do you even train? Tell me so I can laugh at you.

Anonymous No. 147396

Never claimed to be an expert. Just pointed out one single solitary type of hypothetical scenario where submission grappling is not the ideal go to tool. And that has lead here. Which honestly, I am ok with. Retards fail to realize that this, what's happening right now, was kinda the point of the "unpopular opinion edition," so when dumbshits walk in a thread they're obviously opposed to well...
This guy said it best. Any retard that absolutely can't stand someone arguing that single solitary hypothetical situation is going to end up right here, entertaining me, instead of shitting up the rest of the board.

Anonymous No. 147397

Still have yet to refute what I said, go ahead, go again. I am still waiting for one of you mongoloid troglodytes to articulate, specifically, what about what I said was wrong. But instead, you're going to continue to focus on my displeasure for sparring, my distaste for competition, while ignoring that I have been in fights. I have made no grandiose claims, have not advocated for single bit of bullshido. I will reiterate... In a multi-attacker scenario, submission grappling is not the ideal choice of technique. You should maintain maximum mobility & focus on throws/takedowns which will afford you more opportunities to escape.... How am I wrong? But it's okay, go ahead and keep attacking the other stuff. I already know you're retarded.

Anonymous No. 147398

>hurr durr how am I wrong
Bas explained a scenario where he choked a guy out and used him as a shield, I fail to see how that’s less than ideal
>hurp durr you should use throws and takedowns
Gee I wonder if I could learn that from submission wrestling. It’s almost like that’s a wider array of techniques than JUST ground submissions
What do you train? Admit to me what ninjutsu nonsense you’re passing off as experience
>but wait, no! I never said I was an expert!
But you know enough to talk shit about bas rutten? Give me a fucking break you fake shit LARPer.

No fights, no opinion

Anonymous No. 147399

As a kid only karate, it was the only thing available. Then wrestling in high school for a little. Then MMA with my step-brother at the USKO in Riverside, CA. Rolled with Georgi Karakhanyan once, that was fun. Not once did I ever say that I never spar, just that I prefer not to, and that it is not required to be a martial artists. I am the one here admitting I am not the expert offering my humble opinion based on my experience and learnings from others. You're the one madly defending a concept that I have clearly stated I have no beef with. Meanwhile you're ardently defending that submission grappling is sufficient. Also, while BJJ has throws & takedowns, you know full well what I meant. It is not their emphasis. See, and you do faggy little wordplay games like that. And I am the mad one? Mkay bud.

Anonymous No. 147402

> Not once did I ever say that I never spar
You said you hate sparring and you “train martial arts so you don’t have to fight” which is balls to the wall retarded since whether or not you “have” to fight is completely irrelevant to whether you do martial arts
> Meanwhile you're ardently defending that submission grappling is sufficient. >Also, while BJJ has throws & takedowns, you know full well what I meant
I’m not even a bjj guy you retard, I’m a judoka. No I don’t know what you mean because submission grappling encompasses a lot more than just submissions and I already laid out a scenario, supported by Bas rutten a pro fighter and instructor, that showed submissions as effective in a fight with “multiple attackers”, you ignored this though and instead wrote a cope post about how bas doesn’t count.

I don’t believe your background. You talk way too much like an aikido shitter with your fake humbleness while still asserting you know more than pro fighters despite “not being an expert.”
>I believe you don’t have to fight or spar to be a martial artist
Ok, you’re wrong though and a faggot

Anonymous No. 147403

These two guys suck each other's cocks

Anonymous No. 147405

>Anthony Johnson: former UFC fighter, competed in multiple weight classes, known for his knockout power and wrestling skills. Stated that he would never use submission grappling in a street fight, especially against multiple opponents, because he believes it would put him in a vulnerable position and expose him to more attacks.
>Jake Shields: Veteran MMA fighter who has competed in organizations such as UFC, Strikeforce, and Pride, Shields is a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and has won many fights by submission. Has also expressed his doubts about the effectiveness of submission grappling against multiple attackers, saying that he would rather use striking and distance management to deal with them.
>Glover Teixeira: Current UFC fighter who is ranked as one of the top light heavyweight contenders, Teixeira is a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and has finished many of his opponents by submission. Stated that he would not rely on submission grappling in a street fight with multiple attackers, because he thinks it would be too dangerous and impractical. He said that he would prefer to use his boxing skills and knock out his opponents as quickly as possible.
>Chad Mendes: Former UFC fighter who challenged for the featherweight title twice, Mendes is a decorated wrestler and a powerful striker. He has said that he would not use submission grappling in a street fight with multiple attackers, because he believes it would be too risky and time-consuming. Said that he would rather use his wrestling to take down his opponents and then strike them until they are unconscious.
>Takanori Gomi: Fought in Pride, UFC, and Rizin, Gomi is known for his explosive striking and knockout power. Said that he would not use submission grappling in a street fight with multiple attackers, because he thinks it would be too difficult and ineffective. Said that he would rather use his striking skills and speed to deal with them.
I could go on forever.

Anonymous No. 147407

>my apathy is slowly consuming my soul

Anonymous No. 147408

My apologies. I didn't realize your anus was occupied as well.

Anonymous No. 147410

And I can post half a dozen videos of people being choked out or having their shit snapped in street fights too. I’ll add again I choked a guy out in real life in addition to the mats. Evidently Bas did too. Quit being a retard. Also, lol, no fights

Anonymous No. 147412

Why don't you knock yourself out and we'll see who's list stacks up. Seeing as how we're both anonymous here, "lol no fights," doesn't really mean anything, but if it makes you feel better. Keep at it. Oh but since that's a big obsession for you, why are you credible here? Why can't you describe why the advice I gave is wrong? You point to one shitty fighter & proven liar, and act like you did something to be proud of.
Be snarky as you please but this thread is saving others. Shit on it all you want, don't give a fuck. Thought that was obvious from the thread subject but bullshido retards come from every camp and cannot resist themselves when anyone challenges their ideas. I will keep this thread up long as I can & as long as dipshits keep coming here thinking they are proving something other than how utterly fucking brainwashed they are. This shit is so low effort I make responses during commercial breaks & visits to the loo.

Anonymous No. 147413

Well, at least you're not hyper defensively writing paragraphs about it

ModernMartialMonk No. 147414

>bullshido retards come from every camp
Oh yeah, and someone a while ago said something about me supporting aikido or some dumbshit like that. Thought I would clarify... Fuck Aikido and pretty much fuck anything that focus on small joint manipulation... I don't know, maybe on fucking children but thats about it.

Anonymous No. 147415

God you’re such a fucking faggot
>shitty fighter and proven liar
>hurr durr engage with me intellectually
You’re so fucking dishonest from the get go and have the audacity to demand other people take you seriously. I will keep laughing at your for having no fights because you’ve admitted you have no fights. You’re not a fighter, and therefore not a martial artist. Cope.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147416

Funny thing is I am even writing the majority of my posts. Fucking love AI. It's like cheatcodes for debating retards. But a bit of personal ingenuity is required in the prompts. All in all though I put more effort in my morning dump. Also how sad is it that you think this is writing fast. Lol.

Anonymous No. 147417

Did mommy and daddy not love you enough?

Anonymous No. 147418

>no bro I totally don’t even care bro
>seriously I’m posting so much because I don’t care
>please believe how much I don’t care about this argument

ModernMartialMonk No. 147419

>ad hominem
>defending a shitty fighter only /pol/ faggots like
>ad hominem & deflection
>Projection: The Definition
Laugh as much as you want, long as you stay here and don't shit up the board with any more BJJ cultist shit.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147420

I care about martial arts, and I would like this board to be a little less shitty so genuine discussions about them may be held. Your error is thinking these arguments mean anything to me. But keep posting. Let the butthurt flow.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147421

Nah just these fucking threads go on forever and honestly after a while keeping track is a bitch when you're constantly clicking through posts. That's some real nice projection though. So how many times have you watched fight club now?

Anonymous No. 147422

I already told you I’m not a bjjfag. This is how I know you don’t actually do mma. It’s only tma and RBSD shitters that have a massive bone to pick with bjj.
no fights

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Anonymous No. 147423


ModernMartialMonk No. 147424

For someone who isn't a BJJfag, you're trying really hard to argue for it, against something that several fighters with far better records than Bas, with far more grappling experience than Bas, have advocated against. Considering your piss poor knowledge of martial arts, if Bas is the best you can do, pretty sure you're not just no fights, fuck, you don't even watch fights. But you know what you will do, keep posting in an obvious containment thread for retards like you.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147425

>Omg look at this faggot, he set himself apart from the rest of us with a moniker, let's deride him for being different.
>*queefs in faggy british dialect*
I don't know why you were british in that thought but there it is.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147427

Oh hey look, honestly I didn't even bother to when you posted it but look... Even your own stupid fucking pic gives the exact same reason as I did for the namefagginess in the bottome left corner. For use in a single thread when shit gets hard to follow. Huh, you're even more retarded than my initial estimates.

Anonymous No. 147428

Nigger you yourself said you should use throws and trips to defend yourself from multiple attackers. I come from a judo background. Evidently I do what you think is the best thing. I know from practical experience you’re wrong about submissions
>hurr durr liar
Here’s my mizuno belt, faggot.
>hurr durr retard containment
What’s that make you, namefag

Anonymous No. 147429

Just post like a normal person fag. You can keep track of who people are without namefaggotry if you’re not rerarded which evidently you are

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Anonymous No. 147430

Pic related

Anonymous No. 147431

Might as well be arguing about politics. I see someone's beliefs on a particular subject, I'm really seeing a part of them.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147432

Why am I wrong? Are you even going to try, at all? I am looking for just one logical explanation for why I am 100% wrong. Why all those pro fighters I listed are wrong? Why do you settle for one faggy 40 second video of Bas Rutten lying in an interview? Just "muh practical experience" makes the hypotheticals I and MANY pro fighters have suggested purely impossible, is that what you're saying? Cause it really fucking sounds like it. I have never even said that you are wrong. Read the thread. Never said submission grappling had nothing to contribute. Just said that for one single hypothetical scenario, it's not perfect... Is that ok with you?

ModernMartialMonk No. 147434

And this proves what exactly?
You know at first it really was just to keep track. But I think it's a catchy name and it's pissing you faggots off so hard to have to let your glazed over eyes drift listlessly past the text I put in the name box, that I'm gonna keep it. Might make it a permanent thing.

Anonymous No. 147435

BTW I so don't care. Totes.

Anonymous No. 147436

I’ve already explained how it could be done, you’re just ignoring it and writing massive cope posts. Why don’t you explain why you have no fights instead?
>this is what namefags actually believe
Still no fights

ModernMartialMonk No. 147437

I wish people would care more about the rest of the world and what it has to offer, rather than just politics all the fucking time. As if that's the only passion the human spirit can muster. I would fucking love it if these discussions got as amped as, well not /pol/, but more like the /hist/

Anonymous No. 147438

>/his/: racebaiting and bickering about religion
Why am I not surprised you’re the kind of person who asks a question, gets an answer, and then just ignores it pretending he didn’t

ModernMartialMonk No. 147439

Never said I have no fights & you've never proved you were in one so that you keep taking it there is really retarded. Any faggot on this board trying to insist upon some authority because of their anecdotal experience is a dumbshit. So far I think you and this guy >>147430
are the only people in the thread doing that, unless that's you too.

Anonymous No. 147440

But these shut-in retards are now the ones walking around and filling the world, and buying guns

ModernMartialMonk No. 147441

I never asked a question retard. I opined upon the efficiency of submission grappling techniques in multiple attacker scenarios. Someone refuted that, with a non-argument that failed to acknowledge the factual shortcomings that have been confirmed by multiple experts with significantly greater standing the faggot used by the other dude. But yeah you're kinda right about /his/ but atleast those dudes attempt an arugment.

Anonymous No. 147442

If you had any fights you wouldn’t say dumb shit like “you don’t need to fight or spar to be a martial artist” or “I hate sparring” or gay tma shit like “I train martial arts so I don’t have to fight”
You have no fights. Cope more.
>but maybe YOU have no fights
Let’s think about this “logically” for a minute since you big on that. I’m shitting on your because you think you can be a martial artist without sparring or fighting. I believe the opposite. Would it not stand to reason then that I’ve probably fought before? Why would I lie about that for the sake of an internet argument when that kind of truth would deeply hurt me outside of it?

I think the reality here is that you also know you can’t be real martial artist without fighting, and you’re coping with your own cowardice instead of just taking a fight.

Anonymous No. 147443

> never asked a question retard
You asked me to provide an expert who disagreed with you and an argument as to why. I did both and you ignored them.

Anonymous No. 147445

I'm not going to talk politics here, but I am pointing out that arguing about martial arts is similar. I just end up going in circles.

Anonymous No. 147446

Man I would swing a flashlight into both of these retards so fast

Anonymous No. 147447

As if you could even reach me, midget Mike

Anonymous No. 147448

I'm convinced that baton laws are the only reason the giant maglites still exist

ModernMartialMonk No. 147449

- **Tim Kennedy**: The former UFC middleweight contender and Army veteran said he does zero sparring before his fights. He claimed that sparring is unnecessary and dangerous, and that he prefers to focus on drilling techniques and conditioning.
- **Robbie Lawler**: The former UFC welterweight champion used to spar very little or not at all during his first UFC run. He said that he had enough experience and confidence in his abilities, and that he wanted to avoid unnecessary damage. He later changed his approach and started sparring again, but with less intensity and more protection.
- **Martin Kampmann**: The former UFC welterweight contender and current coach said he only spars once a week. He said that he learned from his mistakes of sparring too hard and too often, and that he values quality over quantity when it comes to sparring.
- **Dustin Poirier**: The current UFC lightweight contender and former interim champion said he does not spar hard at all. He said that he likes to spar light with fight gloves on, and that he does not need to prove anything in the gym. He said that hard sparring is not worth the risk of getting hurt or losing confidence.
- **Felipe Douglas**: The Brazilian MMA fighter and Titan FC veteran said he does not enjoy sparring. He said that he prefers to train other aspects of the game, such as grappling, wrestling, and striking pads. He said that sparring is stressful and painful, and that he only does it when necessary.

I don't know everything, I don't speak for everyone, and I am not the arbiter of martial arts. Can you admit the same and simply recognize another possibility?

ModernMartialMonk No. 147451

a 40 second video of Bas spouting some bullshit about something that may or may not have happened to him is not a refutation of my claim. That's Bas, making some shit up. And you also misquoted the video too, he did not say he used the guy as a shield. In true bullshit Bas fashion he claimed he just tanked stomps on the head from two different attackers during a rear naked choke... What the fuck about his record would lead you to believe that shit?

ModernMartialMonk No. 147452

Sure thing bud. Feel better now that you said that shit somewhere where posturing is pointless?

Anonymous No. 147453

>sir, can I get a fight count check?
>I don’t know how to tell you this, but scans are showing ZERO fights from this poster
>zero fights? That’s impossible! He’s too smug of a faggot
>sorry boss that’s just what the scans are telling me
>damn zero fights and a huge ego. What a waste of a so called martial artist.

Anonymous No. 147455

There can’t seriously be laws against heavy sticks? Maybe that’s why we got people arguing whether the regular fist punch or the stronger fist punch would win WW3

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Anonymous No. 147456

A lot of places in America have separate licenses for armed and unarmed security guards, the former of which are not allowed to carry weapons on the job. However, he may just so happen to carry this six d-cell mag lite he HAD to use when he feared for his life.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147457

You write that shit and call me smug? Dude, you might need therapy. Alright, I am going to bed now. It's been entertaining. See ya'll tomorrow maybe.

Anonymous No. 147458

said. Bouncers can't carry anything weapon wise without a ton of hoops where I am. But a flashlight wasn't classified as such.

Anonymous No. 147459

Good night, no fights

Anonymous No. 147466

Sparring is needed and ur a retard.

Anonymous No. 147471

Private security in America has a few different levels, most of which is gonna depend on whether you're a gun owner or willing to be one. But far as I know they don't give a shit about clubs. All though, i guess it is really up to your dispatch. Some companies are cool letting you do pretty much whatever. Did private security in commiefornia for a bit. They gave us big ol mag lights, but I think it's legal to carry a club there. One dude on the night shift got to brain a jogger breaking into service vehicles.

Anonymous No. 147472

There is one thread up right now asking what the best punch is, has been since day one I think. It's all so tedious.

Anonymous No. 147476

Fighting 1 person?
Take him down
Fighting more than 1 person? Draw your weapon

You are carrying, right? I seriously hope you dont walk around unarmed

Anonymous No. 147478

Here is an unpopular opinion for the thread
>Marksmanship is a martial art & extreme sport
If fucking airsoft counts then how can real guns not.

Anonymous No. 147480

It’s more to do with the fact that weapons already have their own board.

Anonymous No. 147481

This is why I hate RBSD fags. They're all pro-gun control to the max. If self-defense is your priority, and you're not a bleeding heart liberal pussy, just get a fucking open-carry permit. A mugger is not going to choose an armed target over unarmed. Prevention is the best defense.

Anonymous No. 147482

True. If we start down this path we may as well just go to /k/

Anonymous No. 147483

But they're fudds, martial arts would be talking about the actual practical use of weapons

In fact training with traditional weapons would be going against miyamito mushashis way.
See, everything Bruce Lee ever said was lifted from musashi and presented as an original thought. But he had already written about only training what is valuable.
Ironically the samurai would disregard a sword in our current age.
the main things we should be training with are EDC firearms, knives, and improvised weapons like a baton or club.

I'm going to put together a baseball bat kata and enter into a karate competition for the lulz

Anonymous No. 147484

You would probably like escrima/arnis. Best knife fight style there is and none of that krav maga magical disarm slap bullshit. I remember hearing about it being modified for use with a pistol. Like a point shooting hybrid.

Anonymous No. 147489

>/k/ is fudds
You don’t even know what that word means. Shut the fuck up you window licking retard

Anonymous No. 147493

Its kinda self explanatory. Y'all aren't clever.

Anonymous No. 147495

It should be, but you’re so fucking retarded you actually think /k/ is full of fudds because you don’t know what the word means.

Prove me wrong, what’s a fudd?

Anonymous No. 147498

Hand to hand is still king tough.
You can't be disarmed if you aren't armed in the first place.
Weapon free zones also can't remove your hands and feet.
They're the weapons that are always on you and can't be removed.

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Anonymous No. 147519

A gun enthusiast with as much knowledge of weaponry, their history, and safe useage as pic related. They're the equivalent of this boards "2dedly4u" or "powershitters" on /fit/

Anonymous No. 147520

Oh and /k/ is like 99% fudds. Just like /fit/ is 99% powershitters, and most dudes commenting in MA threads here are 2dedly4u shits that obsess over hypothetical shit instead of talking shop about training.

Anonymous No. 147525

>120 posts in one day
>its all nofights coping tma fags
Nailed it

Anonymous No. 147527

When your temper rises, lower your fists
When your fists rise, lower your temper
If you have no fists, cope on the internet
-miyagi chojun, the founder of goju "motherfucking" ryu karate

Anonymous No. 147529

You're going to have to lightly spar at some point. No if or buts. All this shit it still a sport, and no team serious about winning is going into a competition without some form of scrimage where the opposing team does their best, within the established rules of the scrimage, to prevent their success.

Without getting too Montisory school about it, light sparring is "play". Drilling, weights, stamina training all have their place, but "play" is where an athlete is free to test and create higher level tactics and strategy that cannot be done in too highly regimented a structure.

As for quoting high level competitors on their routines, neither your nor I likely have access to their caliber of trainer or schedule. So we'll have to make due with what practice structure we have available, and that probably involves some mix of drilling, PT, and some iteration of free play every practice. Kids do it everyday when you put them on a wrestling mat or toss them a ball. No reason we can't do the same.

Anonymous No. 147530

Your skill at anything is like the edge of a knife
You need to grind it into shape to begin with. Once that initial process is done in order to maintain it you just need to hone it from time to time to keep it sharp. The foundation is already there, it takes very little effort to keep sharp.
But if you take a honing steel to a piece if iron without grinding a blade into it first you're never going to get an adequate knife out of it

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Anonymous No. 147532

A fudd is a person who thinks guns should only be legal for hunting. Congrats you fucking newfag, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Go back to fucking Arfcom or whatever reddit shithole you came from.

Anonymous No. 147534

This person posts on /k/. You can tell.

Anonymous No. 147535

A fudd is someone that EDCs a 1911 because of stopping power and tries to sell his sporterized mosin for $3500 because he knows what hes got, son

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Anonymous No. 147536

Who? Me? What gave you that idea?

Anonymous No. 147538

That’s just regular boomer you retard. Fudd specifically refers to someone who doesn’t believe in the second amendments true premise and instead insists you only need guns that re useful for hunting. Before the election tourists shat the place we were allowed to discuss gun control and gun rights. You’re a fucking newfag. Go back.

Anonymous No. 147540

Its called fuddlore for a reason

Anonymous No. 147541

Yes, because it’s stupid shit fudd boomers believe. You’re still wrong and a faggot. Go back.

Anonymous No. 147544

And you made it 121! Proud of yah bud.

Anonymous No. 147545

Okay but what about people who have no intention of competing? What about those that just want to be a little fitter & better able to defend themselves. I don't need to be shot in order to know how to shoot. I don't need to get punched in the face in order to know how to punch someone in the face. Sparring is more about coordination than any of the shit you faggots who hype it up for. You're some fucking idiot on an image board disagree with statements made by pro fighters. I think I know who I'm going to listen to. Not you.

Anonymous No. 147546

If there are pro fucking fighters ditching sparring & giving it low priority, how fucking stupid is it for ANY faggot on here that probably doesn't even train to advocate for sparring.
>If you like it, good for you, doesn't mean others need it.

Anonymous No. 147549

The difference is that while they minimized hard sparring, they also actually fought. You want to learn to swim without ever getting in the water.

Anonymous No. 147550

because you need to condition your flinch response among other things
Can't tell you how often I see someone that has really clean technique on the pads but as soon as there are punches coming at them they get really flinchy and close their eyes.
the only way to get rid of that is to get in there and get used to it

Anonymous No. 147552

And the second I want to compete, maybe I will consider that. But you don't get too gatekeep all of martial arts & decide who is a martial artist just cause you have a boner for a training method that some pro fighters are completely cutting out. Yes obviously they have the experience of fighting. Most don't and don't want to. That's why martial arts exists. To give people combat skills sans combat engagement, to all sorts of varying degrees & tailored programming.

Anonymous No. 147553

So you say sparring is not primarily about fighting technique & more important for developing a combat psyche, right? For lack of a better term.

Anonymous No. 147554

I can swim in pools while only dipping toes in the ocean. Aren't metaphors fun.

Anonymous No. 147555

Because those guys have an entire team of trainers dedicated solely to them and their best performance. They’ve also got a shitload of ringtime already which you do not because you don’t fight.

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Anonymous No. 147556

>aren’t metaphors fun hmmmmmmm?
The way you write reminds of the way linkara talks. I bet you’re a real life autist.

Anonymous No. 147558

it's about building reflexes and the ethereal "feel" of an action. Someone can watch an instructional on how to do a submission for example and practice on a dummy but until they actually put that squeeze on a real person and realize "oh I need to sag my hips half an inch to the left and pull my wrist 12% tighter into my chest or else this has no effect at all"
and until you can put that squeeze on someone that doesn't want to be squeezed consistently, you really don't know the move

the difference between a good fighter and a bad one is reaction time, a bad one needs to actually think about their next move. A good one can feel their way through it. Because under stress the only thing you have is gross motor skills and your lizard brain, so your martial arts need to be as natural as walking

Anonymous No. 147559

> But you don't get too gatekeep all of martial arts
Reality is gatekeeping you. Martial arts are about fighting, you don’t fight, therefore, you aren’t a martial artist.

You strike me as the kind of jackass who called themself a future US army soldier in high school then never enlisted.

Anonymous No. 147573

That sounds like further justification for why if you're not doing those things, its even less essential for you.
I agree with what you're saying, learning those mechanics and how to adjust yourself. As well as what you're saying about making it more natural. Don't think sparring is the only or the singular best way to go about it. The quality of which is going to vary wildly based on location so having alternatives would be a good idea.
Never said I don't fight, just said I don't go looking for them. You keep projecting everything else, even though I haven't advocated one bit of bullshido, pro-fighters have said the same as me, and I'm not the one engaging in petty posturing tough talk.

Anonymous No. 147575

I looked up linkara... You even knowing he exists and having that image saved makes you infinitely closer to autistic than anyone on this board except maybe the rugby guy.

Anonymous No. 147576

>no bro I totally fight I just hate sparring and never want to compete
lol, go ahead and tell me about your petty schoolyard brawl or bar fight that totally makes you a real fighter

Anonymous No. 147577

Wait until you hear about the gay dead muppet gangbang erotica

Anonymous No. 147578

>I don't need to be shot in order to know how to shoot. I don't need to get punched in the face in order to know how to punch someone in the face.
My God, man. It's light sparring, not full contact. You shouldn't be getting a damn concussion or choked unconscious with light sparring. If I told you to run a few rounds with a 14 year old, you wouldn't lay his ass out, would you? Your training partners should be able to work at that intensity with you.

Randori should be fun, not stressful. Otherwise, you're not going to be creative with your problem solving. "Winning" should not be the expected outcome. Otherwise, you're not stepping out of your comfort box.

Anonymous No. 147582

No. Cause that kind of talk is useless here, you know that, you're asking me that dumb fucking question knowing full well anything I could say, you're just going to dismiss. Seeing as how you've pointed out my lack of fight experience, which I've obviously never claimed to have, how about you pony up and show us why yours is the opinion that matters. I already explained my anecdotal experiences and how my opinions are based on them & what I've learned from experts. You're the one insisting that participating in sparring, and apparently based on your implications, you must fight regularly to be a martial artist. So, for the sake of this argument, I will say I'm not a martial artist, as I have nothing to prove my conformity to your criteria. Do you?

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Anonymous No. 147584

The fuck?

Anonymous No. 147585

Oh hey the /mag/ thread is back

>it's just the same old TMA vs combat sports shitflinging that's been rehashed for years
like I never left

Anonymous No. 147586

But, if even pro-fighters question the cost/benefit of sparring then why would I not. If a pro fighter is giving higher priority to other activities, why would I not investigate that? Seems like an awful lot of fuss for something that essentially amounts to a slap fight & rough housing.

Anonymous No. 147588

Comfy innit?

Anonymous No. 147590

Shuai Jiao exercises are pretty cool.

In isolation it might look silly, but taken in context, it's sport specific exercises for throwing and explosiveness. Similar to judo uchikomi or shadow wrestling.

Anonymous No. 147593

Haven’t learned your lesson yet, hmmm?

Anonymous No. 147594

>But you don't get too gatekeep all of martial arts
I can't stop you from teaching yourself retard-fu. However you're obviously insecure, and therefore you'll always be dying for any gratification but too chicken shit to actually do the thing that would get you peace. You can larp as a martial artist to your heart's content, but you'll never be one.

Anonymous No. 147596

God I miss /asp/, no one posts about pipe bomb-fu here.

Anonymous No. 147597

>if even pro-fighters question the cost/benefit
1. Are you a pro-fighter, anon? Are you even trying to be a pro-fighter?
2. Would you also say the majority of pro-fighters are against any form of sparring?

I'm honestly just kind of confused on why you'd want to avoid randori at all. If you told me every single practice was just going to be warm up, new technique training, followed by PT, I'd probably quit in a month out of boredom. That "slap-fight/roughhousing" is the only way, short of competion, that you're getting feedback if you're actually making the material work for you. It's also the most enjoyable and interesting part of the sport for pretty much everyone after they've had their first A-HA moment. It's very addictive.

I will admit that if a gym is just all A types who cannot or will not throttle it up and down on demand, it can suck real quick for anyone not on the top of the pile. But that's why most places have a seperate competition practice.

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Anonymous No. 147598

Just gave the exercise in the second vid a quick go cause I'd never seen it before. You can feel that pretty quickly. Good stuff my dude. Why are you in the containment thread? You don't belong here brother.

Anonymous No. 147600

I already posted my judo brown belt in the thread. I could go digging through my closet for a couple of old medals if you really want me too but I get the feeling you already know I’m not bullshitting which makes you seethe

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ModernMartialMonk No. 147603

Well I think I've been pretty clear on what I think. It's patently obvious I'm not getting a lot of support, but that's ok, this is an unpopular opinion thread afterall. You're free to leave any time. But I would like to again reiterate that I've not pushed any bullshido & only passed on observations shared observations made by fighters far more skilled than either of us I imagine. You're welcome to do as you please.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147604

Mkay so, a picture of an obi makes you a martial artist. Good too know how low the standards go.

Anonymous No. 147606

I just said I have medals. I fought in competition. Are you actually brain dead retarded?
Shut the fuck up you pretentious retard

ModernMartialMonk No. 147607

I don't know what to tell you bud. I have sparred enough and fought enough to have seen what good it does me. I enjoy being physical. I do not enjoy others being physical with me. I took up martial arts to defend against that. If I can continue to train in a way more comfortable to me that has measurable metrics of improvement, what's wrong with that, and if I can still defend myself without sparring regularly, doesn't that mean it's not essential by the definition of the word.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147608

May I see your medals? I mean, you've obviously nothing to prove to me, I'm utterly disarmed by your infallible logic. I'm certain you'll prove yourself to be of far greater than the pro-fighters already referenced who disagree with you. Perhaps you're even more skilled than Bas!

Anonymous No. 147609

> I enjoy being physical. I do not enjoy others being physical with me
Ngl u sound like a pussy tbqh senpai

Seriously though why don’t you just go do CrossFit or something? You clearly don’t actually enjoy what martial arts are in reality.

Anonymous No. 147610

I’ll see what I can dig up

Anonymous No. 147611

>If I can continue to train in a way more comfortable to me
If you came in with an open mind and just hated it, then do whatever brings you joy. If sparring is going to make the activity completely unpleasant, there is no point in making yourself hate the game. I don't know anyone who became good at anything they hated.

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ModernMartialMonk No. 147613

Well I am what I eat. Don't wanna fight unless I have to. Don't think you get to decided what martial arts really are. Philosophically I think there is room for everyone. Why do you apparently disagree?

ModernMartialMonk No. 147614

I only desire to be good enough to keep my life. Most martial artists are responsible enough that ill never face a threat from them and anyone doing less than me would logically be less threatening to me, yes?

Anonymous No. 147615

This kind of shit is why so many people are shutting on you. You’re one of the most pretentious posters I’ve seen on this board. You even have the audacity to namefag and call yourself a monk.
>you don’t get to decide what martial arts are
I’m not “deciding” anything, martial arts are fighting arts. You don’t like fighting, therefore you don’t like martial arts. Have you considered tennis instead?

Anonymous No. 147616

> I only desire to be good enough to keep my life
Then buy a gun. It’ll save you a lot of time and cost less in the long run

ModernMartialMonk No. 147617

Martial arts are fighting arts. You know us philosophy of training to fight so not too fight isn't new or even taboo. You seem really intent on asserting otherwise. I haven't made any claim that hasn't been made by anyone far more talented than anyone here.

Love how much names piss you off. Its like you rewatch fight club every morning.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147618

But is not fullproof and doesn't have extra health benefits.

ModernMartialMonk No. 147620

Practicing martial arts means accepting the inevitability of violence, not encouraging it.

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Anonymous No. 147622

> You know us philosophy of training to fight so not too fight isn't new or even taboo
You’re right it’s just retarded. See >>147616
> Love how much names piss you off
I’m not mad at you I’m mocking you

ModernMartialMonk No. 147623

Well it's keeping you locked here in a thread Ive regularly admitted is for containment purposes. I'm slapping you in the face with bait and you can't resist it because I think it's true. As that's not likely to change, one of us is really wasting his time trying to prove he's a martial arts expert on an anonymous image board.
>Its not me, I don't even spar lol

Anonymous No. 147624

Retard. Also martial arts aren’t “fullproof” either but significantly less effective than bullets. As far as health benefits you’d get a lot better. Benefits from a regular gym regimen. It’d be cheaper too.

Anonymous No. 147625

>anyone doing less than me would logically be less threatening to me, yes
Oh, no. Fuck no. A general rule of thumb is to assume people who are openly belligerent are far more comfortable and familiar with violence then you are and take precautions accordingly. Better safe than sorry.

A vested finanical interest in beating the living shit out of people regularly will nearly always overcome a pastime pursuit of the subject. I will go so far as to call the latter a tourist, including me.

Anonymous No. 147626

>I trool u I was merely pretending to be retarded
Bud this is getting pathetic

Anonymous No. 147627

I agree

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Anonymous No. 147632

I’m back, Here’s a couple, I’m not going looking for more. Pic is shit because I had to figure out a way to take it without doxing myself.

Anonymous No. 147636

Maybe if you weren't such the type of pathetic dumbass arguing retarded shit here you would have done better than bronze. But good for you. I'm sure that took effort, and I'm not being facetious when I write that. You're still fighting so hard to prove you're an expert to someone who has already admittedly not fought competitively. So why is your ego so fragile you feel the need to prove yourself here of all places and to me of all people. Are you not better than this?

Anonymous No. 147637

And you're still refusing to accept that grappling is not ideal in every situation. Instead you're fixating on the fact that I don't fight. That doesn't make what I say wrong.

Anonymous No. 147638

Oops thread mix up. You're the retard that insists sparring is essential for identification as a martial artist.

Anonymous No. 147639

Maybe you'd be happier if I used the term martial scholar instead of artists. The same way homophobes are placated by the term "civil union"

Anonymous No. 147643

Scholars generally have some deeper insight into a topic than regular people. If you were a bookworm talking about mechanics and history I’d take you seriously but as far as I can tell you’re just a half ass-lete

Anonymous No. 147644

Are you a blind judo competitor? There’s a gold on top of that as well lol. I have more, I’m not going looking for them.
> You're still fighting so hard to prove you're an expert to someone who has already admittedly not fought competitively. So why is your ego so fragile you feel the need to prove yourself here of all places and to me of all people. Are you not better than this?
You act like it takes some great effort to shitpost here. For the record, I was politely asked to show them.

Anonymous No. 147645

>you’re the retard who says you need to do martial arts to be a martial artist
You caught me, that’s a fucking retarded opinion

Anonymous No. 147646

So, let's say hypothetically you were instead arguing with one of the fighters referenced here...
What would you say to one of them to convince them that sparring is required to be called a martial artist? What axiom would you use to dissuade them from repeating those statements?

Anonymous No. 147647

All kicks (except simpliest low kick, which is super common, groin kick, wchich is super feared and maybe roundhouse kick to the head) are underestimated.

I remember having a street fight in which an aggressive retard charged at me. He was probably trying to do some greco wrestling but that's just my guess because I threw a teep to his solar plexus and the fight was over in first second, yet some people still believe you should never kick in a street fight.

Also, many mma fighters limit themselves to simpliest low kicks which is a big mistake. Just see how devastating can liver kick be.

Anonymous No. 147648

goju ryu poster is still alive and kicking though

Anonymous No. 147649

>Sparring = the singular quintessential exercise that makes someone a martial artist
When you say it correctly, you're correct.

Anonymous No. 147650

Really? Personally I try not to kick above my opponents navel. Really hate it when a kick gets caught. You got a preferred counter for that kinda thing?

Anonymous No. 147651

What the fuck are you talking about? They DONT need to spar to be called martial artists because they fight professionally. Sparring is half-fighting. Sparring is the bare minimum. fighting is the standard.

Anonymous No. 147652

Obviously then sparring is not essential to being called a martial artist then. Fighting is, yes, which I've had. I just don't like practice fighting. I guess I'm a pussy martial artist in your opinion then. But I still am one.

Anonymous No. 147653

But, you and I both know you still just completely dodged the question. How would you convince Tim Kennedy, that as a professional, it would be irresponsible to suggest sparring is unnecessary? Lest people such as I adopt the concept.

Anonymous No. 147654

Keeping in mind that the obvious assumption is you would fill the gap with some kind of activities that do the same thing as sparring.

Anonymous No. 147655

You said you’ve never competed. Fights against other martial artists are the proving ground. Even losing is better than not showing up. I don’t care about your playground street fights.
Tim Kennedy does spar. He says he does spar, I’ve seen videos of him rolling during his bjj “sheepdog” larp classes. But regardless Tim Kennedy and the other people you’re quoting without sources have a shitload of mat/ring/cage time already. You do not. You also don’t have access to a team of professional trainers who can identify your weak points and cater to all your training needs. People without those luxuries are going to have to figure that shit out themself to some degree and this usually happens through sparring. Tim Kennedy is also a fucking combat vet and already familiar with violence. Some guy off the street is not likely to have that same experience and if you send them into a fight without ever having punches thrown at them before they’re going to crumble under pressure. You HAVE to spar before you can fight unless you want to get hurt. I can’t think of a single serious martial art where this is not the case.

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Anonymous No. 147656

I don't have any counter to leg grabs because I learnt fighting in a shitty taekwondo school but it wasn't a problem because it's hard to grab someone's leg if you're running towards him like this.

Anonymous No. 147657

> the gap with some kind of activities that do the same thing as sparring.
There isn’t one though unless your beating people up in your spare time on the street, at which point you may as well be sparring

Anonymous No. 147658

Still not answering the question. If anything you're giving reasons why his opinion is the one I should respect. Not yours. Also real nice that as U continuously rephrase the question, now you backtrack about sources. Your reluctance to just answer the questions head on tell me that fights or not, you're definitely a pussy. Only a coward dances around shit like that. You keep attacking my question, like it shouldn't exist, rather than just factually explaining how mock fighting is what makes you a martial artist. Although it seems like you're moving the goalpoasts again and now you have to compete competitively to be a martial artist.

Anonymous No. 147661

>ask a question
>get an answer
>pretend you didn’t
Let me put this in simple terms your retard brain will understand. You ain’t Tim Kennedy. Most martial artists ain’t Tim Kennedy. As for answering “how mock fighting makes you a martial artist” it’s the bare minimum means of testing yourself against other martial artists. If you don’t engage in martial arts with other martial artists then you are not practicing martial arts.

Now cope.

Anonymous No. 147662

I should add, it’s rich getting called a coward from a guy who calls himself a
Martial artist who has no fights

Anonymous No. 147665

Nah, you're wrong and you talk like a retard. Feel better arguing with retards online you little martial arts expert you.

Anonymous No. 147666

I should add the number of things you would likely agree with me on makes this really dumb. I think I can see you in other threads and this, obviously, is the only unpopular opinion I have you care to fixate on. Want to try another? Maybe that dude from yesterday was right and we just need to blow each other, you down?

Anonymous No. 147668

At least I don’t have to lie to myself in the mirror about who I am.
Each other? No but I’ll let you blow me for a discount price.

Anonymous No. 147669

Gayyyyyyy. And also still wrong.

Anonymous No. 147684

Yes, you are still one.

A pussy, that is.

Anonymous No. 147692

Its amazing how one guy ruined this thread
Anyway let's get it back on track

Anonymous No. 147784

Faggots can't just admit they don't know it all

Anonymous No. 147799

I know literally everything. Prove me wrong.
>pro tip: you cant

Anonymous No. 147807

>Its amazing how one guy ruined this thread
>implying its not OP

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Anonymous No. 147899

As that poster, (we hashed this out with you in-thread already, it's a bitch move to run to another thread to cry about getting BTFO'd when consensus there was you were being retarded) I'm not saying such an art would be useless.There's obvious use, and any martial art beats "no martial art".

It's just that instantly, when you're fighting two people at once, or like in your scenario when you're fighting a single person and a second person who was a bystander is now jumping in to assist the person you're fighting, you're probably now in an extremely unfair, probably losing fight. This is true for all martial arts.

Regardless of what your art is, the correct reply to being in an extremely unfair losing fight is either, ideally,
>not fight or put yourself in a situation where it could happen
or failing that, more practically, either
>run away until either it's a 1 on 1 again, or
>run away until you're safe

You can argue submission grappling makes running harder, or restarting the fight later harder, and I don't think anyone would disagree with you, but this is quibbling over
>do you win this fight 0.2% of the time if you're a striker instead, or perhaps 0.5% of the time, versus BJJ's 0.1%?
When the key insight we keep trying to instill in your retard brain is
>It barely matters which is better, the results are basically the same
>Don't get into fights where 99% of the time if your competitors aren't shit, you're a pavement stain.

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Anonymous No. 147911

Not the anon you were squabbling with but
>It barely matters which is better, the results are basically the same
>Don't get into fights where 99% of the time if your competitors aren't shit, you're a pavement stain.
Absolutely does matter. Submission grappling in a multi-attacker situation is fucking next level retarded. Period. There was never a claim or determination made that preferring standing techniques would win the day just that it's not totally fucking retarded like the idea of trying to tap or choke someone with other threats present or even nearby.
>bitch move to run to another thread to cry about getting BTFO'd
Says the nigga backtracking to shit said two days ago in a whole separate thread.

Anonymous No. 147918

>Absolutely does matter.
Only in relative comparative terms, not in absolute terms. On the question
>is striking better equipped than submission grappling to fight and win against 2+ people at once?

the answer is two true statements:
>yes, relatively speaking, it is a better martial art for winning a fight against multiple people
>but just like with every other martial art, this is a stupid thing to try to do, your odds of victory in this kind of lopsided fight are extraordinarily low (universally maybe like <1%) and victory should not be your goal but escape

For this escape, realistically, submission grappling experience is probably the better martial art anyways: If you have the luxury to wrestle or throw punches, you're standing and could be running instead. Once someone tackles you or grabs you and has you on the ground such that you can't run, you're in a grappling match anyways and experience with grappling probably maximizes your escape odds

>Says the nigga backtracking to shit said two days ago in a whole separate thread.
Yeah, to the nigga whining about shit said in a thread two days ago. I was happy to leave it where things stood at thread end, but he apparently wants to re-litigate this shit.

Anonymous No. 147919

I'm sure your Retard Based Self Defense has a 100% win rate against all the theoretical multiple opponents youve faced.

Or even worse, you'll say "muh boxing", despite the fact all the multiple opponents who get beat up are also boxing.

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Anonymous No. 147923

>I'm sure your Retard Based Self Defense has a 100% win rate against all the theoretical multiple opponents youve faced.
>There was never a claim or determination made that preferring standing techniques would win the day

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Anonymous No. 147925


Anonymous No. 147936

U 2 should connect irl & fuck it out. Seen married people bitch less.

Anonymous No. 147983

This is the worst thread on /xs/ but claiming an effective martial art doesn’t require sparring is retarded. If you don’t practise something under pressure, you can’t apply it under pressure. Judoanon would absolutely understand this, you can practise a throw 1000 times on a non resisting opponent and the first time you try it in randori you won’t even be able to apply it on a fully resisting white belt.

Anonymous No. 147988

This is interesting. A lot of this is dynamic stretching for acrobatics.

Anonymous No. 147990

Rally? Atleast this is entertaining. Fucking dumbass hema/fencing threads filled with viking/samurai larpers or rugby threads, those are the worst. Say what you y'all want but seems like everyone picked one thing to bitch abot n just forgot the rest.

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Anonymous No. 148010

>Judoanon would absolutely understand this, you can practise a throw 1000 times on a non resisting opponent and the first time you try it in randori you won’t even be able to apply it on a fully resisting white belt.
Correct, but “monk” anon is a faggot and a retard. I suspect he got to the low point of the dunning Kruger chart then just decided to give up.

Anonymous No. 148013

Well in my case I went in with an open mind and realized wait a second, its everyone else that is wrong

Why the fuck are mma fighters ever training with boxing gloves?
Why are they ever doing bjj in a gi?
Why are they ever grappling without simulating strikes?
Why are they ever kickboxing without shots?

MMA is not literally about mixing martial arts anymore where you train them separately and then combine them in the ring, they've been mixed. It is it's own sport now.
People spend so much time working on skills that they then have to go back and change to incorporate the other skills, just incorporate them all together, stop training in boxing gloves, you will never be wearing boxing gloves your defensive capabilities are completely different with boxing glove versus in the mma gloves, why are you wasting time?
Why are you rolling with gi grips that you will never have when you compete? Why are you practicing your kickboxing without the person able to take a shot at your legs? it completely changes your safe range and footwork.
But the conventional wisdom what have you say this is how it's always been done, this is the tradition and these experts know more.
Well lemme say, the "experts" were making it up as they went along

Just look at how many fighters get Chiropractic and cupping for their injuries, clearly don't have the best people around them

Anonymous No. 148019

No fights, no opinion. those are the rules. Seethe about it.

Anonymous No. 148024

Not an argument

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ModernMartialMonk No. 148027

LMFAO haven't been in here in days! You're raging so hard, frothing at the mouth, attacking anons who fucking supported you!!! He objected to the same thing as you were dumbass.
See you in another couple days, unless you learn.

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ModernMartialMonk No. 148028

For proof you're just raging at randos now. Ta ta.

Anonymous No. 148030

No fights no opinion

Anonymous No. 148039

GooD points.

Anonymous No. 148152

>Why are they ever doing bjj in a gi?
Most BJJ gyms offer both Gi and No-Gi. No-gi's more useful for MMA, but gyms teach both because Gi training is important for sport BJJ and for real-world self defense.

Fighting in a gi forces you to practice grip fighting and pummeling against an opponent who won't stop grabbing at your clothes as a means to control or tug on you and your limbs, and teaches you how to more effectively fight opponents with clothes you can use to control them. Someone who never trains gi is gonna get repeatedly tapped on stupid shit like Cross collars and get ragdolled a bunch of positions they'd otherwise be thoroughly winning in no-gi because gi makes it much, much harder to keep posture and move quickly.

Anonymous No. 148163

It's unrealistic to expect to just improve all aspects of your MMA game at once (i.e. always grappling with punches, always kickboxing with shots, always using MMA gloves)

It is much more effective to hone in on these skills and adapt them to the MMA ruleset.

>why are they ever doing bjj in a gi?
No excuse for this one, truly a retarded choice.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 148171

Thing is the gi doesnt resemble any clothing other than a gi
Especially the collar, the quadruple stitches reinforced with a 3/4 foam rubber tubing running through it running all the way from the neck down and across the front of the body
It's very much like practicing with a rope draped over your shoulders
And the gi also has very little stretch and the cut of it binds your body in ways nothing else does.

Try to cross collar or pocket grip a guys hoodie and it's just going to stretch or rip then your hands are holding loose fabric while he is still free to hit you.

Can we talk about this fat faggot though?
He is bloated on copium and normally I wouldn't bully people like this but once he absolutely lambasted me in his own comments section and went on a tirade calling me toxic because I said ninjutsu isnt a real martial art

Anonymous No. 148172

lets try it again and hope the link isn't broken
Thing is the gi doesnt resemble any clothing other than a gi
Especially the collar, the quadruple stitches reinforced with a 3/4 foam rubber tubing running through it running all the way from the neck down and across the front of the body
It's very much like practicing with a rope draped over your shoulders
And the gi also has very little stretch and the cut of it binds your body in ways nothing else does.

Try to cross collar or pocket grip a guys hoodie and it's just going to stretch or rip then your hands are holding loose fabric while he is still free to hit you.

Can we talk about this fat faggot though?
He is bloated on copium and normally I wouldn't bully people like this but once he absolutely lambasted me in his own comments section and went on a tirade calling me toxic because I said ninjutsu isnt a real martial art

Anonymous No. 148174

That's really Kenpo?
Has anyone ever tried using it in MMA or against a guy that doesn't stand still?

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mens outerwear.png

Anonymous No. 148176

>the gi doesnt resemble any clothing
The sleeves and pantlegs are sufficiently similar to other normal outerwear, particularly jackets, that unless the garment has a tight body fit, all moves learned in Gi for controlling these parts of clothing will still generally apply in real life against someone wearing one . Additionally, stretch and feel in a fight will be similar on Gi pants and, eg, jeans, slacks, and sweatpants, and on most heavier material jackets including raincoats, denim, leather, hoodies, parkas, and most collared formalwear.

>Try to cross collar or pocket grip a guys hoodie and it's just going to stretch or rip
Some light hoodies may rip, but I believe most of them won't - particularly the thicker kind typically worn in schools and cold environments

>that vid
Kek at the punch kick sequence halfway through what the fuck is this man doing?

Anonymous No. 148177

I'm not sure why people don't absolutely shame and humiliate these people, because they're one of the original for the streetz "arts"
its the main reason karate in america is so gay, because people are doing this shit

Anonymous No. 148178

Chuck Liddell had a black belt in American kenpo. It’s basically just strip mall karate you could find anywhere in the country.

Anonymous No. 148180

> went on a tirade calling me toxic because I said ninjutsu isnt a real martial art
Let’s see it, fag

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ninjas arent real.jpg

Anonymous No. 148186


Anonymous No. 148188

>lol ninjas aren’t real

Anonymous No. 148189

Is dojo raiding still legal?
Why can't a guy just travel the US and fight these clowns?

Anonymous No. 148191

You can do that but unless they accept the challenge it’s not going to happen

Anonymous No. 148193

>words words words

Anonymous No. 148196

What sort of less common training techniques are there? I'm thinking of breath holds but would like to add some other stuff to do outside the gym.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 148198

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 148200

>BJJ & submission grappling is entirely unnecessary
>If you practice more than escapes, you enjoy that aspect of fighting
>You enjoy holding a muscly sweaty dudes in tight embraces while making them submit to your will
Bjj is for closeted homos with sexual predator characteristics.

Anonymous No. 148201

Still a thing, but rare. Not really worth it unless there is a personal ax to grind.

Anonymous No. 148263

>martial arts is more than just fighting.
It has to be, otherwise every ghetto minority wannabe banger counts

Anonymous No. 148280

It's seen as pointless cause many think that the pupils will be like "wow X martial art practitioners are assholes coming here and beating my master up".

Anonymous No. 148283

Bujinkan isn't even "real" ninjutsu though. It's a Frankenstein martial art supposedly made of 15 historical japanese martial arts, 8 of them being considered ninjutsu.
The fucking system has fucking 15 dans which is unheard of in Traditional Japanese Martial Arts.
It all just sounds like a bunch of BS tho and the founder looks like a senile deranged old man. I heard people in Japan taunt Bujinkan all the time and don't consider it a martial art, so it's not just a western thing to dab on them.

Anonymous No. 148325

I remember seeing a seminar online once that took place in japan and the only japanese guy in the room was the teacher, and the hundreds of other people were middle aged white guys. what an epic grift, honestly hats off to the guy who runs it.

but then there was this disaster "13th degree black belt" loses to a guy that just started yesterday
literally looks like 2 kids playing in the yard

Anonymous No. 148639

my man, how tf are you supposed to learn how to do a thing w/o actually doing it on some level, let alone get any good at it?

i second this, bc i was that wimp who was great on the pads and never sparred. then my old (kick)boxing trainer went away for a while, and his stand-in decided that more than a year of hitting pads w/o sparring - while training for self-defense, mind you - is far too long, so he had me go one or two rounds w/ a shorter, smaller guy, and he peppered me constantly WHILE WEARING HIS GLASSES, and iirc i didn't land a single punch. maybe one or two lucky shots. my whole world crumbled as those sparring rounds went on, and by the end of it i realized how much i sucked.

i've told this story before, i believe, but a few years later when i trained in hapkido, they had me sparring on my first day during my introductory class, and i noticed not only how challenging it was, but how much i enjoyed it, bc i'm a playful guy, and as someone explained earlier, that's essentially what sparring is: play. to this day i find it the best and most fun part of training. ironically, the first place i regularly sparred and learned to appreciate it was at a tma school. imagine that. that could be you!

you wouldn't expect to get good at baking w/o ever baking anything, and only practicing the movements w/ kitchen appliances and never using the actual ingredients. you wouldn't expect to become a good counter-strike player w/o practicing against your teammates in 1v1s through 5v5s and playing to win.

actually, come to think of it, a multiplayer fps like counter-strike is a great analogy. training consists of:
>target practice
>drills focussing on movement
>drills focussing on speed/reaction time
>highly specific drills that have little application in the real thing, like surfing, which take on whole new forms and become games/competitions/hobbies of their own, that attract totally different ppl

Anonymous No. 148643

>more and less effective strats/tactics, which can only be determined through... *drumroll*

Anonymous No. 149343

>sparring =/= fighting
If you dont fight. You dont fight. Period. Bitch ass faggots on here pretending like they play fights mean fuck all. 1 dude whos been in 10 REAL fuckin fights for his life vs some wannabe warrior thats sparred 100 times, you know whos gonna fuckin win. Stop playin. Pretend fighters pretending that their pretend fighting should be taken more seriously than other pretend fighters. Dumbshit.

Anonymous No. 149344

are you talking about in a ring, because MMA for example is just hard contact sparring at the end of the day
even that isn't a real fight

Anonymous No. 149345

>1 dude whos been in 10 REAL fuckin fights for his life vs some wannabe warrior thats sparred 100 times, you know whos gonna fuckin win. Stop playin
lol, getting drunk and swinging your arms in a windmill isn’t the impressive record you think it is

Anonymous No. 149370

Meanwhile you have 0 fights and 0 spars and zero skill. Fuck off fag

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🗑️ Tot4 is Gay No. 149400

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 149406

Those fighters have all accrued hundreds of hours of sparring time. In the latter phases of their careers, they might modify their approach to sparring, after spending many many years sparring on a frequent and regular basis.

No, you tell me how you would convince any of the fighters you mentioned that even though you don't spar, you still know how to fight.

Anonymous No. 149744

I shadow box everyday for fun and I'll never box for real and nobody can stop me.

Anonymous No. 149867

>I look like a retard swinging my arms at nothing everyday and there’s nothing you can do about it
I can live with that

Anonymous No. 150362

Hapkido is a meme for people who want to be unique like Akidoka but think they're better and don't want to be bogged down by the stigma of Taekwondo and Aikido.

Anonymous No. 150363

I would ask for sauce on these topics, but I feel I could probably Google them if I truly cared too terribly much. These are funny, good points, and you have my kudos. I'm still going to wear the stupid, dorky uniform because I like how it feels and how it looks purely stylistically. I always thought firefighters look cool, so that's cool with me.

Anonymous No. 152865

xth for tai chi chuan

Anonymous No. 153006

Friends, can you tell me where the grappling generals went? It was usually for wrestling (Greco, catch, etc).

Anonymous No. 153039

There isn't one anymore, only separate generals (judo general, bjj general, etc.)

Anonymous No. 153070

Isn't that literally just shadow boxing?

Anonymous No. 153072

Holy copium!
Here we go

Anonymous No. 153151

>do slow motion strikes and hold your limbs out for me to grab
Wow it’s just like very other aikido demonstration ever

Anonymous No. 153899

Want to maybe start going to mauy Thai classes as a cool hobby especially during the winter when I can’t skate as much but
>just got athletes foot
>I’m gonna pretty muscular so people will think I’m an asshole who thinks I’ll be good at because I’m muscular even though I know that’s not how it works
What should I do?

Anonymous No. 153900

Thai people aren't tall.

>just got athletes foot
get that fixed first

>I’m gonna pretty muscular so people will think I’m an asshole who thinks I’ll be good at
simply don't act like an asshole

can't help you there

Anonymous No. 153931

Can someone link the discord? My account got banned.

Anonymous No. 153978


Anonymous No. 154451

>Submission grappling is the least mobile martial art type there is
Fact. But if you don't like it then don't do it and be prepared for the possible consequences. Here is one that is going to piss off the strikers.
>You can learn nearly all striking solo but you can't learn any grappling solo.

Anonymous No. 154454

You can certainly develop a false sense of confidence training solo. If you've never sparred and felt skilled aggression coming your way it will be a rude awakening.

Anonymous No. 154462

Reading comprehension dipshit
>nearly all
Then you come back at me with 1 single training exercise. The majority of a strikers skills are developed through drills. Sparring is just where guys get to improve and deal with the stimulus like you said, thank you captain fucking obvious. Shit like that really doesn't need to be said because anyone who thinks you don't need sparring, should NOT be corrected on their opinion, the results of them remaining ignorant is far to rich to interfere with.

Anonymous No. 154590

>lol, getting drunk and swinging your arms in a windmill isn’t the impressive record you think it is
This. Most street fighters are idiots with poor technique. Yes I'd bet money on an mma fighters with 5 fights over a street fighter with 15.

A fine point that is always ignored: mma fighters can use dirty tactics in a real fight too, and they absolutely will with their finely tuned killer instincts if they are pushed.

Anonymous No. 154852

not sure if this is the right place to ask but I want to learn to throw elbows and knees as well as throws and takedowns. Is there a single martial art that teaches all this?

Closes I found was learning MMA but they do more groundwork then throws. I also thought about taking both Judo and Muay Thai since thats closer to my goal and easy to find a gym. Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 154857

Muay Thai has elbows, knees, and sweeps/upper body takedowns. However, it depends on your gym how much clinching/throwing/sweeping you do. Gyms that are more western kickboxing focused may not do it as much compared to Thai-style gyms. Judo has the takedowns/throws and technically includes striking in canon, but you won't ever actually do any striking in it. Judo is a good complement to Muay Thai for this reason.

There are martial arts that combine everything you want such as Combat Sambo, Shootboxing, and Kudo, but they're much more niche and harder to find.

Anonymous No. 154859

Much appreciated, thank you

Anonymous No. 154882

I want to get back into martial arts… but I started taking estrogen. I feel like it will just be incredibly awkward. Which martial arts can I do without it being that big of a problem?

Anonymous No. 154885

Don’t troon out instead

Anonymous No. 154895


Anonymous No. 154899

Too late

I would do HEMA if it weren’t for the types of people who do HEMA.

Anonymous No. 154900

>I would do HEMA if it weren’t for the types of people who do HEMA
>is trooning out
You are the type of person who does HEMA

Anonymous No. 154917

I’m not a fat unathletic neckbeard weeb

Anonymous No. 154960

>be troon
>think you’re above neckbeards

Anonymous No. 154962

Iaijutsu > kendo

Anonymous No. 155037

Yes, I am above smelly fat unwashed neckbeards who are either chasoids, or closet chasoids.

Anonymous No. 155039

I had to look up what this even meant. Have fun with your unwarranted sense of self importance I guess, troon.

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Kazushi Sakuraba ....webm

Anonymous No. 155665

Anonymous No. 155685

All martial arts are bogged down by bad rulesets.

Anonymous No. 155695

There is no “good” ruleset. Inevitably there’s some obese faggot who will insist that he could’ve totally fucked up the world champion if only xy and z was allowed. Fuck, you could have a competition where competitors fight to the death on concrete with no rules and some jackals would butt in to say
>yeah well, if they weren’t wearing shorts and were completely naked that would change everything and cunt-fuc-do style would show all of you what’s what.

Anonymous No. 155904

How long should you train in a style before you crosstrain?
I'm currently taking Judo but I also want to learn a striking style like Karate.

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Joe Lauzon vs Jer....webm

Anonymous No. 155922

Anonymous No. 155962

depends on how much time and energy you have

Anonymous No. 155972

you guys are retarded

Anonymous No. 155989

explain in 400 words or less why you are smart and right, include all sources, must be reliable source or doesnt count, link relevant proof and refrain from using slurs because you are not 9 years. If its your opinion, shut the fuck up. If its just how you feel, shut the fuck up.

I dont want your tranny drama here, you either provide facts or get filtered. Either behave or fuck off.

Anonymous No. 155990

Not him. This is the most autistic post I’ve ever read. Go play with trains.

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Noiri triple uppe....webm

Anonymous No. 156109

Anonymous No. 156145

There is no practical reason to train kyokushin over kickboxing except for maybe fist conditioning but you could literally just do that on your own if you wanted to. So saying osu or doing other essentially normie friendly weeb shit is the reason to do it and you do kyokushin to keep at least some level of actual practicality.

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Masaaki Noiri liv....webm

Anonymous No. 157029

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Masaaki Noiri vs ....webm

Anonymous No. 157032

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yuki yoza triangl....webm

Anonymous No. 157068

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Masaaki Noiri vs ....webm

Anonymous No. 157069

Anonymous No. 157372

It would be pretty cool if people could get verified as actual competitors (they have a fight record in a reputable promotion) so we can filter all of the trash

Anonymous No. 157373

Well theres belt checker, its free i think.

Anonymous No. 157375

>I want verified people on my anonymous board
There's 4000 other sites where you can find out whether or not someone's got whatever you consider good credentials.

Anonymous No. 157386

Yeah but I want 4chan to do it for me automatically so I don't have to put in any effort and I don't have to move out of my comfort zone

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Shinobu Ota Rizin....webm

Anonymous No. 157693

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ONE FC Siasarani ....webm

Anonymous No. 157694

Anonymous No. 157707

disgusting piece of shit

Anonymous No. 157792

>But I think it's a catchy name and it's pissing you faggots off so hard to
>I'm not being retarded. I do it on purpose! That's totally different guys, haha. Also I'm definitely not doing it to save face, but because I WANT it!
It always ends in this kind of cope. Reminds me of /that/ kid in school. Have this (You) as a reward for being the biggest faggot in this thread. Please keep using that name so I can filter your posts in the future.

sage No. 159597

Training martial arts is so damn expensive

Anonymous No. 159785

>Coming back to say this over two months after namefag posted
Butthurt much?

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Anonymous No. 159918

Have any of you guys started dating girls at your gym dojo? Im at the point where i am so attracted to girls who do martial arts combat spirts that im seriously thinking of switching my gym to another for potentially more female interaction. Yes yes i am a coomer/retard

Anonymous No. 160165

>You can get good at fighting games by only playing the computer

lol get real