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Anonymous No. 152924

what do y'all think of aikido

Anonymous No. 152925

They're lucky tai chi exists because otherwise they would practise the world's worst martial art

Anonymous No. 152926

Steven Seagal

Anonymous No. 152927

A fearsome martial art, it is.

Anonymous No. 152928

At least Tai Chi finally found its calling as aerobics for geriatrics. Aikidoka actually think they can beat ass and be a zen master of self at the same time. There isn't a more delusional group in the martial arts world.

Anonymous No. 152931

Anonymous No. 153008

Yoshinkan and Iwama are solid. I don't have idea about Tomiki and smaller lines. Aikikai is watered down shit bc second doshu literally wanted a spiritual watered down shit.

Anonymous No. 153010

>have this friend
>he's an old man
>he's been doing traditional martial arts since the 70s
>he exhibits pretty much every traditional martial arts stereotype you can think of
>tells people to aim behind a target as if they've never heard of such a thing before and he's imparting some cosmic martial wisdom
>is the arbiter on what constitutes/passes for real martial arts and what isn't
>tells people he's military trained
>even after failing miserably at trying a pressure point on me while I wasn't resisting in any way at all, he still thinks they're real
>basically thinks he's a deadly weapon and everyone else/all other styles don't measure up
That guy recommended I do aikido. I already didn't like it, but after hearing that from him, I'd never go near it. Especially since I've seen enough aikido practitioners that aren't too different from him.

Anonymous No. 153037

Star wars is kinda boring, it is

Anonymous No. 153042

I don’t get the point nor why so many people practice it

Anonymous No. 153069

Pressure points are sorta real in the sense that low kicks are most effective in a certain spot on your thighs, and punches to your solar plexus and liver hurt like hell, a point in your biceps as well.
It only increases the amount of pain you can inflict though, you can't be mistaken into thinking it can be the main source like that guy

Anonymous No. 153077

Pressure points are real in that you can if you’re not retarded stick a finger or elbow into someone in an uncomfortable place in order to make them move while grappling. The most simple way of passing guard I teach the judo noobs is by taking your elbow and pressing into the opponents upper thigh. It fucking hurts and most people moves additionally, though with less success, i will put a knuckle into peoples mandible to make them life their chin to get a choke. People are less likely to give into that kind of pressure and if they don’t I’ll go for a cross face which is also arguable a pressure point technique.

Anonymous No. 153079

There's also the general variance in nerve placement, tendon insertion, fat deposits, etc. And crossface is absolutely a pressure point. The jaw and nose are the most obvious examples that will be applicable on almost everyone, appliable from a safe position, and not require too perfect of a setup to make use of. Half of the mythology behind them is from being done against people who weren't really in great health at the time, let alone by modern standards. Or particularly literate. Let alone well versed in any kind of hand to hand combat before hand.

Anonymous No. 153081

its great!

Anonymous No. 153088

Aikido has nothing to do with pressure points though.

Anonymous No. 153090


Anonymous No. 153130

I have defeated countless opponents using Aikido, and they always ask me, Why are you so strong?
I answer, I'm not strong, you are.
Aikido uses the strength of the attacker back at them but 10 times stronger(estimate). Using Aikido you can probably kill a charging Rhino using it's force right back at it, of course, you shouldn't try it, way to dangerous for any sane person.
I recommend practicing Aikido for every anon, as you are all physically weak, and Aikido is specialized for the weak to defend against the strong.

Arguably the most powerful martial arts in Japan. An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one. Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.
A fearsome martial arts it is.

Anonymous No. 153139

Point taken, and yeah, but we aren't talking about that with this guy.
He stood behind me, put his hands on my head, then put his thumbs under my ears somewhere and pressed down. It was uncomfortable, but he was somehow surprised that I didn't collapse from it.
But he also came up in that generation of martial artists that believed all the crazy, unsubstantiated shit they were told. The same guy thinks he can kill people with just his thumb, and there's something like 20 deadly points of attack on a person's head alone. Honestly it's kind of comical the shit that he says. Especially when he always acts like it's other people who aren't in touch with reality. I guess it's the result or decades of lies and some noticeable brain damage he suffered a few years ago.

Anonymous. No. 153211

Same here. One of my final fallbacks if someone's got me in mount, is to Akoya their ribs with a finger or knuckle to force them to move.
Also overstudied TMA fag here.
Pressure points are very much real, but you'll have more luck nailing a good punch into one than trying to jab your finger in it and walk them around. When muscles tense and people go into fight mode, you probably won't have the strength to 'access' them, past muscle force diversion and ignoring pain. However, a real nice precise one-knuckle straight right to certain parts of the body that aren't the head or gut can do some strange and oft-unexpected things. Hitting unusual parts of the body is a fun exercise.

Anonymous No. 153240

Fair enough, but he acts like they're some magic spell for incapacitating/killing people. He also never seems to acknowledge that they'd be much harder to do in an actual fight. It's a whole other thing.

Anonymous No. 153271

>>tells people he’s military trained
Was he in the military? Unironically what did he mean by this?

Anonymous No. 153299

most useless shit ever that cant do shit and will always fall flat on its face when pressure tested i will fight any and all akido practitioners that have no other martial arts experience and 100% of the time win as a bjj whitebelt

Anonymous No. 153301

It means he was trained in the most inefficient way by unnecessary inflicting permanent damage to his health and body in order to reach the lowest possible definition of "trained".

Anonymous No. 153356

>Was he in the military?
>Unironically what did he mean by this?
That he thinks the style/s that he's been trained in are also taught to special forces. Specifically, what he considers to be the highly lethal "I can kill you with my thumb" type of shit that some of these old TMA guys like to bang on about.

Anonymous No. 153588

I was hoping someone would pull this up, but let’s not forget, this guy isn’t representative of Aikido. He’s one of the rare ones that doesn’t deny pressure testing or evolution of the art, which if you apply to any art, does make it a lot better. I would like to see one of his guys go into an amateur mma bout. Maybe with a regular aikido guy for funsies.

Anonymous No. 153589

This, but I practice Tai Chi and it’s the deadliest in China which is bigger so I win.

Anonymous No. 153590

>pass guard by digging your elbows into their thighs

Yeah, that only works a couple of times before people realize they can just endure the pain and sweep you while you dick around with your elbows.

Of course, no one who’s unpracticed is gonna pull guard.

Source: bjjfag

Anonymous No. 153610

>Mugger appears from shadows demanding money or else.
>Activate my Aikido defense
>Attacker resists, it's super effective!
>Get mugged
Tai Chi, as ancient as it is, was never sold as a catch-all martial solution, it isn't even sold as a standalone defense system. Not now nor in antiquity. It has always sold as a soft internal style & been basically this >>152928 like a martial arts themed yoga. It doesn't really deserve to be lumped in with Aikido. One is straight up fraud & the other is a spiritual training exercise people get carried away with sometimes. Like keanu reeves, bless his heart. Man Of Tai Chi was bomb though, premise was dumb as fuck but good fights.

Anonymous No. 153613


I believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning Kendo?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Kendo?

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

Anonymous No. 153639

Isn't the whole point of aikido to promote Ueshiba's spiritual philosophy or whatever? Ueshiba already knew a bunch of martial arts, he didn't need to invent a "new" way of fighting. But he wanted to promulgate his religion and used aikido to teach principles of energy and harmony.

So what's the deal with Lenny Sly and Remy and other snarling tough guys trying to "make aikido practical"? Why are they trying so hard to change aikido, instead of just practicing something else?

If you want to study Ueshiba's enlightened philosophy, study aikido. If you want to learn to fight, do something else.

Somebody please explain this to me.

Anonymous No. 153641

It had more to do with trying to break away from his teacher. Takeda was neurotic and rude. Ueshiba was teaching a lot of very highly ranked people, and both he and his upper class students desired a way to break from Takeda without the social stigma that went with breaking from your teacher in Japanese society.
Its true that many of his students followed the same religion as him (He was a leader in his religion's paramilitary organization for a time) Many other were not, for instance he taught employees of the Aasahi Shibun newspaper for a time, as well as students of the Nakano Spy school.
Most of Ueshiba's students who went on to have a following in their own right didn't follow his Omoto kyo beliefs, and post war many of his students had little idea what he was saying since he couched pretty much everything in religious terminology.

Anonymous No. 153642

Thank you, historian-san.
Do you have any insight into the modern "tough guy" aikido practitioners? Why are they so motivated to break from the founder's philosophy while also clinging so tightly to his art?

Why not just say, "aikido ain't for fighting, learn something else"? Or they could just as easily say, "fighting is a stupid, childish waste of time, embrace harmony".

Anonymous No. 153643

Traditional martial art but still a martial art

Anonymous No. 153648

Ueshiba was no pacifist, he was a far right nationalist and remained so his entire life. the peace and not hurting enemies stuff is a complete twisting of his words by later generations not too keen on the whole "All nations should gather around Japan and its emperor" thing. Essentially, that's what Ueshiba meant by world peace.
Its pretty clear both from modern historical research and comparisons with Takeda's Daito ryu, that the transmission of aikido, both technically and philosophically, is a bit of a mess, particularly in the west where there is a language barrier, not that I think Japanese aikido is martially superior in any way.
That's where your so called tough guys come it. Having only limited historical context for the techniques, many people will simply invent a context that makes sense to them, regardless of what a deep dive into history would suggest. There reasons are their own, perhaps time investment, perhaps they found some part of aikido worked for them in an unexpected context so they assumed that must have been the original context, now lost. Both Takeda and Ueshiba were successful in their time. Even a few of Ueshiba's students were known for picking fights, but most of that is nearly a century behind us.People want to rediscover that original fire.

Anonymous No. 153661

Fascinating! Thank you again, historian-san.

>"All nations should gather around Japan and its emperor"
>that's what Ueshiba meant by world peace
Haha wow, amazing how the long-haired hippies in the West re-interpreted that message. Quite aikido-like in their artful redirection, honestly.

Anonymous No. 153665

he would get dismantled in an actual fight
he doesn't use joint locks because "lol bro just pull your arm away" because it's just that east
he has no idea what he's talking about

Anonymous No. 153668

>dick around with your elbows
There’s no time to dick around in judo newaza
>I’d just sweep you bro

Anonymous No. 153677

REally I wouldn't put all the blame on westerners. Lost of Japanese worked to repackage aikido after the founder was no longer actively teaching. They also tried to minimize his relationship with Takeda, suggesting most of aikido was something he came up with himself or that he totally changed it after his enlightenment. Neither of these are true. His technique changed subtly over the years but the stuff he was teaching before and after his so called enlightenment experience was essentially the same and that experience happened while he was still deeply involved with the Imperial Japanese military. In fact he issued licenses in daito ryu even after the war.

Anonymous No. 153684

>Lost of Japanese worked to repackage aikido after the founder was no longer actively teaching.
His son.
>They also tried to minimize his relationship with Takeda, suggesting most of aikido was something he came up with himself or that he totally changed it after his enlightenment
His son, again. Kisshomaru.
Kisshomaru always defended the idea that his father learned "multitude" of schools and for example liked to stress the importance of for example Shinkage ryu instead of accepting that his father simply practiced Daito ryu and based everything on the art of Sokaku Takeda. He never gave importance to the influence of Daito Ryu in aikido and even insinuated that Daito Ryu was an extinct style and that was the general idea that was held in the Hombu Dojo back in the 70s and 80s.
Read an old aikido book and freak out. Daito ryu doesn't even appear in the lineage. Stanley Pranin dug into the past and dismantled the charade.

Anonymous No. 153726

Not a fan.
Especially since it causes confusion with hapkido which both use the same kanji, and both share a root art and a ton of similar techniques.
But hapkido mixed in a bunch of other stuff and actually cares about being somewhat effective (though it's quality control is non-existent so school to school variation is high) while akido was more focused on philosophy and culture with almost no interest in being actually effective.

I learned the same aki-jutsu joint throws and locks that aikido has + a full buffet of kicks + judo/counter judo grappling.
Really the main disadvantage of hapkido is it being a generalist martial art leads most to be mediocre at a little bit of everything unless they cross train in a more specialized art. Also handwork ain't the best. 3-6 months of boxing helps alot.

Meanwhile aikido is straight up not a fighting art at all. It's primary benefit is arguably cultural and spiritual.
It's demonstrations are pretty though.

Anonymous No. 153746

Its good if you have a good teacher and not Iwama-ryu bullshit. Iwama-ryu absolutely demolished aikido's reputation. Dont forget that Morihei Ueshiba, even though he did do all of those pacifistic techniques, still knew how to fuck you up. That is not the case with Iwama-ryu students and then they go in a ring with fucking MMA rules.

Anonymous No. 153761

>then they go in a ring with fucking MMA rules
And hilarity ensues. They don't even last long enough for their opponent to execute any kind of game plan.

Anonymous No. 153947

This is every TMA vs MMA/BJJ fight

Anonymous No. 153950

Stupid faggot didn’t even post the whole video though
I’m a judo guy but thank you based bjjers for slapping and slamming dumb troons, lol.

Anonymous No. 153969

they should spar. Lack of resistance training is diluting the knowledge of the MA and theyre going to end up like tai chi where people forget the context of using the moves (tai chi may actually be grappling).
Ive also heard that the original aiki dude only took expert judokas as student. Not a bad idea imo to encourage all their students to crosstrain other grappling and to incorporate it in their spars.

Anonymous No. 153973

aikido suffers from being judged for its effectiveness in real world application, when that has never been the point of the martial art. the good points of aikido are the ones that you never seen brought up as points in the first place, namely it's good exercise for the body while at the same time having theory that's satisfying to study, something that other cardio activities don't have

Anonymous No. 153979

The problem with that theory is Ueshiba never suggested aikido wasn't made for real world application. Of course like most martial arts it was multifaceted, Ueshiba definitely considered in an extension of his religious practices, but it was definitely marketed as self defense, his students picked fights with street toughs and judoka, and bragged Ueshiba's many victories in various challenges. Among his students was a sumo wrestler who he beat? How many aikido teachers do you think today could beat a sumo wrestler?
Actually people training under Ueshiba practiced sumo regularly. So did his teacher Takeda. Kendo was also taught there for a time, and Ueshiba did his own weapons stuff with some of his students. He didn't have any long term training in kenjutsu to anyone's knowledge, but it was an ongoing project for him and he does appear much better later in life than in his early videos. He also did a lot of solo conditioning and training. So did some of his most famous students. Also consider the world Aikido was born into. The early Showa era and prior was a very different place than today. Karate and other striking arts were rare, and no sort of international fighting circuit existed.

Anonymous No. 153980

I feel like you answered your question in the first paragraph with your second one. nowadays practical self-defense systems got to an amazing level thanks to how easy it is to travel, learn and compete with each other, so whereas before aikido was a relatively high quality option for self defense, letting ueshiba and his early students gain a reputation of good brawlers, nowadays it would be silly to market it as practical. I also do agree that self conditioning and cross training should be more common

Anonymous No. 154199

They should spar, but the problem is that aikido is retarded that while it’s techniques CAN work under very specific circumstances, those circumstances only ever come up if your opponent is both stupid and uncoordinated OR charging directly at you with a sword and you have no weapon of your own drawn. The latter is where the techniques actually come from and even then I assume the nips weren’t retarded and realized these were techniques of desperation, not guaranteed methods of fighting. In the context of unarmed fighting, unless someone is fucking drunk and running straight at you with all their weight forward trying to punch you and also you’re quick enough to grab your arm, this shit isn’t going to apply, ESPECIALLY against another trained fighter who doesn’t do retarded shit like throw all of their weight forward like a retard.

I know a bjj purple who also has a black belt in aikido and has a sneaky wrist lock he sometimes uses while baiting a guillotine choke, but this is not how aikido trains these types of locks. They train them by having Ike stick their arm out and then jump to make the lock look cool. Miyamoto mushashi described these as martial arts “bearing more flower than fruit”.

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Anonymous No. 154616

Fucking kek did you meet Steven Seagal?

Anonymous No. 155316

He's not all bad, but that's only some of the shit I've seen and heard from him.

Anonymous No. 155374

It feels like pre-marriage dance ritual bullshido rather than a martial art.

Make no mistake, you will die if your only line of defense is Aikido. It doesnt fit in 2023s world. Im not even trying to be mean, I`m saying this as someone who has tried the good and the bad ones.

Anonymous No. 155383

Modern Aikido is bullshit. OG Aikido was essentially just Judo that focused heavily on momentum and was actually often weapons based.
Here's an Aikido demonstration from before all the qi energy woo shit.

Anonymous No. 155440

>Modern Aikido is bullshit.
> OG Aikido was essentially just Judo that focused heavily on momentum
Pants on head retarded. “OG” aikido was still the same techniques just trained slightly rougher. It’s not anything like judo. Also, judo uses the momentum of the opponent to make its techniques work also you double retard. Stop talking about my art like you know anything about it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 155441


Anonymous No. 155466

Aikido is bullshido but the principle it's based on, wrist control & momentum, is not. The idea of being able to use that shit so gracefully as in akido is retarded. That being said, small joint manipulation is an often neglected & prohibited grappling approach. Thinking about this & the possible real martial uses for wrist control+momentum, I am reminded that the martial arts community really neglects conditioning & we should all be training grip strength like madmen.