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๐Ÿงต trouble finding class partner in Muay Thai

Anonymous No. 148857

this is probably going to sound super dumb, butI just started muay thai about a week ago, im usually the only woman in my classes (there sometimes are two girls who spar together) but otherwise I have trouble finding someone to partner with, and im paired with the super fucking aggressive guy because no one wants to be paired with him. Im a major autist and im not too sure what to ask people since a lot of people there seem to know each other well, and i think a lot of the men might be uncomfortable sparing with a woman who is also a newbie. any tips to be more approachable and how I can talk to people better?

Anonymous No. 148863

Nope, that's just part of being a girl in combat sports
Just ask the manlets if there are no other girls available

Anonymous No. 148865

kek the manlets are indian and i have been trying pretty hard to avoid them

Anonymous No. 148866

>Indians in kickboxing class
Imagine the smell

Show veganer

Anonymous No. 148868

Well thats your problem. All the non manlets avoid you because they would have to sparr so light and slow on you that they would be better off just shadow boxing or doing bag work. Take the pajeetpill and learn to fend off agressive rapists in a controlled gym setting.

Anonymous No. 148900

I have no trouble sparring/training with women because I have the skills to be a trainer/coach myself (but there's no money in it unless you get the gay credentials that I don't care about)
Just ask questions even if they sound retarded, everyone is there to learn. But ask the people who don't come across as meatheads, your coach included. All other options fail, ask me
>inb4 simp
I offer the same thing to other anons but no one takes me up on it

Anonymous No. 148914

I feel bad for women so I try to choose them as a partner here and again. I find it odd people don't pick you. My suggestion is to talk about it with your coach or simply be the one to grab someone first or risk being with a faggot every time.

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Anonymous No. 150117

>My suggestion is to talk about it with your coach or simply be the one to grab someone first or risk being with a faggot every time.
this is the only advice. whenever i spar women i am scared to hurt them because they are just passive. im not saying be aggresive, its purely based on gender and not skill. there was that one time tho where i fought a girl who was good and got caught off guard. i got whooped

Anonymous No. 150118

So many dudes can't switch it off, so many women can't switch it on

Anonymous No. 150128

I've just learned I don't want to practice with girls, It's just too dangerous for them, because a girl just came after me and there was no way that I could match her speed while also keeping my power in check
So I had to make The Choice to either let her get easy potshots on me and move slower than I need to or risk nailing her with the bomb at some point

This bitch was 5' 2 and trying to have a gym war with me, I ended up just shelling up and trying to move out of the way of things because she would have died if I retaliated

Anonymous No. 150172

What I usually do is just use the weight of my limbs and don't even tense up at all. You pop them once in the nose and they'll back off

Anonymous No. 150577

it sucks but when u fight someone ur size it will feel so much easier.

Anonymous No. 150602

This is a larp, Women are barely autistic enough to come to /fit/, much less an obscure board like /xs/ yet I'm supposed to believe my kickboxing muay thai waifu has arrived despite the neurological limitations of the female mind?

Anonymous No. 150676

you'd be surprised, also the "rules of girls" don't apply to girls that aren't conventionally attractive or that don't doll themselves up with makeup
back when I was in highschool there was this girl that people called the "molegirl" because she vaguely looked like a mole-rat
nobody ever wanted to date her and people only talked about her to laugh at her expense, it was really sad, she was very quiet and inoffensive too so it came off as merciless, but she was ugly so nobody felt about her
not saying OP is ugly but the only people that have social advantages or a halo of untouchability are pretty and social people regardless of gender, race or whatever

Anonymous No. 150701

Turn around and exit that gym, go to a brazilian jiu jitsu place instead, even if there are no women you can compete with men

Anonymous No. 150711

The chance that is a tranny its 99 but the chance that is a women its not 0

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Anonymous No. 150773


Anonymous No. 150999

nope im on /fit as well but i mostly just lurk on there, not a tranny, but i almost cut off my boobs a few years ago because i thought i was a dude. thankfully my parents were sane though and wouldnt let me

Anonymous No. 151026

You cute now though?

It's too bad the way they take advantage of women with autism by making them think they have dysmorphia when really they're just tomboys

Anonymous No. 151048

This girl is very pretty with a cool haircut, is she a famous fighter?

Anonymous No. 151089

don't spar with anyone who goes too hard. there is never shame in saying "no i'll pass" to a round. It's okay. If that's not allowed at your gym, FIND A NEW GYM. that gym sucks. Also, regardless of size the people you spar with should be able to go light enough that it's not a problem. If that isn't possible then the people at your gym lack control and therefore it's a bad gym. Therefore either way, if problem persists, that means that the gym sucks.

Anonymous No. 153769


Anonymous No. 154654


Anonymous No. 155017

>tI just started muay thai about a week ago
>im paired with the super fucking aggressive guy because no one wants to be paired with him.


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bjj soy wojak.jpg

Anonymous No. 155033

You will never be a a real fighter. You have no conditioning, no real combat sparring experience or pressure testing. You are a fat manchild twisted by gracie make-belief power fantasies into a mockery of nature's perfection.

All 'validation' you get on fight forums is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. True fighters are disgusted by your "combat stance", spreading your cheeks on the ground trying to sniff other mans balls. Even Bas Rutten deems you spastic nerds.

Actual martial artists are utterly repulsed by you. Thousand years of man-to-man combat has allowed martial artists to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even tryhards who "pass" look uncanny and unnatural to a martial artist wearing a gi or thai shorts. Your pasty nerdy appearance and demeanor in addition to your constant craving to showcase your cringe obsession with clothing that has "BJJ" plastered all over it is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to fool a fighter into considering to take your guidance for something, he will turn tail and bolt once they see you perform under any kind of light sparring.

You will never be able to defend anything. You wrench out a spandex clad technique video on your 0 view youtube account and lower your gym attendance fees by 10$ and tell yourself things will turn out ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight of your belly.

Eventually it'll be too much for you to bear - you attend a real mma gym and challenge an actual fighter who will break your orbital bone before you get a chance at sniffing his balls and die of the complications. Your "students" are heartbroken, but relieved that they don't need to make scripted videos anymore and take your place to lead the cult. They'll ship your body to Brazil to be consumed by jungle macaques. Your body will decay and turn to dust and all that will remain is the name of a LARP that was undeniably 0-1

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 156919
