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🧵 Motorsport

Anonymous No. 151459

Anonymous No. 152040


Anonymous No. 152041


Anonymous No. 152357

who thinks you turn left to go right on a motorcycle. all the DYER (do you even ride) fags on the /o/dbt believe in order to turn a motorcycle you need to turn the bars in the opposite direction. Dumbest thing I ever read.

Anonymous No. 152714

it's actually true. i don't know how to explain it but that's how it works

Anonymous No. 152779

push the right handle bar to go right. it gets the bike leaned over they way it's supposed to be in a turn.

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Anonymous No. 152849

Anonymous No. 153048

Isnt that a sort of excuse for rich traitors (ie; traitors to the Aristocratic ideal of knightly chastity) to fornicate with model-school-washouts? the women who promote the teams, motorcycles, signal the flags and races etc?
does it take actual skill or is it just getting the most tech-savvy team and bike and going broom broom while risking getting youre whole knee area mutilated against the pavement while dressing like a leather fetishist from the AIDS epidemic era?

Anonymous No. 154017

keith code says massive shifts in body weight do nothing to help turn the motorcycle, its all about counter steering, so its nice to see the pic show none of the riders shift their weight to the inside to help them corner better.

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angular momentum.jpg

Anonymous No. 154021

>i don't know how to explain it
none of the experts who swear its true can explain it, because its total bull shit. You lean left then to keep balance you turn left into the turn to balance the forces. The amount of lean and handle bar turn depends on speed, tightness of turn and weight balance. What seems to confuse the idiots is that as speed increases the angular momentum generated by the wheel increases making the bike more stable, and using the right hand rule - right hand fingers pointing in the direction the top of the tire is rotating (forward) the right thumb s points to the left and as you lean left there is perpendicular force to the rear (from the tip of y our right thumb (used to show the direction of the forces not actually on your thumb) to the rear but since the wheel is connected to the bike by the steering stem a rotational force is created and the force turns the wheel left into the turn. This is what counter steering fags cannot understand. Same forces act on bicycle wheels and riding a bike.

Anonymous No. 154185

How else would you be able to turn a bike? If you turned your handlebar left when going left bike would try to straighten itself

Anonymous No. 155121

if wamen are equal, how come wamen do not dominate superbikes when all it takes is skill not brute strenght?

Anonymous No. 155122

>How else would you be able to turn a bike?
simple, you lean into the turn, as you lean you then turn into the direction of the lean which starts the turn and provides a counter force to the lean. Its obviously a balance depending on speed, turn radius, degree of lean, how much you turn the bars, and tire friction. The turn left to go right crowd can never explain the physics of their concept the just "know they are rifght" but the physics shows they are wrong. The fact that a bicycle rolling down a hill without a rider can right itself demonstrates the physics beccuase there is no rider to turn left first to go right.

Anonymous No. 155124

Women usually aren’t interested in motorsports