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🧵 I think we need something between judo and bjj

Anonymous No. 153911

It should
>have a gi and no gi version, not try to convince everyone that the gi version is absolutely necessary and rather keep it for passionates
>have leg takedowns and leglocks
>not have unnecessary weird shit like gogoplata
>spend 40% of the time on lerning takedowns and 60% of the time on learning groundfighting so that it would be stronger on the ground than judo and not pop out buttscooters who don't know shit about takedowns like bjj
>maybe have a combat version with striking, mostly grappling oriented striking like setting up takedowns and ground&pound

Anonymous No. 153914


Anonymous No. 153921


Anonymous No. 153952

Then make it

Unless...I mean, surely you ARE a high ranking practicioner in both judo and bjj, right?

Anonymous No. 153968

you would have to create a tournament that was popular enough that people will train for it.
it would be possible if the IJF werent cucks and if jitz community can bring themselves to punish guard pulling.

The key concepts imo should be simple:
1.All subs allowed and are automatic wins
2. good ass takedowns should be a win or near win (to simulate how getting thrown on the hard ground isnt fun). But the main advantage of takedowns should be that you land in top position. Guard pulling and avoiding standing game should count as a minor takedown because you literally cede top position.
3. Force a mutual standup if the fighters disengages on the ground; forcing a party to pass guard if the other person stays on the ground never sat well with me.
4. maybe introduce striking on the ground to cement top position dominance??? also has added benefit of forcing bottom game evolution to deal with striking. but this is iffy in the safety department. You could do a point system where tapping the face with your limbs are points, but then you lose authenticity, people will take advantage of it, and the rules will have to be convoluted to make it work

Anonymous No. 153985

Imagine sparring without GI with females.
The absolute dream.

Anonymous No. 154224

in my school it's called submission wrestling which is that and no gi

What you're describing is called MMA

Anonymous No. 154343

I wish there was more Sambo around because i would like to cross train in it

Anonymous No. 154625

Honestly this whole think can be resolved by increasing points on a takedown and getting rid of illegal slam rules

Anonymous No. 157018

No lies detected

Anonymous No. 157052

Jiu Jitsu is an off-shoot of Judo already, what a retard thread.

Anonymous No. 159601

>spend more time on learning takedowns
>start sparring on feet
>unban slams
>score guard pulling same as getting taken down
Bjj fixed

Anonymous No. 159619

Just award more point to takedowns and score a guard pull as a takedown for the opponent.

Anonymous No. 159646

I wouldn’t unban “slams” since most of the time it’s daki age shit which is also banned in judo for being unreasonably dangerous. Jumping guard should be banned because you’re basically asking to Be maimed via daki age when you do it

Anonymous No. 159653

Even if you don't do the first 3, the last would be interesting to see implemented. As you'd better be confident in your bottom game finishing ability.

Anonymous No. 159655

Just do old school BJJ in nogi and refrain from faggy acrobatic sports shit that you would never do on concrete

Anonymous No. 159664

Isn't kosen judo pretty close?
Or just modern, American-style jiujitsu with heavy wrestling influences, a la Daisy Fresh. Speaking just for myself, our gym starts every round on the feet unless we're drilling a specific position.

I heard there used be a rule in old-school judo that lifting your opponent above your head counted as an ippon. The reasoning being, in a "real fight" you would slam them mercilessly.
Maybe a full ippon would be a bit much, but it's an interesting idea.

Anonymous No. 159666

> I heard there used be a rule in old-school judo that lifting your opponent above your head counted as an ippon
That is correct. My latest understanding is they changed it to just cause a standup but judo rules change every 15 minutes so who knows

Anonymous No. 159670

Kosen isn't sub-only judo. It involved more ground work due to the team-based format, but isn't inherently ground-oriented.

Anonymous No. 159677

Any one know good Sambo training guides? Books or videos just something I can bring to open mats

Anonymous No. 159680

Just learn bjj fag. Go find an instructional or ask your coach and the higher belts. Its just better than sambo.

>But my takedown
Go learn wrestling and maybe supplement with some judo aspects

Anonymous No. 159683

I am I just want to read and try something new
because I want to

Anonymous No. 159696

Sambo is like judo+lethwei
Which is not worse than bjj

Anonymous No. 159697

In sambo you’re not allowed to do jokes and guard is considered a stalling position

Anonymous No. 159699


Anonymous No. 159712

I completely agree

Anonymous No. 159713

Then simply let go of them, if a person gets slammed then they let it happen. All you have to do is either grab the other persons leg as they try to stand up or let them go and get up as well

Anonymous No. 159729

I believe there is a fair bit more wrestling and karate
It was an early mixing of martial art with tight rules

Anonymous No. 159732

sparring from knees is to get to the ground faster because we dont focus on takedowns, so fixing one problem will fix the other probably, but with the way things are its a good practice
depends what you mean by slams
hell yes, this will also encourage people to train takedowns, which will in turn fix the knee-start for rolling

Anonymous No. 159740

Starting on the knees is the first sign you're in a bad school, you should immediately turn 360 degrees and shrimp away
If you insist on starting on the floor then start in a position
Kneeling in front of each other is not a position, it doesn't exist

I've seen people burn through an entire round grip fighting from their knees trying to knock each other over