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๐Ÿงต Is there any martial art(s) that would work against apex predators (tigers, bears, lions)

Anonymous No. 147719

I am planning to move somewhere where there is almost no human (thinking of amazon or siberia) and live there without anything on me aside from survival tools (excluding guns because they are for pussies)

Anyways I plan to only hunt apex predators because killing preys such as deers feel bad for me. They have no defense and dont really kill anyone. And that is why I decided to only go after strong animals. Also, there is the fact that they could kill me too so there is no guilt in me hunting them.

And I dont want to use guns because that kinds of kills the sense because they will again be defenseless against that. I only want to use spears, knives, or if possible, my bare hands.

So tell me what are the perfect fighting style against these beasts?

Anonymous No. 147721

Get a strong spear and learn to thrust.

Anonymous No. 147742

Unironically Bait-fu, but you're already a master so...

Anonymous No. 147751

This, glaives or halberds are superior though.

Anonymous No. 147757

bow and arrow, spear, trap setting,

bare hands wont really work because they are well, bare.

Tiger has claws and bite. But even without those a tiger could slap you to next life. Same for bears and lions, maybe a smaller cat would be manageable with jiu jitsu (talking without claws, and bite, if with those then it would be hard).

Even gorilla would have problems against a wild cat but human... lol

Stop fetishizing strength. Humans are apex predators not because of strength of muscle but because we can see the future. How? Well planning is a form of seeing a future to an extent.

You could steal baby cubs of predators and train them to serve you.

But yeah. You should look into Masai warriors and see what they do.

Spear is great stuff but you need a lot of training and physical prowess to wield it.
Perfect eye sight.

Masai are not like city or even village raised humans.

Anonymous No. 148557

Ones that involve weapons.

Humans aren't physically equipped to take on those animals unarmed.
There have been a few news stories of people using wrestling or some form of striking to not die or scare a predator off but in most of those cases the animal was less fought off or beaten and more just decided it was more trouble then they felt like expending so they walked off to find a easier time.

The few where the people really did beat the animal unarmed were less marial arts and more acts of pure desperation.
Like the guy who was being attacked by a bear and managed to somehow get into position where he bit down on the bear's carotid artery and held that bite as a sort of blood choke until the bear fell unconscious.
Still was torn up and crippled but he lived.

Weapons, especially ones with good reach. Like a gun, bow, or sling. Pole arms or throwing spears work too.

Anonymous No. 148636

Get a spear and learn how to use a spear.
Also get a life you fucking obese retard.

Anonymous No. 148637

Glaives and halberds have good cuts at the cost of it being less wieldy. He should use a fucking boar spear if anything as it's DESIGNED to hunt agressive animals.

Anonymous No. 149829

>Like the guy who was being attacked by a bear and managed to somehow get into position where he bit down on the bear's carotid artery and held that bite as a sort of blood choke until the bear fell unconscious.
A human can't bite thr fur of a bear and damage skin let alone veins

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deep south predator.jpg

Anonymous No. 149841

55 magnum with dum-dum bullets
>a spear isnt going to take down a charging silverback gorilla, or infuriated hippo and less than less a rhinoceros
there are some reports of humans killing a bear with a cane or so on, but I found 0 stories of a human beating a gorilla or an hippo

Anonymous No. 149842

Read Jim corbetts books

Anonymous No. 149852

In Spain, people kill bulls with spears and swords as a spectacle. Sure, it's in a controlled environment, but they die from stabs because they, like you and I, have vital organs too.
People in Europe have killed boars using spears for a long time and they developped the perfect weapon to not get killed by a chargin beast. You put quillons in the spear and that way no matter how much the animal charges at you, the spear won't penetrate further, causing you to either stop the animal where it's at, or you can pushed back as you hold a stance that allows you to slide as the animal pushes.

Anonymous No. 149860

do you know how tauromaquia is done?
the bulls are starved, pepper-sprayed in the eyes, made to carry super heavy loads and walk for KMs... all this ,days before the corrida.
then a picador (horseman with a spear) damages the bull a lot, THEN the matador severs the carotid of the bull.
its not an "stab" its a precise slash on a vital point of a destroyed animal.
>I still stand by what I say: no spearman can defeat a charging silverback, hippo, or rhino

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Anonymous No. 149877

>the bulls are starved, pepper-sprayed in the eyes, made to carry super heavy loads and walk for KMs... all this ,days before the corrida.
>then a picador (horseman with a spear) damages the bull a lot, THEN the matador severs the carotid of the bull.
>its not an "stab" its a precise slash on a vital point of a destroyed animal.
You know jack shit about bull fighting if you actually fell for the commie lie about them being starved and drugged. Hang yourself.
To kill a hippo, poke it from above then gtfo as they are awful runners, only being swift in water.
Silverbacks are not as great chargers as you would think, and if they were to charge against a man holding a spear in front of him, the gorilla would fatally wound itself, at best getting a double death if it manages to reach the man and break his shit in (at that point, the man can drop his spear and GTFO, as a gorilla that has a spear stuck to it's chest can't run for shit and is bound to die). The rhino is extremely robust and thick skinned, even more so than the hippo, and would be the actual challenge as it can move very fast in dry land (unlike the hippo).
I can tell you have never ever hunted in your life. Let me tell you, animals are not as big and spooky as you think, urbanite.

Anonymous No. 150178

you cant use urbanite as an insult.
you are a ruralist peon; you are inferior. you must abide by the hierarchies of Society

Anonymous No. 150511

I hope you get your throat ripped out desu. Tigers are endangered but there is no short supply of useless retard humans fucking with nature.

Anonymous No. 150512

Tai chi, we use strength against itself.

Anonymous No. 150548

Tiger chi uses itself against your using itself

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Anonymous No. 150549

Spears and Swords, There's a reason humans use tools to fight and that's nothing to be shamed about. Humans are tool users. Our fist are only meant to be used against each other

Anonymous No. 152882

Don't fight tigers anon