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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 153850

In another thread an anon admitted he doesn't compete. I've seen many threads where anons with strong opinions admit to not even having trained.

It makes me curious about the makeup of this board. Are we all top 10 LHW UFC champs? Or martial larpers?

ITT, please list:

1) If you currently train, and if so, in what?
2) Do you train in a gym, or are you self taught?
3) Have you competed/fought? If so, in what?

Anonymous No. 153853

>I got called out for LARPing in another thread and now I need validation

Anonymous No. 153881

No one on tv watches films
No one on v plays games
No one here trains

Its 4chan dude. If you're looking for people who actually know what theyre talking about, go into the real world. This is a place where retards ask whether they can create their own martial art off of penis biting, or betas wail about how X art sucks or Y art rules because they feel insecure.

Leave, and ne'er return.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 153885

>1) If you currently train, and if so, in what?
Fuck Yu, it's a Scottish martial art. It consists mostly of headbutting and kicking the opponent when they are on the ground.
>2) Do you train in a gym, or are you self taught?
Self taught
>3) Have you competed/fought? If so, in what?
I fight for my lie everyday, my life is a motherfucking war

Anonymous No. 153886

>1) If you currently train, and if so, in what?
Fuck Yu, it's a Scottish martial art. It consists mostly of headbutting and kicking the opponent when they are on the ground.
>2) Do you train in a gym, or are you self taught?
Self taught
>3) Have you competed/fought? If so, in what?
I fight for my life everyday, my life is a motherfucking war

Anonymous No. 153887

Competitions are wholly unnecessary, the 30-45 minutes or even less a year someone spends competing is nothing compared to the hundreds of hours spent practicing
Competitions are just sparring sessions put on display for people to watch, literally meaningless

Anonymous No. 153896

I dont say this word often, but christ, what a cope

Anonymous No. 153912

Well, he's not wrong, for the wrong reasons. Competition isn't necessary if you have no interest in competing. Thats ok. So long as you under go some kind of pressure testing & the minimum for that is sparring.

Anonymous No. 153920

>Competitions are just sparring sessions put on display for people to watch, literally meaningless
What a retarded thing to say. You shouldn’t be trying to “win” sparring but you do try to win a competition because competitions are where you prove your skill. Sure you don’t “have” to compete but don’t expect anyone to take you seriously.

Anonymous No. 153925

Who cares if I get taken seriously, anyone has a problem they can spar me and get their ass kicked for talking shit

Anonymous No. 153927

Lmao, okay buddy. I’m sure you’re so tough in real life where you hide from tournaments.

Anonymous No. 153933

Why on earth would I pay to use some random organizations rented mat space
If someone wants to fight we can just fight
Or you can pay me if you want me to appear somewhere so badly
I don't need to waste my Saturday and $100 to go spar with random people

Anonymous No. 153939

>bro it’s like, not worth my money
>you should pay to have me come since I, as a no fights coward, are so important
bro this is pathetic. Stop posting.

Anonymous No. 153940

Matches aren't fights
Calling them fights is the only pathetic thing here. You're play fighting, theres no actual risk
You have an overblown ego but for some reason feel the need to be validated by others. I can tell you're a beginner because you haven't yet experienced what it's like to get completely cleaned up by some random middle aged orthodontist that does martial arts as a hobby

Anonymous No. 153941

>le street vs le match
Every fight on da streetz I’ve ever been in was way easier than any match I’ve ever fought in judo or bjj. Martial artists need to fight with other martial artists because the average “street fighter” is just some drunk retard who doesn’t even exercise.
> I can tell you're a beginner because you haven't yet experienced what it's like to get completely cleaned up by some random middle aged orthodontist that does martial arts as a hobby
You don’t need to be a professional to attend tournaments. God knows I’m not. I don’t understand why you’re acting like taking a weekend to go and do martial arts against other martial artists who you aren’t familiar with is somehow some great strain on your time and wallet. Most everyone I know who competes enjoys that shit, and if they don’t compete it’s because they’re old and can’t fight as well as they used to. Hell, the guy who owns my judo club makes all his money from another business and makes sure any money he gets from club fees go back into the club because it’s what he loves. Why are you so scared of doing all this shit you (on the internet) proclaim you love and are good at?
Are you the same retard I was laughing at in the other thread who insisted competitions and sparring are unnecessary? You’ve seen my brown belt in that case. I’m testing for my judo shodan soon.

Anonymous No. 153954

Who the hell needs the tournament to do that? Just go hit someone up and spar with them
Your 4 minute match with the judge watching while you stall in turtle isn't making you better at judo
If you want to test yourself grab someone and just do it, you don't need that cancerous ijf and their scam to collect fees so you can get promoted to sanction you training with other people
In fact if you're a regular judo competitor you probably suck against anyone not doing judo back at you
Oh nooo, my legs!! Don't touch themmm!!! Heellp!

>brown belt
Literally by definition still a novice
You aren't even allowed on the main mat at kodokan

I train with different people all the time, I'm not some hermit unable to pick up a phone and arrange meetings with people
Competition creates toxic rivalries and tribalism. "Don't train with those guys, they'll steal muh secrets"
I'm not a "fighter" which is why I'm allowed to go train where ever I want with whomever I want because It's not some risk to let me in, I'm not there to "steal" anything
And secondarily aside from all the places I'm perfectly welcome to go to and have a rapport with the people there
My gym has over 80 people in it, I haven't even met all of them
Adding 2 or 3 more random assholes to the mix at a competition twice a year isn't going to mean shit

Anonymous No. 153975

2) gym
3) competed in wrestling, kendo, boxing, sanda, and muay thai

Anonymous No. 153998

>Who the hell needs the tournament to do that? Just go hit someone up and spar with them
Sparring isn’t fighting, sparring is cooperative. competition (and fighting in general) is competitive. You don’t know the difference because you haven’t experienced it.
>Your 4 minute match with the judge watching while you stall in turtle isn't making you better at judo
it’s proving, first of all, that I know how to do judo. Second of all it is making better at judo because it’s giving experience in the realm where judo is performed at its highest and most competitive level.
Randori can never compare. You would know this if you’ve ever competed. However, you’ve already failed test number 1, which is putting yourself out there. I have far more respect for someone willing to put themselves on the line through competition and lose then a retard who’s trained for ten years but been unwilling to actually test themselves. To quote Roosevelt, “glory belongs to the man in the arena.”
>you don't need that cancerous ijf and their scam to collect fees so you can get promoted to sanction you training with other people
>In fact if you're a regular judo competitor you probably suck against anyone not doing judo back at you
Nobody likes the IJF. We are all waiting for the dinosaurs to die off. I’ve done more than just judo though which you would have been able to infer if you weren’t an illiterate retard and a coward. Keep coping. Write another text wall about how you’re actually just super cool and above competition. I’ll tell you to cope again.

Anonymous No. 153999

> Competition creates toxic rivalries and tribalism. "Don't train with those guys, they'll steal muh secrets"
I'm not a "fighter" which is why I'm allowed to go train where ever I want with whomever I want because It's not some risk to let me in, I'm not there to "steal" anything
Nobody in the competitive scene thinks like this you autistic faggot. Ask me how I know you’ve only done TMA your entire life.

Anonymous No. 154000

Why are you arguing with him? You're not going to change his mind, and neither of you are going to convince the peanut gallery that the should start/stop competing.

The culture of your gym is ALWAYS the biggest determining factor for whether you enter comps or not anyway.

Anonymous No. 154002

Why are you not? I don’t go to 4chan to have civil discussions I go to call retards faggots. Non-fighters deserved to be rediculous when they have a massive stick up their ass about how great they are.

Ever heard the Aesop fable of the fox without a tail? Never take advice from people who want to drag you down to their level

Anonymous No. 154004

>LARP thread
Here is how this works
>Talk training
Your credibility will become patently obvious through your training commentary. Bullshido reveals itself.
>Talk about how qualified you are & anecdotal experiences
This is you revealing yourself.

Anonymous No. 154005

Maybe you need to work on your head movment lol.

Anonymous No. 154006

I don't understand how anyone can have the energy for this shit and claim they train seriously.

Anonymous No. 154007

>bro it’s so hard to shitpost
Go get your T levels checked, you legitimately have a medical issue

Anonymous No. 154009

the only thing I see here is cope that you're investing all this time and money into something you don't really even like doing because you think it somehow legitimizes you
you talk about competition like an old woman talks about taking a spoonful of cod liver oil

there's no way you honestly believe your local amateur contests elevates you to a status higher than someone who has better things to do than learn how to game the rules
there is no arena, there's a rented middle school basketball court
your level of hostility throughout this entire interaction ahs only proved my point. you're getting all frothy B-BUT I COMPETE! IM BETTER THAN YOU
and everyone else looks upon you and says "I don't care"

one final thought, if you think sparring is strictly cooperative you've not been somewhere that actually has legitimate competition credentials and taken a pro-training class. It's done at 100% full bore just like it's game time because if you're not simulating it you're not really training for it

Anonymous No. 154011

>It's done at 100% full bore just like it's game time
Only a noncompetitor thinks this.

The nerves and pressure are what make it different. Half your skill and cardio go out the window. Better preparation for self defense because of heightened emotional state. You're a joke and a coward, and everyone knows.

Anonymous No. 154012

Right? This might be the most revealing way of showing that you're a larping faggot thats full of fucking shit.
Here is the problem with this.
>Implying we must be striving to be le ebin next level heckin pro fighterinos.
Most of us are just hobbyists. Like how most skaters in the skate gen arent pretending to be fucking tony hawk or setting faggy goalpoasts for what qualifies someone as a skater. Same for every other type of XS, save martial arts. Ironically the guys bitching like this are the guys that are supposedly so super dee duper serial bout training leet hard.
>Then why be here at all?
Anyone striving to be credible here, doesn't train. Anyone deriding others that their presence here means they dont train, dont train. Anyone selling bullshido, dont train. Anyone selling the idea that you should be training to the extent that shit posting on 4chan is a laborious task, they're a fucking larper & they don't train.
>tl;dr: Martial insecurities are shitting up this board.

Anonymous No. 154013

More wasted energy.

Anonymous No. 154015

hmm, weird what's that he just said?
you're probably right though, I'm sure you know way more about training and competing than he does

I didn't even plan this, I made my post and then saw he uploaded a video agreeing with me and not you. now you've lost your competition and this debate, sucks to suck.

Anonymous No. 154018

How many hours a day you train bro? Fuuuuuck, you must have crazy stats dude. Thats so great. I'm just taking a shit. Might not do anything today. I probably only train a few hours a week, but hey, im just a normal dude with well rounded interests, taking a shit, not a next level pro fighter like you.

Anonymous No. 154024

Are you retarded? Where in that clip does he say to never compete and be a total faggot?

Anonymous No. 154026

Maybe use the timestamp when he says randori is 100%

Anonymous No. 154029

Are you fucking retarded? Yes, for the randori he's doing, go 100%. If you think 100% randori is a 1:1 with 100% in competition, you're so delusional you're not even worth bantering with. Either that or you're so desperate to be right you're purposefully misunderstanding shit. I don't know which is worse.

Anonymous No. 154032

>sparring is 100%
>no it isn't! >:(
>yes it is, here's a professional saying as much
>what part of >:( did you not understand!?

that's what happened here
actually you're right about one thing though, it's not 1:1, doing it in competition is actually easier. You have 4 minutes or less out there and then fuck off
when you're training it's 100% effort back to back to back to back
I say again you've never been in a pro-training class since it's clear you've never spent 2 hours in an 85 degree room drilling and sparring at 100% with minimal water breaks.
competitions are absolutely not harder than training. If they are then you aren't training right and kind of missing the point.

does your gym have air conditioning? yes? then you've never trained before

Anonymous No. 154033

Anyone saying you have to compete is a twat but you're using a euphemism out of context to imply something he's not saying. 100%randori =/= 100%comp/fight

Anonymous No. 154035

>does your gym have air conditioning? yes? then you've never trained before
Larp confirmed. Not saying all gyms have AC but hanging your hat on that is a level of retarded I don't think a real practitioner would gatekeep over. For the record, I don't compete. Have no interest as it doesn't suit my goals. But you're just as much of a fag as the guy insisting you must compete. Only faggots deal in absolutes.

Anonymous No. 154039

Sparring at 100% is not competing at 100%. No where in the video did he say that. He's talking about going 100% in randori. Randori and a competition aren't the same.

You aren't even worth talking to dude. I'm gonna go fuck around with the guys that think all grappling is gay, at least they understand basic fucking concepts

Anonymous No. 154041

>Only faggots deal in absolutes
sounds like an absolute statement to me, faggot :^)

or maybe you're not even a black belt yet and need to keep your mouth shut when your senpai is talking to you, you might actually learn something instead of being presumptuous as a novice about how things work
its embarrassing you think because you do random local judo competitions your skill level is higher than someone that does all the same (in fact likely even harder) training than you but doesn't crave external validation from others like a woman. Sorry your father never said he loved you, but literally nobody cares about your local amateur competition record and your coach tricking you into doing them so he can live vicariously through you and hang your medals on his wall certainly isn't making you better. It's a distraction at best, at worst its actively holding you back.
if you have EVER even once practiced turtling out so you can stall back to the feet, you've wasted your training time doing something retarded.

Anonymous No. 154042

I’m the anon you originally replied to
> the only thing I see here is cope that you're investing all this time and money into something you don't really even like doing because you think it somehow legitimizes you
How the fuck are you drawing that conclusion? I literally wrote in my post that most everyone I know loves going to competition. Do you have dyslexia?
>you talk about competition like an old woman talks about taking a spoonful of cod liver oil
What did he mean by this?
>there's no way you honestly believe your local amateur contests elevates you to a status higher than someone
Yes, unironically. Cope.
> someone who has better things to do than learn how to game the rules
Holy fucking sour grapes. Imagine unironically writing this shit out. Yeah dude, I’m sure the only thing separating you from being world heavyweight champion is not knowing how to “game the rules” as well. Lmao at your pathetic life.
>your level of hostility throughout this entire interaction ahs only proved my point. you're getting all frothy B-BUT I COMPETE! IM BETTER THAN YOU
Your mistake is assuming I’m angry when I’m ridiculing you. It’s clear to everyone that you are angry and trying to justify your cowardice.
>one final thought, if you think sparring is strictly cooperative
It’s not STRICTLY cooperative but the primary goal is you absolute retard.
>you've not been somewhere that actually has legitimate competition credentials and taken a pro-training class
I absolutely do and I’ve posted two of my medals in a different thread
> It's done at 100% full bore just like it's game time because if you're not simulating it you're not really training for it
Nobody spars 100% all the time you dipshit. Enjoy all your training injuries I guess. Make up some more shit that shows you don’t know what your talking about lol

Anonymous No. 154043

ok novice

Anonymous No. 154047

> maybe you're not even a black belt yet and need to keep your mouth shut when your senpai is talking to you
You just got done talking about how going to a rented out basketball gym to compete is retarded and a waste of time but now going to a rented out basketball gym to do nage no kata for a slightly darker belt makes them better? You’re absolutely pathetic.

What do you even train?

Anonymous No. 154049

You literally don’t have competition experience. You have less experience than me. Doesn’t it make you embarrassed to talk like this when you lack a simple thing that most experienced fighters have? I can tell it clearly makes you seethe

Anonymous No. 154052

I've competed, but a lot of anons really make it a bigger deal than it is. It's usually a $100 shit show of sitting in a gymnasium for hours waiting to have a few matches. I'm a pretty dedicated hobbyist, but it's still a hobby. What matters to me is skill development and enjoying my time on the mats. While competition is a good way to measure progress, it's not the only way.
Let's not forget that we're paying hundreds to roll around with men in our free time, and then paying more to compete for a shitty medal. It's not that serious (unless you train full time I guess)

Anonymous No. 154053

I’m not going to argue that competition is necessary for everyone, I’ve got a guy who started doing judo at like 60 years old at my dojo. Obviously that guy ought not go and get his spine broken in a competition. However, anyone arguing that there’s no point to competition, that it’s not more valuable experience than sparring, and “grrr I’m so tough I’d totally fuck you up in a sparring match say that to my face not online see what happens” is a LARPer and deserves to be laughed at.

Once again, it’s the fox without a tail.

Anonymous No. 154054

lmao you don't think I went through the process the same as you? that's why I'm saying it's retarded, a complete waste of time and energy just meant to exploit practitioners and collect funds
its even worse if you're doing it more than you're strictly required to
you know who's really good? the gym owners son who is a 25 year old son that has been doing judo since he could walk but decided to actually go to college and get a girlfriend and a job instead of doing silly little competitions and he's still better than almost anyone you'll ever train with unless training judo is their actual full time job

Anonymous No. 154056

> you know who's really good? the gym owners son who is a 25 year old son that has been doing judo since he could walk but decided to actually go to college and get a girlfriend and a job
What stops this guy from doing competitions at all throughout his life? I went to college, have a job and girlfriend, yet I have and will continue to compete. Why are you acting like it’s either dedicating your life to competitions or being a normal person. You sound like a retard.

What do you train?

Anonymous No. 154060

if you're not dedicated to competing then you aren't competing, you're just sparring a stranger
competitors are looking for championships, if your goal isn't to become a world class athlete you're just spinning your wheels because it makes you feel like you're accomplishing something when really you didn't. Your throw that you got with the judges watching is no different than the one you did a thousand times in the gym. On this occasion though you paid to have people watch you do it so you could feel validation. And in doing so you've left the person you went against with a grudge where he and his team went back feeling animosity and probably talked shit about you and the judges because they need to excuse what happened as their ego is attached to it, because you've needlessly created these artificial stakes where there are none.

comparison is the thief of joy, and that's all a competition is. Lets compare ourselves in front of others so one of us can be rewarded with a shiny token and the other can go back home pissed off cursing your name, saying to himself "I'm gonna fuck that kid up the next time I see him at one of these"
wow, such a gentle way, so much mutual well being

Anonymous No. 154061

>all this bloviating cope
>hurr durr if you’re not first you’re last
Ricky Bobby’s dad was high when he said that. What do you train?

Anonymous No. 154064

>if you’re not first you’re last
that's absolutely the case. it's a 1v1 sport, that's the only possible outcome. Second place out of 2 means you're the loser. You either got batsugun or you didn't. "oh but it was super close!!" I made it to the final round! doesn't matter

I happen to have a pedigree in judo, brazilian jiujitsu, full contact karate, and american kickboxing

Anonymous No. 154065

> that's absolutely the case. it's a 1v1 sport, that's the only possible outcome. Second place out of 2 means you're the loser. You either got batsugun or you didn't. "oh but it was super close!!" I made it to the final round! doesn't matter
You can try to be the best you can be at something without being the best in the entire world. Are you legitimately autistic? Do you think it’s pointless to work if you’re not the CEO? Do you think it’s pointless to lift if you’re not the strongest man in the world? Not everyone has a mental breakdown over not being perfect. In fact, if you were a teenager instead of a man child I’d say competitive sports are a good way to learn that skill.
>I happen to have a pedigree in judo, brazilian jiujitsu, full contact karate, and american kickboxing
First off, that’s not how you use the word “pedigree”. Second, I doubt you have “pedigree” in most of those sports considering how long you were dodging the question. The fact that you talked about other dojos being worried you’d “steal” techniques from them if you’re a fighter tells me for sure that you don’t do judo or bjj because no one in those sports act like that. Everywhere I go the instructor wants to show me some cool shit I’ve never seen before because we’re all just nerds sperging out over our favourite hobby.

Anonymous No. 154066

>Do you think it’s pointless to work if you’re not the CEO?
kinda, yeah
>considering how long you were dodging the question
it's irrelevant because of the same dog and pony show that happens around here every time.
If that's true post proof
ok [proof]
no not that proof post different proof! anybody could post what you just posted

>the instructor wants to show me some cool shit I’ve never seen before
they aren't showing you the whole thing, this is probably more prevalent in bjj today than anything else actually. They'll show you 90% of a technique and deliberately keep the finer points to themselves so it remains proprietary. You aren't getting the whole picture I guarantee it.
this is especially true when gym owners are still active competitors themselves. They aren't going to give all their trade secrets away until they retire.

Anonymous No. 154068

> it's irrelevant because of the same dog and pony show that happens around here every time.
>If that's true post proof
>ok [proof]
>no not that proof post different proof! anybody could post what you just posted
That’s fair but I’m not asking you for proof I just believe you’re lying because your opinion is retarded. As some other anon said, bullshido reveals itself
> They'll show you 90% of a technique and deliberately keep the finer points to themselves so it remains proprietary. You aren't getting the whole picture I guarantee it.
Genuine schizobabble.
>No anon I swear, they’re hiding it from us. It has nothing to do with the fact that I was only there for a day and didn’t have time to master a technique I just learned for the first time
Ok buddy.

Circling back I think it’s bizzare you argue you’re somehow above competitors because if you’re not number 1 you’re a loser. However you’ve literally never competed. You’re not even last place, you’re below it because you never put yourself out there in the first place. Congrats on the 0-0 undefeated record I guess.

Anonymous No. 154073

Whoa, how did I end up in a /pol/ schizo thread?

Anonymous No. 154078

>pedigree in judo, brazilian jiujitsu, full contact karate, and american kickboxing

Let's say "studied" instead, as you've never actually tested yourself.

Anonymous No. 154085

>1) If you currently train, and if so, in what?
Yep, BJJ. Plus a little bit of Muay Thai. Plus I practice a little karate now and again, for old time's sake.

>2) Do you train in a gym, or are you self taught?
"Self taught" is not a thing in martial arts. See:
I go to a pretty great BJJ gym, which also hosts the MT classes I take. I also occasionally hit the bag, shadow box, and practice my old karate forms on my own, but that's after having spent decades taking classes.

>3) Have you competed/fought? If so, in what?
Yep, did a couple sport karate tournaments many years ago. More recently, last year I did my gym's in-house tournament and an AGF. So far this year I've done the in-house again, and a couple local IBJJF opens.

Anonymous No. 154088

Wrong, I never said I was above people that do competitions
I said people that do competitors aren't above people that don't since your skill is created during the thousands of hours on the mat, not the minutes spent in front of a referee
John Danaher for example never even competed once, nobody is going to say he's not skilled, and it would be ridiculous to say he would somehow be even better if he dragged his crippled middle aged hip replaced ass into the adcc trials himself
Oh he's not legit because he didn't tap a random stranger on some old wrestling mats at the local rec center

I test myself every day, that's what sparring is

Anonymous No. 154090

>I test myself every day, that's what sparring is
How grotesque. I'm glad I don't train with you, gym champ-kun.

Anonymous No. 154092

I already said above that competitions aren’t for everyone, my 60 year old yellow belt club mate for example. However, you’re bloviating about how competitions are unnecessary because sparring is exactly the same and you’re a loser if you’re not number 1. It’s retarded but you’ll never be convinced because you have no experience to speak from.
>I test myself every day, that's what sparring is
If you had ever been to a competition you’d understand how wrong you are.

Anonymous No. 154094

I read all of Baki, so I'm an expert. There's no need for me to go to a stupid gym full of amateurs.

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Anonymous No. 154096


Anonymous No. 154097

This is literally the opposite of true. Some of my BJJ coach's best friends are guys he competes against. My gym has multiple people from other teams that regularly drop in to cross train with us. The full-time pros on our team dedicate every Saturday to traveling around to other gyms to cross train.

Earlier this year our team drove a few hours to the next city over for a tournament. Coach taught a seminar at a local gym the night before the tournament, all the local team's competitors were there.

Are there cultish assholes in BJJ? Oh yeah, definitely. But those guys are destined to die out, because they suck. They suck because they don't cross train, and they don't go to open tournaments.

Anonymous No. 154098

John Danaher is known to be skilled because he produces multiple world champions. Congratulations, you played yourself.

Anonymous No. 154099

Basado y rojopillo

Anonymous No. 154101

So you're dead set convinced that if some doofus walked in and wanted to fight, you're more well equipped to deal with him than I am because you do judo competitions sometimes

By the way I have a super fight for charity coming up in August as long as my knee is rehabbed enough because I have an mcl sprain I'm working through
And here's how it's gonna go down, I'm going to saunter into the brewery at the last possible minute to get on the scale, do some light calisthenics so I'm not too creeky, spend <10 minutes on the mat having a match, then grab my complimentary beer and fuck off to find some nachos somewhere
And that whole experience is nothing compared to all the lifting and drilling and 25 minute shark tanks I'll be doing in the weeks leading up to it.
It's just not important

Anonymous No. 154102

Post your gold medal next month

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Anonymous No. 154103

Non-comp-anon is farming the shit out of these (you)s.

Anonymous No. 154106

There is no medal, it's for charity

Anonymous No. 154107

As one of the few people on /xs/ with a brain...

Are you older? Did you compete when you were younger?

Anonymous No. 154108

Is it not still a tournament? How is this event structured?

Anonymous No. 154109

He said he’s never competed and if you compete you’re a loser for not being #1 in the entire world. Read the thread next time.

Anonymous No. 154110

It sounds like a charity rolling event, i.e., "its not for any stakes so if i lose it doesnt matter"

Anonymous No. 154112

If that’s the case then it’s literally not a competition so I have no idea why his schizo brain would even bring it up.

Anonymous No. 154117

Lol. Lmao

Anonymous No. 154118

so now you're saying only brackets are valid, but single matches aren't? nobody tell the guys doing WNO this! they wont be happy

there no greater stakes at your little judo tournaments than there are at my charity super fight. at least mine has people paying $40 to be in attendance and spectate
but all you care about is winning something in the end, in your case if you win you get a medal to show off but if you lose it doesn't matter because barely anybody saw it and it's forgotten in 5 minutes. you're only after the status which is exactly what I suspected the entire time
mines exactly the opposite, I win nothing (winners by sub get a free event rash guard actually) and it's center stage in front of a room of people that paid to be there and is being livestreamed with an announcer booth. I have nothing to gain and could potentially end up with a humiliating loss in front of hundreds
but also I don't care because It's not important, I only care about my self improvement not clout chasing.
if you think participating in this little 10 minute match with someone is going to change the trajectory of my skill development in any meaningful way you're wrong. it doesn't matter, this will just be one more random roll to add to the thousands of rolls I've done and the thousands more I'll do in my life

I actually didn't say that, I said I'm not a fighter and competitions aren't the way you get good, your training outside of them is the only thing that matters

Anonymous No. 154120

I misunderstood what the event was. Yes that’s a competition and it sounds like people are trying to win. I was under the impression that everyone was getting together to spar, not actually try to win.

You on the other hand, fundamentally do not understand why competitions are good and why I do them. I don’t give a shit about status, I’m not fighting in the Olympics. However, competitions are a level harder than sparring your attitude when doing them should be different, as is you opponents, which is why it’s a valuable experience that every fighter SHOULD have assuming they are physically able. Yes, the mats is where you get good. I never said it wasn’t. However, competition is where you’re tested. If you spend your entire time doing martial arts without being tested when you were able, but unwilling, no one should take you seriously. I don’t even understand why someone would want to do martial arts so long without actually fucking fighting.

Show us the rash guard you won when you get back. Otherwise you’re a loser.

Anonymous No. 154122

>competition is where you’re tested
but here's the point I'm making, if you want to be tested go to someone and say "hey wanna do a hard one?"
or more commonly "want to do a competition round?" and can even grab someone else to keep score
and you get the same effect, no afternoon spent in a crowded gymnasium required
The setting where it takes place doesn't matter. Plenty of people are willing to go hard any time you want to.

Anonymous No. 154124

>I don’t even understand why someone would want to do martial arts so long without actually fucking fighting
skill development, exercise, socialization, to gain confidence, improve self defense... but yeah a NAGA is much more important lol congrats on beating joe schmo and spending your Saturday in a gymnasium for $100, honorable fighter

Anonymous No. 154125

Other anon said it best. Fox without a tail. Gonna read aesops fables to my daughter tonight lol

Anonymous No. 154128

The mats don't lie, the people obsessing over tournaments are the same people that will get upset at you for going to hard with them in practice
Hey stop! You can't leglock me in a gi! Agh nooo the ruuules!

Anonymous No. 154129

You sound kind of douchebag to say “let’s just have a light roll” then immediately start cranking on your partner like it’s life or death. Also, agreeing to spar under a certain ruleset then not following those rules is a bitch move.

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Anonymous No. 154130

Holy shit, the same poster that got 200+ replies, on /xs/ no less, arguing why you didn't need sparring has now shifted to why competitors suck, for what is heading towards similar results.

Hats off, man. Shit poster supreme.

Anonymous No. 154131

What rule set exactly? Im not sure what the agreement is
The only rules in grappling is don't strike or gouge or anything like that
All submissions are fair game unless you specifically say "hey I have a bad shoulder don't Kimura me"
That's your responsibility
Don't be a dick and rip things too hard but I'm telling you if you're a blue belt I'm gonna heel hook with or without the gi because ibjjfs arbitrary standards are meaningless to me
And if we're doing judo I'm gonna grab the legs too
And if we're striking I'm gonna clinch and dirty box

Anonymous No. 154133

So you’re a little fag then? Got it. Glad I don’t train with you.

Anonymous No. 154138

I demand you give me 1 good reason why heel hooks aren't acceptable for blue belts or with the gi
You can have a different reason for each if you want, but make sure they are good reasons

Anonymous No. 154141

The reason is that when you enter the dojo you’re expecting to train for the specific sport that dojo competes in. If you don’t explicitly tell your partner “that’s not what we’re doing” they’re not going to be prepared to defend against whatever illegal move you’re trying to pull. You’re a little bitch because your essentially sneak attacking them. If you came into a judo club, any judo club, and just started blast doubling people you’d probably informed once that it’s against the rules and then told to leave when you continued to be a faggot about it.

Anonymous No. 154148

Do you do heel hooks in judo?

Anonymous No. 154151

its kind of presumptuous to assume other people are interested in using the rules of a sport if you ask me. Same with for example putting gripping the inside of the cuff and peeling fingers away. These are fighting arts first, sports second. I say if you plan to practice within sport rules its on you to establish that.

nah, because they don't know about them and it's for their own safety. It's the same reason I wont do it against a white belt.
but if you're a blue belt you're getting heel hooked, it doesn't matter if you're not proficient with the positions yourself yet, if you can't at least identify them and know you're in danger and then try to fight beyond your depth instead of tap you don't deserve your belt. I'm not gonna hurt you, if you turn the wrong way like an idiot and hurt yourself that's 100% on you.
and white belts I'll only straight ankle

you know despite being the burly 215er I am the #1 thing people always say about me is how smooth and gentle I am. Anyone that gets hurt training with me did it to himself by trying to be a hero and staying in subs too long, I always give a chance to tap
remember, there's no such thing as a dick move, only a dick application

Anonymous No. 154177

> its kind of presumptuous to assume other people are interested in using the rules of a sport if you ask me
Most people want to work outside of it sometimes, my dojo has nogi and leg throw days occasionally (in part because we want people to know how to do and defend against them in case they’re ever reorganized) but you’re missing the point. The way you’ve worded your previous post is that you’re just going to rip heel hooks on blues who aren’t expecting it. That’s a dick move not because they’d be unwilling to work within that ruleset but because they’re not expecting it. I’m serious, I think you have autism.
>you know despite being the burly 215er I am the #1 thing people always say about me is how smooth and gentle I am. Anyone that gets hurt training with me did it to himself by trying to be a hero and staying in subs too long, I always give a chance to tap
Didn’t you just get done saying you spar 100% all the time?

Anonymous No. 154182

1) No, I moved away from my last gym 4 years ago. Muay thai
2) See above. I was the de facto technique demonstrator within 3 weeks of starting. Half gym trained, half self taught. I spent hundreds of hours on my own studying technique from K1, the UFC, and boxing
3) I started competing then found out BC is incredibly gay about getting insurance for combat sports. Plus in the little local amateur comps, they said I couldn't go for knockouts (insurance related). My style doesn't work unless I try to take someone's head off. I fight to hurt people, not to give them love taps. In retrospect I should have just broken all the rules and made everyone hate me. At least it would have been fun for a while.

Anonymous No. 154184

no, not unless that's the focus of the training for the day
typically lets say I roll 5 times, 3 of those will just be working on something new, 2 of them will be 100% death battles. But that requires a worthy adversary. Fact is, at any given time only 5% of the room could handle me at 100%, sometimes it's nobody. On most of the time it's lucky if there's a decent purple belt or 2 around to give a little bit of a workout.
you just sort of get to a point where the black belts in the room are mostly old guys that can't really do it anymore, or young guys that can do it but don't know anything yet
finding brown and black belts under 35 isn't super common yet
but the time it is common I'm gonna be an old guy

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Anonymous No. 154188

>typically lets say I roll 5 times, 3 of those will just be working on something new, 2 of them will be 100% death battles. But that requires a worthy adversary. Fact is, at any given time only 5% of the room could handle me at 100%, sometimes it's nobody.

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Anonymous No. 154189

>My style doesn't work unless I try to take someone's head off. I fight to hurt people, not to give them love taps. In retrospect I should have just broken all the rules and made everyone hate me. At least it would have been fun for a while.

Anonymous No. 154192

why is that unbelievable to you? I'm experienced, in my physical prime, and fairly big
on any given day at any academy you go to the room is going to be approximately 60% white belts 30% blue belts, and the last 10% is spread across purple browns and blacks
then take the typical age range of practitioners and it's not such a stretch

Anonymous No. 154193

>current year
>4chan is full of fags that should be on reddit instead

Anonymous No. 154195

Maybe if you actually competed you could find “worthy opponents” and moderate success in competition so you didn’t have to try too convince people on 4chan that you know what you’re doing with no evidence. I don’t believe you because I know people who actually fuck up everyone. There’s a former Olympian who trains with us. His English isn’t great but he’s one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. He also doesn’t insist on his skill.

Anonymous No. 154196

>not believing your internet tough guy nonsense makes me a redditor
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re having a giggle.

Anonymous No. 154198

>moderate success in competition
but I don't care about that as we've established, it's just not important to me

if anyone wants to go hard I'm down to party but I'm not a pay piggy
although I think I can do grappling industries for free. Can anyone confirm? they only make up to purple belts pay?
if that's the case maybe I'll try one out if its ever local to me, but I sure as hell wont travel to do it

Anonymous No. 154202

>it’s just not important to me
>it’s just important to me that 4channers know how skilled I am
Ok buddy
>grappling industries
Literally never heard of it.

Anonymous No. 154207

Yes it does make you a redditor. I will fight all of you in one night and barely break a sweat, based on the level of competence 4chan tends to have

Anonymous No. 154208

>never heard of it
That's surprising, it's a pretty large organization

Anonymous No. 154226

>>grappling industries
>Literally never heard of it.
I mean look, shitting on this other autist is great and all, but grappling industries is a cool org. They run on time and allow black belts to compete for free, which in my opinion males them way cooler than most orgs. It doesn't attract the world champions but its a great way to compete for local guys.

Anonymous No. 154230

MartialMonk didn't start this one. Trust me. I have the misfortune of being the one who showed him this place. My bad. But I feel better knowing these kinds of retards are organic & god didn't personally fuck just me.

Anonymous No. 154241

>What do you train?
Currently, Karate, in a club at my uni. Past, Judo, Greco-Roman, Boxing, and Bataireacht(Thats code for getting your ass thumped by da hard enough you better defend yourself or risk dying)
>Gym or Self-taught
Well, there is no such thing as self taught martial arts. Thats just a martial arts themed fitness routine. But I would say I have never been formally taught. Never been a member at a gym. Always have been beyond poor. My entire childhood was spent on welfare. I have been homless multiple times since childhood. For many sad reasons no one gives a shit about. All my money goes towards school & family, I can't justify spending $ on Martial Arts. So, I have always been given/taken what was freely given. Lot of free classes from various recreation centers, as many free trials as I could get, and when fortunate enough to have someone in my life with legit martial wisdom, I get more clingy than a unmarried & childless jewess past 30.
Couldnt justify $ for the arts, can't justify $ for competitions. But, when I was lucky, I could find someome who was willing to fight for fighting sake. Technically I guess it could only really be called sparring. But there was sparring that was attended by friends & family and followed with trips to the E.R. Great thing about being as poor as me, you stop caring about medical bills. The concept of paying such things is as foreign as the surface of mars.

Anonymous No. 154275

been on a 3 month break from training due to back pains, but since training is where i got most of my exercise, the muscles supporting the affected joints have weakened, plus i miss training, so i'll start again this weekend.
self-taught martial artist is a meme. because fighting is an activity that requires two or more ppl, you need an experienced, knowledgeable practitioner who's also a good teacher and other students to train w/. so as a beginner i train exclusively at the gym until i'm experienced enough to get any use out of training by myself.
as far as brawls go, not since i've trained in martial arts for real. as far as competition goes, do in-house mini wrestling tournaments on one of those thick gymnasium mats at the old dojang count?

Anonymous No. 154470

Contrary to what a lot of fags in this thread like to think. Yes you can be self taught & no you do not need other people to practice martial arts. That's pure fucking facts. To the retards that are hanging their hats on shit like sparring, that is less than 10% of any fighters routine, less than that even. So to sit there pointing at that one fucking activity in the sea of shit that constitutes martial arts, is dumb. Even if you don't like it, even if it makes people worse at fighting, you're on an anonymous image board. None of you can prove anything so what you have to say, no matter who you are, means fuck all. Unless we are gonna start taking this to /fit/ level shitposting and start spamming for people to verify themselves, timestamps & all.
>tl;dr: You do not need to spar to be a martial artist.
Disagree? Post body or stfu.

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Anonymous No. 154551

>Contrary to what a lot of fags in this thread like to think. Yes you can be self taught & no you do not need other people to practice martial arts.

Anonymous No. 155917

The tournaments of the association that I belong are point-based and zero contact, I never participate in one because I don't feel that people are really testing their skills against each other.
Full contact tournaments are rarer and I'm not used to it anyways.

Anonymous No. 157676

Tell your sifu that I said he's gay

Anonymous No. 159217

1) If you currently train, and if so, in what?
Currently weight training and heavy bag is all I do.
2) Do you train in a gym, or are you self taught?
As a pre teen tkd in high school bjj for 3 years college 1½ years judo
3) Have you competed/fought? If so, in what?
Never competed but I've worked security for music festivals and stuff like that. But I am considering getting into amateur sumo scene figure that could be fun.

Anonymous No. 159250

Ive been training boxing and MMA for a year and a half, jiu jitsu and kickboxing i picked up in the last 6 months or so

Anonymous No. 159251

why do you think you could ever prepare for a fight without ever simulating a fight?

Anonymous No. 159253

If hes fat, he is probably telling the truth, and since hes pretending to be a tough guy on 4chan, hes probably fat

Anonymous No. 159265

Being fat =/= good at martial arts.