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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 150010

Why are trannies drawn to HEMA/Kendo?

Anonymous No. 150013

they all have autism

Anonymous No. 150025

Drawn to people playing pretend while waving phallic objects around

Anonymous No. 150028

That's not even a joke, it's a significant driving factor in all this

Anonymous No. 150037

The guys who are into HEMA/Kendo generally fall into one of 3 groups.
1. Anime fan
2. nationalist
3. woke

All three have no social skills and not much social awareness, but no. 2 is the smallest portion since most conservatives are pretty well adapted to society. God, am I thankfull to be in germany, here the guys of group 3 come in, get ridiculed by 1 and 2 and the leave the club again instead of turning it into a culture war of getting rid of everyone else in the club.

Anonymous No. 150040

google autism + autogynephalia

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Anonymous No. 150102

Everytime I spar against a tranny I hit full force, specially in the less protected areas. Only happens when I go to events cause my club is troon free tho.

Anonymous No. 150110

that's me but I only do it on my rest days

Anonymous No. 150112

I didn't meet a troon in my kendo dojo. Yet. But lots and lots of weaboos and neckbeards, and they don't last a month.
Kendo does a fantastic work of filtering

Anonymous No. 150202

They get filtered the moment they have to kiai and are forced to listen to their voice.
>weeaboos and neckbeards
As >>150112 said, they get filtered because Kendo is immensely cardio-intensive and classes are structured. The physicality of it filters these people.

Anonymous No. 150203

I used to be part of a fencing school that was headed by an absolute nutcase savant. It made the school full of all sorts of different people and all the higher-ups were there because of their skill and talent, which meant if you were new you were motivated by the people who could fight at full-speed with greatswords while not wearing gear.
Then he left and was replaced by a fat guy and a woman, and then half the school left.
Now it's FULL of alphabet zombies who can't fight for shit, and they discourage any sort of competition or aggression.
They really do ruin anything they infect.

Anonymous No. 150204

And also they cant deny it that males generate chi internally from the hara and females draw on it externally from the heavens and earth
Once you're attuned to it you can feel clearly the direction someones energy flows even if their sex isn't visually obvious

Anonymous No. 150213


I bought a Trnava heavy just for this.

Anonymous No. 150330

holy shit based /x/ lurking autist

Anonymous No. 150359

as someone who generates chi through the hara, this is a very based post.

Anonymous No. 150373

Playing with toy Swords as a 30 year old man isn't "nationalist"

Anonymous No. 150378

Pretend nationalist. Like pretend woman, or pretend sword fighting.

Anonymous No. 150467

>they discourage any sort of competition or aggression.
But when a "evil low iq nigger" beat the crap out of you he is a uncivilized savage

Anonymous No. 150479

want to get something off your chest nigger? Yeah, my wife's lactating breast milk HAHAAHa

Anonymous No. 150518

>niggers out of nowhere
Are you American?

Anonymous No. 150519


Anonymous No. 150547

That's clearly Eastern thought anon, not Greek

Anonymous No. 151465

>The guys who are into HEMA/Kendo generally fall into one of 3 groups.
>1. Anime fan
>2. nationalist
>3. woke

That's literally it.