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Anonymous No. 151467

Which martial arts are actually good? Like apart from obvious ones like judo, kick/boxing, muay thai, wrestling, (real wrestling, not song and dance pro "wrestling") and bjj.

Anonymous No. 151471

>MMA, if it counts
And pro wrestlers are probably not so bad at real fighting

Anonymous No. 151472

Isn't that just ghetto muay thai?
>And pro wrestlers are probably not so bad at real fighting
Yeah but that's not exactly because of their pro wrestling experience.

Anonymous No. 151560

Gun is a very practical and effective martial art with diverse focuses on accuracy to rapid close combat drills (and still accurate enough to hit the closer targets).

Funny enough airsoft and paintball share some things in common.

Anonymous No. 151567

karate is more proven than bjj is

Anonymous No. 151570

proven at what?

Anonymous No. 151572

fighting, in sport as well as real life

Anonymous No. 151574

Does it have full contact mixed form sparring?

Anonymous No. 151575

Being open to pressure testing is good, being open to pressure from external styles, better.

Anonymous No. 151585

Taekwondo has it but its rules are so stupid it's barely better than aikido

Anonymous No. 151754

Unironically all of them.
So long as they've got a good teacher and teach in a way that is correct to the original idea.
Even shit like Ninjutsu, Wing Chun, or fucking Systema work. So long as they're trained in in the correct way.

Anonymous No. 151772

Wait, what's wrong with systema? I thought it was just another one of those practical military judo/kickboxing hybrids

Anonymous No. 151774

That's Sambo. Most systema videos are magic chi hypnosis sort of things that somehow never show up outside of their dojo.

Anonymous No. 151775

Combat Sambo, it's like MMA but with nutshots allowed

Anonymous No. 151808

Systema it’s literally made up nonsense. Sambo was the martial art the Russians came up with. Systema was made up by a scam artist that alleged that he was taught a secret kgb martial art that was so secret there’s no secret documents of its existence in the Russian government.

Anonymous No. 152033

I forgot
>maybe luta livre

Anonymous No. 152035

MMA, Muay Thai and BJJ

Anonymous No. 152146

sumo. true is that being big but also agile is the most important factor in any fight. sumo is great at maintaining a strong base and not falling over. what is a kickboxer going to do when I push him over? nothing.

Anonymous No. 152148

>backs up slightly
Oops, you gassed

Anonymous No. 152151

Being muscular=/=being fat. Being big like sumo wrestlers will kill you more likely than any street fighter or martial artist.

Anonymous No. 152152

You sound awfully proud of not knowing shit, retard

Anonymous No. 152158

>I'm an expert on shit
Guess that explains the sumo

Anonymous No. 152164

Okay but he >>152152
is right, you sound like you dont know shit. With your dumbass snarky "backs up slightly" have you seen sumo matches? Next you're gonna say you were pretending to be retarded right? These dudes are like rugby players or linemen in football. Being big doesnt mean being slow or lacking enough endurance to make your point moot you fucking retard.

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Anonymous No. 152165

Standards have gone in the shitter. Was a time when this physique was the ideal in sumo.

Anonymous No. 152168

Sumo wrestlers can actually move pretty quickly, their weight makes it hard for them to slow down and they have a lot of stamina so they could keep up for quite a while.
Note how he isn't even winded at the end, I don't imagine you could do as well.
>Being muscular=/=being fat.
Sumo wrestlers are both, they only start to suffer from their weight when they retire and don't keep up with their ridiculous training regimen.

Of course in spite of all that, I don't know if I'd count sumo as a "good martial art," it's a fascinating sport but it's way too narrow a skillset to meet the standards that make other styles as good as they are, that's why guys with backgrounds in judo and mongolian wrestling do so well in sumo.

Anonymous No. 152356

didn't sumo wrestlers get rekt in the early ufcs?

Anonymous No. 152380

Lol see ufc 1-10 fag

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Anonymous No. 152399

Fun fact, Lyoto Machida was a sumo vice champion with a 8-1 record

Anonymous No. 152401

just learn the obvious ones

Anonymous No. 152405

>Kick Boxing
>Muay Thai for elbow strikes
How about that? that one elbow strike where someone has you in a clinch is so interesting

Anonymous No. 152410

That’s interesting but I don’t think anyone would argue that machida represented sumo in MMA considering he was most known for his evasive striking. His style arguably the opposite of sumo where evasive techniques are viewed as pussy shit.

Anonymous No. 152495

Machida used sumo esque holds for takedowns a couple of times including against Tito Ortiz. But honestly if you consider some of the karate takedowns he pulled off too that literally no one else has ever done in mma lol. Imagine if he had just done wrestling all that time I dono seems he had a very good grasp of balance not jut timing for striking.

Anonymous No. 152552

A retired sumo wrestler ate a head kick in UFC 1.

Anonymous No. 154515

What ok

Anonymous No. 154559

Nigga what?

Anonymous No. 154571

Just some guy who bumps dying threads like that. Always posts some variation of "what" or "ok". He's been doing it for months.

Anonymous No. 156036

Unironically krav maga. You may think krav is women's self defence but it can look like decent kickboxing.

Anonymous No. 156037

jewish scam thoe

Anonymous No. 156046

Olympic Fencing, unironically.
The sport is 100% timing, distance, footwork, and reads. The skills are transferrable, and it will rapidly improve your striking game.

Anonymous No. 156059

I would look at what MMA fighters are trained in and work from that.
Do you really think that the FSB would just leak their secret killing methods?
Avoid any school that claims to teach "super secret deadly techniques"

Anonymous No. 156063

I think Craig Douglas's training courses look really cool:

Not really a martial art per se, though. He'd probably tell you to just go do wrestling and BJJ.

Anonymous No. 156068

This makes sense to me. Not a fencer, but semi-related fun fact, Arnis techniques are meant to transfer between armed & unarmed fighting. There is a lot of mechanical similarities between the actions.
Practice arnis & walk around with a machete.