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🧵 Does HEMA/Swordfighting require Higher intelligence than Boxing/MMA

Anonymous No. 149633

I've noticed that HEMA classes are way more mentally taxing and complicated than say a boxing class, It's way harder to remember the techniques and during sparring there's less room for error because the fighting is inherently more technical and the slightest mistake was fatal back in the old times, so you have to analyze and calculate your moves more quickly and efficiently. Also, Physical Strength and might is alot more useful in boxing and mma and allowed people like deontay wilder to climb the ranks just by having mean right and left, Whereas in HEMA strength isn't enough, Not only do you need explosive agile footwork, You need to have technical swordplay skills, Set up traps, Defend while offending, and ability to work inwards because blade fighting requires to fringe martial arts exchanges like wingchun trapping/chi sao. You can find boxing and mma champions that are pretty low iq like mike tyson but I can't imagine a kendo or fencing champion with an IQ lower than 110.

Anonymous No. 149637

Kendo is inherently lower IQ than HEMA when you are yelling the targets.

Anonymous No. 149648

Another godawful thread by an obese retard

Anonymous No. 149660

>You can find boxing and mma champions that are pretty low iq like mike tyson but I can't imagine a kendo or fencing champion with an IQ lower than 110.
Absolute fucking nonsense.
The number of techniques you can perform with a single blade are far outweighed by the compexity of having to strike and defend with two hands, two feet, elbows, knees, grappling etc.
t. kendo yondan

Anonymous No. 149726

T. Low iq kendoka

Low iq non weapon user

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Anonymous No. 149853

When you fight an art that is incredibly limited in what you can do like Kendo, sure, that makes sense. You can only hit a few targets in extremely specific ways, so that explains why you think swordplay is so shallow. How about you give full-contact kenjutsu a try, big guy?

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Anonymous No. 149856


Anonymous No. 149861

No, I’m a HEMA fencer and I’m with the guy you’re responding to. Op sounds like an obese retard.

Anonymous No. 149862

That’s not HEMA, it was some retards Viking themed weight loss class where he thought it was a good idea to swing live axes at fat people.

Anonymous No. 149864

That's as much HEMA as some fat retard with a 30$ mall katana is Kenjutsu.

Anonymous No. 149865

Who'd have thought both of those guys post here

Anonymous No. 149872

Are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 149873

No, I don't participate in HEMA

Anonymous No. 149879

I do kenjutsu so what's you point?

Anonymous No. 149882


Anonymous No. 149883

Did some HEMA nerd fuck your mom or something? I legit don't get your attitude.

Anonymous No. 149884

I bet you encounter that problem in much of your life. Eating cereal, opening a door, exhaling.

Anonymous No. 149885

Do you have brain damage? What does any of that have to do with your mother getting fucked? You aren't making any sense.

Anonymous No. 149901

As a dude who's done both.
I'd tentatively say that boxing is more intuitive.

Now don't get me wrong. It could just be my prior experience with stuff like Karate and other unarmed striking arts, or simple subjectivity. And I know just how much IQ boxing does take. But in boxing you have two hands, and certain leyway with taking hits, while for Hema you've got weapons and no real leyway (because a smite means a smite).
I had a lot less of a sense of control, distances were bigger, and who'd come away with the point felt more like a gamble than it ever did with other martial arts.

Now you can make a case, that adding wrestling in makes MMA more complicated, but there's still a bit of binding and wrestling in HEMA, if you got gud.
It's like BJJ, for all your opinions on it, there's undeniably a lot of shit in it.

Fencing, I'd say is pretty even with boxing, just because it's absolutely simplified down to the bare bones. Same with Kendo (from what I've heard, admittedly, never tried this one).

Now HEMA will always look a little gay, because at the end of it all, it works off of fencing rules. So there's no slugging the other dude really hard because a bop with the weapon counts as a wounding, which is treated as the guy getting impaired, which is treated as the guy who 'cut' him winning academically.

But I would absolutely rate it, if you wanted an afternoon of fuck-about. I recommend greatsword for maximum fuck-about, but I am biased.

Anonymous No. 150205

This is the most straightforward explanation.

Hand/foot striking has a degree of intuition, but the people who win know their fight science.
Any weapon art requires manipulation of a tool, which needs to be thought about. It doesn't make one or the other the 'smarter' sport.

Anonymous No. 150206

why does kendo make hema people seethe so much?

Anonymous No. 150207


Anonymous No. 150210

There's one or two guys on this board who really want there to be early 90s mma style beef between HEMA and kendo. This doesn't really exist in real life. The two communities actually have a lot of overlap in the west since kendo is usually more established and is one of the only games in town for a young sword nerd.

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Anonymous No. 150315

I don’t think about kendo at all.

Anonymous No. 150361

>Using live weapons
>Against unarmored, obesely overweight amateurs
Jesus Christ.

Anonymous No. 150400

I just think it’s funny when people dunk on HEMA for looking like a LARP when Kendo is extremely weeby and screams like a anime character after each strike.

Anonymous No. 150408

It's not that I think that swordplay is shallow, it's that there's literally fewer moving parts than when you're fighting with fists and feet or wrestling.
The decision points are more intense, since there's more at stake, but at the end of the day you have fewer viable options in a swordfight than a fistfight. That's before you get into results of attacks; as a boxer I would have to consider a huge range of possible reactions to me striking the target, whereas as a swordsman I can be pretty confident that whatever flesh I strike will disintegrate.

Anonymous No. 150428

That's mostly due to an image issue.

One is a formal, living tradition which has connections to (and overlaps) its root sources. It also is integrated into a culture and society as being a very competitive aspect of a school/university's physical education program; as well as being apart of an even more competitive law enforcement physical training.

While the other is populated by predominantly out-of-shape sword-nerds focused on the esoteric-isms of historical training by interpreting written sources.

Kendo just is, and isn't pretending to be anything else, while HEMA is struggling to figure out what it is.

t. practiced both

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least assblasted ....jpg

Anonymous No. 150520


Anonymous No. 150523

That is literally false dumbass. No one stops you from punching someone in a "swordfight", or even grappling (which is actually a part of it, grabs to unarm people are done and many times are extremely viable). The sword adds like a new part in your arm, with the wrist being the joint that moves it (while the wrist as a joint in unarmed combat is absolutely useless and not noticeable, specially for striking).
Slit your wrists you dumbass

Anonymous No. 150525

>t. practiced both
Kendofag slander with 0% proof, yet again.

Anonymous No. 150532


Anonymous No. 150539

train more and find out

Anonymous No. 150555

>That is literally false dumbass. No one stops you from punching someone in a "swordfight", or even grappling (which is actually a part of it, grabs to unarm people are done and many times are extremely viable).
Kind of supporting my point here.
Yes, you can punch or wrestle someone in a swordfight, but that's gonna make the fight take longer than if you struck them with the blade.
Meanwhile Mr 28IQ Jigen-Ryu practitioner has already split his opponent in two and is explaining the situation to the dead man's wife.

Anonymous No. 150556

>0% proof
Give me the name of even five people who were given a job in the police, a university scholarship or a position in a major company entirely based on their HEMA career.
That's just how it is with kendo in Japan. It's like comparing American Football to pickleball; there are international competitions for both and dedicated people in both, but at the end of the day the standards are not the same.

Anonymous No. 150558

>if I get stopped from using my sword with wrestling, I'll just use my sword
10000IQ gigagenius forcing 12D chess moves with his chi

🗑️ Anonymous No. 150563

Completely retarded take. People aren’t just trying to wrestle you for no reason but if you get in close after entering the bind you can control someone through grappling. You are literally retarded and don’t have any clue what you’re talking about because you’re a retarded seen who probably doesn’t even spar

Anonymous No. 150638

Yea you never did swordfighting and it shows homeboy.
Hang yourself.

Anonymous No. 150639

>Give me the name of even five people who were given a job in the police, a university scholarship or a position in a major company entirely based on their HEMA career.
Matt Easton does get HEMA related "gigs" by some videogame developers and movie directors, as far as I know; and John Cl*ments (who is the scum of the HEMA community, mind you) has had gigs with the History Channel for some stuff.
Still, what does any of that have to do with anything? My point is that you are talking out of your ass and you didn't practice both. I think that you practiced only Kendo and are disingenuously passing off your bias as unbiased objective facts. If you have practiced both, post your equipment with timestamp to prove it.

>That's just how it is with kendo in Japan. It's like comparing American Football to pickleball; there are international competitions for both and dedicated people in both, but at the end of the day the standards are not the same.
Are you trying to say that any American Football player would absolutely destroy any wrestler at wrestling because "there's more talent" in the game, even though that talent is focused on different aspects? An American Football player, when it comes to wrestling, would only have a solid takedown game and would lack everywhere else.
In the same way, Kendoka have a limited and hyperspecified toolkit compared to Kenjutsuka or HEMA practitioners, as the focus is completely different.
Japs giving people jobs based on being good at sports is one of those retarded, incapacitating bushido traditions that the Japanese have that are probably put there to hide/justify corruption and plutocracy. Being good at Kendo won't make you a good engineer, scientist, economist, or anything. It only means you are good at Kendo, plain and simple. These dumb Bushido traditions is one of the things that are hurting Japan the most in their economy and politics, and I find it absolutely baffling that you are trying to make a point out of them.

Anonymous No. 150653

>My point is that you are talking out of your ass and you didn't practice both.
I'm not actually that guy, and honestly I'm not interested in his anecdotal opinion even if he did practise both. We're talking about trends in international martial arts/sports, not some randomer's local club scene.

>Are you trying to say that any American Football player would absolutely destroy any wrestler at wrestling because "there's more talent" in the game, even though that talent is focused on different aspects?
I'm saying that the average dedicated American Footballer's going to have more overall talent and athletic ability than the average dedicated wrestler because the requirements and competition in their sport are much fiercer. If each seriously tried to enter the other's sporting scene and spent some time training in that sport, I maintain that the dedicated American Footballer would do better *on average* learning wrestling than the wrestler would learning American Football. And honestly, the gap between American Football and wrestling is probably closer than kendo and Hema; wrestling is at least an olympic sport.

>These dumb Bushido traditions is one of the things that are hurting Japan the most in their economy and politics,
Okay, I will concede that completely. My point isn't that Japan's smart for putting this emphasis on kendo; my point is that this emphasis on kendo has produced generations of lifelong athletes who are used to competing under massive pressure with futures and livelihoods on the line. Hema only got started within our lifetimes and has only had the chance to produce some pretty dedicated amateurs plus the odd Matt Easton who, as you say, makes his living through influencing, teaching and doing consultation for film studios; not crushing the professional circuit.

Anonymous No. 150678

If you legitimately believe football players mog wrestlers in their power you are retarded and know absolutely nothing about contact sports.
Hang yourself.

Anonymous No. 150679

The footballer would be too braindamaged to learn wrestling techniques and would suck, thought.

Anonymous No. 150689

>If you legitimately believe football players mog wrestlers in their power
I don't.
I believe the average dedicated football player mogs the average dedicated wrestler in their drive, their capacity to adapt and dedicate themselves to their chosen sport and their ability to cope with pressure and competition.
They won't start off being able to beat the wrestler in power, but they'll have the drive and self-control to adapt their training regimen to achieve that level of power and become competent quickly. The wrestling competitions are going to be smaller and less impactful than the equivalent football tryouts and leagues where people are seriously trying to build careers, so the footballer won't be under so much pressure.
Meanwhile the wrestler trying to play football won't be so used to the demanding training and the scope of competition. Even a smaller football competition would have higher stakes and be more demanding than an equivalent wrestling event, so the wrestler will be trying to up their game to stay competitive.
So it is with kendo and hema.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 150693

>comparing professional athletes who gain social credit and esteem from their sports to weebs who larp as samurai
lol, lmao. I don’t know why anyone would even entertain this retarded conversation. Imagine being a sword nerd and trying to convince people you’re less of a nerd than the other sword nerds because your shit is le Japanese lineage

Anonymous No. 151039

Wrestling is harder than football

Anonymous No. 151053

Based and correct

Anonymous No. 152876


Anonymous No. 153596

Slightest mistake is fatal?. A friend of mine was a renowned crossbow expert and understood the history of it as few people in the 21st century did. One of the things he did was consult on a archaeological dig at Agincourt where he was looking at remains and determining what was what.

He could identify the archers extremely easily because they have overdeveloped shoulder elbow joints plus definite wear patterns on the bones of the hand. He also noted that virtually all the archers that were found there had previous bone injuries that it healed from being cut with swords or other weapons of the like.

He and others found the same pattern when the examining the remains of what they thought were French soldiers, with lots of healed bone injuries like cuts to ribs shoulders arms and legs. One remarkable injury that was healed was the broken tip of a sword inside the hip bone of a French soldier. A piece of Steel about an inch long off an English blade. When they get an analysis of the bone it turns out that that fragment had been inside the guy's bone for at least 20 years judging from the overgrowth of bone and the corrosion that the blade had on it

Anonymous No. 153602

>Most Prohibitively Expensive sports
And they really are. Even Archery or Marksmanship is cheaper & more available
>Most affordable sports there are outside of teams
Now explain to me how your high iq allows fo you to make such shallow arguments & this isn't just you jacking yourself off.
>tl;dr: Season larp/slide threads with herbs

Anonymous No. 153612

Fighting in general isn't rocket science.

Anonymous No. 153759

Disingenious as fuck, compare that to all the soldiers that got grazed by a spear and died later of illness.
It's like saying guns are useless cause people have survived getting shot, even to their head.

Anonymous No. 154084

Professional soldiers back then knew how to dress and treat wounds. Even back in the Egyptian times they used honey as a disinfectant on wounded people. When you go and dig up remains from various battles over the centuries, you'll notice that usually in modern Wars people only get usually wounded once or twice before dying because modern weapons so lethal. Centuries before that with bladed weapons you'd get cut injured dozens of times and you know how to dress them and clean them the slightest injury wouldn't kill you then.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 155449

Ok what

Anonymous No. 157716


Anonymous No. 157810

You’ve put the cart before the horse. HEMA doesn’t require higher intelligence, it’s just that boxers become retarded after a few years of sparring.

Anonymous No. 157883

wtf am i watching kek

Anonymous No. 157892

Some former powerlifters Viking larp inspired Weight loss class. Meathead thought it was a good idea to swing sharp axes at fat people.

Anonymous No. 158041

>it was a good idea to swing live axes at fat people

Anonymous No. 161071

>using actually sharp weapons
I knew fat people were retarded but damn

Anonymous No. 161136

How does SCA 'cut and thrust' compare to typical HEMA?

Anonymous No. 161168

SCA is an unironic LARP. Historical fencing is a martial art.

Anonymous No. 161170
