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Anonymous No. 151573

Around which percentage of males could a top tier female professional fighter beat in a one-on-one fight?

Anonymous No. 151578

half maybe
but a 5'10" man that does casual training 2-3 times a week would beat 100% of the UFC female roster

Anonymous No. 151579

>the weakest men is still a lot more stronger than the strongest women
Don't know If there is real exceptions

Anonymous No. 151582

There's at least cripples and midges.

Anonymous No. 151601

Not really. A large proportion of the population in first world countries literally doesn't exercise at all. Think of all the office workers who don't chose to go the gym lol. Then factor in the fact someone who has never been in a fight in their life is a complete pussy who would react very poorly to being hit for the first time in their life. The discrepancy between male and female strength would allow for a competitive male amature to beat a female world class champion imo. But for sure a top tier female fighter can beat more than 50% of the male population.

Anonymous No. 151603

around 95%
the remainder are men who workout and train 10 - 15 times a week for a year or two

Anonymous No. 151604

Are we talking about same weightclass? If so, I think they would beat vast majority of men but lose to any male pro fighter or good amateur fighters.

If we're talking about pound for pound, then it depends which female fighter are we talking about. Zhang Weili would probably lose to some untrained men because it's hard to beat someone who's 60% heavier than you. Amanda Nunes would probably beat any untrained guy because outstrenghting her wouldn't be so easy. Gabi Garcia would probably beat any man who doesn't train mma and even some mma legends like Demetrious, for the same reason Zhang Weili would lose to some big, untrained men.

Anonymous No. 151608

If you think you would beat Nunes, who's a black belt in bjj, brown belt in judo, has some boxing, karate and capoeira skills, is muscular af and probably lifts and trains mma several hours a day, just because you're a little heavier, train a martial art 2 times a week and are the "better sex", you're delusional and probably a misogynist

Anonymous No. 151609

You might wanna relegate that to streak having champions. Contenders would be considered top tier, and the number of dogshit awful female contender fights you can pull just from the last couple years is insane.

Anonymous No. 151625

I'd say 30%. The majority of men will have a serious height, reach and muscle mass advantage, even if they don't train. The 30% accounts for the men that are extremely incapable, the old and frail, and the hopeless cripples. Remember that this only applies to the cream of the crop, and a less competent professional or an amateur woman would get her shit kicked in more like 9 times out of 10. A woman that doesn't fight at all may as well be a child.

Anonymous No. 151632

Some of the people in this thread are delusional. Most men in first world countries are entirely unprepared to defend themselves in unarmed combat even if they pretend that they are.

Anonymous No. 151659

Difficult to say, but just for reference, here's old, fat, out-of-shape Tara LaRosa rolling the shit out of some dudebro with a manbun:
Fight starts at 7:19
Second fight starts at 10:59
Delusional cope starts at 13:39

To her credit, Tara is not a dick about it and explicitly says if he ran up and coldcocked her she'd be fucked. She also advocates for situational awareness and carrying a gun :^)

In conclusion, Mama Tara is based as fuck.

Anonymous No. 151673

Lmfao at the retard talking after the fight
>yeah dude I dominated until my cardio gave out
He didn’t have anything but roughly neutral positions. I do this to noobs all the time. Let them grab and strain themselves like a madman for like a minute and a half and then toss them as soon as their muscles inevitably wear out.

Anonymous No. 151675

>Fight starts at 7:19
and at 7:37 shes fucking DEAD if this wasn't just friendly sparring and he was intent on hurting her, it would've been a field goal on on her fucking face

it proves the point, some random asshole would demolish her if he really wanted to

Anonymous No. 151682

That has a lot less to do with her being a woman and a lot more to do with her doing a bad takedown.

Anonymous No. 151684

Realistically, out of all living males in the world aged 0 - 120+, including malnourished chinks, the disabled and people with terrible cardio and mobility, I’d say about 6%. That number is probably much higher if you only include able-bodied males in the same age of the female fighter they are facing. People forget who incredibly out of shape and fragile the average person is today

Anonymous No. 151704

lmao you clearly have no idea how strong the strongest women are
Samantha Eugenie competes around 68kg, squats 182.5, benches 102.5 and deadlifts 215kg

Anonymous No. 151712

Ok but I dont even lift weights and know for a fact I can double those lifts easily

Anonymous No. 151713


Anonymous No. 151721

Congratulations, you’re easily the men’s world record holder in the open weight category

Anonymous No. 151726

>I don’t lift but I could easily squat over 400lbs
Go pay 10 dollars for a planet fitness membership and record a video of you equating 400lbs below parallel

Anonymous No. 151730

I’m high just realized you said you could double those lifts. Lmfao, this bigger thinks he’s going to walk into the gym and squat 800 fucking pounds.

Anonymous No. 151742

Like, most.
There are sex differences, but they aren't the anime-tier extreme ones nofights on this board like to talk about.
Women are on the smaller side for weight and height and in some cases, muscle contractile strength (depending on what papers you go by).
But that shit can be overcome. Same as any reach disparity, or muscle disparity. That's overcome by skill and by technique, which a top tier pro fighter will almost always have, in relative spades.

The real question that determines the victories is how much experience said pro has in fighting people way bigger and heavier than her. If she attends open gyms and trains moves by brawling with the casuals, she's probably going to pick it up. If she trains one on one with a coach, she's probably hyperspecialized and might struggle to adapt at first.
Ignoring a strawweight 5'2 chick going against a fat superheavyweight 7'0 dude and other major statistical outliers, pro will generally have the ability to body casual with what they know. They just might not have the exposure to learn how to apply it against new fight mechanics.

Anonymous No. 152145

a lot of comments are about strength but I think that the biggest advantage a professional fighter would have is cardio. people who don't wrestle or grapple don't realize how draining it can be on the cardio if you aren't trained . also if you aren't experienced in combat your adrenaline can cause you to gas out quicker than your would normally. I'm a pretty adverage guy and whilst I could probably lift more than these top fighters I know that if I don't finish them quickly then I'll probably gas out and tap desu cause my cardio is pretty bad.

Anonymous No. 152315

That was true a generation or two ago but just look at the average zoomie

Anonymous No. 152351

"Elite" women athletes have the athletic ability of 14-15 year old boys, so if you're so much of a pussy that you can get your ass kicked by some 14-15 year old punk, then you'd probably get your ass beat by some bitch.

Fuck every single one of you beta pussy eunuchs.

Anonymous No. 152362

>The real question that determines the victories is how much experience said pro has in fighting people way bigger and heavier than her

This is one of my biggest issues with competitive martial arts, male or female. Most competitive martial arts are fought only in weight classes, and if no-limits weight class is held, it's usually only in very small competition. The most practice you'll get fighting someone over 5kg heavier than you is just sparring with your classmates, but it's not very often in not many arts where you'll actually have classes or lessons based around having to fight someone bigger or smaller than you, because everyone is so focused on the sport. I compete and love sport as well, but I wish there was focus on altering your strategy based on size as well.

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Anonymous No. 152738

I want a femdom mommy to beat me as I lick her feet

Anonymous No. 152742

>I wish there was focus on altering your strategy based on size as well
there is a giant white belt in my class that's a 340 pounds
his head is the size of a microwave, his feet are like loaves of bread
jiujitsu from a normal sized person basically doesn't work on him in any meaningful way
there's no adjusting a strategy for that, once he's a few years in you'll just lose against him, it doesn't matter what you try to do
he's only survivable now because he doesn't know any attacks yet

Anonymous No. 152780

There's currently a trans-man 3-0 against male opponents, so you tell me.

Anonymous No. 152782

so that would at best meant bantamweights
so you're saying someone on steroids is able to defeat men that failed puberty?

Anonymous No. 152789

The gap between the top 3 women in a division and the rest of the top 10 is pretty big, so if we're talking elite WMMA across all organizations, they could beat about 65-75% of the male population. The rest of the WMMA would probably only beat around 40% of men

Anonymous No. 152799


Anonymous No. 152800

I aint clicking that, and cis is a slur

Anonymous No. 152855

Anonymous No. 152916

I accept your concession.

Anonymous No. 152918

Oh wow she beat three nobodies. Now let’s make this comparable to troons in womens sports and put her in the ring with Tyson Fury.

Anonymous No. 152920

I train with a 380lb Judo nidan and can beat him on the ground pretty regularly. Albeit I'm 250lb so I'm not that small, but it's still over an 100lb weight difference. You can beat people bigger than you with the right gameplan.

Anonymous No. 152930

it's an image board, post screen caps not links

Anonymous No. 152943

Yep doesn't matter. An in shape man of average size with some casual weekend warrior training would give her a lot of problems. I understand how you'd assume this wouldn't be the case but if you're at all involved with combat sports you've seen the truth demonstrated over and over again in bjj and boxing gyms. Now that said a completely untrained man can get caught in a choke hold or joint lock pretty easily and that's end of story. A man with some concept of those techniques, say yellow belt, if not going to get submitted by a black belt woman of Nunes' size. The girls just get ragdolled.

Anonymous No. 153241

>It doesn't count because reasons
Cope. A person who underwent female puberty and shouldn't match up to an athletically trained male even on T has beaten 3 natural men. This proves that women can and do defeat men in striking sports your pathetic and amusing goalpost moving besides.

Don't tell me what to do, little boy.

Anonymous No. 153254

Those men identify as having won the fight. Burn chud.

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Anonymous No. 153269

>crushing cans is the same as dominating in a sport
Retard, do you know how easy it is to find people who can’t fight to pad out someone’s record early in their career?

Anonymous No. 153961

Not as easy as it is for you to keep making excuses.


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Anonymous No. 154243
holy fucking LOL at all the retarded anons who think a female mma fighter could win a cage fight with any random fat pack a day smoking cholo off the street.
women can't even compete with elderly men at tennis or children at soccer, or fucking CHESS. let alone a combat sport that magnifies the insurmountable biological differences more than any other.
there's only around 50 female mma fighters across every major promotion who are taller than mike tyson.

depends if we're counting elderly men, children, the sick and infirmed etc.
and if depends if we're counting the ghetto promotions like pfl that let full on mtf trannies fight as "female"
99-100% without both.

>but they aren't the anime-tier extreme ones nofights on this board like to talk about.
picrel you

Anonymous No. 155178

Nofight confirmed

🗑️ Anonymous No. 155444


Anonymous No. 155541

those are elite level powerlifter lifts, you need to train for years and be genetically gifted to lift that type of weight

Anonymous No. 155542

a 15 year old boy with a black bel tin BJJ or a state title in wrestling would destroy the average male adult

Anonymous No. 155544

there's tons of evidence that even a fit, trained guy will lose to a girl that has more trainning and take her craft seriously

Anonymous No. 155546

>women can't even compete with elderly men at tennis
dude Riggs lost to King

Anonymous No. 155548

BJJ dykes putting lazy chokes on gay ass asian and black males. Yawn.

Anonymous No. 155555

>trained women beating average dudes
>how could this possibly relate to the topic of the thread?
Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 155557

>professional female mma fighter in the gym
>21 year old lanklet kid absolutely dicks her around without even trying

Anonymous No. 155558

Depends on a lot of factors. What's her weight class? Anyways, I'd say at least 80%, if not closer to 90%. The USA is 40% obese and 70% overweight. Throw in manlets, cripples, etc. and that's 80% free wins right there.

Anonymous No. 155561

of the five vids only two have BJJ and one have an asian, one a black dude, one has a latino and two have white dudes., so the majority of dude getting their ass beat on those vids are white, in BJJ and MMA
and all of them are trained dude, so above average in terms of fitness and skill

Anonymous No. 155562

Gay ass nigger looking at men. Embarassing.

Anonymous No. 155563

is this your bizarre way of coping? seeing women beating dudes triggered you this much?

Anonymous No. 158246


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Anonymous No. 158250

I'm curious if average woman would tap to average man's clinch or bearhug if he squeezed hard enough

Anonymous No. 158322

kek you're te one looking at men and trying to cope using their race

Anonymous No. 158552

I'd bet those girls have more testosterone than the average man. Does your question preclude the use of steroids or hormones?

Anonymous No. 158556

>all American zoomers/millennials
Basically women themselves lol

Anonymous No. 158557

Zoomers are obsessed with being beaten by their mommies.

Anonymous No. 159900

lol i understand you probably dont lift but you couldnt possibly be more wrong. go on over to and filter weightclass to under 69, for men OR women these lifts dont put you in any kind of respectable position in any federation globally ever.

Anonymous No. 159901

oh he said DOUBLE those lifts lollll im a fucking retard my bad