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Anonymous No. 149684

How effective is biting in a fight?

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Anonymous No. 149685

another example

Anonymous No. 149701

not as meaningful as you might expect it to be
basically what it does is fill your opponents rage meter without bringing any stopping power to the table

Anonymous No. 149716

Generally not very.
Human teeth aren't optimized to do significant damage quickly and it's lack of range and stopping power makes openings to bite few and far between in a actual fight.
Humans figured this shit out like a million years ago. Just use weapons dude. We don't have fangs and claws naturally so we built shit that was even better.

Anonymous No. 149724

Anonymous No. 149751

Tell that to the guy I saw get his nose bitten off by some fat fuck boomer in a bar brawl.

Anonymous No. 150023

literally just put your two thumbs over her airway and crush it

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Anonymous No. 150059

I saw someone in a bar get their nose bitt off by a Saigon whore.

Anonymous No. 150064

if you get the right spot while you're in a dominate position and have the intent to really hurt someone with your teeth and aren't afraid of damaging your self; a bite can be very effective
no fingers
no ears/nose/lips
your neck is hurting good
but it's probably better to just knock someone out and run away save going full ape for when it's absolutely necessary

Anonymous No. 150067

Not the worst against soft tissue but it's usually an error to intentionally go for as anything but a desperation play in a grapple. You're not killing or submitting someone solely by biting, and as a rule, pain-based compliance methods are hit-or-miss because they don't guarantee incapacitation. Many people in a fight aren't rational and especially if your opponent is too furious or adrenalined up to care or too drugged up to comprehend what they're feeling, they'll ignore the bite and continue damaging you while you do it.

Furthermore either you have dominant position when you could bite, and should instead just go for chokes and submissions like a normal person, or you don't have dominant position and should do things that will help you re-establish that or escape, rather than thrashing around like a retard with them in you mouth.

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Anonymous No. 150070

its super effective

Anonymous No. 150077

>blinded by 200lb chimp
I think Jon Jones should finally go to prison for these eye pokes and beating women

Anonymous No. 150079

next time your with your girl play like your gonna give her a hickey and just see how much meat you could get between your teeth you think you gnaw off in a few violent movements. I don't know if it's ever happened but for sure your could bit some to death.

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Anonymous No. 150083

>for sure your could bit some to death.
People overestimate how far they'd get biting, teeth are shitty weapons on humans, and getting a kill with teeth is a bit like one of those bullshit Aikido throws - it's technically possible, but the situation's never going to come up in a fight against a resisting opponent.

As an exercise and reality check, next time you make a medium rare steak, as a challenge, have someone start a timer for 10 seconds and issue the following challenge:
>Okay, no knives, biting from the ends. Hold the ends so the steak has a jaw aligned slight parenthesis bend puffing out towards you. Use your teeth to bite clean through the center and rip this steak to shreds from the middle, leaving a donut hole - aaaand go!
Most people are unironically not even getting a teeth lock that seriously penetrates through the steak, let alone a single bitehole through clean to the other side, FAR let alone actually tearing it to shreds.

And this steak example is a far easier target than a human - no resistance, no counter-attacks, massive and totally unrealistic amounts of time in a fight, optimal bite angle, tastes good, and was literally prepared to be easier for consumption. A squirming human will not make things that easy.

Anonymous No. 150521

okay but just a little knick is gonna introduce all sorts of bacteria into your body, and have a psychological effect on you

Anonymous No. 150522

Rough and Tumble

Anonymous No. 150546

Biting is the go-to in an unfair fight. Imagine, you’re getting attacked by 5 people. You run to put distance and the fastest one catches up to you first. You turn quickly to catch the first one off guard and take them to the ground. The rest catch up as you are ripping out his jugular with your teeth. Stand up, make some scary sounds, ain’t nobody gonna keep that fight going. Losing a fight is one thing but getting eaten? No way.

Also works for home invasions.

Anonymous No. 150561

It's more of a psychology tactic than anything, if you clacked your teeth together and produced a thick foam around your mouth while screaming that you have AIDS, it would definitely stop any assailant.

Anonymous No. 150677

pulling one of those beast-like attacks like biting or testicle-grabbing or whatever is a terrible idea because if you dont end the fight with that then the guy you're fighting is nearly guaranteed to do the same, and then you'll be in deep shit

Anonymous No. 150685

Mostly happens with drunks and inmates/psych patients that might as well be inmates. In all those situations, it's because the person dealing with them was being stupid by being merciful, and usually because they're following some retarded legal guidelines that force them to be merciful.

Anonymous No. 151395

God, I wish men could actually defend themselves against piece of shit bitches without worrying about faggot white knights coming and jumping his ass. The moment that cunt hit me she would something broken in her face. Then all the white knights would immediately stomp me.

Anonymous No. 151408

god i wish that were me

Anonymous No. 151412

Men ought not to hit women, but women who want to act like men deserve to be treated like one.

Anonymous No. 151960

Thinly veiled Baki thread.

Anonymous No. 154532


Anonymous No. 155577


SAGE No. 155708

they can?
i see men punch women all the fucking time here.
t. australian

Anonymous No. 155822

and how long would that take?

Anonymous No. 155823

what is wrong with you?

Anonymous No. 156863

it can be effective at transmitting viral diseases.

Anonymous No. 156864

t. biter

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Anonymous No. 156865


Anonymous No. 157683

based jack poster