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Anonymous No. 152016

How useful are judo and bjj gi techniques in self defence?

Anonymous No. 152017

Useful back in 2014 when men wore peacoats. Can't use them now that everyone wears puffer jackets.

Anonymous No. 152019

I cross collar choked a guy in a polo shirt once.

Anonymous No. 152023

your bjj instructor that says you need to train in the gi is just doing that to protect his own financial interests because he himself is no good without it and needs the crutch in order to win

even back when I was a blue belt I went against the guy that won pans in the brown belt division and in a gi he fucked me up but then we rolled again 2 weeks later without the gi and I completely dicked him around, it was like a completely different guy with no skills at all

Anonymous No. 152026

Depends on how often you're fighting someone in a hoodie. Unless they're Kmart tier awful, a grip at the hood seam on the neck will net you at least one throw position.

Anonymous No. 152053

I'm sure this totally happened. You should enter the adcc, you sound like a natural pro.

Anonymous No. 152056

I'm not sure what makes you think beating a brown belt gi player one time in nogi makes me qualified for ADCC, but if you really think so maybe I'll give the trials a go

Anonymous No. 152075

If your grip is strong enough it doesn't really matter what they're wearing or not. I've seen no gi in action and even on fit dudes with little to no flab you'd be surprised how much flesh you can really grab onto and just pull. Obviously you don't see this shit in sparring but a motherfucker can grab you by your damn clavicle, love handles, even just reach up to choke your ass but instead grab a fold of neck skin & it all hurts, a lot. o_o

Anonymous No. 152082

Did you beat him or roll with him? Keep it straight gymlord who clearly doesnt compete

Anonymous No. 152092

what do you think dicked him around means?

Anonymous No. 152115

Im convinced there are a few fags that just camp the martial arts thread saying shit like "you dont train/fight/compete"

Anonymous No. 152127

IMHO, if you're interested in training for self defense, you should spend roughly equal time training in gi and nogi.

True, people don't wear gis in the streets, but they don't wear skintight spandex rashguards either. Is a t-shirt more like a gi or a rashguard? What about jacket? A hoodie? I think you should know how to make grips on clothing and how to use them, and more importantly you should know what to do about the other guy's grips on your clothing.

Anonymous No. 152129

You don’t fight

Anonymous No. 152130

This. Always do both. The broader the experience the better your chances. I hate how in a lot of discussions on this board there is a sort of feigned incompetence. Dismissing things because the prospect of improvising is so foreign a concept, such as gripping different types of clothes. Or just like how in nogi you have to improvise until you find the new set of holds you can rely on.

Anonymous No. 152132

This is a good point and people ignore it when I’ve brought I up elsewhere. I live in a city that’s big on hockey and most people like to try and fight like they’re hockey players

Anonymous No. 152134

So lots of wild haymakers while clinching the collar?

Anonymous No. 152144

I'm convinced 90% of the board doesnt train at all, much less fight or compete. Those that do smell out those that don't a mile away.

Shit, 75% of posts are about self training or creating your own style.

Anonymous No. 152147

You see the problem is that I started training at a gym that you've heard of when I was 14 years old and have made a career out of it, I was a coach at 2 big names gyms that you've heard of, and the director of the martial arts program at a large gym that you've heard of
I was employed by the US national team going into the 2020 Olympics

People around here call me a white belt and say I don't train all the time
Because I've been around long enough to sniff at the bullshit and I just don't tow the line the way that Joe rogan and Jocko do
One of them gargles the nuts of an actual crime family, the other one owns a jiujitsu lifestyle brand . No bias there I'm sure
Both non-fighters btw but somehow they have valid opinions lmao

Anonymous No. 152150

Out of curiosity, what do you disagree with Joe and Jocko about?

Anonymous No. 152153

>Both non-fighters btw but somehow they have valid opinions lmao
For whatever its worth i think jocko and joe are full of shit

Anonymous No. 152156

Sure thing bud

I trained every navy seal and also won the olympics 4 times in judo boxing and both styles of wrestling. I'm really cool too

Anonymous No. 152159

I don't believe you. Judo boxing isn't in the Olympics.

Anonymous No. 152167


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Anonymous No. 152169

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Anonymous No. 152171

It's how hard they dickride bjj like it's not just special but its actually the only thing you need, it's the one above all, everything else is secondary
Good thing helio gracie invented leverage and bestowed this great gift on to the world

They're just ignorant, they drank the koolaid in 93 and never looked back

Anonymous No. 152175

Not even special. Shit only exists in an echo chamber. BJJ is the leftism of martial arts. It only exists through censorship.

Anonymous No. 152177

Censorship of what? This one was a real stretch bro.

Anonymous No. 152180

I kinda get what hes saying though
Like its fine as long as you agree to do it on their terms, but if you deviate they say hey you're not allowed to do that

Consider this, when somebody is sitting on the ground in a BJJ match they will penalize the person that is standing up for not getting down on the ground with them, compared to any other martial art or where they will make the person that is sitting on the ground stand up to engage with the person that's standing

They have it backwards compared to everybody else

Anonymous No. 152211

What is this false dichotomy

I train BJJ, Wrestling, Kickboxing, and MMA. There's no one size fits all answer. Why pick on an art for something so easily remedied? What fucking year is it? Does no one remember MMA exists?

Anonymous No. 152218

Its not a false dilemma
Its a simple mechanical issue
Submission grappling is A-ok
>1v1+?(uncertain factors such as hazardous surroundings &/ possibility of newcomers)
Dodgy, could go south
>1v2 or more+?
Utterly retarded to use submission grappling. I m not saying youre gonna save yourself by avoiding it, but it would be smarter to stat on your feet so you can run it the sooner chance.
>tldr; there is 1 specific situation where submission grappling makes sense

Anonymous No. 152219

Yea. So do a 3:1 training percentage of non-bjj (kickboxing, wrestling) to jits. Why is everyone so extremist here? Why does everyone act like you can only do one thing?

Anonymous No. 152232

Most of us aren't. But then a BJJ fag shows up dripping with rogan & willink splooge, ranting about how its the greatest fucking thing ever, we all need to be humbled, and it defeats everything. But if you suggest there is even 1 area where it falls behind, they lose their shit. Just look at this board, BJJ are this boards trannies.

Anonymous No. 152237

I don't think this post is actually about the annoying BJJ posters.

Anonymous No. 152520

This guy gets it.

Anonymous No. 152720

# of People who say Gi is unrealistic is huge
Barely see anyone say No Gi is unrealistic because of the slip and slide. Try grabbing someone in a spandex speedo after 4 rounds covered in sweat, yeah no

Anonymous No. 152726

this is part of the reason leglocks are such a powerful tool, the entanglements mechanically lock you into place

Anonymous No. 152867
