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๐Ÿงต Sumo Wrestling = Ultimate Martial art

Anonymous No. 148623

Sumo wrestlers literally all other fighters there's simply no way you can get past their massive pushing power and tree trunk leg strength, I don't care what art you train or how long you've been training, You are just a KITTEN compared to the average mighty sumo wrestler.

Anonymous No. 148624

>jogs backwards lightly

Anonymous No. 148629

They never do well when they compete outside of the sumo ruleset.

They are specialized to the extreme in sumo and sumo only. It just doesn't translate to other combat sports. Which is why sumo guys got beaten even by guys smaller than them in mma and boxing matches.

That said it's cool for what it is.

Anonymous No. 148644


Isn't it funny how the very first thing UFC has done in its existence was proving you wrong?

Anonymous No. 148650

It's the purest sport, the ultimate competition
Push the guy down or out of the circle
No weight classes or BS like that

Anonymous No. 148651

Sumo is the ultimate minmaxing sport. A rikishi's physique and skillset is developed solely for sumo, and doesn't translate in any meaningful sense to other sports. Men from other forms of wrestling or other combat disciplines entirely can transition to sumo, and often do exceptionally well, but I've never heard of any rikishi leaving sumo to excel at another sport.

Anonymous No. 148658

mediocre sumo wrestler, show me a bettero ne and we'll talk

Anonymous No. 148659


Anonymous No. 148729

they had no good cause to end the fight
he wasn't knocked out and he didn't quit

they did this to protect royce after they saw he just ate a kick to the face, lost a tooth and just shook it off like nothing

Anonymous No. 148791

exactly everyone is a pussy compared to the mighty sumo wrestler

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Anonymous No. 148795

Do sumo wrestlers have anything real wrestlers don't, except 100 lbs of fat?

Anonymous No. 148806

Honestly? Probably an absolutely terrifying charge and grip strength.

Anonymous No. 148807

>real wrestlers
weird take, saying it as though they aren't in fact wrestling

Anonymous No. 148809

>mediocre sumo wrestler
Fighting a mediocre kickboxer. Quit being retarded.

Anonymous No. 148812

why are they calling obese black guys sumo wrestlers?
were any of them ever even sekitori?

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Anonymous No. 148814

would a rikishi benefit from "iron shirt" chi-kung? Rushing and crushing himself against walls or iron poles, head-butting trees, etc
>or doing strongman stuff like pulling or pushing trucks

Anonymous No. 148815

emmanuel was a very nice guy, tho.

Anonymous No. 148817

I dunno if they still do it, but there's a specific makiwara Sumo used at one point. Giant pillar for slapping, pushing, and shoulder thrusting against. Basically a tree with it's bark shaved and lightly sanded, though the smoothness may have just been from being used.

Anonymous No. 148818

it's called teppo, they slap and shoulder ram a pillar

these are the results

Anonymous No. 148821

Some of those would be borderline fatal if his opponent didn't have a neck the size of a normal man's thigh. Sumo is a lot more brutal than a lot of people realise.

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Anonymous No. 148908

I tried sumo this year and it was fucking tough. I've done BJJ and judo but this worked my core/legs harder than most things I've done. And those sumo charges can be devastating. Respect.

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Anonymous No. 148993

is it true that ancient sumo had kicking techniques or at least low-kicks and leg sweeps as a staple?
not trying to be a bakimemer, I asked chatGPT and it told me that info

Anonymous No. 149011

well all I can say in the matter is there's nothing prohibiting trips and leg sweeps, but the specificity of the rules probably comes in to play here
you lose if any part of your body other than the soles of your feet touch the ground, so that would make it a risky proposition to do foot sweeps since you drag the side of your foot along the ground to hit the ankle. may end up disqualifying yourself

Anonymous No. 149052

Targeting the other guy's legs is a valid tactic that comes up semi-regularly, but it's more of a judo style tripping tool where you press your own leg inside or outside the opponent's stance and force him against it to make him fall over or at least lose his grip
Much more rarely a guy will actually swipe at a guy's calf with his leg (or even more rarely, his hand/arm, which I think I've seen happen two or three times)

Anonymous No. 149056

Are they?
They aren't pinning each other. They're pushing each other out of a circle

Anonymous No. 149057

I would say most folk style wrestling wins by knocking someone off their feet and pinning is a minority

Anonymous No. 149103

I've decided that sumo is possibly the best base for self defense
consider what it prioritizes, staying on the feet, knocking the other person over, and controlling the space
in a street fight aggression is often the deciding factor, and the powerful explosive movements of sumo would be overwhelming to most
the clashing headbutts, shoulder checks and flurry of slapping and palm strikes would overwhelm and stun an opponent, and the strong upper body clinches and throws would control their arms to minimize damage to yourself and put them on the ground

you just smacked a girls ass would you prefer her boyfriend does bjj or sumo? exactly. you know precisely which one is going to fuck you up worse

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Anonymous No. 149124

Intentional kicking to the legs and midsection is against the rules. Leg sweeps are still relatively common, particularly among the ones who come from judo or Mongolian wrestling backgrounds.

Anonymous No. 149134

>controling the space
Pushing someone back doesn't give you as much advantage as pinning him on the ground
>clashing headbutts, shoulder checks and flurry of slapping and palm strikes
Nowhere near as good as muay thai or dutch kickboxing
>you just smacked a girls ass would you prefer her boyfriend does bjj or sumo?
Sumo because I run pretty fast and he's probably too fat and slow to catch me

I can't believe this thread even exists. What will be next? Taekwondo is the best because legs are our most powerful weapon? Aikido is the best because wrist control something simething? Capoeira because it's the niggest?

Anonymous No. 149145

>Pushing someone back doesn't give you as much advantage as pinning him on the ground
In a Street fight, Pushing someone off a sidewalk, into a brick walk or back onto something they'll trip over has EXTREME advantages

Anonymous No. 149153

The best base for self defense is being armed. There has never been any kind of fighting force or individual warrior that primarily uses any form of unarmed combat. I like martial arts as much as anyone here, but it's important to remember that they are not designed for unregulated street fights or for efficiently killing and incapacitating opponents.

Anonymous No. 149154

>you just smacked a girls ass would you prefer her boyfriend does bjj or sumo?
In this case I really wouldn't like her boyfriend to do american football because american footballists are not only much stronger but also faster than me

Anonymous No. 149155

>There has never been any kind of fighting force or individual warrior that primarily uses any form of unarmed combat
Don't give Russians new ideas

Anonymous No. 149164


Anonymous No. 149165

You would need to put him on the ground in order to pin him
Something bjj is utterly incapable of
Bjj is like having a pocket full of bullets but no gun so you can just throw them. Ouch that kinda stings, be careful you could put an eye out

This is krav lore
The self defense needs of a civilian are different from the military
We arent allowed to go around killing people on a whim the way they can

Anonymous No. 149195

You can be armed without having an assault rifle. A bunch of keys, a roll of coins, a metal pen, a sufficiently weighty flashlight, there are all kinds of things available to civilians that provide any man with a ridiculous advantage over an unarmed opponent. Improvised weapons can be found or made out of innumerable things found lying around in common brawling locations. My point is just that anyone considering martial arts for self-defense purposes is far better served just acquiring some kind of weapon.

Anonymous No. 149196

The fight itself is just the beginning of your troubles, the aftermath is also something you have to consider
There needs to be a degree of reasonableness because the cops, the prosecutors, they will look for any reason to lock you up even if what you did was justified
My friend's brother when he was in college gotten to a rather old college fight, no big deal but a girl was wearing high heeled shoes so he grabbed one of the girls shoes and started hitting the other kid with the heel and he ended up picking up criminal charges for it because it was a weapon enhancement

But let's say nothing you did rose to the level of criminal but the guy is just a frat bro and his father is a hot shot lawyer, they are gonna come after you with everything they have even though that dickhead is the one that started it
And you're going to have a much easier time convincing a jury if all you did was bitch slap the fuck out of him vs stabbing him with a golf pencil you picked up off the waitress table

Anonymous No. 149226

As probably the only AMA sumo guy in this thread, no. I was the 3rd best in the U.S. Sumo is not good for self defense, no matter what Baki says. The style is premised on pushing. Compare that to styles premised on punching or takedowns and the answer is clear.

Anonymous No. 149232

>amateur sumo
your opinion is worthless

Anonymous No. 149235

respectfully though, USA sumo is pretty awful
even sensei seth medaled in that national qualifier after only doing it for like 4 months

Anonymous No. 149247

pushing isn't the only way to win in sumo though

Anonymous No. 149368

>The greatest martial art is the art of owning a gun
I kneel anon-sama

Anonymous No. 149369

the funny thing about it is people think just carrying a gun is enough, but using a gun effectively is a martial art that requires practice like any other
if you don't have a sub 2 second draw to first shot you've already lost
but it's not just practicing the draw under ideal circumstances at the range, it's also practicing one handed shots from weird angles as well as empty handed weapon retention skills
if you're carrying a gun and can't grapple you may as well be handing it to the other guy

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 149371

No, but its the fundamental aspect of the sumo flow chart. Everything that is done in sumo is either an aid to, or a reaction against, pushing. For example, backing up does not exist. Compare that to boxing (where backing up is fine) and freestyle wrestling (where backing up had to be penalized via the rule set).

Fugg u

Sensei seth medaled in a nothing tournament one time. When he is putting out consistent results on the national stage, I'll care about him.

Also, who do we trust; people saying sumo is the ultimate self defense art despite never having participated in a single match...or someone who has?

Anonymous No. 149374

Yea ok sumo is the greatest martial art, where the fuck are you going to train it? Apparently us sumo is ass, so cool. You've found the greatest art you can't train, dumbass.

Anonymous No. 149378

well you don't need to be a great sumo wrestler yourself, you just need to observe and emulate the techniques
just like you wouldn't use pure greco roman in a fight you wouldn't use pure sumo in a fight, but you use it as the root of your movements
head butt, bitch slap, arm crank, and throw

use the traditional training methods to build a powerful limber body
with sumo you can turn yourself into a hard fighting, hard farting, beer drinking, nap taking, buffet destroying son of a gun!

Anonymous No. 149621

The mad man actually did it, this faggot is lurking 100%

Anonymous No. 149628

This guys channel sucks especially the videos where he personifies different martial art styles.

Anonymous No. 149629

Few people are going to see you pulling out a gun and think "I am sure to win because my grappling technique is superior". Like yes there's still skill involved in using a gun but most of the situations people would need to defend themselves in don't involve fighting off a person so set in killing you that they're willing to get shot over it. Most petty muggers or handsy drunks will haul ass if they see you're carrying a firearm

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ a !!v1yHlREzNYZ No. 149630


Anonymous No. 149631

Sumo wrestlers are fucking awesome desu

Anonymous No. 149636

Can't wait for this guy to blow his knee out from practicing unskilled fatty judo.

Anonymous No. 149638

> Is sumo the best
> Gets tapped by BJJ

Anonymous No. 149655

How many vidros until he starts to claim he's recreating ancient sumo

"And they set foot upon each other"

Anonymous No. 149677

I don't know how much it ultimately mattered but there was some shenanigans at play
in the previous match they let the couches move and flip when the guys ran into them
but for this one the guys running the show held the couches in place so they wouldn't move

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Anonymous No. 149678

Dayum, Ishiura just announced his retirement. Looks like he couldn't recover from his injury.

Anonymous No. 149689

How about the fact he fought retsrds and aikidokas

Anonymous No. 149690

No use repeating yourself

Anonymous No. 149691

well yeah, sumo ends when someone hits the floor. need to complement it with something.

Anonymous No. 150061

>what is ufc 1

Anonymous No. 150069

A collection of journyeman dropouts not even able to fight at the highest level of their own sport acting like representatives of something they're mediocre at participating in a competition designed by the winner

An entertaining side show, but that's all

Anonymous No. 150074

And yet, so terrified any sumo that afterwards they never made so much as an inquiry about a second attempt

Anonymous No. 150076

Sumo wrestlers that are any good are making a very comfortable living as sumo wrestlers. If they're competing in something else it means they're failed sumo wrestlers.

Anonymous No. 150078

That cope sounds much more believable coming from Mayweather and Fury.

Anonymous No. 150080

A mid tier rikishi is making as much as UFC champions do just in salary, before calculating the sponsorships and prize money they get
At the highest level they're making 100k+ usd a month

Anonymous No. 150084

>sumo is lucrative in any way shape or form
Lol, lmao

Hakuho barely had a six figure salary, and he's the GOAT.

Anonymous No. 150085

And you know what my professional MMA friend was just offered? 1k to show, 1k to win
And needing to travel in order to make those pennies
Then the 20% cut that goes to the team

Anonymous No. 150138

most guys in makuuchi have a six figure salary. Hakuho at his peak was making just under a million a year.

While that's nothing compared to somebody like McGregor, the average MMA fighter is getting paid substantially less than that. Look at Bellator contracts for journeyman. They're getting paid something like $2000 per fight.

Anonymous No. 150142

a rough calculation when you consider time training as "working" the average professional MMA fighter is making something like $2 per hour
seriously you're better off working in fast food

Anonymous No. 150163

The ultimate martial artists are so scared of losing their "massive" (lmao) paycheck that they won't compete. Magic chi karate tier style.

Anonymous No. 150776

Okay, I agree that sumo is good, but they are so fat that they get in their own way in basically every MMA match they have been in. As soon as a rikishi hits the ground they cant get up when someone tries to slightly hold them down; they are not only fighting their opponent but their own weight. I would be interested if anyone knows of a rikishi grappling with judoka or wrestlers though.

Anonymous No. 150782

look up Baruto's MMA matches

Anonymous No. 152704

>Sumo because I run pretty fast and he's probably too fat and slow to catch me

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Anonymous No. 152856