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Anonymous No. 153409

Is it actually possible to deflect or catch an incoming punch? Or is it pure movie nonsense?

Anonymous No. 153425

Compressed force takes the same kind of force to be stopped, to deflect, you just need the right angle and be trained.

As a consumer, you can't deflect, just evade and flee a punch by crouching or backstepping easily.. when crouching, proceed to safe your face with your arms

Anonymous No. 153447

Holy ESL batman.

Deflect? Sure. I believe that's what's known as a parry in boxing. Arguably, even a slip or weave could be thought of as a deflection.
Catch? Quite unlikely. Can you grab a guy's arm? Sure. Can you grab his arm while it's rocketing towards your head? Probably not. If you want to grab a guy, first defend against the incoming strikes, then close with him and clinch.

Anonymous No. 153450

Yes you can. One of the easiest counters to an average retards no set up right cross is to catch it then push it down to jab them in the nose.

Anonymous No. 153457


Anonymous No. 153472

Came here to post this lol. In any case it isn’t impossible to stop a punch with an open hand if you practice. This is how jack dempsey described parrying in his book on boxing. However, the goal is to stop and deflect not full on grab someone’s fist like you’re an overpowered dragon ball z character.

Anonymous No. 153478

lmao. 10/10 self defense. dominance asserted and conflict de-escalated at the same time.

Anonymous No. 153482

And as a slight secondary to this, your opponent is as involved as whether it's a grab or deflection as you are. Distance, commitment, angle on his end can easily change it from one to the other even if your receiving of it is "perfect".

Anonymous No. 153494

I want to do this just one time in my life goddamn

Anonymous No. 153499

I can tell you immediately just from watching this once I'd throw the exact same technique again except this time put a round kick over the shoulder right behind it and that bozo would run right into my shin

Anonymous No. 153502


Anonymous No. 153504

he puts his entire guard to the side opposite of where he's moving to
that's exactly how you get knocked out
when you're slipping or bobbing out of the way of something you decrease your guard on the side where the attack is to reduce your profile and thus the amount of mass you have to move out of the way and beef up on the side you're moving towards

the way he's moving is leaving him completely vulnerable if the attacker spins through the technique for a kick, back fist, or elbow strike

Anonymous No. 153506

why would you round kick over the shoulder him? he seems like he would just deflect that as well

Anonymous No. 153514

The round kick is following directly behind the punch, the punch is a feint so he dodges into the kick

Anonymous No. 153515

That's silly, you're already standing on inadequate and wet ground, wearing a pair of restrictive pants. He has shown clear standards in his ability to deflect and deliver strikes, he also has a formidable knife on his person. A rounded kick from a fake-out punch would throw your center of mass off and Aaron would probably cripple you to the ground with a fierce strike to the temple or brachial. If not that, he would definitely snatch that kick and sweep your other foot from underneath you before stomping multiple vital points such as the groin, face and chest.

Anonymous No. 153571

Depends on who is throwing the punch, and who is getting punched. Trained boxers can pretty much easily avoid most punches by untrained people due to experience in the ring, and a heavyweight fighter could probably literally catch the hand of a smaller untrained dude trying to throw a punch at him.

Regardless, the best defense is avoidance via footwork, slipping, ducking, weaving, or blocking with your shoulder.

Anonymous No. 153599

Not if that is how you expect that too work.
>Compressed force takes the same kind of force to be stopped, to deflect, you just need the right angle and be trained.
This is why in the real deflection/parry never looks like it does in jewywood. This is why in Martial Arts any technique is assumed to be against a wholly resisting opponent & deflection/parry means just diverting the marjority of the force.
>Arguably, even a slip or weave could be thought of as a deflection.
No. Deflection/parry, to anyone who trains, always entails coming into contact. Bobbing, ducking, dodging, slipping, weaving, etc is always performed with the explicit purpose of avoiding all contact.
>Can you grab his arm while it's rocketing towards your head?
Yes. Easily.
It really is this simple and average applies to an awful lot of dudes. Even a few pros.
Perhaps not but pretty close. As much of a lush douche he is I love Mcgregor for showing us how easy it is. Folks jack him off and say he's cerebral & shit but the truth is he keeps his opponents reactionary by going fishing. Multiple times in multiple matches we see mcgregor advance on a dude with his lead hand up. This isnt even with the purpose of catching wrists, its more of a psychological/crowd control technique, to prod your opponent in the direction you like, but he consistently catches fools. Not like my boy Goku but it don't matter much when you start raining counters on fools while they struggling against your grip like a toddler at the grocers after not getting the sweets they wanted.
Yes and if we all had perfect foresight we could come up with infinite hypothetical solutions. Ffs. This is what a larping reads like.

Anonymous No. 153611

So the cliche that zoomers have never been in a fight is true, wow.

Yes of course you can slap away punches. It's a natural, instinctive reaction.

Anonymous No. 153730

It's possible but very low percentage and usually only happens with both a skill and size/strength gap.

Anonymous No. 153732

I mean catching punches.
Somehow forgot to include that in my original post.

Deflecting punches is a lot higher percentage and easier to do. It's a legit and realistic technique.
Catching punches not as much.

Anonymous No. 153893

You made me smile with that Batman assumption, if I could, I would but I have excuses

Anonymous No. 153903

I literally caught punches every day that I sparred. If you're skilled enough to not be hit, you're fast enough to catch a punch. Whatever the fuck he's doing in that gif is more of a block than a catch though

Anonymous No. 155123

>Is it actually possible to deflect or catch an incoming punch?
are you retarded? there are endless examples of people catching or deflecting punches and kicks. Take for example the famous fight between Larry Holmes and Randall Tex Cobb. Cobb was amazing, he successfully blocked every one of Holmes's punches with his face.

Anonymous No. 155451

if it was viable youd see it happen in pro competitions
wet paper bag punch, this is an outlier situation and shouldnt be used to inform self defense/competition strategy

Anonymous No. 155452

youre retarded, that actor isnt actually trained in martial arts this is all choreographed

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Anonymous No. 156410

if you step right and catch a slow left from them they are completely open for a right to the head, they have to be slow on the jab though.
see picrel put you parry with the left and punch with the right at the same time

Anonymous No. 156411

it does happen in pro competition it just isnt exaggerated like film and generally happens alongside a counter at the same time to take advantage of the opportunity it gives

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Anonymous No. 156414

like this but if you have mma gloves on you can use your lead hand to grab/catch the wrist they are jabbing with so they cant dodge your right