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🧵 Never try to roll or watch mma with someone who only knows striking

Anonymous No. 151590

Or you will hear
>why are you trying to have sex with my arm? (armbar)
>why does he do this armlock instead of just punching his face?
>why would I wanna sit on you?
>this guard is gay
>why do mma fighters have gay sex on the ring where people are watching?

Anonymous No. 151913

i mean, they're not wrong

Anonymous No. 151930

Intense physical struggles between two nearly naked, sweaty men are always going to be extremely homoerotic, there's no way around it. Speaking as a big sumo fan. you just have to accept it as a necessary part of the sport. If you don't like it go and watch tennis or something.

Anonymous No. 151949

There is nothing sexual in grappling.

Anonymous No. 151957

This is literally why I don't do grappling, as a striker. I am incredibly homophobic and if I fight someone, its to hurt them, not neutralize them.

Anonymous No. 151963

Everyone says that the grappler always wins

Anonymous No. 151966

I agree, but it's also possible you and I just aren't imaginative enough. Either way though, I have zero desire to get my wires crossed between fucking and fighting.

Anonymous No. 151967

There's a fairly large amount of porn that would seem to suggest otherwise. Enough to have custom logo floor mats and wall pads.

Anonymous No. 151968

>custom logo floor mats and wall pads
The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief.

Anonymous No. 151980

I'm glad fighting to this day only attracts normal/mediocre people, no weebs, no trannies and no radicalized incels, so nobody talks anything sexual or political.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 151988

Its inherently right wing and lefties have difficulty getting a foothold in the community
Because being apolitical is a right wing value now that silence is violence
Since that's the purity test the left has chosen you can be sure everyone that says quiet leans conservative

Secondly conservatives are just as happy to welcome libs into the gym because their money spends just the same
If it's a welcoming place then it's a right wing place, if it's exclusionary then it's run by lefties

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Anonymous No. 151995


Anonymous No. 152014

Can't yap about punching nazis when you're getting sparked in the gym

Anonymous No. 152022

Some of them are really well outfitted. Like clearly high 5 low 6 figure into Fuji or Dollamur. Dedicated facility, which is a whole other investment. So someone thinks there's a market for it.

Anonymous No. 152084

Wrong strawman, trannies are genuinely a lot more loud and invasive, really nothing good comes from them, even these days right-wingers can barely express themselves outside internet, so there is no real risk

Anonymous No. 152141

I'm not good at submissions, I do not like ground stuff. It makes me uncomfortable to the point where the only thing I can focus on is getting away from it, but it is essential, why? Because the first question in self defense is, can you get away? Well to be able to thoroughly answer yes to that, you need to at the very least have escapes down to a science. But that means you still gotta get in there & do some gay shit. Jusy fuck yourself in the ass with the biggest possible dildo you can. You can't be their bitch if you're already you're own bitch, you get me?

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bugs gay.jpg

Anonymous No. 152143

I get you

Anonymous No. 152162

Right, like, if you are hung up on homoerotic thoughts that keep you from rolling, just take a big ol dick, and have it fuck the gay thoughts out of you, then just rolling around with dudes can be separated in your mind from being fucked, since you'll have the experience of knowing what it's really like. Then you can hopefully behave like normal fucking adults & roll without constantly thinking of gay shit having satisfied your faggy intrusive thoughts.

Anonymous No. 152166

Honestly dont even need to go that far, I went over to a gay guys house recently for a bbq and just spending time around gays when they arent putting on a public facade is enough to deter you
Absolutely repugnant people

The needle has moved for me and I went from oh well being gay is a fetish I find kinds gross but that doesnt bother me much, to being fully in the camp of they need to be removed from society and reconditioned

Anonymous No. 152173

>but it's also possible you and I just aren't imaginative enough.
Nobody thinks like this

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Anonymous No. 152179

Wtf am I reading lmfao

Anonymous No. 152361

brazillian jiu jitsu is gay and pathetic

Anonymous No. 153782

Back when there was no rule in MMA, one of the guy would regularily win by puting his opponents into submition and then pulling down their underwear until they would tap.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 153787

>Left leaning politics can't exists without censorship
>BJJ doesn't work without rules
>The only thing gayer than rolling is getting fucked in the ass
All the foreplay but none of the fun.
>Not Joking.
Bjj & submission grappling is for faggots.

Anonymous No. 153809

>>Left leaning politics can't exists without censorship
>>BJJ doesn't work without rules
You're that nonsensical autist from that other thread aren't you.

Weird how literal "no rules" fights were absolutely DOMINATED by grapplers, ain't it?

Lol pathetic. BJJ wins again, you non-training queer.

Anonymous No. 153812

>acuse someone of not rolling around with dudes
>unironically calls someone queer
You really don't know how many of your gyms are just meat markets for fags nowadays.

Anonymous No. 153818

There is nothing sexual in grappling.

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Anonymous No. 153821

That is a myth pushed by your cult that has only been able to flourish because the Gracies brazilian jewed their way onto the ground floor of the entertainment market in america & led the drive for rulesets that both benefitted grapplers & appeased delicate government sensibilities after McCain started a campaign to get UFC banned. The funny thing is, if your bullshit myth had any truth to it, in combination with the rules that protect grapplers, you would think stats would reflect this dominance. It does not, no matter where you look.
>UFC 2009
>heavyweights highest percentage of finishes (80 percent)
>61 percent by knockout
>19 percent by submission.
>UFC 2017 - total 457 UFC fights
>80 finished by submission, of which 43.8 percent were accomplished through a rear naked choke, the most basic ass fucking move that children watching WWE can do.
>UFC 2023 343 UFC fights to date.
>121 (35.3 percent) ending by knockout.
>76 (22.2 percent) ending by submission.
But wait, let's check another promoter. Surely this is unique to UFC...
>Official Bellator website
>2,789 fights in Bellator history.
>824 knockouts 56.2%
>643 submissions. 43.8%
For argument sake let's look at stats for a promoter with even fewer rules.
>Stats from Sherdog
> Between '97-'07 total of 429 fights in Pride, excluding draws and no contests
>156 (36.36%) ended by KO or TKO
>(29.6%) ended by submission.
One more time for shits and giggles?
>Rizin 583 matches in history, including exhibitions, & early transitional Pride shit.
>233 knockouts 39.9%
>121 submissions 20.8%

Anonymous No. 153823

>cherry picks years and stats to comport to his agenda

Status: buttblasted
Result: BJJ wins again

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Anonymous No. 153825

>cherry picks years and stats to comport to his agenda
UFC 09 was the earliest most comprehensive year with a high rate of finishers and 2017 mid way, then this year. Gave 3 different fucking years, some of the busiest years, of the most prolific promoter. Gave stats from the entirety of Bellator, Pride, and Rizin
>This is your brain when you post on 4chan instead of training.
I am not denying that as a fighter you gotta know enough to deal with submission grappling, just enough. More than that and you're gay.

Anonymous No. 153830

I dunno man, I think I have a more comprehensive year with a higher rate of finishers, it's 1993.

Also, all those years and orgs you posted? Those fighters trained BJJ ;)

As always, BJJ wins again

Anonymous No. 153840

1. How does losing the dominant ground position at the end of each round benefit grapplers?
2. Why do you treat KO (typical for strikers) and TKO (typical for wrestlers) as one thing?
3. Why do you use such a retarded meme?

Anonymous No. 153843

>How does losing the dominant ground position at the end of each round benefit grapplers?
Losing the dominant ground position at the end of each round can sometimes be a smart move for a grappler in MMA. This is because of two main reasons: scoring and fatigue. Scoring is one of the most controversial and subjective aspects of MMA. Different judges may have different criteria and preferences when it comes to evaluating a fight. Some judges may favor striking over grappling, while others may favor aggression over control. Some judges may value damage over position, while others may value activity over effectiveness. Therefore, a grappler who dominates a round with top position may not necessarily win that round in the eyes of the judges. In fact, some judges may even penalize a grappler for being too passive or stalling on top. Losing the dominant ground position at the end of each round can help a grappler avoid this potential bias or penalty from the judges. By giving up the top position and allowing the opponent to stand up or reverse them, the grappler can create a false impression of being outmatched or outworked by the opponent. This can sway the judges to score the round more favorably for the grappler, especially if they were able to inflict more damage or threaten more submissions from the bottom position earlier in the round. Fatigue is another factor that can affect a grappler's performance and decision-making in MMA. Grappling is a very physically demanding and mentally taxing activity that requires a lot of strength, endurance, and concentration. Maintaining the dominant ground position for an entire round can be exhausting for a grappler, especially if they are facing a strong or skilled opponent who is constantly resisting or escaping their attacks. Moreover, grappling can also drain a lot of energy from the opponent, making them more vulnerable to strikes or submissions in later rounds.
>tl:dr; More points, less tired

Anonymous No. 153844

>Why do you treat KO (typical for strikers) and TKO (typical for wrestlers) as one thing?
>Implying that doesn't explicitly mean dudes who did not tap.
>Implying the majority of TKO's are not the result of concussed behavior.
For your information, fights won by ref calls during subs, are counted as subs. Just cause you imply it doesn't make it true. TKO is explicitly used for concussion/TBI symptoms.

Anonymous No. 153855

If you take a guy down and finish him with rear naked choke when he tries to get up, that's bjj. It doesn't matter whether he taps or falls unconscious and the ref stops the fight, it's still bjj.

If you punch a guy and he falls unconscious, that's boxing but if you take him down, pass his guard and then punch him when he lies on the mat and the ref stops the fight, that's not really boxing.

Anonymous No. 153863

>If you take a guy down and finish him with rear naked choke when he tries to get up, that's bjj. It doesn't matter whether he taps or falls unconscious and the ref stops the fight, it's still bjj.
That's what I said retard. Doesn't matter what happens if the fight ends during a submission it is counted as a submission. Meaning my stats are not misrepresented. Don't be a faggot and lump all of submission wrestling under the term BJJ like they invented the shit.
>blah blah blah dumb implications about boxing
Never said that I am some purist saying it has to be only striking. BJJ is sold as some kind of fucking miracle art and it's total bullshit & not what finishes matches the majority of the time. Obviously grappling plays an important role in the process. But it shouldn't be sold as essential.

Ikkk No. 155828

Ok >>151913

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Anonymous No. 156427

>I went over to a gay guys house recently for a bbq
Those hot dogs must've tasted like shit.

Anonymous No. 156442

I don’t get why people say grappling is gay. You don’t pop a boner when police handcuff you, do you? It’s not sexual.

>t. gay

Anonymous No. 156645

I grew up with pro wrestling and judo throws.
Bjj stuff does seem excessively gay.

Anonymous No. 159857

I'll break your knee with a heel hook and your finest punch will be landed on my hip
>captcha kysfgt

Anonymous No. 159860

It's not that grappling in general is gay, its that BJJ and college wrestling are gay in particular because they grapple in a really really gay way in really gay clothing.

No one accuses judo of being gay. Probably because they don't wear skin tight swimwear and spend minutes at a time dry humping each other on the ground.

Anonymous No. 159868

This is a massive cope im sorry

Anonymous No. 159869

Because Judo just like throwing they dont like to actually grapple

Anonymous No. 159871

>he thinks stand up somehow isn't grappling
>ignores that judo has ground work and 2 out of the 3 ways to win a round/match is on the ground

Anonymous No. 159875

stand up is the opening stage and groundwork is the meat and potatoes of grappling. Its like when boxers throw a few jabs to gauge distance.
>ignores that judo has ground work and 2 out of the 3 ways to win a round/match is on the ground
you can only grapple for 20 seconds at a time, throwing is considered an instawin. This is like saying BJJ encourages takedowns because you get 2 points for it

Anonymous No. 159879

Wrong and wrong.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Winning the whole match by pin or submission isn't compatible to 2 points.
And the rule is if you aren't actually doing something productive on the ground you get stood up. Grappling shouldn't be a prolonged ground hump where everyone is stalling. That isn't real grappling. That is gay foreplay.
Getting stood back up is about encouraging proper aggression and honestly is a more practical means of doing things since it trains you not to doddle on the ground, which is flat out stupid to do irl. You don't have 30 minutes to subdue a assailant. Why the fuck would you train such a way other than to maximize your face's contact with other men's nuts.