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Anonymous No. 152582


Anonymous No. 152583


Anonymous No. 152585

> Billionaires do same shit as any other bored dad in a middle age crisis but expect an international arena
And we'll give it to them. Watch.

Anonymous No. 152595

And I for one would love to watch

Anonymous No. 152599

Can't wait for this celebrity fighting fad to fuck off.
The difference is that Elon and Zuck have different varieties of 'tism. Elon thinks it's a funny joke and will show up utterly unprepared, Zuck will train like he's the Last Samurai and this amateur fight is just so terribly, terribly serious. Elon will get BTFO and probably get butthurt, like "damn bro fucken relax you sperg", and Zuck will feel elated but be confused and hurt that other people aren't happy for him and don't like that he won.

Oh and faggots on twitter will treat the defeat of Elon like some glorious symbolic battle against evil incarnate, and say shit like "yay Voldemort got tapped out!"

Anyway, I'd love for Elon to engage in a little recreational training, it would be good for him. And good on the Zuck for upgrading his human-emulator software to include vigorous and challenging physical activities. But this clownshow is utterly retarded.

Anonymous No. 152600

Kek, a fine observation, anon.

Anonymous No. 152601

Zuck won gold and silver at a no-gi championship in SF in white belts.

Realistically, the walrus isn't likely to work on him, and if he's competitive he's had plenty of practice dealing with big guys trying to sit on him and do nothing, so the match is likely to be a blowout. >>152599 has a pretty good read on the public's reaction

>Can't wait for this celebrity fighting fad to fuck off.
I'mma be real, fuck you, if we're gonna have modern robber-barons, the least they can do is fight for our amusement, real world billionaire MMA is kino.

>Captcha: PA0WR

Anonymous No. 152603

his coach told him to open guard by sticking an arm through
they're teaching him wrong on purpose as a joke

Anonymous No. 152605

>if we're gonna have modern robber-barons, the least they can do is fight for our amusement
Hey, fair point, anon. Somebody please invite Larry Fink to a cage fight and kill him.

Anonymous No. 152614

The fact that you can look at Zucc being complete shit at bjj and still take him seriously proves you bjj nerds dont know shit about physical activity. I bet you think Jonah Hill is legit as well.

Anonymous No. 152617

Training's training. Go watch old UFC footage, when it's BJJ against people who don't know any BJJ, no-BJJers get slaughtered. I'd bet on Zucc because Musk's coming in with the boomer
>I can just sit on him
mentality when Zuck's going full 24/7 gymcel till the fight, guaranteed.

As in that thing you do where you get the butt wedge with your knee, shove a hand into their knee's crack, then walk your hand out along the floor till their guard pops? If you don't lose the grip fight and get triangled, that shit works great.

Anonymous No. 152623

Are you autistic or something? stfu and let it happen

Anonymous No. 152628

>fat, possibly strongfat
>51 years old
>fought blacks as a kid in South Africa enough to break his nose
>some judo
>some BJJ
>some TKD
>some kyokushin
>some sumo
>used to enjoy lifting
>not a fan of cardio
>lightweight division
>39 years old
>high school fencing team captain
>BJJ and MMA since last year, reportedly a very good student
>runner and crossfitter of several years, well conditioned

It probably comes down to how seriously they take it and how much time Elon has to get his act together. Zuck may have the fancy footwork and cardio to avoid Musk's weight and reach for long enough to gas out the giant but the longer Musk has to train seriously the more that gap is likely to close.

Anonymous No. 152713

I root for Elon

Anonymous No. 152718

I bet if Elon put all his autistic brain power into BJJ and hired good coaches, he'd have a shot. I don't think Zuck is very good or tough. There's an age and athleticism difference and that's it. Musk needs to start now to catch up to him.

Anonymous No. 152728

bjj only works against a bigger person if you're actually good at it
the difference between the 2 is far too vast for his novice skills to do anything

Anonymous No. 152735

I dunno, how long has Zuck been training? I'm right at about 20 months myself and I can kinda-sorta deal with bigger guys now, if they're a lot less experienced than I am.

Anonymous No. 152737

he only won because the other guy was even worse
he ran into a guillotine which the other guy had him dead to rights in but didn't know how to finish it, and couldn't pass guard, the guy just tried some shitty armbar and let him go
basically it was all dumb luck
what we have here is an example of a guy snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Anonymous No. 152771

>he only won because the other guy was even worse
Anon I don’t know how to tell you this, but that’s how every match in every sport works.

Anonymous No. 152775

Nah dawg,
The way its supposed to work is both people are doing the right thing and one guy is just more on point and gets it done
It's different from what happened here where they were both making repeated critical blunders and one blundered the other to victory by blundering harder

That match was basically a race to the bottom

Anonymous No. 152777

>It's different from what happened here where they were both making repeated critical blunders and one blundered the other to victory by blundering harder
Anon it was a white belt tournament. That’s how white belt tournaments go.

Anonymous No. 152781

but that brings us back to the original point
zucks bjj isn't good enough to account for the massive size difference musk has

Anonymous No. 152785

It’s not like Elon is fucking huge and strong though. He’s a flabby nerd. The odds of him making a critical blunder that the slightly more experienced and in way better shape zucc could take advantage of are fairly high.

Anonymous No. 152787

However musk I believe is further along the spectrum than zuck and so his calculations will be more precise

Anonymous No. 152790

My experience in training actual honest to God autists is such that they are almost always going to be worse because they refuse to follow simple instructions.

Anonymous No. 152816

you train with fat mouth breathing autists, these are nose breathing tech billionaire autists

Anonymous No. 152846

The Zuckman will destroy him. He will humble Musk.

Anonymous No. 153007

>It’s not like Elon is fucking huge and strong though
6'2" strongfat versus 5'7" cardio bunny
>slightly more experienced
Musk did judo and BJJ in years past, plus has been in actual fights. Zuck is more in-practice but may or may not be more experienced with his one year of MMA and BJJ.

Anonymous No. 153117

musk is fat and much older, he would have to be a blue or purple to even contend against zuck and his twink endurance plus zuck will use his chink wife to get dried asian tiger penis extract and boost his test with

Anonymous No. 153121

Did you see him rolling with lex Friedman today? He's really not good
This isn't some kind of insurmountable skill gap

Anonymous No. 153136

Zuck is in way better condition on top of the skill gap though. The only thing Musk has is size (mostly fat).

Anonymous No. 153140

Elon gasses

Anonymous No. 153149

Skill gap is small, no I didn't see the roll vid lmao that sounds hilarious
musk would catch up to him if he had 6 months of 4x a week serious training

Anonymous No. 153161

at one point he did a snatch single with his head to the outside

Anonymous No. 153164


Anonymous No. 153179

Yeah I found it and watched some of it. They're flow rolling, this isn't worth watching. Lex is letting him feel out shit and move. This wasn't anything near a real roll.

Anonymous No. 153184

you can tell someones skill level even better through a flow because its only technique on display and nothing else, hes doing fundamentally wrong things
I'm not shitting on him, that's what beginners do, but hes a far way off of even being a blue belt

probably could beat CM punk tho

Anonymous No. 153203

beat CM punk in a mma fight or a bjj match?
idk how cm punk is doing these days, probably not too great

>you can tell someones skill level even better through a flow


Anonymous No. 153207

>musk would catch up to him if he had 6 months of 4x a week serious training
Keep in mind Mark would also be doing 6 months of serious training if this circus show actually happened, so he'd probably be ahead of where he is now.

Anonymous No. 153209

lol maybe both, but I was talking about bjj
never forget that after 4 years of professional MMA coaching he came in last place in the 40+ blue belt division of a local tournament in Chicago, he lost both of his matches

shit I can't believe that guy ever thought he was ready to fight in the UFC, he can't even beat middle aged beginner level hobbyists

Anonymous No. 153210

idk I'm masters 2 and got an ex pro NFL player at a local tournament so he might have had some tough opponents.

Anonymous No. 153212

>ex pro NFL player
Just go for the knees

Anonymous. No. 153213

I don't know, I like this slow trend of going back to good old fisticuffs to establish real world dominance over one another.
Gives me some MGR/Kengan/Baki vibes.

Anonymous No. 153217

lol I didn't know anything about him beforehand.

Anonymous No. 153788

Anonymous No. 154153

the fight will take place in the Colosseum in Rome.