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Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 01:26:45 UTC No. 150823
Thinking of joining a martial arts class not sure what to join. The classes I got near me are aikkido, hapkido, wing chun, judo. My friend does wing chun and says it's effective but I get mixed answers about that online
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 01:53:52 UTC No. 150824
do judo, there's an actual sport component to it so you have a reason to train and get better
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 02:06:34 UTC No. 150826
Wang cunt is retarded as are all the other arts you listed except judo
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 02:32:01 UTC No. 150829
How's judo for self defence and self improvement?
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 02:33:39 UTC No. 150831
Judo is great for both
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 02:43:47 UTC No. 150832
Jigoro Kano in his book “kodokan judo” explicitly says that he developed the martial art to develop people into better citizens
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 03:38:59 UTC No. 150834
If you had to do one martial art for self-defense, do Judo.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 04:21:38 UTC No. 150835
>self defence
> Self improvement
Varies by instructor, but generally ranges from decent to "You will embrace the Japanese concept of civic nationalism the easy way or the hard way, but both involve you cleaning this mat".
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 05:53:00 UTC No. 150842
Hello, do judo.
It will teach you how to throw people, how to not hurt yourself when falling, how to fight on the ground.
You won't be taught how to strike but you can have that later, or ask if they practice japanese jiu jitsu with strikes at the same place.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 06:16:42 UTC No. 150846
When I started judo the teacher said if you ever get into a fight the first thing you do is stomp the knee
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 10:45:17 UTC No. 150861
Anyone who says you should “just” do anything in a fight is a retard
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 16:01:35 UTC No. 150885
Online is probably the worst place to find answers about anything martial arts related, firstly because everyone thinks yhey know everything and secondly because no-one knows the gym you're thinking about.
Judo is a relatively effective self-defense art but there are terrible instructors in every style. Aikido and Hapkido have some similar techniques but while Aikido is considered useless by most, Hapkido is considered to be mediocre and much of this is down to the fact that Hapkido trains with sparring while Aikido does not. Anything Chinese is like picking a number out of a hat, the systems have no accreditation so you could be getting any level of quality.
Go to each of them, see if the instructor and the style clicks with you. What you want is NOT someone who thinks they can beat anyone BUT someone who spars with their students early and competently performs. If they're arrogant it's a no, if they don't spar it's a no. If you like them on a personal level its a yes. If they seem to respect and spend time with you it's a yes.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 17:16:39 UTC No. 150890
Judo, always Judo. Wing Chun is a meme that only works if you have trained something like Boxing for several years before. Aikido most often is just Judo, but less effective. Hapkido can be good but most likely is not.
I trained wing chun for 3 years and learned nothing useful. In 1 year of Judo I learned more than enough to at least put up a good fight with an average dude. Ask your friend for some light sparring with gloves. If he tells you its to dangerous he trains bullshido and if he fights and you can still be a challenge for him its also bullshido.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 18:09:28 UTC No. 150898
>stomp the knee
stomp the throat
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 18:11:36 UTC No. 150899
Judo hands down. It's a thinking man's fighting art, striking is piss easy. All you have to do is know how clench a fish, throw with tense form and put all of your weight behind it through the rotation of your lower body.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 20:12:42 UTC No. 150906
I am the wise and peaceful master, and here is my serene wisdom: try each class for a week or so and see which one is most interesting to you, grasshopper. For only you may know your true inner path.
And here's the no-bullshit answer: do judo, like all the other anons are saying. If you want to learn to fight, do judo. If you want to get tough, do judo. Judo is by far the best option of the ones you've listed.
If you're interested in martial arts for some other reason, aesthetics, Eastern spirituality, culture, whatever, then just do whatever you think looks coolest.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Jun 2023 20:16:01 UTC No. 150907
>You will embrace the Japanese concept of civic nationalism the easy way or the hard way
Doing so would literally benefit the West tremendously. Contrarian nonconformists freaks and geeks would have a hard time, but they can fuck off back to the outskirts of the counterculture.
The jew fears the samurai.
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 01:08:38 UTC No. 150940
Thanks for all the suggestions gonna check out the judo class. My only question now is if i should do something to teach me about strikes later on down the track. Or is judo good on its own
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 01:19:31 UTC No. 150941
That's gonna depend on your goals, and that school/instructor. You don't "need" any martial art unless you're looking to fight or compete within it. As for self defense, unless you happen to be in an area with a really strong wrestling culture, most people have no idea how to keep themselves standing. And judo is particularly adept at removing uprightness.
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 01:27:16 UTC No. 150942
Don't turn fighting in the next right-wing incel personality
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 01:49:47 UTC No. 150944
Any style can be effective if it is pressure trained against other styles. That said, if you can only take one, go with judo. Stand up grappling is the best base for self defense and its fundamentals can be applied anywhere.
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 01:54:06 UTC No. 150945
Every serious competitive gym is full of people with right wing values because left wingers are losers
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 01:57:22 UTC No. 150946
I'm not sure If they teach atemi waza where you're going. Most places leave it out since you cant do it in competitions
Getting a crisp 1 2 3, a good overhand right, maybe some clinch upper cuts and knees will carry you pretty far
If you're going to judo someone any striking would just be used to control space while you close distance and set up the grappling
Dont need anything fancy. Can always learn more advanced kicks and whatnot later
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 02:24:27 UTC No. 150950
Antifa fights with real people as a daily basis meanwhile all of you don't do shit outside internet
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 02:26:41 UTC No. 150951
>Antifa attacks people from behind in a group and still lose on a daily basis
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 02:31:33 UTC No. 150952
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 02:32:49 UTC No. 150954
I'm very proud how many judo anons are on here.
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Jun 2023 06:08:53 UTC No. 150964
really depends on the instructor, but generally.
doesnt spar. Bullshido tier. generally avoid if you actually want to learn something you can learn quickly
dont know much about it. find out if they spar
>wing chun
my experience is that they dont spar, some techniques like oblique kicks and attacking center line can be useful. otherwise outclassed by kickboxing, boxing, and muay thai just becaude of how much these MA spar
preddy good. you should spar literally every class.
A good rule of thumb when picking a martial arts is: Is there sparring often? and does sparring actually demonstrate how fucking hard and winning a fight is against someone resisting? If the answer to both is yes, its likely a useful martial arts.
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Jun 2023 02:57:43 UTC No. 151244
Your family and everything you stand for it's going to be erased in less than a century
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Jun 2023 03:22:21 UTC No. 151245
Believe what you wish anon. I don’t have to wish harm on you. There’s a 41% chance you’ll do it to yourself.
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Jun 2023 03:22:56 UTC No. 151246
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Jun 2023 21:51:46 UTC No. 151352
> Wing Chung
not effective, sadly that goes to almost all of kung fu, but depends on the trainer, some schools are point kick boxing schools with chinise influence
Awful, it started as a cult recruitment tool for the omote religion and its a lesser judo, if you get a decent instructor, of not, you'll regret joining
Weird judo with korean kicks, it can be effective because a lot of schools spar (kinda like karate but with more trows), sadly it takes a lot to become proficient on the style
The best all around, a good school will teach you a lot of grappling, but even if its Olympic its great
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Jun 2023 21:56:58 UTC No. 151354
boxing for hands, if you want kicks you can hipper-specialize and go into taekwondo or karate (or hapkido since you have it close), but boxing its great and more than enough.
it will depend on your goals, just don't listen to people that think you wont need to learn striking properly, its a lot more complicated than people think
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Jun 2023 22:05:31 UTC No. 151357
Go for Judo, it's a very good martial art despite what some fags here can say. And it's the only legit one in your list desu, the rest are absolute meme tier
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Jun 2023 02:18:14 UTC No. 151391
Your friend doesn't know what's effective because wing chun is a joke. Do judo and within a year you'll be hip tossing people like toys
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Jun 2023 05:58:44 UTC No. 151420
Judo > Hapkido > Wing Chun > Aikido.
>t. guy who tried all the above but Judo
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Jun 2023 06:01:34 UTC No. 151421
Focus on one martial art at a time at first please. Judo will carry you pretty far. Otherwise Boxing or Kickboxing and you'll be golden, but that comes much later on.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Jun 2023 12:52:55 UTC No. 151776
Wrestling + Boxing has always been a good combination but Judo + Boxing works too.
Anonymous at Mon, 19 Jun 2023 18:02:39 UTC No. 152170
Judo is great for self defense. #1 thing anyone without a gun should be doing in a self-defense situation is running away. Judo is perfect for this. Toss'em & book it, if you're smart. Hopefully you can find a dojo that still does a little ground work. At the very least basic escapes to get out&up&running again.
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Jun 2023 20:22:15 UTC No. 152314
Judo + MT
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Jul 2023 17:48:22 UTC No. 154585
How did it go?
Anonymous at Mon, 10 Jul 2023 12:10:18 UTC No. 155590
Take some sample classes and pick whatever you like.
Martial arts is pretty much "solved" with MMA.
I personally take Judo and did some Aikido.
Aikido is pretty static and doesn't really spar.
Judo is a lot of fun tough and its the more effective of the two.
I never took Wing Chun so I can't really comment on it.
Most people can't fall break. Slam them into the concrete hard enough and they won't be able to get back up or just pin them until help arrives.
Anonymous at Mon, 10 Jul 2023 12:11:22 UTC No. 155591
Forgot to mention, you can always cross train with something else.
If you like Judo but want to learn how to punch people you can always pick up some boxing or karate.