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🧵 Absolute MUST techniques in martial arts

Anonymous No. 147732

>Jab + cross
>single leg
>guard up
>head movement
>rear naked choke

If you lack ANY of those you're nothing but a untrained guy that don't know jackshit

Why do so many martial arts and fighting sports disconsider those essencial moves that happen in 99% of fights 99% of the time?? this should be the ground for everything in martial arts

Anonymous No. 147733

pic is unrelated

Anonymous No. 147740

I think you got it, the only thing maybe missing is a front kick, but that’s already pretty intuitive

Anonymous No. 147746

a front kick is not a absolute MUST at all brah

you can spend your whole carrer as a pro and never throw a single front kick and without even bother to defend against it as well

but you can't fight even as a whitebelt without those moves I mentioned in the thread

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Anonymous No. 147748

inb4 "blocks don't work" those aren't meant to work to directly stop, merely redirect and grab onto the enemy

A side kick to an enemy's rib is more effective or a front kick to the enemy's knee cap you are thinking front kick only applies to toe kicks when they are separate entities, toe and heel kicks serve different purposes.

Anonymous No. 147755

>no proper stance and footwork
You might forget because it's too obvious
>no hook
Ngmi. Without it your boxing will be totally one dimentional.
>no low kicks and checks
This may not be as bad as the previous 2 but it's very useful
>no double leg
I think that if you learn single leg, it's just rational to learn double leg because it's similar and it's useful too
>no clinch
Even if you aren't going to clinch, you should at least learn some basic attacks from clinch to know what to do if your opponent starts clinching

Maybe not as necessary as all the previous ones but also worth mention:
>overhand right
>front kick and/or side kick
>guillotine choke

Anonymous No. 147756

In "worth mention" I forgot about
>boxing blocks other than simpliest "guard up"
>leg grab

Anonymous No. 147776

the main problem with karate is translating uke as block and it's not, uke is receiving, this is an important distinction
when you're just practicing kata against nobody the way so many do, they would interpret these blocks as an interception that meets force with force in a collision.

I'll use the low block for example. Does anyone believe you're going to stop a roundhouse with your forearm?
the purpose of that move is to receive technique and parry it to create a side angle, very commonly seen in kickboxing techniques where they push the kick through instead of trying to resist it head on.
that's the biggest problem with karate. People practice moves in the air and don't even know what the moves are supposed be.

Anonymous No. 147777

Wut muv eccensial bruv. Jes hit em innit

Anonymous No. 147785

I always thought it was funny how tards shit on blocking in TMA when the problem is faggots think TMA = Jewywood bullshit.

Anonymous No. 147787

Seriously? Those are some of the most common techniques there are. Some of that shit is so vague it is practically meaningless without further description, like "guard up," I feel like you're a poser trying to come across as insightful but this is retarded remedial shit.

Anonymous No. 147788

You should have multiple combos memorized. Assign numbers to your strikes. Jab1, cross 2, hook 3, uppercut4, hammerfist5, elbow6, etc. Then get yourself some dice and roll'em. Use that to throw out random shit & do it till it's smooth.

Anonymous No. 147815

if you want to be unbeatable, just train 100m and 400m run

honorable mentions to every move you can reliable do in ice. if you can't don't try it on concrete.

Anonymous No. 147831

good ones there brah

I was meaning to speak about absolute MUST only

I understand that only having two punches jab and cross without a hook makes your boxing weaker but the point here is like I said the ABSOLUTE MUST so I didn't put them in there

>no low kicks and checks
They are very good and very effective, but to be honest, not absolutely necessary

>no double leg
I agree, they're the same, I was thinking about puting double leg instead of single leg but I wanted to keep the list to a minimum

>no clinch
very very usefull and good indeed, I would put it as absolute must, sometimes the only scape is that and it is almost certain that you'll need that

Anonymous No. 147832

I am not talking about beeing unbeatable, just the absolute must to start

I am talking about the absolute must, not what you should do to be better and better etc etc

The basics that are mandatory for start fighting

Anonymous No. 147836

I feel like that is an absolute must. None of the things you listed by themselves do anything. I'm disagreeing with you. Your idea of "absolute must" isn't just basic, its remedial. Children in McDojos know as much as you listed. There is soo much more that you absolutely must have to just not suck.

Anonymous No. 147850

A leg reap
A hip throw
A reversal throw
Learn how to escape from the ground and a reversal choke

Go for the throat and worry about winning instead of how you want to win.

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Anonymous No. 147856

Break falls
Leg sweeps
At least one throw
Seriously break falls will even help you outside of fights.

Anonymous No. 147857

This list is retarded and proves you are a manlet. If you weren't you would put kicks and straight punches.

Anonymous No. 147860

Not a big kicker.
>Straight punches
Hooks are better, throwing your body weight with rotation towards one of the thinnest points of the skull is way more effective than trying to break someone's nose or breaking your knuckle on their forehead.

Anonymous No. 147863

shit brah you're just a angry fag on 4chan... I thought you were beeing serious about posting jfl ahhahaha

Anonymous No. 147864

Issue here is that you are trying to define "must haves" as basic shit. That's not how that concept works. "Must haves," are supposed to be the most supreme crux techniques, not basic shit covered in any self-defense class on day one.

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Anonymous No. 147866


Anonymous No. 147872

must haves are not the most advanced they are the basics, wtf brah?

Anonymous No. 147877

It's contextual. But the implication of a "must have" list is that the things on it are, rare and/or underappreciated.
>If you lack ANY of those you're nothing but a untrained guy that don't know jackshit
This shit, right here, is implying that anything he listed is a revelation somehow, but they aint.
>Jab + cross
Day 1 Boxing
>single leg
Day 1 BJJ/Judo(depending on rulesets)
Day 1 wrestling
>guard up
Day 1 fucking anything
>head movement
Day 1 any striking style
>rear naked choke
Day 1 any submission style
All of these "must haves" are some of the very first things we're taught.

Anonymous No. 147881

yes and yet most of guys don't know how to use it properly ...

day one stuff is the most important and it is used 99% of the time in 99% of the fights

that is why it is a must have

some dudes reach the top with just that and no other skill

who gives a fuck it is day 1, no martial art style alone incorporate all of those basic techniques that's why most guys suck

ppl usualy just do one martial art and that's it

I am not implying this is a revelation, I am just stating that they are a the absolute basic and if you lack any of that you don't know how to fight, you're the one implying I said shit I didn't, stop projecting brah

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Anonymous No. 147883


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Anonymous No. 147885


Anonymous No. 147888

Can't remember the last time I met a fighter that only ever studied one style. The idea is just so dumb & most schools nowadays are not purists.

Anonymous No. 147889

I know tons of them

guys that are muay thai only, guys that are boxing only, guys that are jiujitsu only, etc etc

they're the majority

if you can't remember the last time you met a fighter that only studied one style it is cause you're not in touch with the martial arts world desu

even the begginers in MMA usualy come from one style only and want to learn others via MMA

Anonymous No. 147891

>The idea is just so dumb & most schools nowadays are not purists

Obviously, you've never met a Japanese Jiu-Jitsu fighter.

Anonymous No. 147893


almost all fighters train to compete in their respective fighting sport so It is just normal to meet pure karatekas, pure taekwondo guys, pure judo or jiujitsu

MMA dudes are the minority or I would say just another brench of fightign sport that is small in comparison with the total sum of all others

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Anonymous No. 147895

>I know tons of them
>even the begginers in MMA....want to learn others via MMA
Starting to make sense why your concept of "must have," is so basic. Did you just start out or something? Sounds like whatever classes you're taking aren't very advanced.
>guys that are muay thai only, guys that are boxing only, guys that are jiujitsu only
>they're the majority
So according to you, everyone one of those practitioners isn't trained & doesn't know jackshit.

Anonymous No. 147897

You should see what OP said about ya'll then. According to OP if you're a purist that lacks anything he listed, you aint trained. You don't know jack.

Anonymous No. 147898

Also pretty sure that MMA is the mainstream standard of martial arts now. Purist gyms are dropping like flies and are more rare by the day. You know this. Just google MMA gyms near you, then google any other style gym near you.

Anonymous No. 147902

One of the number 1 biggest complaints we see on this board is how hard it is to find a gym for the style you want because it's nothing but hybrid MMA type stuff nowadays. Name a premier fighting promoter that's only one style. MMA is where all serious fighters end up. It is the new majority. Cope.

Anonymous No. 147913

This is the reality. TMA is fading and MMA gyms are taking their place. Whether its good or bad is up to you.

Anonymous No. 147914

Every MMA gym is literally either 1 of 2 things:

-A glorified cardio-boxing class
-A BJJ class with some very basic thai boxing

Anonymous No. 147915

Here in Brazil it is hard af to find any MMA gym

Anonymous No. 147916

>A glorified cardio-boxing class
Any day of the week you are infinitely more likely to see sparring in an MMA gym than you are in any other type. Keep coping.

Anonymous No. 147917

Ok I exagerated

of course boxers know how to fight, thay fighters know how to fight etc etc

but when it comes to a match with all styles you can't be going there without knowing that stuff, it is a death sentence

All arts separated are not good at all compared with a guy that knows the avarage in all

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Anonymous No. 147920

Sure thing bud.

Anonymous No. 147921

My town has all kinds of martial arts gyms but no MMA or BJJ.
The local karate and judo dojo even trained the national olympic teams.

Anonymous No. 147922

I actually agree, insofar that all the McDojos have become MMA gyms. Not to say there arent more legit MMA gyms than ever, but success breeds fraud.

Anonymous No. 147924

do you know how big brazil is?

that amount of gyms are only in the capitals of places, this is NOTHING


Anonymous No. 147926

This is true, I used to for the UFC gym corporate. I'm speaking from a corporate stand point not a franchise stand point but I'd imagine franchises are even worse
The instructors were actually legitimate with a lot of experience but the classes were not

BJJ classes were 50 minutes long, lessons came out of a binder, 1/3 if that was warm ups like running in circles, shrimping, and rolling down the mat
Then the 2 techniques are whatever the book says for that day, and the two or three 3 minute rolls at the end.
Promotions were 100% completely time and attendance based
Stripe for white belt every 3 months, and coloreds every 6 as long as you met the average 2.5 classes per week per quarter.
So you could be the proud owner of a bjj black belt in only 7 years by training 2 hours a week (90 minutes if you dont count warm ups)

And the striking classes were definitely a good cardio workout but it was the same kind of thing except instead of showing techniques you just yelled out combinations on the bag
At least they were useful for conditioning because striking is inherently more demanding than bjj.
But I will tell you one time there were no boxing teacher is available because of a scheduling conflict and I covered a boxing class, I have never formally taken a boxing lesson in my life, I don't think even done a single round of pure boxing sparring. Same with muay thai. For boxing I just omitted kicking from the combos and for muay thai I just added some elbows and knees to them, nobody knew the difference.

Anonymous No. 147929

Define sparring. Because practicing your 1-2-3-2-1 combo for 20 minutes with occasional burpees thrown in between isn't sparring.

Anonymous No. 147930

>MMA gyms

What are you talking about, every MMA gym I've seen is just a mixture of different martial arts across the week. Like Muay Thai on Monday and Friday and BJJ Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Anonymous No. 147935

When has sparring ever meant anything besides mock/simulated fighting with friends/classmates?

Anonymous No. 147940

It's meant to pressure test your skills. Kata or hitting hand-mittens isn't sparring.

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Anonymous No. 147942

What did I just fucking say. Sparring isn't pads or kata and no one in their right mind would ever confuse the two. I shouldn't have to write a definition for you to get what I meant by that word.

Anonymous No. 147943

Oh sorry, misread the question. Wait, why did you even right that original question? Was it being rhetorical? I feel like you just wrote to write, my first post saying how
>Because practicing your 1-2-3-2-1 combo for 20 minutes with occasional burpees thrown in between isn't sparring
Is correct, cardio circuit of hitting hand mittens with targets on them with low intensity isn't sparring.

Anonymous No. 148004

start fighting only after it is the only thing you can do
first thing on the list is to just leave
and it should be the basis for every action when in a fight

also if you can't do some move on ice, it is not viable on concrete either

Anonymous No. 148063

We're not talking about self defence here brah

wtf are you talking about? ICE? what?

Anonymous No. 148069

They all learn these things on the first day because they're must haves

Anonymous No. 148099

Ice. The slippery thing water becomes when it gets cold. If you can't do a technique on it, don't try it on concrete either.

Oh I see. You are artist, a performance artist.

Anonymous No. 148134

So if you can't do a move on a slippery wet surface you shouldn't do that move on a grippy surface meant to be walked on

Are you one of those don't kick in street fight fags? Because that always comes across to me as someone that has never actually thrown a kick in their life
I've thrown thousands of kicks and slipped exactly one time and that one time was when I was deliberately trying to kick as high as I could flew too close to the sun
The reason that I even remember it is because it was such an unusual thing that it was worth remembering

Anonymous No. 148137

What a weird litte graphic. I presume some infographic for Kudo?

Anonymous No. 148146

>also if you can't do some move on ice, it is not viable on concrete either
Are you retarded, or do you wear lubed soles in your shoes?

Anonymous No. 148338

I am retarded in a sense that I cannot trust the ground that I walk on or my muscles to work optimally in every possible situation at every possible time.

But I can trust the few techniques that do not require very specific circumstances for them to work.

Also ground is slippery or frozen in my country most of the time.

If your performance art requires optimal circumstances, it isn't worth shit on the street.

Anonymous No. 148361

in that case turkish oil wrestling is the only effective martial art because it's the worst possible circumstances at all times

if you can't do your moves against a juiced up guido wearing sunscreen at the beech then it's shit

Anonymous No. 148363

Times are tough in faggotland.

Anonymous No. 148364

Tell me you don't live in the US without telling me you don't live in the US