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Anonymous No. 152857

Taekwondo hate thread

Anonymous No. 154400

One up for tkdbrah

Anonymous No. 155835


Anonymous No. 155855

taekwondo is based sorry, come back when a nak muay can do this:

Anonymous No. 155856

I haven’t heard that name in years

Anonymous No. 155857

Do what? Dance around like a sodomite?

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Anonymous No. 155867

yes, exactly

Anonymous No. 155868

Koreans are so embarrassing but their BBQ is so good

Anonymous No. 155875

Man I'm disappointed I expected that Chinese Huo Yan Jia song that was popular in the mid 2000s. Got gay kpop instead.
I don't see reason to hate on point sparring type martial arts. They're safe, less risk of injuring yourself if you're an adult that needs to work. TKD sparring seems smart and elegant in this chess type way.

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Anonymous No. 155878

Taekwondo is highly underrated
Muay Thai is highly overrated
Wrestling is the GOAT, as usual

Anonymous No. 155881

>karate at 0 during the gsp, machida, and Liddell eras
Wow such accurate stats

Anonymous No. 155882

Primary fighting style

Anonymous No. 155883

yes exactly, gsp wasn't even a black belt in bjj yet when he won his first title, he's been doing karate since age 12

Anonymous No. 155885

>Wrestling is the GOAT, as usual
Who outside of USA knows wrestling?

Anonymous No. 155887

The chart is retarded and missing so many people I don’t know why it’s still circulated by anyone except coping high school wrestlers who want to believe they’re just like muh ufc fighters.

Anonymous No. 155889

After this I would say the mere fact taekwondo exists automatically makes it overrated


Anonymous No. 155890

As much as I agree that the various wrestling styles make for a great base, the idea that all wrestling is one style is kind of silly. Even if you qualify every single folk style as "folkstyle", that still makes folk, free, and greco.

Anonymous No. 155891

>real fight no demonstration
L mayo

Anonymous No. 155892

This was embarrassing to watch

Anonymous No. 155893

Do Koreans have any sexual dimorphism?

Anonymous No. 155894

His arms are so paralyzed he even taps with legs

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Anonymous No. 155895

very little

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Anonymous No. 155899

>fujos want to fuck prettyboys
>therefore all koreans are prettyboys
and all bongistanis look like Henry Cavill and not thumbs

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Anonymous No. 155919

put some respect on Le Sserafim

Anonymous No. 158141
Every. Single. Time.

Anonymous No. 158155

TKD guy surprisingly had some good moves there.

Anonymous No. 158439

This has such a shitty take on everything. Total dweeb

Anonymous No. 158469

Kek they do be like that

Anonymous No. 158471

you post a post-op gook ghoul and expect us to coom? kek, kill yourself, I mean it.

Anonymous No. 158580

One ordinary boxer could walk in and KO every little girlman in that room.

Anonymous No. 158581

Kicking is so useless in these fights. No wonder boxing took off.

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Anonymous No. 158594

she's Japanese anon and she's objectively very pretty

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Anonymous No. 158624


Anonymous No. 158877


Anonymous No. 159586

what events happened that made TKD such a shit sport / martial art? back in the 90's tkd schools were literally on every corner, tournaments in highschool gyms and paid belt promotions made the schools flooded with family and friends to watch the test.

its completely dried up. wtf happened?

Anonymous No. 159589

>what events happened that made TKD such a shit sport / martial art?
It got popular. It's not as shit as public perception would have you believe, but it's got the most mcdojos out of the most popular martial arts, so it looks really bad. People will say the rule changes fucked TKD over (they did), but it was already heading in this direction before those.

>wtf happened
Yes, but it's called wt now

Anonymous No. 159686

Taekwondo is bullshido because
>the dojo I used to train in was more like children's cardio than a combat sport and I guess many other dojos are similar
>it focuses on high kicks which are one of the least useful aspects of fighting. Of course they aren't completely useless but I'd rather fight in MMA without knowing how to kick my opponents above legs than without knowing how to box, wrestle or grapple
>very little defence besides jumping back and forth and karate style blocks which don't block anything
>questionable stability (see: )
>rules of olympic taekwondo are shitty and therefore olympic taekwondo is also shitty. These guys are olympic medalists and I don't think they would beat random niggas in streetbeefs
>taekwondo guys lose to any other martial artists

Anonymous No. 159693

once you're able to appreciate asians you'll never go back to anything else

Anonymous No. 159703

1. The electric equipment was supposed to be fairer but, the old method of needing to hit hard enough to see the other person get moved or to hear the thud was clearly better training for irl and combat sports.
2. Removing the ability to leg check, knee and push someone with open palms meant that sparring suddenly had a very set range and that taekwons weren't getting close quarters practice.
3. One-step-Sparring (goes by other names) was where Taekwons were taught some fundamental grappling techniques but it was gradually forgotten in most places as it was removed from the grading curriculum. The sport became more important.

People keep saying that the power era was better, the power era is a myth. People can still hit as hard now as people did then the difference is that TKD was a relatively versatile martial art that turned into a sport.

Anonymous No. 159733

>what happened
It got exposed as being shit, obviously

Anonymous No. 159743

This is news to me - I didnt know that at some point in time TKD had grappling AND more versatility with punches, knees and leg checks were apart of the training. The sport might have watered down when all focus was Olympics and tournaments that lead to state titles - with less focus on actual fighting

How can TKD redeem its reputation ?

Anonymous No. 159745

Once giving 8 years Olds black belts becomes the norm there's nothing else you can do

Anonymous No. 159746

Almost too late at this point, but basically you need to start with major rule changes from the top down. Then you need to have some TKD guys do really well in MMA (which will be really hard, given the nature of TKD as a hyper specialized art), or otherwise become known as serious contenders.
Now, I have heard that Kukkiwon is allegedly developing their own ruleset which is supposed to be better than WT, but it was announced in 2021 and I don't see that coming any time soon.

You can still get away from the mcdojo daycare reputation IMO. Karate as a whole doesn't have a good reputation, but Kyokushin has a good reputation.

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Anonymous No. 159751

True story, when I was in high school a girl I was dating was friends with a fat bitch who was probably 1 iq point short of mentally retarded and would brag about how not only she was a black belt in Taekwondo but that she’s been a black belt since she was 8 years old as if that’s impressive and not something to be embarrassed of. You’re telling me that you’ve attained some level mastery in hand to hand combat before you could read at a fifth grade level? LOL.

To really get the full picture she looked a lot like the girl on the right in pic related.

Anonymous No. 159767

I'm the person you replied to.

My opinion is that just allowing leg checks and pushing with open palms would be enough to change the sport to a reasonable state.

Much of the reason that the sideways foot fencing is so prevalent in the Olympics is because people use "flop kicks" as a underhanded way to leg check without technically leg checking.

Being able to shove people away would also stop people jamming kicks and pressing chests together, people do this a lot because it allows them to throw a kick then get the referee to reset the match for them. This used to not be such an issue because in the past you could just knee the opponent and aslong as part of your shin connected with the pad it was a point. When they banned kneeing, "monkey kicks" became a thing, then those got banned too. TKD needs a way for fighters to legally be able to reset their range when the opponent is gaming the system.

Anonymous No. 159799

>Kyokushin has a good reputation.
Does it though?
It's even less practical than point karate, at least they know something about distance management and evasion
Kyokushin is just a pain contest, there's barely any technique to it

Anonymous No. 159819

>but it's got the most mcdojos out of the most popular martial arts
Really? More than Karate and Kung Fu?

Anonymous No. 159834

If we're talking about number of mcdojos, taekwondo and karate win because of their popularity. If we're talking about percentage of mcdojos, aikido wins because aikido is taught in mcdojos by definition.

Anonymous No. 159842

I'm going to say yes because the majority of shitty karate is things like american kempo which is taught by...americans, it's mostly a LARP gone too far
same with kung fu in the west
TKD is shitty straight from the source
masta kim taekwondo, you want black belt? 2 yea contrac

Anonymous No. 159850

most of the world

Anonymous No. 159903

>TKD is shitty straight from the source
not really

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Anonymous No. 159927

Things that don't work

Anonymous No. 159956

Is this loss?

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Anonymous No. 159964

>anon doesn’t know
That actually does work

Anonymous No. 159967

You’re missing the self powering prop

Anonymous No. 159977

How is this even possible? Wouldn't normal airboat make more sense?

Anonymous No. 160014

Isn't this just a weird way of showing what sports are popular with kids who want to fight?
Most parents just don't want their 6 year old doing kickboxing/boxing/muay thai

Anonymous No. 160138

Essentially the sail reflects some of the air backwards. Yes, a normal airboat would be much better

Anonymous No. 160358

My coworker is a brown belt in taekwondo, he has crosstyrained so clearly he acknowledges that there are issues with tkd, but he still think tkd forms are valuable because they help you practice the techniques. He talked about them similar to how you would talk about combos for boxing. I just wish they didnt have such silly techniques. In what scenario would you ever use a "down block"

Anonymous No. 160522

There are no brown belts in TKD. He's either lying or at a mcdojo.

Anonymous No. 160538

Maybe. I might have not heard him correctly

Anonymous No. 160539

I should mention he was like 16 at teh time so it might be that that dojo had a seperate system for youths

Anonymous No. 160545

Linux is everywhere dumb retard.

Anonymous No. 160737

Just asked him about it. He said he was part of the world taekwondo association, and they had Brown belts. I also just did a little bit of Google searching and it seems like most larger organizations have brown belts. Fuck you idiot

Anonymous No. 160751

DUDE! You need to learn how to search and find reliable sources for your information.

World Taekwondo is the Olympic governing body and oversee over the grading and management of all WT federations around the world.

If you want an answer the go straight to the source, don't just pick random McDojo pages.

Is WT's official Olympic page, notice how it says belts are White, Yellow, Blue, Green (Green isn't universal, most federations don't use it), Red and Black. There is no brown belts in the system.

The IQ on this website I swear.

Anonymous No. 160760

In my dojo it was
Symbolized an empty page
Symbolized a seed
Symbolized a plant that grows from that seed
Symbolized the sky that the plant reaches
Symobolized danger
>9 dans of black belt
Symbolized magic2 because 3 is a "magic number" and 9 is 32

Anonymous No. 160799

For me it was supposedly because you’d just have the one white belt, and as you trained over the years it would get progressively dirtier until it turned black

Anonymous No. 160804

That's the newer approach.

That's closer to the old Korean system.

The original system was supposed to match the colors of the Korean flag and also match the virtues they represent. Yellow being an addition and representing a dirtying of purity/innocence (white) by martial training, with black representing knowledge in opposition to white.

Anonymous No. 160807

Yeah the Olympics don't use brown belts but a lot of big orgs do. To claim it's not a part of tkd and a sign of McDojo is so so dumb

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Anonymous No. 161218

>gets beaten by fucking aikido
Imagine being more useless than capoeira

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Anonymous No. 161855


Anonymous No. 161869

I think tae kwon do is pretty cool guy. Eh kicks very high and doesn’t afraid of anything.

Anonymous No. 161932

Colour belts aren't allowed to compete in the Olympics and the kukkiwon doesn't even keep track of anything below Dan rank leaving it entirely upto the individual schools.

Anonymous No. 161986

Where's judo?

Anonymous No. 162242

This has to be b8 rolflmao

Anonymous No. 162245

>>questionable stability (see: )
Awesome channel dude. Didn't think I'd enjoy street underground anything on Youtube, but this is great

Anonymous No. 162600

uh, what's the source, buddy? asking for a friend

Anonymous No. 162615

kill yourself nigger

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162626

Anonymous No. 162769

>These guys are olympic medalists and I don't think they would beat random niggas in streetbeefs
not true at all, they would win if only from raw athleticism

Anonymous No. 163630

>>155878 Russians I guess cause I cant find shit here near my house in the 3rd world

Anonymous No. 163639

im only attracted to big buff muscly men who can beat me in a fight, and not in a sexual way

Anonymous No. 163641

seriously. Even worse, since they never do any sparring they always keep their legs up for the high kicks. What the fuck is the practical value of kicking someone in the shoulder? It'd be extremely easy to just grab their foot and walk forwards to knock them over then go to a kneebar