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๐Ÿงต Spearfishing and Freediving thread!

Anonymous No. 150165

How deep can you go?

For people on the outside it can look like an insane sport only done by people with deathwish, but its actually safer than scuba diving.

Anonymous No. 151297

Iโ€™m interested in both, can you please explain how it is safer. Also, why is the majority of spearfishing done with freediving and not SCUBA?

Anonymous No. 151551

>how it is safer
No decompression sickness

Anonymous No. 151594

>why is the majority of spearfishing done with freediving and not SCUBA?
For the same reason hunters don't use assault & sniper rifles or why feeders are shamed. It's easy enough as it is and when you do that you're picking off the wrong parts of the food chain and critically endangering the local ecosystem. Scuba-spear fishing is just insane overkill that makes you look like a complete jackass.

Anonymous No. 151752

I have ruptured both eardrums multiple times surfing, can i still get into spearfishing or am i going to completely rek them? Also i am in Margaret River, Australia and it's sharky af down here.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 151771


Anonymous No. 152121

Spearfishing with scuba, as far as I know, is only legal in Florida, USA.
Its illegal in most of the world and usually seen as immoral, for the reasons >>151594 stated.

Its safer because humans are not made to breathe underwater, its far more natural to dive while holding your breath. Obviously you can't stay down so long but it has its advantages that scuba doesn't. We can go deep and back up without stopping. A scuba diver to go to 30m depth has to do some long decompression stops.

Luckily I'm in a place with very low shark activity (sub tropical north).
Not sure about the eardrums, you have to attempt to find out.
Try diving the next time you are in the water and while swimming down notice if there is pain in your ears or not. If there is pain try to equalize (by closing your nose with your fingers and blowing air), if you can equalize then it should be fine

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Anonymous No. 154573

Going to a level one freediving training in two weeks, been training upto now with some generic decathlon gear and a proper technisub freediving mask. I started doing co2 tables recently, and underwater I can last max 1min regardless if I'm static or dynamic.

any tips to help me prepare?
pic related, its my mask

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Anonymous No. 155005


Anonymous No. 155616

>I can last max 1min regardless if I'm static or dynamic
On your first hold or on all subsequent ones too? If it's the latter try chilling out and doing a session of just static holds, taking as much rest between them as you need. You should see your number climb with each hold.

Anonymous No. 156045

I had a cressi mask, then a omer mask with action cap support.. but the both never fitted perfectly on my face.
Then I got a decathlon mask with low volume and ITS PERFECT.
Fits amazingly, never hurts the face and absolutely leaks no water.

I learned recently that O2 tables are better for beginners, and later you can do CO2 tables.

If you last 1 minute in dynamic you can easily last 3 minutes static, its all in your head.

There is not much you can do alone tho, after going to that freediving training you will get better, but ideally join a freediving club that practices frequently.

Anonymous No. 159035

I hunt with a "sniper" every single season and know plenty of people who shoot over bait. All of that is legal btw. I'm trying to fill my freezer with food because I'm driving poor, your "true sportsman" rambling is neither true, nor somehow more ethical. Herbs in all fields.