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🧵 Order without rulers, practicing without coach

Anonymous No. 151816

Has anybody tried to learn martial arts by concuring to buy pads and other equipment with other people, watching youtube technique videos together and then practicing the techniques and sparring? This seems to be an interesting way of saving $40 per month.

Anonymous No. 151819

If you planned to learn a language, would you be better served to just buy a text book and watch videos
Or to do all of that in addition to having someone that already speaks that language fluently guide you through the process

I know which I'd rather have

Anonymous No. 151823

Please do OP. I love buying barely used equipment for less than half it's new price from idiots.

Anonymous No. 151845

We have this thread every other day. Just sign up and train at a real gym you antisocial retard

Anonymous No. 151847

>Why yes, I do have a black belt in garage karate, how can you tell?

Anonymous No. 151854

What If I don't have money for that?

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Anonymous No. 151855

Then go work at fucking McDonald’s

Anonymous No. 151856

well then start here and take the first step towards becoming a killing machine

Anonymous No. 151857

You're more likely to meet some fucking psycho that just wants to beat the shit out of someone. Also gyms are way more tha 40$ a month. But heres the truth. The raw physicality of any fight you ever get in will be far more important than any sparring. Thats just to condition you to be less flinchy and used to the stimuli of it. The fact of the matter is you could train what martial arts you can solo, then just lean hard into your conditioning, and you'll be more prepared than most fighters and a good chunk of martial artists cause hardly any of them have the physique of a fighter. Which I dont care what anyone says, thats the most important part.
>tldr; you can still be a better than most fighter with just shadow boxing & strength training

Anonymous No. 151858

*more prepared than most non-fighters

Anonymous No. 151859

>The raw physicality of any fight you ever get in will be far more important than any sparring.
This guy doesn’t fight. Don’t take advice from people who don’t fight.

Anonymous No. 151861

Mkay, then explain why weight classes exist?

Anonymous No. 151863

Because physicality matters amongst equally skilled opponents. The “skilled midget vs untrained giant” question has been answered half a dozen times over by now. Explain why your opinions are shit and based on your imagination?

And here’s the best one, where an amatuer mma fighter KILLS a powerlifting champion in Russia with his bare fucking hands.

Anonymous No. 151864

I didnt say go full on bloatlord. But you're pretending like its either get a gym or do nothing. Theres a fuck lot of places with no gyms. If someone wants to find something to do outside that, why you gotta be a massive gatekeeping faggot. OP even says he wants to connect with others and spar. Acting like most gyms arent run by dudes with no fucking record worth talking about. I could cherry pick examples of martial artists getting their ass beat but I dont give a fuck about tards online. Seethe & dilate bitch.

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Anonymous No. 151865

We have these threads all the time. I don’t buy this “well there’s no where to train shit” I guarantee there’s something within a 30 minute drive of where OP is. I’m not gatekeeping anyone retards who refuse to actually do martial arts are keeping themselves and we don’t constantly need to have a “LARP at home “thread active on this board
>seethe and dialate
Seethe about what? You and OP not knowing what you’re doing or talking about? I’d rather lol, lmao even about it.

Anonymous No. 151866

that first video was too funny, it's amazing how the narrator just frames everything wow look at the skillful way the jiujitsu man flips his opponent
don't mention how it immediately got reversed right back, shhh, that part wasn't important

lances punches didn't land at all as you can see!
even though they're clearly blasting pedro in the face

isn't' it kinda weird how the video freezes exactly when the alleged tap occurs? and then lance stands up like wtf whyd you stop it?

oh well that's it, its for your own safety, thats totally why we're stopping it man. For sure that's the reason! not because we're worried you might win if we let it go. That definitely isn't why

Anonymous No. 151869

Are you talking about the punches at 4:50? You have to be fucking blind to think any of those punches were “blasting” Pedro in the face lol. In any case if that fight wasn’t good enough for you lance bachelor got his ass kicked a second time by an Asian karate guy

Anonymous No. 151870

Even if thats true like 1 out of every 10 gyms is going to be legit and the rest are gonna be faggot fucking mcdojos. There is 1 legit spot near me and they charge 120 a month & thats not even the unlimited lessons plan. So even the legit ones are fucking ripping people off alot of the time. All im saying is, if you want to train to be a little better at fighting than the average dipshits that like to start fights, then getting intona gym is not the ONLY option.

Anonymous No. 151872

takes a left hammer fist to the temple, punch 2 misses, punch 3 hits and glances off his forehead to the chest, punches 4 and 5 both hit his face
and they lie because it was out of frame, just like they lied about the tap, just like how they were so proud of their sweeps that got reversed every time
ooh but he had a bwoody nose so pedro won!

lance sucks, no doubt he got beat up but pedro certainly didn't do it
his best licks were those horrendous looping punches with his hands down at the beginning of the fight and then he got straight up dominated on the ground

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Anonymous No. 151873

lol, whatever you say anon. fuck off somewhere else though because you’re not actually doing martial arts. Go take a womens self defense class at the y.

Anonymous No. 151874

actually now that I rewatched it punch 2 doesn't even miss, that one glances off the head
all 5 of his punches connected

Anonymous No. 151875

You know you're agreeing with what he said, right?
>The raw physicality of any fight you ever get in will be far more important than any sparring.
>Be more prepared than most fighters and a good chunk of martial artists cause hardly any of them have the physique of a fighter.
>Because physicality matters amongst equally skilled opponents.
So in other words, between two equally skilled persons, what makes the difference is athleticism.
It's my experience in martial arts that allows me to say that I've seen dudes show up for every single solitary free roll & still suck ass, then there are dudes that stroll onto a mat and perform confidently despite taking any extra lessons. Its different for everyone and the biggest faggots in martial arts are always the ones insisting on a certain way.

Anonymous No. 151876

>takes a left hammer fist to the temple
He does get hit with a zero power hammer fist but I assume that’s not what the narrator was talking
> punch 3 hits and glances off his forehead to the chest
It glanced off both his head and chest lol there was no solid connection
> punches 4 and 5 both hit his face
and they lie because it was out of frame
Headcanon, the angle doesn’t look like it would’ve connected to me and you can see Pedro parry lances arm upwards to make him miss. Those were both power punches, If he had made a solid connectionPedro would’ve AT LEAST had a bruise after the fight
> just like they lied about the tap, just like how they were so proud of their sweeps that got reversed every time
I will give you this, I’m no fan of Gracie lies and I don’t think lance understood position well enough to tap when he was in danger but Pedro absolutely could’ve broken his arm if he chose to.
> ooh but he had a bwoody nose so pedro won
That and getting arm barred and mercy stopped. I don’t understand why you’re not accepting the armbar just because lance is too much of a retard to tap and the Gracie’s are compulsive liars.

Anonymous No. 151879

there is no guarantee the break would've happened
armbars don't work as well as the mythology claims they do, with an arm both that short and well muscled he may not have even been able to dislocate it effectively

details aside of what happened and what didn't happen. The fight never reached a conclusion and the claimed victory

Anonymous No. 151880

I’m not agreeing with what he said, he said physicality matters more than “sparring” (ie: experience doing live fighting) which is both retarded and wrong.
> It's my experience in martial arts that allows me to say that I've seen dudes show up for every single solitary free roll & still suck ass, then there are dudes that stroll onto a mat and perform confidently despite taking any extra lessons.
I really doubt OP the backyard homebody martial artist is an exceptionally talented athlete. It’s probably better to assume he is, like most people, normal and would need training and experience to gain a level of competence fighting. You’re talking about exceptional people, not the norm. More than anything I’m just tired of people who don’t actually train shitting up the board.

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Anonymous No. 151881

>armbars don't work as well as the mythology claims
Lmao, you seriously believe this? That lances single arm is stronger than Pedro’s entire body? Ok buddy.

Anonymous No. 151882

Yeah cause you're making it such a great place by feeding that shit. Look, some training is better than no training, simple as. Stop acting like it has to be at a certain level before its useful.

Anonymous No. 151883

it was a belly down armbar, you can only extend the hips as far as the floor will let you
its not just possible, it's actually quite likely due to the thickness of the arm that he couldn't get a break from that position, Just not possible to extend the hips far enough without bottoming out

nobody does belly downs anymore, they don't work reliably exactly for the reason I mentioned. these days people learned you need to rotate them to the side

Anonymous No. 151884

You know what you’ve convinced me. OP should get together with other invalids who don’t know what they’re doing and start training in his backyard. They can be just like these guys.

Anonymous No. 151885

>assuming the training is sound and not like taichi or some shit

Anonymous No. 151887

After what you just bitched about, acting like sparring is the lynch pin to success as a fighter, you disagree that the greatest learning experience would be getting together with folks nearby to fight? Im not gonna watch your faggy jewtube cherrypickings if your argument is good then it would make sense on the most basic level, right? So a bunch of dudes sparring wouldn't naturally, through trial & error, find whats most effective? Just like the martial arts world already has? For the most part anyways. Some training better than no training, you cant refute that.

Anonymous No. 151888

You’re free to speculate that, I would’ve stopped the fight if I was in the same position. Also I found the tap (or at least what Pedro and the ref probably assumed was a tap) you can see lance slap Pedro’s leg as he’s falling down at about 6:00

Anonymous No. 151890

>you disagree that the greatest learning experience would be getting together with folks nearby to fight?
Sparring is used as calibration for the skills you’ve already attained through training. Fighting experience is certainly a good thing to have in your development as a martial artist but you’re going to get nowhere fast without someone more experienced. Ever heard the expression “the man who teaches himself has a fool for a master?”
> So a bunch of dudes sparring wouldn't naturally, through trial & error, find whats most effective
It sure would if you want to reinvent the wheel but that’s a super inefficient way to go about it and you’ll likely end up with dementia before you gain any insights you could have gotten through a year at a boxing club.
> Some training better than no training, you cant refute that.
Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. Bad practice gives you bad habits and can actually make you worse off.

Anonymous No. 151891

see to me that looks like he was just trying to grab on for more purchase
I say let the arm break if it's gonna break. It's his responsibility to protect himself

Anonymous No. 151892

Fair enough. I agree that I don’t think lance was trying to tap, but that Pedro assumed he was

Anonymous No. 151894

Obviously sparring is pretty much essential to being a competitive fighter. But if all you want is to be fitter & have better chances in a self-defense situation, you don't NEED sparring to get benefits from other martial arts activities. Martial arts is an industry, this is shitty justification, but if you wanna make the most money, you must cater to the widest market possible. Including people who don't want to spar.

Anonymous No. 151895

>Obviously sparring is pretty much essential to being a competitive fighter. But if all you want is to be fitter & have better chances in a self-defense situation, you don't NEED sparring to get benefits from other martial arts activities.
Ok? Go to /fit/ then and get on a strength and cardio routine because that’s going to be of a lot more benefit to you then larping as a fighter in your garage.
>Martial arts is an industry, this is shitty justification, but if you wanna make the most money, you must cater to the widest market possible. Including people who don't want to spar.
Wtf is this argument? wtf does this have to do with anything I was talking about?

Anonymous No. 151898

I guess some folk are just more intuitive than others because, no, you don't need a master to learn how to throw a proper punch. Unless you're just plain stupid you will figure out pretty painfully through experience what is right and what is wrong. You know all you're doing is regurgitating a selling point written by conmen who want you to think the only way to know how to do anything right is by listening to them. Lotta martial arts were thought up by poor-fucks with less than a middle schoolers education, really not thag hard to figure out with likeminded fellows. Just like the aforementioned poor-fucks who invented it probabaly by just getting a bunch of dudes together to try shit out. And why are you acting like it would automatically be infantile in nature. Like there arent hours of tutorials from really good fighters available for free.

Anonymous No. 151899

>I guess some folk are just more intuitive than others because, no, you don't need a master to learn how to throw a proper punch
Not only is that wrong because what is natural is not good form, but lmfao let’s pretend it is. Congrats anon you’ve learned to throw “a” punch. You’ve clearly mastered martial arts now because there’s nothing more to fighting than just throwing a punch. Good job!
>You know all you're doing is regurgitating a selling point written by conmen who want you to think the only way to know how to do anything right is by listening to them
Nigger if you wanted to learn how to weld would you find an instructor or would you just buy an acetylene torch and try to figure it out yourself? You’re so fucking stupid I don’t believe that you actually have martial arts experience. You’re clearly just coping.
> Lotta martial arts were thought up by poor-fucks with less than a middle schoolers education, really not thag hard to figure out with likeminded fellows. Just like the aforementioned poor-fucks who invented it probabaly by just getting a bunch of dudes together to try shit out
Name one that was developed in a Single lifetime and is actually good.
>And why are you acting like it would automatically be infantile in nature. Like there arent hours of tutorials from really good fighters available for free.
because your entire attitude is infantile and embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 151905

I'm sorry you're retarded and need someone to hold your hand through so much of what amounts to basic physical education. Lol. You're like a P.E. teacher that thinks their shitty ass degree that barely qualifies them as a fitness trainer means they hold super secret knowledge.

Anonymous No. 151908

You don’t fight. You’re not a fighter. You don’t do martial arts either which means your opinion on martial arts is worthless. It is especially funny, however, that you accused me of not having a real argument because I engaged in insults instead of disputing your argument and therefore I must have no response. Now I’ve engaged your argument and you have no response other than insults. That must be embarrassing, right?

Anonymous No. 151910

>You don’t fight. You’re not a fighter. You don’t do martial arts either which means your opinion on martial arts is worthless.
Says you faggot. You're on 4chan, your opinion dont mean dick either bitch.

Anonymous No. 151911

lol, lmao, you’re so mad and have no response

Anonymous No. 154520


Anonymous No. 156143

Just join Patriot Front if you want free training and people with whom to practice.
However, You must be American (white) and a fascist.

Anonymous No. 156146

Begone, fed

Anonymous No. 156147

Man, untrained retards are hilarious.

Anonymous No. 156149

You can but you'll be inferior to a someone who trained at the gym. You'll be above a 100% untrained guy for sure, but a person who's trained for real will always mog you because they have a trainer. A trainer tells you when you're doing something wrong and tells you how to fix it. If you try to learn via youtube then you'll 100% miss some mistakes and you'll be sloppy. Again, it's better than being untrained but it's not "real" training.
It's like an inferior freeware version. You can go ahead but don't think you can beat a person that really trained at the gym. You cannot.

Anonymous No. 156151

im just gonna start getting into fights with strangers all the time will that improve my fighting skills?

Anonymous No. 156220

Being familiar with violence will certainly make you better at it but that’s not an efficient way to go about it and you’re probably going to end up severely injured or killed if you keep that shit up long enough.

Anonymous No. 156222

All of this is true but something that people tend not to bring up in these discussions is that the kind of guy who can’t be assed to go and train at a proper gym probably doesn’t have the self motivation or discipline to maintain a proper home training regimen either.

Anonymous No. 156224

Think this is a bit of an exaggeration. Especially considering there is no widely accepted accreditation for martial arts trainers & most gyms are run by literal whos. The bulk of the experience, for most of us, is just from sparring. Being able to interact & put things together in real time. Good trainers are very few & very far between. Most of martial arts is nothing but a fucking racket. I just want more places to just spar. We need the "planet fitness" of gyms. I want a place where we can pay a fee, sign a liability waiver, and just have a place to spar however you please without the requirement to suck off some rando instructors ego.

Anonymous No. 156225

Most gyms offer some form of a trial period. It can be a free class, or a free week, or a free month. Go on a grand tour of all the gyms/dojos in your area, you could probably string together at least a few months of training that way.

After you finish your "grand tour", decide which gym you liked the best, then go talk to the owner. Explain your situation and ask if there's any alternative way to pay for a membership. He may be willing to let you work for training; clean mats, answer the phone, help out with kids classes, etc. Go into that conversation with humility, do NOT have any expectations, but you just might be a able to make a deal.

Either that or just go get a damn job.

Anonymous No. 156226

Thats a hyperbolic view. Sure some are. But there are just as many or more who can't be bothered to blow that kind of money on, what is basically, a fitness hobby and "rainy day" preparations.

Anonymous No. 156227

>How to get stabbed and/or shot

Anonymous No. 156228

>blow that kind of money
Have you considered being less poor? Boxing gyms are full of ghetto and white trash povertyfags. If they can afford it so can you.

Anonymous No. 156230

>Have you considered being less poor?
Have you considered being less of a faggot? I am not giving some shit heel PE instructor/Martial larper/landlord faggot, as much as a car payment, just to fucking spar in their dingy nigger filled shithole. You know you to stop being poor? Dont spend dumb amounts of money on fucking hobbies.

Anonymous No. 156232

i dont live in the hood
i think ill have a good chance if i start small and work my way up. like ill start with the indians and the chinese before i try to fight another white guy, then ill move onto to fighting mexicans and then the irish. finally ill have acquired all the skills need to fight a black woman

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Anonymous No. 156241

lol, lmao. Pic related
kek, good luck with that

Anonymous No. 156246

>You know you to stop being poor? Dont spend dumb amounts of money on fucking hobbies.
hahaha you sound jealous as fuck broke boy